Be My Love Song

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Be My Love Song Page 3

by Sable Hunter

  “Magpie, you’d better check what’s in the oven, I smell something!”

  “Dang it,” Maddie muttered as she swooped out and skidded across the wooden floor on her stocking feet. “It’s my rosemary roasted potatoes. Smell good, don’t they?”

  “Yes, you can cook. One of your few redeeming qualities. Don’t brag.”

  Madeline snatched the oven mitts and pulled out the hot cookie sheet. “Perfect.” Setting the aromatic side dish on the top of the stove, she turned to look at Morgana and her jaw dropped. “Oh, my God.” Her sister was dressed to the nines with a skin-tight dress and four inch stiletto heels. Her cleavage was eye-popping and the dress was short enough to be classified as a bib. It was obvious her sister was dressed to tempt a man. And the only man she’d see tonight was the one Madeline had hired for her own sake. “And this,” she gestured at her sexy sibling, “is why I’m an old maid. You can never resist playing with another person’s toys.”

  Her chastisement didn’t seem to faze Morgana. “Don’t blame me for your short-comings. This…” she let her hands flow down her body, “is just the way I look. I can’t help because I’m sexy.”

  Throwing her hands up, Madeline decided she was going to fight for what she wanted—or what she’d rented. “Fine. May the best woman win.” Rod Long/Weston Rogers wouldn’t know what hit him by the time she was through turning on the charm—and the cash.

  Outside…West took a moment to study the Windswept. He smiled. Now, he understood her enthusiasm. This beautiful Victorian lady was definitely worth protecting. Quickly, he bounded up the steps and opened the double decorative doors. The moment he stepped into the lobby, he felt a sense of peace and homecoming. He hoped they could come to terms, Weston wanted the job.

  Walking to the desk, he touched the bell, summoning the clerk. Only a few seconds passed before a hot, sexy little cutie came to his call. “May I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m Weston Rogers, here to see Miss Cross.”

  Elaine winked at him. “Go right up. Take the elevator. She’s on the top floor. Miss Cross is expecting you.”

  “Thanks.” West nodded and headed for the elevator.

  A few minutes later, another handsome man came through the door. Elaine brightened up. “How may I help you?”

  “I’m Watson Rodriguez,” he mumbled, “or something. I’m here to see the lady of the house.” Rod gave her a brilliant smile and a wink. “I’ve got lots to offer.” He held out his hands like he was the prize in a contest.

  Elaine pursed her lips. What to do? What to do? “You found her, sweet cheeks.” Madeline didn’t need but one of these hunks, she’d take the other one—no problem.

  * * *

  Knock. Knock.

  Madeline jumped. Morgana posed. He was here! Racing around to find her shoes, Madeline almost tripped getting them on her stocking feet. “Coming!”

  “You wish.” Her sister snorted.


  She threw open the door and there he was! Damn, he was good looking. He resembled Aaron Rodgers, the football player except his hair was longer. Jackpot! “Weston, I’m so glad to see you!” Madeline threw her arms around him, whispering in his ear. “Please, please, play along. I’ll give you a bonus if you do.”

  West was stunned. He’d been expecting a business meeting and he’d gotten a lover’s welcome. A dark-haired sprite had almost knocked him down. She was adorable and his body felt like celebrating as she pressed herself against him. He felt his manhood wake up and take notice. What was going on? Oh well, he’d play along until he figured out what the game was. “I’m glad to see you too…sweetheart.” Or at least parts of him were.

  “Madeline, introduce me to this good-looking hunk,” Morgana piped up from right behind her.

  “Sure, as soon as I welcome him properly.”

  West wondered if he had his holidays mixed up. This was more like Christmas. The sweet armful he was holding looked up at him with eyes full of hope and touched her mouth to his. Oh, so gentle—oh, so sweet—carefully, as if she expected to be pushed away. Her lips were so soft, she tasted like spun sugar. Something inside him thawed, warmed, and he couldn’t stop. He placed a hand on the back of her head to hold her in place and kissed her back. Carnal kisses, claiming kisses, kisses filled with erotic promise.

  Madeline held on and rode out the storm. Holy Moly! Her toes curled, her knees went weak and all of her feminine parts were singing the hallelujah chorus.

  “Ahem!” Morgana said loudly. “Pardon me!”

  West didn’t just stop, no. This was too good. He let his tongue slide along hers and kissed her once more—deeply—before winding down with a few tender touches to her mouth. He didn’t want this to end.

  Maddie felt boneless, like a limp noodle. She’d expected the heat of a tea candle and got the blast of a volcanic eruption. “Oh, my stars and garters.” She panted. Hugging him tightly one more time, she whispered again, “You’re worth every penny.”

  West was confused. Did that mean he had the job? His enthusiastic client moved a few inches away, yet she still held on to his hand as if she was afraid he’d make a run for it. “Weston, please meet Morgana Cross, my sister. Morgana, this wonderful man is Weston Rogers, my boyfriend.”

  Weston had been reaching for the blonde’s hand when the word ‘boyfriend’ waylaid him. WTF? He was just about to protest when the kewpie doll on his arm stepped between him and her sister.

  “Why don’t we sit on the couch? I’ll fix you both a drink.”

  Letting himself be led from the foyer to a comfortable, slightly cluttered living room, West couldn’t help but feel like he’d stepped through the looking glass. The centerfold was eyeing him like he was a cut of prime beef and his ‘girlfriend’ was busy making a comfortable place for him to sit on the couch. “Here, I’m sure you’re tired. You can put your feet on the ottoman and there’s a pillow for your back. Would you rather have a beer or a glass of wine?”

  “Uh, a beer would be good.” He eased himself down, and Morgana came to sit by him. She sat a little too close for comfort, considering he was ‘seeing’ her sister.

  Madeline came back carrying his beer and a glass of white wine for her sibling. Upon noticing their seating arrangements, she sighed and handed them both their drinks. West was surprised when she didn’t cause a fuss but sat in a chair catty-corner to the couch. “I’m so pleased you could come. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

  Dinner? “Actually, I brought the plans.” He pointed to the tube by the door.

  “Maybe your date is having second thoughts, Maddie?” Morgana drawled.

  “No, no.” She leaned over and patted his knee. “I made the beef tenderloin special for him. He’s just tired. You work hard, don’t you, sweetie?”

  Sweetie nodded slowly. “I like beef.”

  “So, tell me, Mr. Rogers.” Morgana tittered. “How did you two love birds meet?”

  Madeline squirmed in her seat. “We met—”

  “Let Weston answer.” Morgana was quick to interject, then she smiled at Weston. “If you don’t shush her up every once in a while she will drive you crazy.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you.” West was still feeling his way blindly. Something was definitely rotten in Denmark. He cleared his throat and then just decided to tell what he knew. “We met when she called to get an estimate on making some structural changes to the Windswept.”

  Madeline took a deep breath. He was good. “That’s right. He’s been very helpful. If I can afford his rates, we’ll be spending a lot of time together.”

  “You don’t get a lover’s discount?” Morgana sniped. “Or does he charge you more to make up for…the hardship. It can’t be easy trying to make an eyesore appealing.”

  Madeline blushed, knowing Morgana was speaking of her rather than Windswept. “Business is business, Morgana. I wouldn’t ever expect favoritism.”

  Trying to diminish the confusing tension in the air, Weston lifted his beer toward Mad
eline. “Aren’t you going to have anything to drink?” She was as nervous as a small deer in a room full of jackals. He swore he could see her trembling from where he sat. It was obvious he was playing some kind of role, he just hadn’t figured out why yet.

  “I’ll have something with dinner,” she answered with a kind smile. “Did you have a hard day, West? Do you feel all right?” Madeline asked him sincere sounding questions with big eyed innocence.

  “My day was pretty rough. I traveled over to Bolivar to check on a restaurant we’re building on the peninsula and the ferry was slow. I got stuck waiting at the dock for a half hour. But I feel good, I’m looking forward to the weekend.” She seemed satisfied with his answer, but her sister chimed in.

  “Do you two have big plans for Valentine’s Day?”

  He was about to bumble around and make something up when Maddie spoke up. “Oh, no. Tonight will be our celebration. Weston has other plans he couldn’t get out of.”

  “On Valentine’s Day?” Morgana asked snidely.

  “Uh, well, it’s complicated.” West couldn’t think of anything else to say. He wondered what kind of a boyfriend he was supposed to be if he’d made other plans for Valentine’s Day. And why did this cute little doll have to rope a stranger into pretending he was her date?

  “Ah, I see.” Morgana leaned forward, looking between the two of them, like she’d just caught on to their nefarious plans. “I understand, now. I was wondering how the Magpie was able to attract a stud like you. She’s not your girlfriend, admit it. You’re just working for her.”

  West spread his hands, not knowing what to say. He didn’t have a good enough imagination to weave a decent set of lies.

  When Maddie saw Rod appear as if he were about to cave, a flare of panic made her jump. “Don’t be silly, Morgana. Weston’s advising me, but he’s also making love to me at every opportunity. We can’t keep our hands off one another.”

  Before West could react to that startling revelation, his little handful had abandoned her chair and crawled right up into his lap. She gave him a smile, but her eyes had almost a pleading quality in their blue depths. With a light touch, she began to caress his chest.

  She certainly had West’s attention.

  Madeline was desperate. If she could just pull this off well enough to quell Morgana’s constant agitating, maybe she could find some peace. The only problem was—Maddie was enjoying it. She was attracted to this man. He was so different than what she’d envisioned. When she’d talked to Rod and pictured him, smarmy had been the word that would have best described what she had expected.

  But smarmy wasn’t what she’d gotten. This man, currently beneath her questing fingertips, was just about perfect. He was classy, sexy, ripped, and rugged. He also seemed to be kind and smart as a whip. Maddie found herself fantasizing about him, what it would be like if this were real. As if she was speaking straight from her dreams, this whisper slipped from her lips. “He’s a wonderful lover, Morgana. The best I’ve ever had.”

  A thin line separated West from reality. He was fast being drawn into whatever game this intriguing woman was playing. Hell, he couldn’t even keep his hands to himself. Stroking her back while she gazed lovingly into his eyes was an irresistible impulse. “And I can’t wait to do it again,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss her cheek. She seemed to brighten at the small gesture of affection.

  “Well, there’s no accounting for taste,” Morgana drawled. “Is dinner ready?” she asked with a bored tone.

  “Of course. Excuse me. I’ll just be a moment. You can seat yourselves at the dining room. Weston, I hope you enjoy it. Make yourself at home like always.”

  Madeline climbed from his lap and her sister looked pleased. She and West rose also. As soon as Maddie disappeared, Morgana made her move, coming right up next to Weston. Maybe she wasn’t as hungry as she pretended to be—at least not for food. “Hey, why don’t we skip out on Miss Muffet’s meal and catch some action down on the pier?” She rubbed her large breasts against him and if she didn’t pinch him on the thigh, he was a monkey’s uncle!

  “Ow!” he exclaimed and moved quickly toward the kitchen, escaping Morgana’s clutches. “Do you need some help, Madeline?”

  “Chicken.” Was the word he heard as he quickly left the room.

  West found Madeline dishing up a delicious smelling beef and several side dishes. “Oh, hi,” she greeted him. Dropping her voice to a whisper, Madeline stepped near. “I’m so grateful to you. This whole thing probably seems stupid to you, but I just wanted to do something that would shut her up for a bit. If she thinks I might have a man who’s interested in me, maybe she’ll move on and torture someone else for a change, pull wings off of flies or something.” She smiled apologetically.

  “I just wish I understood.”

  Maddie didn’t let him finish. “She’ll be gone tomorrow and I’ll owe you big time.” Turning, she bent to pull a gorgeous trifle from the refrigerator. West held out his hands, and she handed the dessert to him. “Anyway, thanks for everything.”

  For a few heartbeats, they stood, both holding the glass dish. It was a moment thick with emotion. She kept staring at his mouth. West halfway expected her to lean over and kiss him and he was a little disappointed when she didn’t. “I think we need to have a talk, Miss Cross.”

  If the truth were known, Maddie wanted to do more than talk. Her nipples were tightening into hard little buds. She let herself imagine what making love with him would be like. Heat rose in her face. Was she seriously considering paying a man to make love to her? Hiring one to have dinner with her was bad enough. With a bit of shame, Maddie found herself wondering if the amount she’d agreed to pay included any extras. Letting her eyes rove over his fine form, she could imagine that plenty of women would fork over money for Rod to have sex with them. If he did that type of thing, would he agree to do it with her? She felt so naïve and she certainly didn’t want to insult him by asking for more than she was due. But if she were to ever know what it felt like to…

  Oh, the thought was more than she could process!

  With a blush she let go of the dish and backed away. “Morgana will go to her room later. And we’ll talk when we go to bed.”

  As West watched her sashay out of the room, her delectable backside swaying, he picked his jaw up off the floor. “This is a sleepover?”

  Madeline didn’t answer. Apparently she hadn’t heard him. And to think just a little earlier he’d been expecting this to be a quiet weekend.

  Chapter Four

  “Pass the potatoes, please?” West held out his hand. “This is the best meal I’ve had in a long, long time.” His compliment was sincere and Maddie beamed.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

  They’d sat down at the small table and West had spent the time tiptoeing his way through some kind of minefield of the sibling rivalry variety. To shake things up, he decided to ask a couple of questions. “What’s it like living in a Bed and Breakfast?”

  Morgana took a long sip of wine, bit her lower lip, and wiggled her nose. “Don’t tell me you two have never talked about this before.” She waggled her finger between the two of them.

  This time West didn’t wait for Madeline to cover. He was catching on. Morgana was a bully, and the worst part was that her sister seemed resigned to it. Reaching across the table, he covered Maddie’s hand with his own. “When we’re together, we don’t do a lot of talking. And since you’re here,” he gestured to Morgana, “we have to be good. At least until we’re behind closed doors.”

  Seeing Madeline blush made his day.

  Morgana rolled her eyes, but her sister answered. “I enjoy living here. Truthfully, I meet so many wonderful people. We plan special activities for them, especially during the summer. Since Windswept has witnessed so much of the history of Galveston, we take a big role in many of the historical celebrations like Dickens on the Strand at Christmas, Mardi Gras or the historic homes tour. Now, this weekend wil
l be different.”

  “How?” West asked, sneaking another piece of beef.

  “I know.” Morgana laughed. “Most of the guests won’t get out of bed.” She lifted her wine glass. “This old building will be rockin’!”

  “Sounds like a good idea.” He winked at Madeline. “What’s your plans for Valentine’s, Morgana?”

  “My guy is picking me up on his yacht tomorrow. He’ll bring me flowers and candy, then we’ll dance in the moonlight and sail off into the sunset.” She twirled her glass and sighed.

  “Sounds perfect,” Madeline agreed. “We’re going to do our celebrating tonight. I have a surprise for Weston. A Valentine’s gift.”

  “I bet you do.” He teased back and also wondered how far she would take this. How far was he willing for it to go?

  “I do!” She got up and hurried over to a white buffet behind the dining table. West had no idea what was going on. He let his eyes rove over the surroundings—the Audubon prints, artistic photographs of shells, distressed white furnishings, blue rag rugs and pieces of sea glass arranged on a wooden tray. The room was like the woman—comfortable, warm, genuine and very pleasing to the eye. He saw her open a drawer and return. She handed him an envelope. “Madeline…I...” He started to say he couldn’t take a gift from her, but he feared exposing her to more ridicule. Oh well, the gift was probably as much of a sham as their date.

  “I hope you like it.” Today when she’d thought about the holiday and what couples did, she wanted to give Rod something to thank him for going the extra mile for her. He was so much nicer than she’d expected. If she didn’t know better she would have thought he really was Weston Rogers. When he pulled out the tickets, she tried to explain without explaining. “I thought any man who lived in Galveston would enjoy this.”

  West was shocked. He held in his hand a ticket to take part in the seamanship training aboard the tall ship Elissa, the oldest vessel still sailing the seven seas. “Wow. I can’t believe this.” He had wanted this chance forever and they were almost impossible to get. “I don’t know what to say.”


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