Forever My Love: A Contenporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 2)

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Forever My Love: A Contenporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 2) Page 11

by Gray, Jessica

  She heard him groan above her, “You’re driving me crazy, Kendra.”

  She reached around him, stroking both hands over his ass before squeezing him tightly. After a few seconds, she reached back around him and pulled his zipper down. Her hand pushed beneath the waistband of his boxers, searching for that part of him that had brought her so much pleasure last time.

  They were both on fire now, their need for each other raw and intense. She tugged at his pants and he pushed away from her to kicked them off in a hurry, removing pants and boxers in one movement. She inhaled his manly scent and felt her desire rise a notch again. His whole body was a turn-on. The sculpted abs. The biceps. The muscles in his thighs. His ass. And the magnificent example of maleness that was his. A wave of heat rushed through her; shocking her with its intensity. She hadn’t expected that she could become even hotter than she already was.

  Just looking at him drove her crazy with lust and desire. She needed him in her. Now. “I need you so much.”

  He looked into her eyes and with raw emotion in his voice, told her, “I love you.” With this declaration he took her left nipple into his mouth and teased it to a hard point. When he suckled her, she felt the shockwave through her entire body. In her lust fogged brain she forgot everything around her, except for his alternating between suckling her breasts and squeezing the hard tips.

  Just when she though she couldn't take his teasing anymore, he finally parted her legs and wedged his hips between her slick thighs. He brushed the tip of his shaft back and forth in her wetness before he slid inside her in one slow glide. It felt so good to be one with him. She didn’t think about their past or their future. She simply enjoyed the ride.

  The climax hit her forcefully, causing her to shake and tremble in his arms as he reached the orgasm with her. He held her for many moments, drawing out the pleasure until she was sure they were going to kill one another with passion.

  Then he finally relaxed his arms, rolling to her side and she snuggled up against his chest. A companionable silence settled over them and she closed her eyes to enjoy the moment.

  After a while, he stirred and then tipped her head up so he could see her eyes. He looked serious and then she realized why when he asked, “Are you going to run again?”

  She shook her head from side to side, “Only if it’s with you.”

  Her answer seemed to settle him. With a soft kiss on her forehead he asked, “Tell me what happened back in high school.”

  Kendra immediately tensed up. She’d known they'd have to have this talk sometime if they were to ever truly move forward in their relationship. But that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it!

  “Come on, Kendra. Talk to me. I thought everything was fine until you turned me down for the prom. Why did you do that?”

  “You hurt me.” She watched his face scrunch up as he tried to figure out how he’d done that. Taking pity on him, she filled in the blanks, “I overheard you talking to your friends in the hallway the day before you asked me to go with you to prom.”

  Ryan scoured his memory and his face clearly showed that he remembered the discussion in the hallway. “God, no wonder you turned me down. I would have turned me down too.”

  He shook his head with guilt and then cupped her chin and tipped her head up to meet his eyes, “Kendra, I was so stupid. Please forgive me. I was so concerned with what people thought about me back then, that I screwed up. I cared more about what my friends thought than I did protecting what we had.

  When they cornered me in the hallway, it was because one of them evidently saw us kiss. They couldn’t believe I would stoop so low and were teasing me relentlessly.”

  Kendra thought about his statement. He'd wanted to fit in just as much as she had. While his justification didn’t take the hurt away, she had to admit, that she'd probably have acted in the same way. The need to fit into a group is a powerful force.

  “Who did you take?” she couldn’t resist asking.

  “No one. I didn’t go. Without you, I'd lost interest in the prom.”

  Kendra nodded, uncommonly happy that he hadn’t gone to prom with some other girl.

  “When you turned me down, it devastated me. I holed up in my bedroom and only came out to go to school. I wouldn’t talk to anyone. For weeks. When I finally got up the nerve to talk to you again, it was only to find that you had left town.”

  “We moved two weeks after prom. My dad had gotten work in a state two thousand miles away. I always wanted to come back to Chicago, but I never made it back until I graduated from college and Percy’s offered me a job. I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too. I was so afraid of being hurt again; I’ve kind of let that one experience determine my actions in all of my relationships.”

  “When you called me, I realized that I was still in love with you.” Ryan looked at her, “You don’t think I would do that to you again?”

  “I did. That’s what made me kick you out. I’ve been so afraid that you'd break my heart again. I couldn’t take that risk. I’ve spent the last ten years trying to get over you.”

  “I won’t ever hurt you again. I promise.”

  Kendra looked into his eyes, “I believe you. And I promise I won’t ever run away from you again.”

  Several hours later, and making love two more times, Ryan and Kendra walked back out onto the deck. They were greeted once again by the uniformed staff who offered them dessert.

  Ryan helped her back to their table and they shared a piece of chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce on top. They took turns feeding each other bites of the delicacy. The past was forgotten and the future a bright light in the distance, beckoning them home.

  “So, I want you to come with me to my parents’ place next weekend.”

  Her first inclination was to come up with some excuse to get out of it. They'll hate me for breaking Ryan's heart. How can I go there and look into their eyes?

  It was as if Ryan could read her thoughts, because he put his arm around her and said, "They'll be thrilled to see you again. Especially my mother, she always liked you."

  She was in this for the for the long haul, so she'd have to meet his parents sooner or later anyways. “Okay. Any special occasion?”

  Ryan nodded, “It’s my mom’s birthday. All my siblings will be there and you might have fun seeing how everyone has grown up.”

  Kendra smiled and then nodded.

  “Sir?” one of the uniformed workers asked.

  “Now is good,” he shook his head.

  “Good for what?” she asked by his side.

  “For the motor boat to come back and get us. If that’s okay?”

  Kendra smiled, “I’m exhausted. Somebody wore me out tonight.”

  Ryan grinned at her and then led her out onto the deck while they waited for the small motorboat to arrive. She was exhausted, but happy. No not happy, deliriously overjoyed.

  Chapter 20

  Kendra fiddled with her hands and checked her lipstick in the small mirror for the hundredth time. It had been ten years since she'd seen Ryan's family, and while he'd assured her they'd be thrilled, she wasn’t so sure about that. She'd seriously considered playing sick, but that wouldn’t have been fair to Ryan. And to their relationship. She needed to meet his family sooner or later if they were to stay together.

  He gave her a look as he parked in front of his childhood home. “Ready?”

  “Sure,” she answered doubtfully.

  Ryan laughed, “They won’t bite. I promise. Now as for me, I make absolutely no promises about later.” He snapped his teeth at her, breaking the nervousness that had consumed her during the drive over.

  “Just remember I bite back.”

  “I’m counting on it.” He came around the front of his car, helped her out, and then led her inside. The whole family was gathering for the 60th birthday of Ryan’s mom, and she wondered if she'd recognize any of them. She had known them all back in high school, but that had been a decade earlier.r />
  Kendra had quizzed Ryan about his siblings the night before and she mentally rehearsed her facts again. Trevor, the oldest was a big shot divorce lawyer and his name was constantly in the papers. He was currently engaged to a delightful girl named Nicole, a radio moderator right there in Chicago. She loved Nicole Kendrick's talk shows and was enthusiastic to actually meet that woman in person.

  Ryan’s second oldest brother was Dean, who had met and was marrying a young woman with a small toddler. Melissa and Happy. What a cute name for a baby girl! Ryan had told her that Dean was the top expert in the field of entomology and held a professorship at Princeton. She'd cringed as he described some of the insects his brother had hanging in his study. I hope he won't bring any today. Dead or alive.

  Patrick was living at his parent's house for a few months, having returned from a recent photojournalist assignment outside in Afghanistan. Apparently his next stop would be Indonesia. She'd seen some of his photos and articles and was impressed. He must love his work a lot, to endure all those hardships. Traveling several months in Afghanistan doesn't sound attractive at all.

  Evan, the youngest of the brothers, had pursued his dream of becoming a professional ski racer. And a rather successful one. He was the odds-on favorite to win the overall championship next winter. Kendra remembered that even back then, he was thriving on speed, risk and danger. Adrenaline junkie, Ryan had called him. That's exactly what he is. He has that need to impress with daring actions.

  And then there was Samantha. Kendra had felt sorry for her growing up, being the only girl in a house full of boys. But soon she'd noticed that Sam had learned how to handle them like a pro. She's always been beautiful, and had become a model. A top model, no less. And according to Ryan she was over 6 feet tall. Well, finally another woman with my height. I wonder how she copes with it. But then, in the top model world probably everyone is that tall?

  Ryan escorted her into the living room where everyone was already gathered and laughing as they teased one another. “Hey, does everyone remember Kendra?” Ryan asked as they stopped in the doorway.

  Patrick was the first one to rush over and give her a hug, “Hey! I’m so glad you agreed to come. You look great!”

  “So do you! I saw your article about Afghanistan and it was terrific.” Patrick had been one year behind her and Ryan in school, and he looked like he was really enjoying life.

  Ryan’s mom was next, pulling her into a warm hug, “Thank you for coming, Kendra. It’s good to see you again.”

  Kendra accepted everyone’s friendly greetings, amazed that not one of his siblings had said anything unkind to her. She’d been worried to death that they'd despise her for having broken his heart. But no one was anything but kind and friendly to her.

  Dean came over next, towing Melissa and the most adorable little girl she’d ever met. “Hey, Kendra. Glad you could come. This is Melissa and her daughter, Happy.”

  Kendra shook the young woman’s hand and then squatted down to greet the little girl, “Hi. How are you?”

  Happy watched her for a moment and then must have decided she passed muster. She lifted her arms for Kendra to pick her up and she reluctantly did so.

  Trevor greeted her next and she was struck by how similar to Ryan he looked. Only he looks older. She’d always been a bit afraid of Trevor. He was six years older than Ryan, and had already been away at university when she and Ryan had gotten together. She’d only met him on a few occasions, when he’d been home for break, and he’d always impressed her as being a strict, no-fun sort of guy.

  Looking back on it, she realized he was probably just trying to deal with Ryan’s friends. They had been pretty rowdy and Trevor had always had lots of studying to do during his breaks. And he'd been studying law. She and her friends had been normal teenagers, but they had found more than their fair share of trouble. She’d heard him tell Ryan about how many laws he was breaking a time or two and wanted no part of one of those lectures being directed at her!

  You’re ten years older now. Smile and get on with your life! Trevor smiled at her warmly and then introduced her to Nicole. It was obvious by watching the way they acted towards each other that they were head over heels in love with one another. She smiled and finally handed Happy over to Ryan’s mom, Joyce.

  Evan rushed towards her and hugged her in a gushing embrace. He was three years younger to Ryan and a couple inches smaller, but had much broader shoulders. His hair was brown too, but definitely lighter than all of his brothers' hair. It showed light strands, probably from the constant exposure to sun and snow. She could see why Ryan had described him as 'dangerous for the female world'. He definitely looked good and that quirky smile must have the women gushing over him.

  Kendra though, was slightly confused. They'd never been close, but he embraced her like they'd been best friends. While she still tried to get her thoughts together, he released her and said. "You do know that I always had a crush on you, right? And when you and Ryan split up I'd always hoped you'd fall for me. But you never even so much as glanced at me."

  She blushed, not sure what to say. I hope nobody heart that! "You were three years younger than me!"

  He flashed her a mischievous smile. "So you're saying you're too old for me!"

  At that moment, Ryan put his arm around her waist and asked, "Who's too old?"

  She said, "Nobody. Evan just told me he likes older women."

  Ryan raised an eyebrow at his brother and gave him a warning stare. "Evan likes all women. But he knows that all our girlfriends are strictly of limits."

  After everyone else had a chance to greet her, she realized that Samantha wasn’t there yet. Tugging on Ryan’s arm, she asked, “Isn’t Samantha coming?”

  Ryan glanced around the room, “She must be running late. Don’t worry, she’ll be here.”

  Trevor dinged a fork against his glass, “Hey, if I could have everyone’s attention. I have an announcement to make.” He paused, waiting for everyone to stop talking and moving around. He smiled at his mom and dad and then reached over and pulled Nicole to his side, “Nicole has graciously consented to marry me.”

  Everyone burst into a mix of applause and cheers. Kendra was a regular listener to Nicole’s show and the Windy City had quickly become her favorite radio station. Now that she actually met her in person she felt like a groupie meeting her idol for the first time.

  Evan and his dad helped pour champagne for everyone, and that was when Samantha finally arrived. Everyone hugged her, and Ryan asked her about a man named Craig, but she only shrugged her shoulders and refused to answer any questions about him.

  Kendra didn’t immediately recognize her. She'd only been eleven or twelve when Kendra had left Chicago. Since then, she reached a height of 6’1” tall, and grown into an absolutely gorgeous looking woman. Ryan told me she was a model. What did you expect? Someone who was ugly?

  Kendra hugged her and was amazed at the sadness that poured off her. Whispering to Ryan, she told him, “Your sister is really unhappy about something.”

  Ryan nodded his head, “I know, but she won’t talk to anyone. Probably fighting with her boyfriend again. I hate that man. He's no good for her. ”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “Hey Kendra. I'm so glad to meet you. Come with me,” Samantha took her hand and pulled her across the room. She gathered Melissa and Nicole on her way as well.

  Kendra watched the eyes of the Armstrong men go from happy to wary in nothing flat. “Exactly what do they think we are doing over here?” she asked.

  Samantha smiled evilly, “Plotting their demise. I have been outnumbered for so long, and now with you three around, it’s time for a little payback. And to think, a year ago I was still all alone, but life is changing.”

  Kendra watched as Ryan was joined by both Trevor and Dean. Soon the men were slowly moving their group towards where the women were giggling and laughing, talking about girl's stuff.

  She pointed out their attempt to eavesdrop
to the other women, and a round of laughter ensued that had the men openly scowling at them now.

  “We have to stick together. We are the Girls Alliance.”

  “Hey, I like that,” Nicole commented.

  “Me too.” Melissa smiled at Dean who was holding a very rambunctious toddler in his arms.

  Samantha pointedly turned her back on her brothers and carried on as if nothing was wrong. “So, I was all prepared to like you, but now I’m not sure if that’s possible.”

  Kendra was alarmed, not knowing Samantha well enough yet to know she was joking. “I’m sorry?”

  Melissa laughed, “Don’t you dare be sorry. She’s just mad because you’re a tiny smidgeon taller than her.”

  Kendra laughed, “Really? By what, a fraction of an inch?” Kendra had never had someone be mad at her, or even pretend to be mad at her, because of her height. It felt good and she liked Samantha even more.

  “So, Nicole. I'm a big fan of yours. I listen to every episode of your radio show. It's fantastic!” Kendra offered.

  “Thanks. I have so much fun doing the show, sometimes I feel like I’m being paid to play all day long.”

  “That is so cool. I think I'd probably get all tongue-tied and have nothing to say.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’d do just fine. Most people are capable of far more than they give themselves credit for. How did you meet Ryan?”

  Samantha answered, “They knew each other back in high school. Didn’t you guys have a thing for a while?”

  “Kind of, but it ended because we were too young.” She really didn’t want to go into the details with Ryan’s sister and future sisters-in-law.

  “Well, it looks like you’ve recovered quite nicely.”


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