
Home > Young Adult > Freedom > Page 22
Freedom Page 22

by Beth Maria

  Today we’re supposed to be going over to Jesse’s mom’s for dinner. In fact, we’re supposed to be leaving any minute, so where the hell is Jake? I still need to make sure all of Noah’s stuff is packed, and he’s nowhere to be seen!

  I walk down the stairs, carrying a sleeping Noah in my arms. I can hear Jake’s voice in the kitchen, so I follow it. The floorboard creaks under my feet, causing Jake to notice my presence. He abruptly cuts the call, putting his cell back into his pocket and looking edgy.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, slightly paranoid. I know I don’t have any reason to be anymore. I mean, he’s been nothing short of amazing since we got together. I think there’s always going to be the tiniest bit of doubt because I know that he could do so much better than me. I mean, I’m an ex drug addict!

  “Oh, I was just letting Maisie know that we were about to leave.” Not once does he give me eye contact when he speaks, which is how I know that he’s lying through his teeth. Because I don’t want to ruin our first Christmas as a family, I choose not to say anything. I nod my head and ask him to look after Noah while I quickly do the finishing touches to getting ready.

  Half an hour later, with a crying baby and a panicking Jake, we are finally on our way to Maisie’s. The ride there is quiet between Jake and I. The only noise is of a grumbling Noah, who I think is starting to get hungry. I really don’t know what is up with Jake at the moment. For days, he’s been acting weird, but it’s just gotten worse and worse as the days have gone by. Today, he’s like a bundle of nervous energy. He cannot stand still, he’s hardly talking, and when he does, he’s speaking a mile a minute. He’s constantly on his phone until I walk in the room, and then he abruptly ends the call. Like I said before- I would say something, but I don’t want to ruin our Christmas. I’ll make sure to ask him next week.

  Pulling up to Jesse’s house, I’m a bit surprised to see that it’s not very busy. Where is everyone? My mom should be here, along with Jake’s parents and Maisie and Jesse. I don’t see my mom’s car or Jake’s parents’ car. I don’t even see Jesse’s Ducati, as a matter of fact…

  Somebody must be home though, because the windows are open. Anna doesn’t ever go out without making sure the windows and doors are locked because of her ex husband. He is a vile man, who thankfully I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting. I’d probably give it a good shot at killing him myself if I ever did, after what he put Anna and Jesse through.

  “What are you waiting for?” Jake asks, leaning against the open driver’s side door. When did he get out of the car?

  “Where is everybody?”

  Jake looks around, obviously just noticing that we’re the only car here. “Maybe they all popped out to get something. Who knows? Let’s go inside and see Maisie. I know that she’s here.”

  “Okay.” I get out of the car, grabbing Noah’s bags, while Jake grabs the car seat with a sleeping Noah in. We make our way up the drive, opening the front door without knocking. We’re expected, so there’s no need to knock, or so we’ve been told numerous times by Anna herself. I just don’t want to end up scaring her, especially after everything that she’s been through.

  “Hello?” I call.

  “Upstairs,” Maisie replies, her voice muffled.

  “You go on up. I’ll wait down here,” Jake says, giving me an awkward smile. What the hell is going on? Something doesn’t feel right.

  “Okay.” I lean up on my tiptoes, planting a chaste kiss on his lips, before making my way upstairs to try and find out what’s going on.

  As soon as I reach the top of the landing, the front door slams. I spin around, finding the space where Jake was just seconds ago, vacated. Then a car engine starts up. I run back down the stairs, pulling the front door open. I do so just in time to see Jake-taking off down the road and taking Noah with him.

  Knowing that I will have to wait till he gets back to speak with him, I head upstairs to see if Maisie will shed some light on what’s up with him.

  Walking into the bedroom Maisie shares with Jesse, I come to a complete stand still. Maisie’s nowhere in sight, but on the bed is what I’m guessing is Maisie’s wedding dress in the white bag.

  “Erm, Maisie, why is your wedding dress on the bed?” I shout, so that she can hear me wherever she is.

  “It’s not mine,” she replies from behind me, causing me to jump out of my skin.

  “Whose is it then?” That’s when I notice the letter lying on top of it with my name on.

  It can’t be…

  I spin around to face Maisie, who has a huge smile on her face. She nods her head back toward the dress. I take the hint, turn around, and take slow, tentative steps toward the bed before picking up the letter addressed to me in Jake’s handwriting.

  With shaky hands, I open the envelope, pulling out a piece of paper.

  To my beautiful Chloe,

  As you’ve probably noticed, these last few days I’ve been a bit on edge, hardly talking and acting very suspicious. I want to explain why I’ve been acting that way because I know that pretty little head of your has probably been going in so many different directions as of what could possibly be wrong with me.

  We’re getting married, Princess! You’re probably thinking, I don’t have anything to wear. That’s where you’re wrong. Look on the bed, baby. That’s yours. Go on, open it…

  I put the letter down and open the bag. Oh my god! I step back, my hand flying to my mouth as the tears start to fall down my cheeks. It’s the dress! But how?

  I turn to face Maisie, about to ask her the same question, but I don’t need to. The smile on her face says it all. She had a helping hand in this.

  I run toward my best friend, squeezing her in a bone crushing hug, the whole time sobbing in the hair.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I cry and laugh at the same time. God, I’m hysterical at the moment.

  “It’s not me you need to say thank you too, sweetie.”

  I have the best fiancé ever!

  Picking up the letter again, I read the rest of it.

  You’re welcome. When I saw your sad face after you’d been shopping, I knew that something was wrong. Luckily, Maisie called me up and told me. I knew that I had to buy you this dress. I’ve never told you before, but I’ve been saving ever since I was younger. I knew you were the person I was going to marry as soon as I set eyes on you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I promised when we got together that I would look after you, and I’m trying to keep to my word.

  Now, you’re running out of time. Maisie will help you get ready. A car will be over to pick you up in an hour and bring you to me so that I can call you my bride.

  I can’t wait to start the rest of my life with you, Princess.

  I’ll love you until the day I die.

  Forever yours,

  Jake xxx

  Through my tears, which are dripping down my face like a waterfall, I start laughing hysterically. I can’t believe it. I’m getting married today! Here I’ve been, worried that Jake was getting bored of me, when in fact, he’s been planning our wedding all by himself.

  Oh God, what if I hate what’s he’s chosen? I won’t be able to hide the fact that I don’t like it. Plus, this is supposed to be my wedding day, and I’ve chosen nothing. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can feel the blood draining from my face.

  “Calm down. You’re going to love what he’s done. I promise,” Maisie sooths me gently, realizing the inner turmoil that I’m having with myself.

  At her admission, I release the breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. I know that she wouldn’t say that I’d love it if she didn’t think that I would. I give her a weak smile. Even though she’s reassured me, I’m still nervous. I’ve not had time to prepare for the fact that I’m getting married. It’s just been sprung on me like- BAM, get dressed! You’re getting married in the next hour. No time at all to prepare.

  “Let’s do your hair, and then I’ll do your make-up.” I sit down in the chair that she poin
ts to in front of her mirror and look at our reflections.

  “How come you’re doing my hair? Are you sure you can do this?” I ask, knowing that Maisie’s never styled hair for anything this important before. Most of the time, Maisie has her hair up, straight, or naturally wavy. She never does anything extravagant with it.

  “You don’t need to worry, my friend, for I have been practicing on Anna and my mom for the last few weeks. I’m what you would call a professional now.” Maisie winks. I take one look at her face in the mirror and burst out laughing. God, I needed that laugh.

  “Do your magic then!”

  Thirty minutes later and suffocated on hairspray, my hair is finally ready. Maisie took the mirror away as soon as she started doing my hair, telling me that I could look as soon as she finished doing my make-up and not a moment before. It’s been torture. I need to see if she’s done an amazing or rubbish job. I pray to God that it’s amazing. How the hell am I supposed to tell her after she’s spent thirty minutes on it, that in fact, I hate it? I don’t think I could. I would have to wear my hair in a style that I don’t even like on my wedding day. I’ll have to think about that if it comes down to it.

  “I’m going to make your make-up look subtle, okay? And don’t worry- I’ve practiced my make-up skills as well over the last few weeks.” She winks at me.

  “Do whatever you like, as long as I look amazing at the end,” I tell her, trusting her completely.

  And she does just that. As soon as she places the mirror in front of me forty-five minutes later, I’m left dumb-founded. I look unbelievable. My hair… it’s so beautiful. Most of it is curled and put into a bun at the back of my head, leaving a few tendrils hanging at the front of my hair. My make-up is exactly like she said- subtle but it stands out. I couldn’t do a better job even if I tried.

  “Maisie, you’ve done a wonderful job. I don’t think I can thank you enough.” I stand up and pull her into a hug, trying my hardest not to get too emotional and cry. I don’t want to ruin my make-up.

  “You don’t have to thank me. We’re best friends. This is what best friends do for each other. Now let’s stop before we get emotional and you end up ruining your make-up. Let’s get you into your beautiful dress and get you to the altar to meet Jake. It’s about time you two got married. I’ve been waiting since you were around ten years old!” I just roll my eyes.

  “We both know that Jake wasn’t ready to be with me then. Heck, he wasn’t ready to be with me until this year.”

  “That’s besides the point. You two have both been head over heels in love with each other since you were kids. I’m glad that you are both finally getting married. Now you really will be my sister.” This time it’s Maisie who gets emotional.

  “Are you going to help me into this dress or what?” I ask, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

  “Of course.”

  With Maisie’s help, I easily get into the dress. Spinning to look at myself in the full length mirror, I gasp. Even though I’ve seen myself in this dress before, it feels like I’m seeing myself in it for the first time. It’s just as beautiful as the first time, but this time I know that it’s mine. I don’t have to get my hopes up this time. It’s mine to keep for the rest of my life, as a reminder of the thoughtful things that Jake has done for me.

  Hang on. Do I not have any bridesmaids? I mean, I know I don’t really have that many friends since I disconnected myself from the bad people that were in my life, but don’t I at least get Maisie?

  “Maisie, are you not my bridesmaid? Nobody has said anything about me having any bridesmaids. I need to have bridesmaids, or even a maid of honor.”

  “Woooah, woooah woooah! Slow down, will you, bridezilla? I’m your maid of honor, however I haven’t had time to get into my dress yet.”

  “Ohhh…” I whisper, realizing that I went off on her without asking. I am turning into bridezilla. Maybe it’s a good thing that I didn’t plan my wedding. I would have been a nightmare.

  “I chose my dress, so I hope you like it,” she tells me, suddenly nervous.

  “I’m sure I will love it.” I tell her, giving her a smile and trying to stop her feeling nervous. I’m not lying. I’m sure I will love it, just like I’ve loved everything else so far.

  Maisie goes into the bathroom, and I wait patiently on the bed, trying my hardest not to crumble my dress. I inspect it, feeling awe spread through my body at the beauty of it- at the lace, the embroidery… It’s all so perfectly made.

  A few minutes later, Maisie exits the bathroom looking breathtaking. Her dress is simple but beautiful. The dress hugs her body like a second skin, going down to mid-thigh with a side front slit. The lilac color is gorgeous on her, and it’s the color that I’ve always wanted my wedding to be- white, lilac, and silver.

  “What do you think?” Her arms are spread out wide for me to inspect, though I don’t need to. I loved it on the spot.

  “It’s perfect and exactly the color I would have chosen!”

  “Thank God,” she exhales, dropping her arms. “I was worried in case you had changed your mind since we were younger.”

  I laugh at how nervous she was. “Everything is perfect so far.”

  A car honking draws our attention.

  “It’s time,” I whisper, butterflies taking flight in my stomach.

  “It’s time,” Maisie confirms before grabbing my hand and leading me down stairs.

  “Oh my, you look beautiful, darling,” my mother coos as I get downstairs.

  I run to her, not caring about anything other than getting into her embrace.

  “Your father would be so proud of you, my darling.” That does it. I cry. I cry because this is one of the happiest days of my life, and because it’s another thing that my father has missed. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss him, especially now, when he’s supposed to be the person to walk me down the aisle.

  “I know, Momma.”

  Hearing me call her momma causes her to choke back a sob. I haven’t called her that since I was a child. We grew apart as I grew older, but she’s the only parent I have left now, and I vow to make the most of her. I love her too much to have regrets.

  “Let’s get you married then. Jake is nervous as hell, by the way.” My mother winks with a grin on her face, which causes both Maisie and me to laugh too. She loves winding Jake up recently.

  “Jake’s nervous? Who would have thought?” Maisie asks, voicing our thoughts.

  We all get into my white Audi SUV, and my mother drives us to the secret location. For the whole journey, my nerves start to get the better of me. My hands start sweating, and my legs start to shake.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Maisie questions, placing her hand onto my leg to stop it from moving.

  Do I want to do this? Hell yes. I want nothing more than to become Mrs. Jake Peterson.

  So why am I nervous? Today is finally the day that I get to declare my love for my stupid husband-to-be, so that I can spend every day with him until my last dying breath.

  Placing my hand on top of hers, I look her square in the eyes and tell her seriously, “Yes, more than anything.”

  She nods but doesn’t say anything more.

  “We’re here,” my mother informs us. I didn’t even realize that the car had stopped moving. I was too focused on my future.

  As soon as I step foot into the church that I decided I wanted to get married in a few months back, music starts playing. That’s our cue.

  My mother places a bunch of white and lilac roses into my hand. They’re so beautiful!

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  Maisie goes through the door and starts off down the aisle. There’s a bend, so I haven’t been able to see Jake yet. I’m sure he looks so sexy in his suit, with his pants hugging his ass perfectly and his shirt straining against his bulging muscles. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

  “It’s time,” my mother says, dragging me from my inappropriate thoughts.

p; “I’m ready,” I whisper.

  My mother is walking me down the aisle in absence of my father. As soon as we get to the bend, I stop, square my shoulders, and brace myself for seeing my husband-to-be. I take in a deep breath before we turn the corner. I brush over everybody in the pews before my eyes fall on the person who sets my heart beating insanely fast from just one glance.

  There he is, holding our son, his heated eyes staring right into my soul. My mouth tips up because I know the effect that I’m having on him right now by the look he’s giving me. I subtly shake my head, which causes him to grin at me.

  I was correct though. He looks sexy as hell in his suit, holding our son who is wearing a matching suit. I’m so lucky to have such amazing men in my life.

  When I reach them, I lean down and press a kiss to a sleeping Noah’s forehead, before Jake passes him to my mother. Then I practically jump into Jake’s arms, kissing him passionately, which causes everybody to laugh. I stand back, a blush burning my face. I’d forgotten where we were for a second then. All I knew was that I had to kiss him.

  “You look so beautiful,” Jake whispers, his eyes roaming up and down my body while holding my hands and giving them a little squeeze.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself,” I flirt, earning a cough from the vicar.

  “Are you two ready?” he asks, giving us a little smile.

  We both reply yes in unison.

  The ceremony goes by in a blur. I’m transfixed on Jake and the way that he’s hungrily looking at me.

  “It’s time to say the vows now. Do you have your own prepared?” the vicar asks, shaking me out of my staring contest with Jake.

  “Yes, I do father,” Jake replies.

  I look up at him in shock because I’m not prepared. It doesn’t deter him though. He gives me a wink before his eyes turn serious, shining with adoration.


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