The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin Page 23

by Daniel OConnell

  Abe curious, asks, “In what way would you anticipate that they could modify a Condara to be so powerful and so ruthless as to be a threat to Carla?”

  The image says, “The X’ena technology that the T-Challa have gained over the ages’ has detailed information on gene splicing. The T-Challa are very efficient on modifying X’ena technology to their needs. This creature may only be part Condara. It may have a genetic code alteration to make it ruthless and dangerous.”

  Carla asks, “So I should just kill them?”

  The image answers, “Perhaps, but Abe has a valid point. You may be able to convert one of these creatures as an ally. Remember Carla you are alone in your world. There is no one that can help you fight in your realm, and there are many challengers who may come after you. Perhaps young master Abe has a point. You should consider his idea as well. The Condara race had limitless potential to grow. It may have grown to be a race of significant power in this universe had not the T-Challa destroyed them all. Should any still survive, they may prove to be a great ally to the human race.”

  Abe asks, “We have a clone Condara with us now, which Ismail saved. Carla has freed it from its Meli spy within her. Can this Condara be trained to help Carla?”

  The image takes a few moments, as it goes through centuries of data to answer, “The question has been asked if I can train another to aid Carla in the use of her powers. This program has been designed, and now adapted to allow for this, if a potential ally has been found, Carla must now bring whoever this person is to the device, and then she must allow whoever this person is, access to the data core, and I will begin training them.”

  Abe looks smugly at Carla and says, “I’ll get Ella.”

  Abe disappears. The device spools for a moment and the image of Caleb flickers as a holorecording appears. The recording speaks, “Carla, a preprogrammed data response has been activated. This particular program was keyed to activate this recording. You have asked the device to help train another in the use of psionic battle skills. This has many possible outcomes, and many possible reasons. One reason is that you have had a child, and your child has your powers. Carla as this is a recording it will not interact with you. Consequently, I may be speaking nonsense to you, but I need to tell you how sorry I am for dragging you and now your children down this path. I’m sorry that I denied you the chance to have a normal life. I had thought I knew what was best, but after hundreds of years without you, your mother, and brother, I have had a lot of time to reflect. This device may be teaching my grandchild to continue in my choices, and not theirs. I wish I could have finished this war for you, but I failed. I’m sorry my Little Flower, but hopefully I may find a way to make it right.”

  The device spools again as the recording changes back to the preprogrammed image of Caleb.

  Carla, emotional after seeing her father’s recording thinks to herself. I need to finish this, so that I don’t have to let my children fight this fight, our family is the only chance to save the Earth, and just as my father did all this to protect me, I need to stand and finish this to protect my family.

  Ronin hearing this asks, “Mistress Carla I know that was meant to be a private thought, but we share everything, and if it has any meaning to you I hope you know that you are not alone. That we are one and whatever may come. We will stand together.”

  Carla smiles and says, “I always envied my father and his connection to Paladin until this moment. Now I am thankful to have you as my guide, my teacher, and my friend.



  For more than eleven hours, Carla has spent every minute in training with Ella, learning all she can to craft her skill.

  Ella yells out in total exhaustion, “Mistress Carla, please, I’m so tired! May we please take a break?”

  Carla smiles and says, “I’m sorry Ella. I keep forgetting you don’t have my stamina. Yes, we are all done, and you have done a great job.”

  Ella lets out a sigh of relief, as she topples backwards, saying, “Thank you Carla, I was afraid to let you know I was so tired, but I have seen firsthand the kindness that exists within you, and hoped you may show pity on my weakness.”

  Carla smiles and says, “Yeah, well your boyfriend Ismail has no such pity for me. That man made me train for over eighty hours straight. Just to see if I could handle it.”

  Ella confused asks, “Boyfriend?”

  Carla smiles, as she says, “You like him, and I know he has feelings for you. Therefore, I call him your boyfriend, it’s kinda of like you’re very close to each other.”

  Ella smiles and says, “Oh, I understand. Like you and master Abe.”

  Carla turns red in embarrassment, as she says, “We’ll no, not exactly, like that. Abe and me grew up together. We’re just good friends.”

  Ella confused, says, “Then why is it that the two of you always hide your true feelings from each other. Yet you’re both so aware of how the other feels. I’m sorry. I am confused because what I feel for Ismail is just how you feel for master Abe, and how he feels for you.”

  Carla smiles and laughs, saying, “Ok Ella, let’s keep that between us ok?”

  The program closes as the device spools down. Carla and Ella return to their bodies to see Abe and Ismail waiting for them, as they both open their eyes. They look at each other and both start to laugh. Ismail looks to Abe and asks, “Did we do something funny?”

  Abe shrugs his shoulders and says, “You’re asking me? You’re the one that grew up with all those women in your house. All I had was this one, and she was always laughing at me about something.”

  Carla gets up, as Ella lets out a sigh of relief and says, “I could sleep for a week. That was so exhausting.”

  Ismail unconcerned says, “You both can have six hours of sleep. After that, you must attempt to intercept one of those psychic assassins.”

  Carla shakes her head and says, “Ismail, you’re always so encouraging.”

  Back on the Bridge, Mohammed, Raphael, and Sanchez go over the data files of the past battles, and their current course ahead of them. They’re reviewing any possible encounters that may present themselves along their way.

  Raphael studies the map, saying, “Commander Sanchez, we can move along this course.” Raphael points on the tactical holoscreen, continuing his statement, “It’s the shortest way to the T-Challa home system.”

  Sanchez, agreeing declares his reservations, as he replies, “Yes Ambassador White, but it is most likely the one they will be expecting us to come from.”

  Mohammed asks, “The Super Dreadnought gave us detailed information on their minefields, and patrol deployment, therefore Raphael is right? Would this not be the fastest way to approach the T-Challa homeworld?”

  Sanchez concerned says, “Yes, Commander Shi Reis, but it seems overly convenient too. Why would they give us a direct shot at them? My Papa always said that the easiest path is not always the one meant for us to take.”

  Raphael smiles, saying, “You are right Commander Sanchez. I agree that it seems far too convenient, but then again, we are not really going to attack the T-Challa homeworld. All we need to do is lure in as many ships away from the boarders as we can. This will allow your people and mine the best opportunity to retake as much real estate as possible.”

  Mohammed worried, asks, “I have a concern, why have we not heard anything from the T-Challa Queen? We must be closing within her sphere of influence soon. Surely, she will be making herself known to us soon. With that threat alone, we are in great danger, particularly if the Little Flower is not ready to confront her.”

  Ronin interjects into the conversation, “Commander Mohammed, the T-Challa Queen is indeed a formidable opponent, but she is very limited in range. The further out she puts herself, the weaker her powers become. Unlike Carla, whose power is without range limitations. The Queen will not risk a fight, unless she has, as you would say on Earth, all the cards in her hands.”

  Raphael smiles, saying, “Let�
��s hope she has a busted hand.”

  Elsewhere, on the flight deck, Benton walks with Frasier, asking, “Captain, you’re a Valen, are you not?”

  Frasier proudly replies, “Uari, General.”

  Benton smiles, as he says, “Uari was a great man. He was extraordinarily adapted at fixing anything. Your people legacy was always one of great deeds, and even greater accomplishments.”

  Frasier responds, “Now we are just a people of warriors, and politicians.”

  Benton asks, “What is your take on the current situation?”

  Frasier uncomfortable answers, “Well sir, it’s difficult to say. I am not comfortable with the Earthers, but I have been learning to deal with my discomfort, but may I ask you something sir?”

  Benton looks too Frasier, as he waits for Frasier to ask.

  Frasier now more uncomfortable smiles, saying, “Sir, just how is it that you are able to step aside as you did. You have more experience and more knowledge than anyone. Captain Meyers is barely able to maintain command with her condition and yet you seem so relaxed.”

  Benton smiles, and says, “First of all son, Jacks is the man I modeled my leadership after and I know how he thinks better than anyone. Second, I am, and always will be, a marine. I follow orders.”

  Frasier confused asks, “Sir, you are not one of them, you are a Paladonian. Why take orders from an Earther?”

  Benton shakes his head, saying, “Paladonian’s are the children of Earth, son. Your blood is a direct connection to theirs, and theirs to yours. After this war we will have to learn to live in harmony, or risk an all-out war amongst ourselves.”

  Frasier shakes his head, asking, “But General we have grown up with this technology for almost two thousand years, and we have so much more knowledge.

  Why should we take a back seat to these Earthers? I just don’t understand.”

  Benton stops, turns looking at Frasier, and asks, “How many of our people feel like you do son?”

  Frasier answers, “Many of us do, but until just recently we had no way to stand up and be heard.”

  Benton sighs and asks, “You mean now that the blocks have been taken away from the X’ena tech, you can now force your superiority on the Earthers is that it son?”

  Frasier stops himself, and asks, “And you think we should just stand back and be the stepping stool for the Earthers?”

  Benton stops, and looks at Captain Frasier, saying, “Listen to yourself son, you sound more like a Rooke, or a Tof. The Earth is our heritage, our true home, and not our enemy. I disagreed with Caleb about creating the Paladonian worlds for just this reason, so now what you just said just confirms my worst fears.”

  Benton turns back around and says, “This war isn’t about Earthers, and Paladonian’s, against the T-Challa. No, it’s about humanity against an evil so great that it threatens to destroy us all. So, until our people and the Earthers all see this, we will never defeat the T-Challa, or the next evil.”

  Frasier now concerned asks, “The next evil sir?”

  Benton smiles and says, “Don’t sweat it kid, that’s hopefully a long way away.”

  Five hours later, on the Bridge of Ronin, Carla, and Ella prepare to enter the psychic realm. Mohammed asks, “Little Flower, your alter ego tells us of some of the Queens weakness such as her limited range. So I must ask, is carrying young Ella with you, limiting your powers in any way?”

  Carla smiles and says, “Not really sure Tito, but I won’t know unless I try. Regardless, we all know I need to thin out these psychic assassins before too many of them get in close enough to gang up on me.”

  Carla enters the psychic realm and pulls Ella with her. Ella is awe as they look out across the plane.

  Ella is so amazed at how powerful Carla is she asks, “Carla your power is so intoxicating for me. I can feel the energy from you. How do you maintain so much control?”

  Carla smiles and says, “A very strict upbringing on responsibility, and having to live up to a legend of a father like mine. You quickly learn your place in the grand scheme of things.”

  Carla sees the approaching psychic energy from afar, and pulls Ella with her towards it. They close the distance within a single beat of a heart.

  The psychic assassin seems unconcerned by their presence. Carla cautiously looks over the plane, and sees thousands of T-Challa hiding throughout it. Then the Assassin speaks, “You are foolish to come so far from your source of power Hybrid, very foolish.”

  Ella peeks out from behind Carla seeing the assassin and says, “She looks nothing like a Condara.”

  Carla looks around, and feels the energy building up around the assassin as it builds up her shields. She quickly feels the threat grow. Carla states, “Your psionic attack will not affect me assassin.”

  The assassin strikes out in a single stream of energy against Carla’s shield. Carla’s shield holds as thousands of T-Challa charge in on Carla and Ella. Carla waves her arm in a nonchalant way, as the T-Challa are blown aside, but the assassin is able to maintain her position. The assassin strikes out against Carla’s shields again, but just as before Carla’s shield holds. Carla now annoyed at the psychic assassin looks directly into her mind as she tries to unveil her true image behind her masked psychic persona.

  Carla focuses her powers on the Assassin’s shields, and realizes the creature is weak and dying, as it uses all its energy to attack Carla.

  Carla yells, “Enough assassin! You are no threat to me. Yet you push yourself to no end. Endangering your own survival, and for what? You have no ability to hurt me.”

  The Assassin looks up and smiles as she says, “I only needed to keep you focused on me until my sisters could arrive.”

  Carla now realizes that the attack was a distraction, as she now senses dozens of psychic assassins surrounding them.

  Ella looks all about, seeing the horrific images these Condara assassins mask themselves behind. Ella carefully creates her own psionic weapons. A very long energy blade generates from her hands, and begin to spread outward from her. Carla looks around and takes a deep breath, as she knows what she has to do. She focuses on her connection with Ronin and she begins to merge her body with the ship, but as she does the assassins strike in unison each hitting her shield weakening it.

  The shield begins to collapse as Carla kneels down on one knee, trying to focus her powers as she waits for the boost that will come with her complete emergence within Ronin. Ella feeling the impending doom focuses her power on a single strike, and attacks one of the assassins through the shield. Her psionic blast hits the assassin, stunning it for a moment, and revealing her true image, that of a female Condara, and not just any Condara but a Condara that looks just like Ella.

  Ella surprised, stands up, and removes her psionic helmet, revealing her true face and yells out, “Wait my sisters! Stop please!”

  The Assassins are shocked to see one of their own with Carla and give pause. The one that had originally been encountered speaks, “Why are you with this demon sister. She is what we have been given life to destroy, and you would aid her against your own?”

  Ella replies as Carla finally regains full power, “She is not our enemy. The false gods are our enemies. You have been lied to my sisters.”

  Then the one Ella struck down rises up, saying, “You have been contaminated by her powers sister. You are no longer one of us.”

  They once again attack Carla but this time Carla’s shield doesn’t diminish. It instead begins to grow, as Carla says, “I will not kill you, but I will teach you that the T-Challa Queen is not a god. She is an evil beyond explanation. I will now give you back your life and your freedom from her, but if you continue to fight me, then you do so from your own confusion, and stupidity.”

  Carla pulls in her psychic bladed. Focusing on each Condara, she uses her powers, absorbing their energy, as she enters all of their minds in a single motion, destroying the Meli piece inside each.

  Ella is terrified, seeing them all disappear from
the psychic realm. She cries out, asking, “Carla what did you do?”

  Carla motivated replies, “When I’m merged with Ronin completely, I can use my power without restraint. It gave me the ability to free your sisters from the Meli piece within them. I did not harm them, but I did give them something to think of. In each of them I showed them what I did, and why, and I let them know I could have just as easily killed them, but I didn’t. My hope is that they may see what it is I did, and that they may choose to fight for their freedom.”

  Ella lowers her head and says, “No Carla, the gods will know that the Queen's piece is no longer within them. They will be executed.”

  Carla pulls herself and Ella back to Ronin where Carla releases herself from Ronin, and sadly, turns to Abe, saying, “I did it your way Abe, and all I did was get Ella’s sisters killed.”

  Ella collapses in tears as Ismail goes to comfort her. Carla looks down, and lowers her head. She walks off the Bridge to the lift. Mohammed quickly jumps into the lift, just as the door closes. He puts his arm around her and asks, “My Little Flower, what is it that has upset you so?”

  Carla distraught, replies, “I thought I could be like my father. I thought I could save them, but all I did was get them all killed instead.”

  Mohammed pulls Carla to him, and looks her in her eyes, saying, “Child, I have known you since you were just a tiny thing, and always you have tried to do what is right. However, just as your father did before you, you must now accept that the actions of others are often beyond our ability to control.” Mohammed pauses as he asks, “You saved them, but you cannot be sure they are dead can you?”

  Carla, upset, replies, “Ella is right. The Queen will know I have removed the Meli pieces from her assassins. Now they will be killed. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Mohammed smiles and says, “No you weren’t Little Flower, for if you had you would have remembered it can take several days for the Queen to know anything within the psychic plane, especially when it is far away from her. Now try and remember that although these pieces are dead, we are still far away from her. So my child, we still have a chance to save Ella’s sisters.”


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