Captured By The Beast I

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Captured By The Beast I Page 38

by Daniella Wright

  “Just stop!” I scream, bolting ahead. I need to get away. I can’t bear to see the looks of hatred in their eyes, not when I care so much about the two of them. They had been like brothers before I arrived, and I not only ruined their relationship with each other, but any chance of a relationship I may have had with either.

  “Cassie, wait!” One of them calls after me, but it only spurs me into moving faster, deeper into the forest. I drop the tent, abandon my sleeping bag, sprinting as fast as my legs will take me. I hear one of them stumble over the supplies I’ve dropped, and the other seems to fall to the ground soon after. I can’t tell who is begging me to stay, but truth be told, I don’t care.

  It is only when their voices have faded into the distance that I stop, gasping for breath. I rest my hands on my knees, struggling not to heave up my lunch. Tears spill down my cheeks, and it is all I can do not to scream in frustration. I hear a rustling to the left of me, and I turn to face my intruder head on. I don’t care which of the two it is, I simply can’t deal with the screaming anymore, and I plan to tell them as such.

  What I don’t expect, however, is the large and slinking form of a cougar to emerge from the bushes, golden eyes fixed upon my every move. I stumble back, inhaling a sharp gasp of breath. For every step away I try to take, it seems to move ever closer, and I turn from it, sprinting deeper into the forest. I scream, hearing it’s feet pounding the ground behind me. I can hear it gaining distance on me, and I realize despairingly that there is no way that I can outrun the massive feline. I scream again, and the sound of galloping soon begins to echo all around me.

  “Cassie!” Lucky screams, and Chester lunges towards the cougar in his stallion form. The cougar draws back at first, but soon lurches back towards Chester, who bucks up out of instinct alone. Lucky goes tumbling off Chester’s back, hitting the ground with a solid thud. His gun lands beside Chester’s feet, and the horse shifter inadvertently kicks it away while trying to draw closer to me. I try to rush towards Lucky but the cougar steps between us, fixing it’s gaze upon me. “Chester! Take her and go!” Lucky screams, reaching out to grab the cougar by the tail. The large feline yowls angrily, and before I can stop him, Chester has swept me upon his back. He lingers for a moment longer, watching as the cougar rounds on Lucky.

  “Chester, we can’t leave him.” I say pleadingly, and Chester seems to almost agree. Almost, however, isn’t enough, and the stallion shifter bolts away from the scene, in the direction of the barn. I can hear the sound of yowls and screams behind us, and I grab Chester’s mane, trying to get him to turn back. As we make it to the outskirts of the forest, Chester seems to lose his hold on his horse form. He tumbles to the ground, and I fall on top of him, both of us rolling several feet before we manage to come to our sense. “Chester!” I scream, but he ignores me, rushing towards his sleeping quarters. He emerges a few moments later, gun gripped in hand,

  “You stay here! I have to go back! I have to see if… dear God…” Chester blurts, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

  “I’m coming with you. I have to see if he’s okay.” I argue, though I know there is no time for arguments. Instead of allowing Chester to dispute the point, I rush back towards the forest. Chester sprints after me, calling for me to stop. I know I should stop, I know that I’ll only be in the way, but I have to know. I have to know if Lucky is still alive, if there’s anything I can do to help him. Chester falls into step beside me, and together we break into the clearing where we had all but abandoned Lucky.

  My childhood friend, one of the men I love, is nowhere to be seen. Instead, in the middle of the clearing, two large cougars clash in a vicious brawl. Chester watches in confusion, but as I'm watching the scene, comprehension dawns on his face. The larger of the cougars sinks its teeth into the shoulder of its opponent, yanking its head back and pulling small chunks of flesh along with it. The smaller cougar shakes on its feet, and Chester fires a warning shot in the air. The apparent victory between the cougars jolted at the sound, before darting into the forest. Chester steps past me, towards the fallen cougar. I call after him, wondering why on earth he would approach an injured and likely to attack cougar. However, as the smaller cougar sags to the ground, it begins to shimmer in much the same way that Chester had the first time I saw him shift. Some snapping of bones and shifting of skin later, Lucky lays wounded on the ground where the cougar had been. Chester gathers the other man in his arms, careful not to aggravate his wounds. Lucky is nearly unconscious, but his eyes meet my own as I rush towards him. As if satisfied enough by the fact that I survived, he sags seemingly lifelessly in Chester's arms.

  “Lucky!” I scream, and Chester is swift to shush me.

  “We don’t want to attract any more attackers. We’ll get him to the barn and treat his wounds… he’s still breathing, at least.” He murmurs. We stumble through the forest together, with Chester obviously struggling beneath Lucky’s weight. I’m certain that at any moment another cougar will attack and kill the three of us, but that moment does not come, and we finally emerge from the forests. I help Chester carry Lucky the rest of the way to the barn, laying him on a plush blanket as Chester gathers the medical supplies. I brush my fingertips to the skin surrounding the wound, noting the flushed red tint of it. I can only hope it doesn’t get infected, though I know for now I should be more concerned with whether or not Lucky will survive. I lean over the still form of one of the men I love, tears streaming down my cheeks as I hold his head in my lap. His wound is bleeding profusely, and I can only hope that Chester has the medical knowledge for Lucky to make it through

  Chester appears moments later with some medical supplies, and cleans Lucky’s wound before wrapping it in gauze. He sits at Lucky’s side, supporting the other man’s weight to hold him upright. I sit at Lucky’s other side, watching his face for any sign of movement or life. I reach out to caress his face, and he blinks his eyes open, recognition and relief crossing his features as he sees me.

  “You’re okay…” He murmurs. The elation flooding my veins feels as if it will make my heart explode, and in spite of Chester’s position right at our side, I jolt forward, gently cupping Lucky’s cheeks and pressing our lips together in a tender kiss. He is obviously weak, but he puts as much passion into the kiss as he is able, and I give his bottom lip a little nip. He groans into the kiss, and I’m only vaguely aware of Chester’s discomfort as we deepen the kiss just a bit further before I slowly draw away.

  “Why did you do that!? You could have been killed! Why would you do that, Lucky!?” I demand, and Chester simply observes the two of us. His discomfort is obvious, but he puts no words to it, simply allowing Lucky and I to have our exchange. Lucky hesitates, glancing towards Chester before returning his attention to me.

  “Because I love you, Cassie. Always have, always will. If it meant dying to save you, I would do it a thousand times over.” He admits, cheeks alight with red. I gasp, brushing his hair away from his face.

  “I love you too… I love you so much.” I blurt, leaning in to kiss him once more. He holds me back weakly, looking as if it is the last thing he wants to be doing. He gestures towards Chester, who simply watches with a withdrawn expression. I inhale shakily, looking between the two men. It’s not fair. What I’m doing to them simply isn’t fair. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t love Chester as well. I love both of you. I know that’s not fair, and you two should just… leave me. I don’t think I can ever choose between you.” I murmur, drawing away from the two men and drawing my lip between my teeth. The two consider me for a moment, exchanging glances before Chester shifts slightly to pull me close to the two of them again. Lucky weakly caresses my cheek, nothing short of sheer adoration shining in his gaze. Chester kisses the top of my head, and I’m nearly overwhelmed with sensation. I have to stop this, though. I have to stop them. “What are you two doing? Didn’t you hear me? I can’t choose!” I blurt, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. Lucky glances to Chester, his hand remaining on my

  “I love you, Cassie. And I love Chester too, while… not nearly in the same capacity. If I may be so bold…” Lucky trails off uncertainly, and recognition dawns in Chester’s face as he seems to realize what the other man is implying.

  “What are you trying to say?” I inquire weakly, cut short by Lucky pressing our lips together. He presses me back against Chester, pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around both Lucky and I. When Lucky draws away, he glances to Chester with a crooked smile before turning his attention to me once more.

  “If it means making you happy, I think Chester and I can come to an… agreement. Don’t you think so, Ches’?” Lucky murmurs, and I feel Chester’s manhood stiffen against my back. My eyes widen as what they’re insinuating dawns on me, and I glance uncertainly up at Chester. He meets my gaze, leaning in to take over where Lucky had left off. Our lips meet, and in spite of his injury, Lucky manages to shift enough to unbutton my shirt. He pushes both sides away, exposing my chest to the open air. The only thing between him and the aching peaks of my breasts is my bra. Chester kisses down my neck, along my shoulder, and Lucky shifts a claw just long enough to slice through my bra. Though it’s one of my favorite bras, I can’t find it in me to complain as Lucky leans in to flick his tongue to the bud of my breast. Chester tangles a hand in Lucky’s hair as if to urge him onward and Lucky groans against me, his length growing longer and stiffening. I quiver, uninhibited as I reach down to grasp him in my hand. He stiffens, trying to focus on my chest as I rhythmically tighten and loosen the grip of my hand. His mouth falls agape against my chest, and I can feel his saliva smearing my chest as he sloppily places kisses there. I draw my hand up his length, and though he is not as long as Chester, he more than makes up for it in girth. While I’m wrapped up in Lucky, Chester adjusts his grip on me to slip his fingertips under the waistband of my pants, brushing against my wispy hairs down below. I inhale shakily, and Lucky pauses in his ministrations, pulling away slightly.

  “This can’t be happening.” I blurt, feeling as if I’m in some sort of haze.

  “We can stop.” Chester offers, and Lucky nods his agreement. I hesitate for a moment, gently pushing Lucky away. His expression drops, but as I press him onto his back and shift onto his hips, his eyes brighten once more. He throbs against my thigh, and I grin cheekily, grinding against him slightly.

  “Why don’t you let Chester and I do most of the work? What… with your injury?” I implore, resting my hand gently on his chest.

  “Only if Chester is okay with it.” Lucky murmurs, tensing his hands in the blanket beneath him. Chester offers his friend a smile, and much to my surprise, leans in to kiss Lucky on the forehead.

  “Just as long as you know I’m not touching your junk.” Chester grins slyly. Lucky barks out a laugh, wincing in spite of himself. I shush him gently, and Chester moves to lift me up, just enough to slip my jeans and underwear down off my hips. I lower myself onto Lucky once more, his length nestled between my outer lips but not yet penetrating me. I rub up and down his length, my own moisture collecting along his manhood. As I’m rocking against him. Chester takes the opportunity to tweak and tease my nipples. I shift my hand between my legs, adjusting Lucky’s thick manhood to press against my aching entrance. He shudders, whispering my name as if it were some sort of prayer. I quirk my lips in a smile, lowering myself on top of him. He fills me much like Chester had, spreading me further than I thought I could take. I lean forward, groaning as I tense my hands on top of his chest. For the moment, I feel stuck, as if moving will tear me apart. However, Chester grabs me by the hips, and I feel his manhood pressing against the cleft of my rear. He doesn’t enter me from behind (thankfully), but he sits directly behind me, with his erection pressed against his own belly. He lifts me up, groaning both from the exertion and the sensations on his own length, before lowering me upon Lucky again. Lucky tenses his hands atop Chester’s, and the two guide me in pleasing the injured man, rocking me up and down along the length of his manhood. As the three of us rock in synchronized motion, it feels as if the world is slowing all around us. Lucky tenses beneath me, gritting his teeth as he reaches his peak. I clench around him, crying out in ecstasy as he fills me. Chester pauses his ministrations, throbbing against my back as he begins to massage my breasts, trying to get as much out of me as he is able. A few short moments later, I fall back against him, taking his hands in my own and kissing his palms.

  “Give me a minute to recover…” I murmur sleepily. He grins, pressing me against his chest before flopping to the floor beside Lucky. I reach out to grasp Lucky’s hand, and the two men consider each other before Chester throws an arm over my side to rest on Lucky’s hip. Lucky is obviously spent, and truth be told, so am I. I hate the thought of leaving Chester hanging, however, so I sit up again, fixing my eyes upon his throbbing length. Though he looks entirely prepared to take care of the issue himself, I edge closer to him, slipping away from Lucky’s side and giving the dark haired man a bit of a show as I wiggle my rear. I raise up on my knees, resting my hands on Chester’s shoulders and drawing him in closer, our tongues tangling in a battle for dominance. If I had thought Lucky was spent, I was mistaken, as I can see him out of the corner of my eye, sitting up and slowly rubbing his hand up and down his length. I wink at him, gesturing him to scoot closer to the action. Lucky and Chester exchange uncertain looks, and I can’t help but giggle. “It’s not like I’m going to make you two make out.” I blurt, and Chester laughs at Lucky’s stricken expression.

  “I thought we discussed no junk touching between brothers.” Lucky bleats, and Chester grins, making a grabbing motion with his hand. Lucky whines, but his whines seem to abate as I wrap one of my hands around him. I look towards Chester, and he grins, lacing his fingers with my other hand and wrapping it around his own length. The men’s groaning is nearly simultaneous as I slide my hands up and down each of them, teasing Lucky to rigid attention again and drawing Chester nearly to the edge. I increase the pace for Chester, allowing the hand dedicated to Lucky to remain resting at the base of his manhood. Chester’s moans grow ever louder, and his toes curl cutely, as they had when we were alone. Lucky and I exchange a glance, and though Lucky is obviously flushed, he seems to take note of the toe curling as well. We grin, and he brings his own hand to himself once more, allowing me to take both of my hands to work Chester’s exceedingly long member. Chester vaguely chokes out something about cross-contamination, but I can only roll my eyes and giggle as he slowly loses himself to the sensations. I pump at him furiously, desperate to milk him for every drop of his precious essence. He seems reluctant to give in, however, grabbing my hands to stop them.

  “Finish with your mouth.” He implores, and Lucky wheezes a laugh. I should be disgusted or irritated, but it’s not as if the taste of them particularly bothers me. I lean in, taking Chester between my lips and adjusting my stance. I feel a pair of hands rest on my hips, and I’m more than faintly aware of Lucky lining up with my entrance once more. I position myself to offer him better access while worshiping Chester’s phenomenal rod, sucking my cheeks in as I take in more and more of him. Lucky presses against me teasingly, and my insides twitch in anticipation. The sensation of him throbbing against me is enough to nearly drive me wild, but I want more… no, need more. I release Chester with a pop, glancing over my shoulder to the man positioned at my rear. He grins cheekily, and I can’t help but huff at the audacity.

  “Oh, I was just waiting my turn. Didn’t know if a double team was your thing…” Lucky murmurs, eyes flashing deviously. The sheer depravity of what he is implying strikes me to my core, and I lock eyes with him, spreading my knees further and pressing back against him.

  "Do your worst," I say daringly, and he presses against my entrance, slowly pressing inside.

  "Don't forget about me," Chester says in a strangled voice, and from the looks of it, he's about ready to explode. He rests a hand on the back of my head, drawing up on his knees so that the position I'm
in could not get any lower. The men exchange a cheeky grin, and Lucky thrusts forcefully into my, pressing me forward to take more of Chester's manhood into my mouth. Chester seems to almost take this as a dare, thrusting deep into my mouth. I open my throat to take in more of him, feeling my insides being worked from behind by Lucky. They go back and forth like this for a few moments, and I'm almost certain that there's a certain thrill behind challenging each other, even in this situation. They seem to be testing who can hold out the longest, and I feel myself being rocked back and forth between them like I am little more than a toy. However, unlike a toy, I can entirely revel in the sensations of being used. My womanhood throbs with each thrust, and though my mouth is growing sore, I'm eager to taste Chester's essence. I know it's unfair, but I wrap a hand around the middle of Chester's length, and he nearly doubles over from the sensations. After each thrust forward, Lucky grabs me by the hips to jerk me back, as if we're in on this together. I time the motions of my hand with the back and forth of Lucky's thrusts, and it seems Chester is nearly too spent to make an attempt to challenge either of us. Before he has a chance to come to his senses and retaliate, Lucky begins to fervently push in and out of me, pulling me towards him with each thrust. I feel filled to the brim, as if I can take no more, when Chester begins to spill his load. It fills my mouth and I have to swallow quickly to keep it from oozing out around my lips.


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