Captured By The Beast I

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Captured By The Beast I Page 1

by Daniella Wright

  © Copyright 2016 by Daniella Wright - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Table of Contents



  Captured By The Beast

  Sign Up!

  Animal Prince

  Beast Unchained

  Forbidden Beast

  Don't Hurt Me


  The Night I was Rescued

  Double Fangs

  Vamp's Captive

  Only Time

  Double Touch


  Taken By A Monster

  Triple Domination

  Captured By The Warriors

  Collared By The Warrior



  Captured By The Beast

  By: Daniella Wright

  Chapter 1

  I pulled the headphones from my ears, tossing them onto the kitchen table along with my keys. I swept my arm against my forehead, wiping away the sweat.

  Opening the fridge, I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it, savoring the taste. The juices threatened to spill over my lips.

  As I continued eating, my breathing stabilized and I came down from my running high. Glancing at the clock on the microwave, I noticed that it was still early. Most of my friends would still be asleep. Nevertheless, I grabbed my phone and looked through social media, liking some of my friends’ pictures and commenting on others.

  Just as I was about to put my phone away, I noticed the unread text message I had been ignoring for a couple of days now. I was tempted to open it, but I wasn’t going to give Cody that satisfaction. He was good, but definitely not the best I’ve ever had in bed. I would make him wait a little longer. Play hard to get and see where that got me.

  Finally, I left the phone on the counter and headed for the shower. I took off my clothes piece by piece. My tank top was soaked with sweat and I quickly tossed it into the hamper, wrinkling my nose with disgust. My running shorts quickly followed suit.

  Clad in nothing but my panties and sports bra, I stopped to look at myself in the mirror. I frowned slightly. My fingertips ran over my hips where a bit of flab hung over the waistband of my panties ever so slightly. I had spent countless hours at the gym, trying to work on this problem area of mine, but my body was always stubborn, desperately clinging onto that one bit of fat.

  I turned my back to the mirror and pulled off my sports bra. It felt like it was glued to my skin with the sweat, making it difficult to yank off my body. Eventually, I managed, breathing hard with the effort. My perky breasts bounced to life as my nipples started to harden with the chilly air inside the room.

  My fingers grazed those sensitive nubs. I shivered at the sensation as they got even harder. Carefully, I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger, my motions smooth. I rocked on my feet, enjoying the feeling, a moan threatening to escape my lips.

  Not wanting to get carried away, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties and rolled them down my hips. I picked up the black lace thong off the ground and it quickly joined the pile forming in the hamper.

  Finally, I stepped into the shower, turning on the water. The stream came rushing out of the spout and crashing into my body. I flinched, cursing under my breath. The water pressure was always too high in this apartment.

  I quickly adjusted to it, however, as I closed my eyes and imagined my night with Cody. We had gone on a date at the local club. He had bought me a few drinks before I noticed some of my friends at a nearby table. We joined them and soon enough, Cody and I were grinding on the dancefloor. The way he had touched me that night, his hands seductively roaming my hips, his fingers digging into my ass and his lips on my neck, all made me think he would be amazing in bed.

  I was wrong.

  He just went right to work, pounding in and out of me without even so much of a romantic whisper, a sweet caress, or even a few lingering kisses on my breasts. To say the least, I was out of his bedroom the first chance I got. Maybe I shouldn’t even waste my time playing hard to get with him. I doubted it would get me anything better.

  I grabbed the soap and ran it along my arms until they were nice and soapy. I’d probably have more fun by playing with myself. As the thought crossed my mind, my fingers found my pussy, flicking across my clit. I bit my lip to keep from moaning, but my fingers continued their exploration. They lingered on my slit before slowly slipping inside. My tight hole squeezed around my middle finger, restricting its movements.

  My thoughts started to wander to one of my nights in the bedroom. His name was Steven and he had completely blown me away. Threw me on the bed and immediately went down on me, his tongue flicking across my clit as his fingers ran up and down my wet slit. His other hand found my breasts, pinching my nipples between his fingers until I was arching my back and begging him to fuck me, but he just kept teasing me.

  His lips found my thighs, planting kisses along my milky flesh before he traveled up to my breasts, taking one of my nipples into his mouth. He knew exactly how to touch me, how to kiss me, to spike my hormones and make me lose control.

  By the end of the night, I had my legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him close, asking him to fuck me till the break of dawn.

  And he did just that.

  Countless memories of that night flooded my mind. I could perfectly picture Steven’s body. From his golden hair and bright blue eyes to the cute dimples on his butt.

  It had been amazing.

  At the thought of him, my fingers began pumping into me harder and faster. I was dripping wet at this point, my pussy quivering with excitement. I pushed in a third finger, twisting them all around. Feeling my legs losing their strength, I leaned against the shower wall.

  I picked up the pace, going faster and faster until all I could hear was the sloshing of my own juices.

  Arching my back, I felt the sweet bliss of orgasm washing over my body. A fire erupted in my belly, spreading through my every inch. I shook in ecstasy, my fingers soaked with my own juices. Unable to keep myself standing, I slid down the shower wall, trying to recuperate after my mind-numbing orgasm.

  Too bad Steven had moved to Arizona.

  Chapter 2

  When I emerged from the shower, my bathroom was filled with steam. I struggled to see as I moved toward the towel rack, grabbing one at random. I wrapped it around my body, letting my wet tresses fall down my shoulders.

  Opening the door, I stepped out, the squeaky wood panels of the living room groaning underneath me. Holding the towel against my chest, I entered the kitchen, grabbing my phone.

  Silently, I padded toward the kitchen table, sitting down near the window so the morning light could help dry me off. Taking some time to get my bearings after my experience in the bathroom, I unlocked my phone to find a text message from my best friend, Abby.

  Hey! I know we had plans to go hiking this weekend, but I’m going to have to cancel. One of my uncles in Canada just passed away… So… I have to travel for his funeral.

  I quickly typed a reply.

  Oh no… I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you and your family are doing okay. Don’t worry about the trip!

  Immediately, I saw that she had already seen the text message so I waited for her response.

  Thanks. He and I weren’t very close so it’s okay, I guess. My mom is pretty shaken up though. Sorry about the
trip again, I know we’ve been planning it for a while now.

  I shook my head. Leave it to Abby to worry about others even when she was going through a difficult time herself.

  Seriously, it’s fine. I’m sure I can find someone else to go with me.

  With that thought, I sent out a few text messages to my friends, wondering if any of them would be available for the weekend.

  I specifically avoided texting Cody.

  Putting my phone down, I stood up to find that my legs were finally back to normal. That was some major orgasm aftereffect… I walked into my bedroom, letting the towel drop from my body. The sunlight from the window had helped speed up the air-drying process. My hair was still a little damp, but it would get there.

  I grabbed a fresh pair of panties and put them on along with a matching bra before opening my closet door. It was an utter disaster. I had the bad habit of buying way too many clothes and then just stuffing them in my closet. Some of the items on the bottom still had price tags on them. I rummaged through the chaos, looking for a hiking outfit. I couldn’t go hiking in skinny jeans or a shirt. I needed something more functional.

  I started throwing things onto my bed, trying to clear up space until finally, I found some thermal leggings. “Perfect.” I snatched up a long-sleeved shirt and a wool jacket. I tossed the outfit on my desk chair before I fished out my backpack from the back of the closet. I would need to fill it up with supplies since I was planning to hike for the whole weekend.

  Finally dressed, I stepped back into the kitchen, checking my phone to see if anyone had responded. To my disappointment, most of my friends already had plans and no one seemed willing to go hiking with me. Frowning, I opened the pantry and grabbed some graham crackers as well as some other snacks that were suitable for such a trip.

  By the time I was done packing, everyone had responded and no one wanted to take Abby’s place.

  It looked like I was hiking alone.


  I checked my bag one last time, just to make sure I had all my things. I had already eaten lunch and was ready to go on my trip. I was about to pocket my phone and head out the door when it started to vibrate.

  Abby had texted me.

  Hey, did you ever find someone to go hiking with you?

  I quickly texted back.

  No, everyone has plans. But it’s okay. I’ll just go on my own. No big deal. I’ve been there plenty of times before.

  While that was true, I had never gone alone. Usually, I went with a group of friends. Going alone felt almost wrong. Still, I knew I wouldn’t be comfortable just sitting in the house all weekend. I had to do something.

  Are you sure?

  Of course I’m sure. What’s going to happen? Are the bears going to get me?

  Don’t joke like that. You know that people have been killed out there.

  C’mon, stop being so morbid. Nothing is going to happen to me. I’ll be fine.

  Just be careful. You’ve heard the news lately, haven’t you?

  You mean about all those girls who have gone missing over the past several months?

  Yeah. All female hikers. Don’t you think that’s a little weird? I know the police aren’t suspecting any foul play yet, but if you ask me, there’s something going on out there. I would feel more comfortable if you just stayed home.

  I contemplated Abby’s text. Maybe she was right. Maybe it would be better if I just stayed home, but the mere thought of being cooped up indoors all weekend nearly drove me insane. For the last few weeks I had been dying to enjoy the beautiful spring weather and I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by.

  Look. I’ll be careful, I promise. I’ll stick to the popular trail, okay? Besides, you know me, I won’t do anything stupid.

  Just be careful.

  I stared at my phone screen and tried to push away the small inkling of fear that had formed in my chest. Nothing was going to happen to me. Still, I couldn’t stop myself from dashing into my room and grabbing my can of mace.

  Just in case.

  Chapter 3

  With the pepper spray in my backpack, I slung it over my shoulders and headed out the door. I tossed the bag into the trunk of my car before getting into the driver’s seat.

  Turning the key, the car rumbled to life. The vibrations ran through my spine and connected with my fingers as I rested my hands on the steering wheel. Turning on the music, I ignored the rattling of the muffler as I backed out of my driveway and headed toward Amethyst State Park. Luckily, it was a short, fifteen-minute drive.

  I took the back roads, enjoying the view of the blooming trees along the side. They swayed with the gentle breeze. Occasionally, the petals would dance across my windshield, like little fairies trying to cross the road.

  The sun was just arriving at its zenith by the time I got to the park. I turned into the lot by the trailhead. To my surprise, it wasn’t as busy as I expected it to be. Usually, this place was swamped on the weekend. Maybe people were getting spooked by the news…

  I shook my head. No. All those missing cases were nothing more than a coincidence. There wasn’t some serial kidnapper in the woods. If there was, the police would have surely found him by now. I tried to comfort myself with this thought, but I couldn’t help but think of Abby’s warning. For a split second, I thought about heading back home, but I was already here, it would be a waste if I did.

  So, I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder as I set on the trail. As my footsteps crunched against twigs, I found myself coming to a natural rhythm. The sound of the birds calling to one another, mixed with the bubbling waterfalls in the distance, instantly calmed my nerves.

  Nothing was going to happen to me.

  As I continued walking the trail, I encountered a couple of hikers. They had binoculars hanging around their necks. Bird-watchers, most likely.

  “Hello!” I called out to them, waving in their direction.

  They smiled and waved back.

  “If you guys are looking for birds, there’s a really active barn owl up ahead. Her tree is marked with an orange flag by the park rangers. If you’re lucky, you might see some of her hatchlings. It’s just about that time of year.” I informed them with a smile.

  “Is that right?” The woman asked, excitement coloring her cheeks in a light shade of pink. “Do you think you could show us the way? We’ve already gotten lost a few times. I don’t know how anyone can follow the path.”

  “Oh, is this your first time here?”

  “Yes. My husband and I are on our honeymoon. We decided to take a road trip and do some hiking.”

  “Ah. That’s sweet. Congrats.” I smiled at them. The husband seemed quiet since he hadn’t spoken a word this entire time. But, it was easy to see that he really loved his wife by the way he helped her along the trail, always making sure she was okay before he continued.

  Respecting his silence, I just admired my surroundings as I led them to the owl habitat. We deviated from the path a bit, but eventually, we arrived at a small clearing. “Look,” I whispered, pointing to a large nest. It was perched precariously on a thicker tree branch. Twigs, leaves, and even a few bits of ribbon were all interwoven to make the nest.

  The couple just stared at it in awe before the husband fumbled for his binoculars, taking a closer look. The woman was just about to do the same when the barn owl swooped from the treetops and landed on the branch. Instantly, her young started to chirp and move around in the nest, looking for food.

  “I didn’t think owls were active during the day.”

  “Most aren’t. This owl is sort of an Amethyst legend. She’s been named Luna by the park rangers, but it’s ironic because she doesn’t follow the typical nocturnal patterns of other owls.”

  “That’s fascinating…” The husband said, his mouth agape.

  I chuckled. “Well, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your hike.”

  “Thanks for showing us the way…” The woman trailed off once the owl started to feed
her young. I smiled before hiking my way back to the trail.

  Now alone, my footsteps echoed against the tree trunks, getting lost in the wood. I was still in the beginning of the trail so the trees were sparse, allowing me to see in the distance.

  A jackrabbit hopped out of its burrow, peeking around before it heard the loud squawk of a crow and quickly hid back inside. A squirrel scurried up a tree trunk, its mouth full of acorns. Two birds fought in midair and swooped right in front of me, forcing me to duck. They continued their fight behind me.

  Soon enough, I reached a signpost that warned about the trail’s increased difficulty from that point forward. I glanced ahead, seeing how the trail narrowed, squished in by the heavily wooded area. Still, I had done this hike start to finish before, it was no big deal. Just a few extra roots underfoot to worry about. Nothing I couldn’t handle.


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