Aldric: A Sci-Fi Warrior Romance

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Aldric: A Sci-Fi Warrior Romance Page 13

by Jane Henry

  I get to my feet. I have had enough of this.

  But I stand for mere seconds before Aldric pulls my hand and pulls me straight down onto his lap. He wraps his arms around me and holds tight, holding me upon his knee. I feel his mouth at my ear as he whispers, “One more move. One more disobedient act, and I take you across my knee right here, with an audience.” He sits back up. I feel the struggle go out of me, as they continue to discuss Freanoss. It is fascinating, the history of my people, and even more fascinating to hear that this ancient man knows things I, a resident of Freanoss, never knew. It seems hours later when finally, Aldric indicates it is time for us to leave. He rises and bows to Isidor.

  “I thank you for your time,” he says. “Perhaps I may return at a later date?”

  Isidor returns the bow. “Always, my lord. You are always welcome in my home.” He turns to me and inclines his head. “As are you.”

  I follow Aldric to the exit. I will keep in mind that I am welcome. I wonder if his offer still stands if ever I wish to hide.

  Chapter Twelve


  I wish I could give Carina freedom to wander while I am at counsel, but yesterday she escaped my most trusted servant. Though she has been honest with me in the presence of Isidor, she has confessed to being a Freanossian spy. If she were not mated to me, the punishment would be execution. Today, she must stay with me.

  “We have counsel and I must be briefed this morning,” I say. “You must stay by my side.” I aim to enjoy our walk back to the castle. It is here that I can introduce her to the gardens of Avalere.

  She frowns and pulls her hand away from mine. What is this resistance? I look at her curiously for her a moment, not responding. She seems conflicted and her coldness to me raises my ire. “Come here, Carina,” I say, tugging her hand impatiently as my men flank our sides and we walk back toward the castle. She pulls away for a moment, but then seems to change her mind, as a mere second later, she draws near to me. Her eyes soften and her mouth parts. I am baffled by her sudden change.

  “My king,” she whispers, as she comes so close I have now gathered her in my arms, the top of her head just below my chin, my arms encircling her small frame. She places both hands flat on my chest and whispers in my ear. “It is magical in this forest. May I not have just a moment alone with you? Without your servants watching?”

  She is fetching, this one. I am happy to give her just a moment alone.

  “Away,” I say to my servants. “Give us one moment, please.”

  They scatter for a moment. I turn back to my Carina, my hand on the back of her neck as I lean in to her. Her mouth parts, and I lean in to kiss her, pleased at her desire for me. But as my mouth meets hers, I feel a sudden sharp pain as her knee connects between my legs, shooting pain radiating as I shout out loud. I reach for her, intent on pulling her to me, but she has already slipped out of my fingers and is running, fast, in the opposite direction of the hovel, back to where we first met.

  I see red, the heat of my fury momentarily slowing me as I growl and race after her. She will be punished. But first, she must be caught.

  Nimbly, she races beneath tree branches, ducking low-lying limbs, and turns a corner in the forest. I turn to face her, encumbered by my larger frame, but when I turn, she is now vanished. She has completely disappeared. What witchcraft is this?

  “Carina!” I shout, fury making my voice louder and hoarser than it normally is, my voice shaking in anger.

  I call my servants back to me and set them searching, and for a time, it is no use. She is nowhere to be found. I will not leave this area until it is scoured, and my woman is returned to me. She will pay dearly for her attempt to escape. We search for several minutes, when several yards ahead of me, I see her, the telltale flash of dark hair on white skin, behind the greens of the forest. She is reaching down for something, desperately lifting leaves and throwing them in the air as she looks. I approach silently, the tread of the warrior now soft as I do not wish to betray my presence. So intent is she on finding what it is she is looking for, that she does not see me in the shadows. I continue my pursuit, leaving my servants behind, until she is a few paces away from me. But still, I watch, as she flips leaves and looks, muttering to herself under her breath, looking over her shoulder but not at where I stand. I shake my head.

  “What is it you seek, Carina?” I ask, my voice carrying through the stillness to her. She gasps, her hand coming to her mouth as her eyes meet mine. She knows she was wrong to trick me, to strike me, and to run. She knows she is caught.

  She knows I must punish her.

  Her lips purse and her eyes shutter, the light I have seen in them no longer visible. She is a cornered animal, prepared to pounce and claw if necessary. I talk in a low, stern voice as I walk toward her.

  “Is there a portal, sweetness?” I ask conversationally. “Hidden, yet accessed by a touch of a button?” Her eyes flit from side to side. “Or perhaps you dropped something of importance to you? A token of Freanoss?” I am now within arm’s reach of her. She is crouching like a tiger, prepared to pounce.

  But I am stronger. And I am her master.

  “Or perhaps,” I continue, “you are looking for your communication device?”

  Her eyes widen and fill, pools of blue both sad and desperate. Her lower lip begins to tremble as I now reach her, drawing her close to me in a grip so tight she cannot escape.

  “How did you know?” she whispers.

  I take one hand and brush a piece of hair off her dampened forehead. “The day you were attacked,” I say. “I knew you came in the forest for good reason. There are few methods of travel between our two countries. I knew there was either a portal, or something you had hidden. We have our methods. We found your hidden things. They have been locked away, and you shall not access them without my permission.”

  Her eyes cast down. “Yes, my lord,” she says, but I do not trust her submission. Not after she betrayed me. Not after she ran.

  “I expected better from you,” I chide, anger causing my words to be low, reproachful. “I could have chosen much harder methods to train you than I have, and yet you resist my gentler methods.”

  She gapes at me. “Gentle?”

  I merely take her hand. It is time to bring her home.

  It is time she is punished.

  I do not wish to draw attention to us as we make our way back to the palace. We speak conversationally. I tell her of the day ahead, what we will do. “You will work on handiwork with Lystava while I speak to Arman, and we make our decisions. When I am finished for the day,” I say nonchalantly, “I will punish you.”

  A small moan escapes her. I look to her, and she’s gone pale. I scowl. I wish for her to be nervous in anticipation of her punishment. After even Isidor has explained to her that she is mine, she has the nerve to trick me, hurt me, and try to escape? Oh, no. She will answer for this.

  At the palace, I send the guards on their way and beckon for Lystava to join us. She walks, trotting to keep up with our quick paces.

  “Lystava, my men will join us a few minutes, and I wish for Carina to be occupied, near me, when we meet.”

  Lystava’s eyes widen. Women do not accompany us to counsel, but my command trumps tradition.

  “If you wish it so, my lord,” she murmurs.

  I turn quickly. “It is my wish,” I order. “Now find something with which she can occupy herself.”

  Lystava scurries away, as I take Carina to our room. I take some bread and cheese from a servant, and instruct Carina to sit down, placing the platter on the table. To my surprise, she reaches for a slice of bread, but when she sees my eyes burning into hers, she quickly takes her hand back and eyes me, wide-eyed.

  “Good,” I say. “You are learning. Had you eaten that before I’d given you leave, I’d have taken you across my knee without another word.” I take a large bite of bread, chew, and swallow, before I gesture for her to do the same. She does, hungrily eating the bread I’ve given h
er. I dislike the feeling between us, her disobedience and my duty to punish her hanging in the air between us.

  After we’ve eaten, Lystava joins us, a skein of ivory yarn and needles in one hand, and several books in the other. I nod.

  “Very good. Now go to the antechamber and get her situated.” I turn to Carina. “Come here,” I say, gesturing.

  She comes to me, dragging her feet. “My lord?”

  I am so angry with her that her submissive words stoke the fires of my temper. I merely raise a brow. She looks down, as if afraid to speak. I do not feel badly for her. I am so angry with her, she is lucky she is not over my knee now. I do not trust myself to punish her when I am so furious.

  I look at her, barely tempering the anger I feel. “You will sit by Lystava. You will not leave your chair. You will not speak to my men. You will not interrupt me during our meeting. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my lord,” she says miserably. She dislikes my displeasure. It is well that she does.

  “Go, then,” I say, waving my hand for her to follow Lystava.

  Would that I did not have to meet with my men. I dislike the discord between us as much as she. I am eager to punish her and be rid of the breach.

  * * *

  Arman sits at my left, and Idan at my right. Several more men from my ranks are with me, as we discuss our plans. I begin our meeting, keeping an eye on Carina in the other room. She is holding the fabric in her hands awkwardly. If I wasn’t so angry with her, I’d find her fetching, her pretty mouth frowning as she looks at the cloth in her hand. I’ve no doubt that on Freanoss such activities are completely obsolete. Here, we value handmade goods. Lystava sits patiently, instructing my Carina.

  “My lord?” I look back to Idan, startled. I have completely missed what he has said.

  “I’m sorry. Please say that again, Idan,” I say.

  Idan nods and continues. “My lord, we have news of the inhabitants of Freanoss. Are you sure that you wish for your Carina be privy to this?”

  My ire rises as I narrow my eyes at him. “Is Carina in the other room?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, confused. “Well, certainly, my lord,” he says. “Did you not know that she—”

  I slam my hand on the table, and the men still. “Do you think I am unaware of her presence?”

  Idan shakes his head.

  “Then how dare you question my judgment? She is here because I will her to be. What harm will come of her hearing the news of Freanoss?”

  Idan clears his throat. “The news of our plans, should she be able to communicate with those on Freanoss, could compromise security, my lord,” he begins.

  I silence him with a slash of my hand. “It is of no consequence,” I insist. “She is not communicating to them.” In my peripheral vision, she freezes.

  Idan nods. “Yes, my lord. I am sorry, my lord.”

  I nod, as we continue.

  Arman speaks next. “My lord, yesterday you were informed that your sister was discovered as a Freanossian hostage, held captive and not harmed, as we’d been led to believe.”

  I nod again.

  “She has been brought to a distant planet and hidden, but she is to be returned to Freanoss in one week’s time.”

  I nod. “We are to move at first light, after we’ve assembled our troops,” I say. “I will have myself ready to lead.”

  Arman shakes his head. “No, my lord. The counsel has discussed this, and we are of the unanimous opinion that you must stay here. It is our belief that Freanoss is luring you to their planet so they can kill you, thereby leaving Avalere without a king. They wanted us to discover your sister’s presence so that you would act. Instead, the counsel believes it is best you send a decoy ahead of you.”

  I stand, my anger raging within me. They held counsel behind my back? They seek to overthrow me?

  “How dare you!” I am enraged at this news. In the anteroom, I see Carina drop the fabric, her hands coming to her mouth. Lystava reaches her hand out to soothe her, before I continue. “How could you do such a thing? I am not to be held at home when my sister is at the hands of those people!”

  “My lord,” Idan says, rising to his feet. “Please. We wanted to be prepared to present to you the strongest plan possible. We believe that a decoy is best, because they will suspect it is you while you still reign here on Avalere. Please. Sit down, my lord.”

  I sit, glaring, as Arman speaks to me. “Please, my lord. Allow me to be your decoy. You can trust the Hisrach to do their duty.”

  I look sharply at him. He is as dark as me, nearly as tall, with black hair that reaches longer than mine, plaited in the back. I’m too angry to dwell on this for the moment. Arman continues. “There is no need to decide at this moment. If we plan this correctly, my lord, all will be well. We will be able to retrieve your sister, keep you safe, and restore peace between Avalere and Freanoss.”

  “Peace?” I thunder, slamming my fist on the table yet again. “We will have peace when I’ve exacted vengeance on Freanoss.” My sister did not deserve to be treated like a pawn. She has barely reached womanhood, and has yet to experience the joys of companionship with another. She deserves this, and so much more.

  I see Carina sit up straighter in the other room as Arman responds to my insistence. “Certainly, my lord.”

  I take a deep breath, keeping my temper in check as I consider my options. “Did you bring to me further news of my Carina, and the Freanossians’ concern of her whereabouts?” Though I am well within even interplanetary rights to keep her as mine, it would not be unheard of for her people to come and fetch her. “Have they sent anyone to come and get her? Should we be prepared?”

  Idan and Arman look at each other. Idan’s eyes quickly look to where Carina is. “No, my lord,” Arman says finally, dropping his voice. “We do have news. The only concern was…” he pauses, “her communication device. It seems it is of great value.”

  I look to Carina. She has frozen, her hand now on a small book. The book falls to her lap. I wish now I hadn’t been so arrogant as to insist they speak in front of me. Although I am angry with her… although I will punish her this evening… I do not wish for her to know of how little she is valued on Freanoss, so little that their greater concern is for the device she took with her. I sigh and try to look to her, but her eyes are cast down.

  “Is that all?” I ask.

  Idan’s voice lowers and he speaks to me in a tone low enough that she cannot hear. “She is not free to return to Freanoss even if she wanted to, my lord. By law, she now belongs to you, and even if you were to forfeit ownership of her, she is considered defiled by her people.”

  I am filled with a different kind of fury toward the Freanossians. They do not wish to contest my ownership of her. Of my Carina?

  No one is coming for her.

  I run a hand over my face and sigh.

  The room has darkened, the sun low on the horizon now. I lift my voice so that she may hear me. “Carina. Come here.” My voice carries, stern and deep, through the great room and into the antechamber. She stands and begins to come to me, her head hung low. She hands her work to Lystava, who tucks it into a basket. Lystava follows behind her.

  “My lord, are you prepared for your evening meal?” Lystava asks.

  I shake my head. “We will have the evening meal in my chambers tonight,” I instruct. “I wish to be left alone with Carina, but will summon you when I wish for us to take our meal.”

  Lystava bows low and takes her leave. Carina now stands in front of me. I rise, and take her hand, bringing it to my lips. My anger from earlier has now vanished. Though I still must punish her—she needs to be punished for what she’s done—I am no longer angry. I feel badly for my little one, who has no one to come for her. But she must still learn obedience.

  “It is time you come with me,” I say. “We have something we need to address.”

  She hangs her head low, her eyes on the floor, as she shifts her weight nervously and nods. “Ye
s, my lord,” she whispers.

  I sigh. “Let us go to my chamber.”

  I walk with her slowly, holding her warm hand in mine. “What did you do while we held counsel?” I ask.

  “I did something called stitching…” she says haltingly, as if she doesn’t know the right word. I nod, encouraging her to continue, but she doesn’t.

  “And what did you think?”

  She shrugs. “It seems useless, when we have machines to do such things.”

  It is a fair assessment. I nod. “Did you read?”

  She shrugged. “A little.”

  My little one has much on her mind.

  “Very well, Carina,” I say, as we now approach my room. “Go wait for me in your chamber. I will call you to me when I am ready.” I thread my hands through her hair, drawing her head toward mine, and I give her a kiss upon her forehead. “We will move on with what needs to be done.”

  “Yes, my lord,” she says, her voice a mere whisper.

  I hate that I must still see to her punishment.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wait for him in my room, my thoughts churning, choking me, a lump in my throat and my eyes stinging with tears. I nearly put myself against the corner to stare at the wall, as he’s had me do earlier, to calm my churning mind, but decide instead to lie face down on my bed as I await the king.

  The Freanossians care little for me. This I understand. If I were in their position, I would do the very same. Other human beings are not worth disrupting the normal course of events to fetch. And as Isidor explained to me, I have broken the laws my people failed to tell me were laws on Avalere. My servitude to the king is of their doing. Why would they come and fetch me?

  And yet the king… Aldric… pounded the table in fury at the mere suggestion that he not fetch his sister.

  I only have a vague idea of what a sister even is. I do know she is somehow related to him, as the Avalerians still have ancient familial connections. I know that that they shared the same parents.


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