Captured By The Beast I

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Captured By The Beast I Page 56

by Daniella Wright

  “Don’t stop,” I plead, and he seems a little too entertained by my wanton cries. He pushes me back against the sheets, dragging his fingertips down my bare sides. His touch sends small jolts of pleasure through my body, almost as intense as an electric shock. His hands are remarkably warm, and he shifts his hand to circle his thumb around my navel. He seems utterly enthralled with every bit of my anatomy, and I find myself wanting to give him the entirety of myself.

  “Is this your main pleasure receptor?” He asks huskily, and I guide his hand between my thighs. His eyes widen at the sticky warmth he feels there, and he experimentally spreads my outer lips in an entirely too lewd way. I bite down on my knuckles as he flutters his fingers experimentally against me, leaning in to examine me more closely. “Here, then,” he whispers to himself. He presses a finger inside of me and I clench around the intrusion, wondering hopelessly if this is as far as we’ll go. He draws his hand away, bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply. A sharp trill echoes through the room, and he moans out my name as he licks his hand clean of my essence. My eyes fall between his legs, widening at the bobbing of his own organ. It looks as if it will nearly rip his pants at the seam, but he doesn’t seem particularly troubled by that possibility. I reach out, palming him through his pants. He jerks his hips, crying out in what sounds almost like pain.

  “Did I hurt you?” I gasp out, drawing my hand away. He shakes his head urgently, hips continuing to gyrate as he fumbles with the fastener of his pants. My eyes nearly bulge from my head as his organ is exposed to the open air, throbbing visibly. He breathes a sigh of relief once he is freed from his clothes, taking the opalescent skin in his own hand and gently rubbing towards the tip. His member, if it were to be referred to as such, has the brilliant sheen of an earth pearl, ridged at the sides with a flared tip. A thick vein runs along the underside, and it continues to bob slightly as he strokes himself. I feel myself growing more and more wet, more eager than ever to see if I can fit him inside of me.

  "I want you so badly. I just… don't want to harm you," he gasps out, releasing himself and crossing his arms behind his back. I realize that he has to restrain himself from pinning me down and taking me with no further preamble. I edge closer to him, wrapping my much small hand around his length. His skin almost seems to vibrate at the touch, and I find myself shivering at the sensation of holding him in my hand. I gingerly stroke my palm along his length, dragging my thumb along the thick vein on the underside of his manhood. He whimpers, actually whimpers, and I quirk my lips at him before lowering my head to get a closer look at his length. A pale pink liquid trickles from the slit at the peak of his head, what must equate to a human man's pre-ejaculate. It doesn't seem to stop, however, dripping down his length and coating his skin. I touch the liquid hesitantly, gasping at the tingles that assault my fingertips. It feels similar to the warming lubricant that popular earth brands have spent decades trying to get just right. Nothing could compare to the sensation washing over me in that moment, however.

  “Lay down,” I order gently, and he obliges me, laying as still as he can manage on his back. “You can move, Kajin. I don’t want to feel like I’m making love to a corpse,” I murmur, shifting on top of him. His eyes widen as he seems to realize what I’m doing, and his hands tighten into fists at his side.

  “Are you sure you will be able to take it all? Once we start, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to stop,” he gasps out, hips jerking slightly.

  “All a girl can do is try. Now, just relax. Let me take care of you,” I murmur, adjusting my position so that I can easily slide him inside of me. I press down gingerly, biting my lip as the tingling sensation in my nether regions seems to intensify tenfold. For his part, Kajin looks as if it is all he can do not to plunge the entirety of himself inside of me. “E-easy,” I whisper, lowering myself a little at a time. The ridges along the side of his length press into spots I would have never thought to touch myself. I feel myself stretched beyond my wildest imagination, stammering uselessly as I feel myself nearing his base. His manhood ridges out the widest towards said base, and I nearly double over as I take the final inch. He twitches inside of me, small vibrations and an intense tingling sensation washing over my senses. I attempt to meet his gaze, but his eyes are wide and unseeing as he tries to still the motions of his hips.

  " soft," he gasps out. I mewl as I raise up off of him just slightly, slamming back down. I'm unable to bite out the sharp cry of intense pleasure as our hips press flush together. He rests his hands on the swell of my hips, guiding me up as if I weigh nothing. My whole body tenses as I feel him draw out of me nearly entirely before he bottoms out inside of me again. I feel tears spring to my eyes as he continues to guide my motions, gasping breathily as I clench around him in an attempt to bring him to the climax that looms so for me. He shifts to sit a bit more upright, pressing his lips to my neck as he slams into me repeatedly. I'm repeating his name like some strange mantra, feeling brought to heights I've never before experienced. The thought that a human male could make me feel this way is an almost laughable one, and I realize with a start how taboo this would be if my fellow man were to find out. It only seems to send another rush through me, and I yowl as I clench around him, sounding more animal than a woman. He grunts, jerking his hips as he fills me to the brim with his warm and tantalizing essence. When I think I can't go any higher, another orgasm washes over me as my insides are coated. My body feels as if it has been lit aflame, and I find myself screaming to a god I've never quite believed in.

  The whole sensation was unlike anything I can explain to another human. I get the feeling he couldn’t explain himself to one of his own, either. As I curl up at his side after, he carefully takes the collar off of me and places it on his bedside table. He wraps his arms around me, and we settle into a peaceful slumber.

  I can’t help feeling as if I’ve allowed myself to fall into some sort of mental trap. However, it’s obvious that this is the last thing that he intended, as well. I can only enjoy the moments we have in private, as I get the feeling we won’t have such liberties in the public eye of the planet’s natives.


  Days pass and I find myself growing slightly more accustomed to my temporary, or at the very least what I hope is temporary, home. Kajin treats me with significantly more kindness, and the fear I had felt for him begins to dissipate a good bit, if not entirely. Since removing my collar, he has given me a bit more free reign to explore my surroundings. I’m grateful for the small freedoms I’ve been allowed, and in the time I have to myself, I’ve returned to the original roots of the expedition. I’ve been gathering samples of the local flora, though I don’t have my lab at the ready to pursue further study. I’ve considered making my way to my ship’s main crash site and gathering the materials to make a temporary study in Kajin’s home. Of course, it would be strictly necessary to run it by him first, but I have faith that he will allow it. It’s just a matter of having him accompany me to the crash site. He mentioned that his people had surveyed the area where the main ship had landed, regretfully informing me that they had found no survivors. The fact is disheartening, but it’s something I’m slowly coming to terms with. I only wish I could offer some words of condolence to their families, the people who would wait for a day that will never come-- the return of their loved one. I’m somewhat fortunate in the sense that there will be no one looking for me, no one to wonder what has become of me. I leave no family behind, save a father whose name I’ve never known.

  Clark was the first and closest thing I’ve ever had to family. Though I gave the man his share of snubs, I have no doubt that his love for me was sincere. Now, all I have left to cling to is this pseudo-relationship with my captor. Does Kajin love me? Do his people even comprehend the concept of love? I can’t be sure. I only know that he is allowing me some sense of stability while so far from home.

  I return after a short outing to gather samples, finding Kajin absorbed in what appears to be some
alien literature. He glances up as I step inside, offering me a small smile. His smile falters as I draw closer, however, and I can only guess he is getting a better look at my mournful expression.

  “Kara…? Is something wrong?” He inquires, reaching out to rest a hand on my shoulder. I breathe a sigh, resting my hand atop his in what I hope is a reassuring gesture.

  “The weight of the world on my shoulders. I was hoping to go to the crash site you and your people discovered. I want to try and recover enough supplies to rebuild a lab of sorts. I know you have similar technology on this planet, but it would take ages for me to adjust to the differences-- time I’m not sure I’ll have,” I mutter, the heavy implication lingering between us. Though he has been kinder to me, the fact of the matter is that he could still be ordered to kill me at any given moment. He truly wouldn’t even need the order, should the desire so strike him, I would be a corpse lying at his feet. Though there is admittedly a certain thrill to the thought, I don’t aim to be killed any time soon.

  “I can take you to the crash site. I’ll help you carry anything that you’re able to recover,” he offers kindly, leaning in to press his lips to my forehead. The gesture is intimate, and I can’t help but smile to myself at the sensation of his warmth.

  “Thank you, Kajin,” I murmur, sincerity and graciousness radiating from my being. He smiles, closing his book and rising to his feet. He takes my arm in his own, leading me out the door. I fall into step at his side, excitement thrumming through me at the idea of recovering some of my supplies. Perhaps with a bit of supplementation with local technology, I will be able to formulate a working laboratory. It’s a small chance, but small chances have been working in my favor as of late. This planet being habitable, my alien captor taking mercy upon me are only the most significant, but I’m too excited to consider the other possibilities.

  As we reach the outskirts of the city, I'm once again relieved to have the dress that the alien man bought me. It keeps my skin pleasantly cool in the heat of the planet's sun, swishing around my ankles as we walk the long distance through the surrounding forests. One might think it would be difficult to navigate in such clothing, but it manages to cling to me in all the right places. I breathe a content sigh, the moment away from the city allowing me to escape the reality that is my likely looming death. Kajin watches me with a rather enchanted expression, and I give my hips a teasing little shake as we emerge from the trees. If we were in the city, I would practice much more discretion. However, out here, away from the other native people, I feel freer to express my more sensual side.

  However, my teasing shakes are cut short when the familiar smell of smoke invades my nostrils. I glance ahead, spying the main crash site some yards away. A thin tendril of smoke rises up from the depths, though I can’t see any part of the ship that is still aflame. Kajin looks mildly concerned, jogging ahead to likely survey the area for danger. I don’t allow him to make it too far without me, nearly having to sprint to keep up.

  “What the hell,” a masculine voice blurts, sounding remarkably human. My eyes widen in surprise as I realize that the voice is more than vaguely familiar, and I bolt ahead to see Clark Lowell locked in combat with Kajin.

  “Clark,” I cry out, feeling more joy than I can even begin to describe. Though I wasn’t on the greatest of terms with the man, the fact that I was not the lone survivor of the ship’s crash sends a rush of relief through me.

  “Kara--- get off of me, you beast,” Clark growls, shoving at Kajin. Kajin takes a step back, looking between the two of us with some measure of uncertainty.

  “Kajin, stop. He’s from my crew! There was another survivor,” I blurt, rushing between the two of them. They glare daggers at each other, but Clark’s gaze softens as he returns his gaze to me.

  “Kara, I’ve been searching all over for you. I was beginning to think… I was beginning to think you did not make it,” he mutters, reaching out to rest a hand on my shoulder. I stiffen beneath his touch, feeling Kajin’s discomfort radiating from his body in an almost visceral way.

  “I’ve been fine, Clark. It… it’s good to see you,” I manage, patting his hand gently before taking a step back. He looks at me rather strangely, glancing to the alien male who lingers behind me. I turn my most winning smile towards Kajin, who seems to catch on that I’m up to something. “Kajin, can Clark return to the city with us? It would be… nice, to have human company,” I say carefully. The taller of the men turns dark eyes upon Clark, obviously resisting the desire to snap.

  “It would be an honor to host another human guest, I’m sure,” he says, the sarcasm dripping from his tone. Clark picks up on it immediately, but I smile through the tension, leading the men back in the direction of the town hub. As we venture towards the city, Kajin speaks up with obvious reluctance. “I need to gather some supplies before we head back to the city. Since we’re out now…,” he trails off, watching Clark with a sneer. “I can trust you two to behave yourselves?” He inquires snidely, and Clark bristles at the implication.

  “Go get your supplies. We’ll wait here for you,” Clark bites out, looking to me for reassurance. Though I’m not entirely confident about being left alone with Clark, I don’t have it in me to voice the concern.

  “We’ll be fine, Kajin,” I assure him gently. His gaze softens as he glances towards me, and he nods his head once before slipping back into the forests. As soon as he slips away, Clark takes me by the arm and pulls me in close. “Clark, what in the world--” I blurt, cut short when he shushes me none too politely.

  "The communication hub on the ship… it was seriously damaged in the crash. In the time I've been camping here, however, I managed to repair it enough to send out a signal," he says, excitement glinting in his eyes. Mine widen in shock and what should be pleasure, however, the sensation I feel is closer to fear.

  “You got a message to Earth?” I inquire haltingly, and he hesitates for a moment, his expression drooping slightly.

  “Not quite Earth. But a close enough system that they have vowed to send the message onward. We can get off of this hellish planet, Kara. We can go home,” he breathes, reaching out to grasp my hand. I shift uncomfortably, looking at our joined hands with barely disguised disdain. I should be happy. Though I had been thrilled to see Clark, it had been more for the sake of his survival than the fact that he might find us a way home. Still, my lack of excitement makes little sense, even to me.

  “We’ve come so far, though… to leave now would leave our expedition dismantled in vain. We have to try and salvage the mission somewhat, don’t we? Don’t we owe that to the rest of the crew at least?” I inquire softly, and his eyes narrow critically upon me.

  "I get the feeling your reasons for wanting to stay are not so pure," he says in a growl. I quirk a brow at him, and he jerks his head in the direction Kajin had gone. "You're rather cozy with the natives, aren't you? Or a native in particular, it would seem," he hisses. My eyes widen, and I can't help but sneer at the implication he's making. It's not as if his assumption is wrong, regarding my relationship with Kajin at least. He's entirely wrong on my reasons for wanting to remain, however. The angry glint in his eye seems to indicate he wouldn't believe reason even if I tried, however.

  I grit my teeth, turning away from him and waiting for Kajin to return. The potential of returning home to Earth is a tempting one, but it’s not one I can decide so easily.


  When Kajin returns, the tension between Clark and I could likely be cut with a knife. The alien man looks between the two of us with a rather odd expression, settling his gaze upon me and quirking a curious smile. He holds up the carcass of a slain animal, and I can’t help but light up at the sight.

  “I’ll have to take samples,” I say, excitement resonating from my voice. Clark levels me with a rather disdainful look from the corner of his eye.

  “Oh, yes. We forgot to gather the supplies for your study, Kara. We will have to return to the crash site in the coming days
,” Kajin says apologetically, and I shrug my shoulders, looking towards Clark with an equally snide expression.

  "It's of little consequence. Perhaps I'll make an attempt to learn the ins and outs of your planet's technology," I say coolly. I dare not mention the rescue signal that Clark had sent to a nearby system, fearing what Kajin's reaction will be. Clark seems to take the hint, remaining silent about the signal as well. The human man simply trails behind my alien lover and me, eyeing us with obvious scorn. There's obviously something he wants to discuss, but I don't care to give him a moment of my time, at least not quite now.

  As we step into the city, Kajin greets the guard once more. The other native critically scrutinizes Clark, offering me a faint smile before allowing us passage. I'm relieved to see that Clark isn't subjected to the same collaring treatment that I had been previous, and I make a note not to mention it to the man. I know he will have less sympathy for the native customs than I had, and even I had been reluctant to accept the collaring. We approach Kajin's home, and he opens the door for Clark and me to step inside. He trails behind me, keeping a close eye on Clark. The human male examines the housing area and I step up beside Kajin, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek.

  "I am going to carve this button. I will leave you enough flesh for a sample before cooking it up. Feel free to show your human friend around," Kajin murmurs, returning my kiss but one-upping me with a peck on the lips. Clark watches us with narrowed eyes but remains silent until Kajin leaves us to our own devices. He approaches me with pursed lips, arms crossed firmly over his chest.


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