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Saved By A Billionaire Brit

Page 8

by Sandra Dee

  Thankfully, Rex fell silent for long stretches. I believe he was getting increasingly angry and suspicious. I spent the rest of the flight trying to improve his mood, but he didn't respond.

  When we began our descent into Paris, I was both relieved and nervous. I wanted to plan my every move, but there was massive uncertainty.

  I ran to the restroom while Rex and the bodyguard were waiting for luggage. As far as I was concerned, my part of the plan was over. All I wanted was Robert, but I couldn't phone him yet. I had to report to Sharon first.

  I was anxious about my safety and frantic to be finished with all the stress, so I shouted at Sharon, "Where is Eric? I haven't seen him. How do I get out of here? I need to get away from Rex as quickly as I can."

  "Eric watched you get off the plane. He contacted me when you landed. You have to stay with Rex for awhile because we still need you," Sharon replied. "It's very important to get him onto the next plane. We've talked to the French company and arranged for a pilot and crew. In fact, the bodyguard is going on to Brazil as the co-pilot. Just so you know, he isn't Anne's friend. He was always working for us. We considered telling you in Athens, but decided it was better to wait. Now it's time to give you the details. Part of his job is to distract Rex so you can slip away. Get as close to the new plane as you can before making a run for it. At least wait until you clear immigration. Watch for your chance." This was the first time I realized my job included fleeing. I had no idea how to do that. Now I was relieved that I left my heavy luggage in Greece. Even a purse and overnight bag seemed problematic if I had to run. And these shoes...

  I dialed Robert but his cell reception was blocked by walls or something. Had he managed to get to Paris in time or was he out of range? In the chunnel? I didn't want to put my fate in hands of invisible Eric.

  Rex was anxiously waiting for me when I emerged from the restroom.

  "What took you so long? We have to get to immigration. I called, and our plane is ready. Some salespeople are going to meet us here in the terminal and take us straight to the jet. We will meet the remainder of the crew and sign papers aboard."

  "Aren't we going to get food somewhere? I'm hungry."

  "It's a transatlantic trip, Alexa. The plane has a flight attendant, a galley, and plenty of food. This is a new life, remember?" His tone was insulting. Then he grabbed me by the wrist and jerked me so roughly that I almost dropped everything. I felt like a kidnap victim.

  Immigration was very, very crowded. Standing in long lines made Rex extremely anxious, and he started to mutter under his breath. There were endless papers to fill out and sign. It was wait, wait, wait and then hurry up. I was disoriented and simply followed everyone. When it was over, we rushed along faster than I could trot. I was trying to keep up and read the signs as we passed, but de Gaulle was the most confusing airport I had ever seen. It was impossible to gain any sense of location. Panic set in as I realized Robert would never find me in this maze. I couldn't get on the plane to Brazil!

  "Rex, stop for a minute. All this rushing is making my bladder hurt. I've got to go to the restroom again." Of course, it was only an excuse to phone Robert. I had no idea how far we were from the plane. I desperately needed to reach him.

  "What is going on with you? You just went to the restroom a few minutes ago. We need to hurry. I want to get on the plane now. This is taking too long." A vein was throbbing in his neck.

  "Calm down, Rex. Earlier you were talking about shopping and looking at art. Now I can't even stop to pee?"

  "I changed my mind," Rex hissed through clenched teeth. He squeezed my arm and put his mouth next to my ear. "If they suddenly decide to detain us, you are now an accessory to crime. Remember that while you are in the restroom."

  I pulled away from him and went to phone Robert. Inside, I immediately started to dial. Then I turned and realized Rex had followed me into the women's restroom!

  "Who the hell are you phoning? You've been lying to me. Just what are you trying to do?" He grabbed my left wrist again and twisted. I managed to hang onto my phone and shove it into the pocket of the travel bag. I hadn't seen Eric anywhere, and if I couldn't find Robert I was doomed. I was terrified Rex would take away my phone.

  When he pulled me back into the open terminal, he turned to give the money bag to the bodyguard. I assumed it was so he could get a better hold on me. I took the moment to pull away at a run. The heels were impossible, so I took two hops and left the shoes on the floor. With one hand I pulled the long strap on my purse over my head so I could wear it cross body. I could see a sign ahead indicating a route to another area. I wanted to shout for help, but suddenly realized local police might arrest Rex. That wasn't what Sharon wanted. I wasn't sure why, but it might have something to do with French extradition. So I just ran. Behind me I heard the bodyguard yelling at Rex.

  "Just guard the satchel with your life and watch the luggage," Rex shouted back. "I'll handle this. Stay here and wait for me."

  I was opening daylight between us during his pause, trying to follow the strange signs. They pointed straight ahead but the terminal ended abruptly in a wall. There was a huge open door to my left, so I veered outside along a fenced porch. I was shocked that the porch ended with a fence. Just beyond was a grassy area, like a lawn, and past that was another building. Unless I climbed the fence, it was a dead end.

  Behind me there were two or three people sweeping the porch.

  "How do I get to that building?" I pointed across the grassy area. I prayed one of them could speak English.

  "Just go back inside. On the other side of the wall you will see an elevator. The top floor has a sky bridge to that building." One man pointed, and the other man nodded.

  I ran back inside, around a wall to the elevator, and hammered the button with my fist. I could see Rex running toward me. At least I knew he didn't have a gun, but the thought didn't comfort me. Maybe if he got too close I could throw my travel bag at him. At last the elevator door opened, and I ran inside frantically searching for a button to close the door. When the door snapped shut, I slumped with temporary relief. I had no plan. I needed to attempt another phone call to Robert, but how was I supposed to do that while being chased by a madman? And where was Eric?

  I was trying to think calmly, but I began to wonder about stairs instead. Could Rex be running up the stairs? I hadn't seen any stairs, but I wasn't looking. Would the doors open to danger? I could stop the elevator and try the phone again, but as I was considering that plan, the elevator opened. And yes, there was a man standing there. The human brain sees what it expects to see, and I started to scream.

  "Alexa, Alexa. Don't be frightened. It's me, Robert."

  "Robert? You don't understand. Rex is chasing me. He is trying to drag me onto a plane and take me to South America. I think he would hurt me. In fact, he has already hurt my wrist." I stumbled forward and fell into Robert's arms. His body was the best thing I'd ever touched. My pounding heart was suddenly at home.

  "It's going to be fine. No one is going to hurt you. I already know Rex is chasing you. I was on the phone with Sharon and Eric. I knew where to find you because they were tracking you through the GPS on your cell phone, and Eric is following close behind."

  I couldn't let go of Robert. Feeling returned to most of my body. Then I heard the elevator moving behind me and the swish of opening doors. I flinched, expecting something to happen.

  Rex shouted, "Who the hell are you? Get your hands off my fiance or I'm going to make you very sorry."

  Robert pushed me behind him and faced his adversary directly. He didn't say anything immediately. Then Rex stepped out of the elevator.

  Robert spoke softly, "Don't come any closer. Stand where you are. You need to realize that I grew up in Africa, and sometimes I had to deal with physical violence. And I will die before I let you touch Alexa."

  "I don't think you could stop me. I know enough about airports to know you don't have a gun. She is coming with me, so get out of the way."r />
  "I don't need a gun. If you start a fight and then drag Alexa through the airport, everyone will notice. You might be interested to know that I have law enforcement with me. In fact, they sent me here. There is an officer watching you as we speak, and he does have a gun. They're willing to let you go without incident if you leave Europe immediately. We all know you have a plane waiting, and I urge you to turn around and board it straightaway. There is no reason to force Alexa. I promise that will result in your arrest, but if you insist on fighting, give it a go. I am keen to beat the bloody hell out of you."

  Rex mumbled some curses and stepped back into the elevator. I lost the strength to stand, and Robert had to hold me. I wanted to sit down, but he wanted to move quickly away from danger.

  "How far is your car?" We started across the elevated walkway, and I looked down to realize some kind of highway or railway bisected the airport.

  "It isn't far to the aeroplane," Robert answered.

  "I don't have a ticket, unless Sharon bought one for me."

  "You don't need one. It's my aeroplane. Well, it really belongs to my mother, but she doesn't use it anymore. Mum leases the plane to the charity when needed. We are on the way to Kenya, along with two cargo planes filled with supplies and medicine. They topped off our petrol while I was looking for you, so the planes should be ready. John is on one of the other planes, and I sent him to find more food and snacks. I thought you might be hungry."

  "Alexa, I have a confession to make. My family is the major contributor to the charity. I'm not only the charity director; I'm a philanthropist. I haven't dated anyone in the U.K. recently because my status is well known there. My only serious girlfriend was an heiress. I hope you are not offended because I didn't offer up my pedigree and financial standing earlier. It's hard to discuss without sounding like I have an ego problem, nor is it a good opening move for courtship. Can you forgive me?"

  I was too shocked to say anything as we walked along. He was practically carrying me. I suppose he had offered clues: a house in the Lake District and membership in a London club. The earrings he bought for me in Greece were probably black diamonds. At the time I missed the hints because I didn't know much about English society.

  The pilot met us at the foot of a rolling stairway. I was almost too weak to climb the steps, even with two men helping me. Once again I was shocked. This time it was the size of the plane. Robert settled me onto a large sectional sofa in the center of the plane and tucked a blanket around me.

  "This is the living room?" I asked. He leaned over and kissed me gently.

  "Yes, we Brits call it a lounge, but I often ride somewhere else when we deliver charity supplies. I usually need this large area to carry as much cargo as possible. There is also a bedroom, a galley, a loo with a shower, an office, an employee lounge, and cargo space. Since you are on this trip, I limited the cargo to the office and storage areas. You and I have the main lounge, a loo, galley, and bedroom. There is a seatbelt, so buckle up because we'll be in the air in few minutes."

  I lay back and closed my eyes. Robert's phone rang, and after the conversation I heard him giving orders.

  "Hold the plane. Don't close the door. Someone is coming onboard."

  When I opened my eyes, Sharon was walking across the cabin.

  "I hope I'm welcome here. Have you forgiven me?" Her tumbled hair looked like an aura. She still needed some blonde streaks.

  I managed a weak smile.

  "I know you must be exhausted, but I thought it would give you peace of mind to know what is happening. Rex's plane is already on the runway. He won't escape. Thanks to you, we hired the pilot, and our bodyguard made it on board as the co-pilot. Rex thinks the plane is en route to the Caribbean and then Brazil. When he steps off the plane, he will be in New York instead, and the FBI will be there to arrest him. Rex can never bother you again. You did a great job. This was a win/win for all of us. Just so you know, I did everything to keep you safe. You are still my best friend. Should I send your money to England?"

  I held out my hand, but Sharon leaned over and hugged me instead. I wanted to feel something, but I was still too stunned.

  "In a few days when you've recovered, you will absorb all that happened. I hope you can be happy then. Looking around at all this, I'm fairly sure you will be more than happy. I'll get the address from Robert so we can send your check, but we won't give your location to anyone. Watch the American newspapers. The arrest will probably make the news."

  "Thank you, Sharon. I'm certain you will be very successful in your new career. In fact, you're a hero."

  "So are you. It took a lot of courage to do what you did in the midst of all that confusion. I know what it is like to be brave in the face of fear."

  She spoke briefly to Robert and then dashed down the stairs. I was asleep before the cabin door closed.

  Chapter Ten

  I'm not sure if I woke up briefly after the plane took off or if I had a dream. Paris was spread out against the dark sky like jewels on black velvet. I remember the lights up and down the Eiffel Tower and how impressive they were. In my dream Robert was kissing my neck while I slept. I was thankful for the blanket because I left Santorini wearing a sun dress with tiny straps. The Paris night in late summer seemed frosty.

  An hour or two later I awoke in a lazy fog and heard that sexy British accent.

  "I fancy cutting the straps on your dress and rolling down the top to look at those gorgeous nipples. Are you awake yet? If you aren't, I might do it anyway. I often stay awake at night wanting your breast in my mouth. You can sleep while I suck. Then when you wake up, I can finish your dream. I'm about to explode."

  I giggled about how different I felt. This was almost the same conversation I had a few hours ago with another man on another plane.

  I heard Robert unbuckle his seat belt and get up. I opened my eyes. "Where are you going?"

  "I talked myself into cutting those straps. I'm going to the galley to get some scissors or a knife."

  "Wait, you don't need to do that."

  "But it sounds like so much fun."

  "Robert, turn around. The straps tie behind my neck." I reached under my hair and untied the bow. The dress didn't fall down because there were bands of elastic above and below my breasts. I started pulling the top down slowly. Robert didn't move. Seconds later I could feel the cold breath of the air conditioner on my nipples. They began to react, tightening into circles. As the nipples began to point upward, my breasts swelled. I watched Robert's face light up like the Paris night.

  "I thought you were braless, but that seemed too good to be true. My fantasy has become a reality." He hurried back to the couch and grasped me by both breasts. Then he fingered the nipples and bent to lick each one in turn, making them even tighter. When he finished admiring them with eyes and tongue, he pulled a nipple far into his mouth, then stopped for a moment and looked at my face.

  "Was that too hard? Did it hurt?"

  "If you call that hurt, I want you to hurt me. And keep on hurting me. But should I be naked in here? Will someone come in and see me, see us?"

  "No one will come in. But if they do, they better pretend it didn't happen. I can't wait any longer."

  "Are you a bit of an exhibitionist?

  "Isn't everyone? Don't you have any secret longings? I suppose I might like to spend summer solstice nude in the moonlight of an ancient stone circle. Would you like to be there with me? Is that the sort of thing that might excite you? Right now it is just a fantasy, but I hope to satisfy another fantasy. I never realized until now, but apparently I've been dying to make love to an FBI agent on my aeroplane. You're such a surprise, a woman of many talents."

  "I'm not exactly an agent. My real title is informant, although it seems I did a bit more than informing. But so did you. My whole mission would have been a failure without you. Now I have another surprise for you."

  By that time Robert was sucking even harder on my other breast. I pushed him off the nipple, and it s
tretched out like a rubber band. I pulled a scarf belt from my waist and knotted it around Robert's wrists, tying one hand to the other. I pushed him against the back of the couch, leaving the top of my dress bunched around my waist. There was some kind of service table just behind the sofa. He lay back on the soft pillows while I lifted his hands above his head and tethered them to part of the table. I worked on his belt and slacks and was quickly rewarded with moisture down the entire length of his shaft. When he was exposed and bound, I straddled his lap.

  He gasped when he realized I was rubbing my bare skin across his erection. He had no idea I was totally naked under my dress. That resulted in a splash of love juice as I slid back and forth. It was so wet. When he arched his back, he slipped in and out easily. After a few minutes I slid down his shaft with such passion he shouted.

  "Oh, Robert. It feels so big when I sit on you." Actually I was on my knees bouncing up and down on him. I knew from the moaning he wouldn't be able to resist much longer. He was trying to clench and pull back his hips to make it last, but it didn't work. I love making a man lose all control, and he did. It was too easy. I had the advantage because it was the first time I had attacked him so aggressively. We joined the mile high club half naked in the main cabin of the plane. I wasn't expecting it so quickly, but I came too.

  Afterward, I had to look for the bathroom, but I came back with a towel for Robert. He hadn't moved.

  "You will have to untie me. And that was the most mind-blowing sex I've ever had. I've never been tied up before tonight."

  I smirked, "I've never tied anyone before. You are meeting the new Alexa. I think we will enjoy getting acquainted again. In fact I'm getting to know myself all over again. I'm going to take a quick shower while you find the snacks John brought aboard. I'll meet you in that bedroom I haven't seen yet. Leave the door open so I can find it." I began to wonder what to use for sleepwear. I had two clean dresses, the sun dress I was wearing, and no lingerie. I grabbed my travel bag and purse.


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