Sky Hunter

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Sky Hunter Page 17

by Fae Sutherland

  “See, miss, there’s a ship in a location I’m not keen to reveal just now, and this device here—” he shook his sleeve back to reveal the remote sewn into the cuff, “—it’s had your palace security system recording and sending it all to that ship’s system for safekeeping. Everything for the last, oh, ten minutes or so, preserved for posterity.” Rain chuckled. “Or prosecution, either one.”

  Kalar’s jaw dropped and she turned her fury on Jadi. “You’ll never get out of this palace alive. There won’t be anyone to find that footage. My men are everywhere!”

  “Not everywhere, actually.” Leven gave Kalar a cold smile. “As we speak, men loyal to me have taken over the base—and others across the planet—and are prepared to lay siege on this palace if my nephew and I do not contact them within the next twenty minutes. So, yes, feel free to kill us all if you can, Kalar. How long do you suppose your support even amongst your own men will last when they see their fellow soldiers fighting you, when you slaughter myself, my nephew and total strangers in cold blood?”

  Even as Leven spoke, the guards holding weapons on Gale and the others began to waver, glancing at each other as if to assess if anyone else was going to put theirs down and give them all the excuse to do so.

  “One press of the button, Kalar, and this footage gets sent two places. First, to Shengo, who I’m sure will be very interested to know that you’ve been using him like a two-credit whore. And to every broadcast satellite in Hadrian airspace. I’m sure the citizens will be very interested in what you’ve had to say.”

  Kalar’s face went pale an instant before it turned nearly purple with rage. Jadi half expected her to explode with it. Instead, she clenched her jaw so tight it must be on the verge of cracking. “And the alternative?”

  “Did I give the impression there was an alternative? Oh no, Kalar, there’s no ‘Option B’ in this scenario. You’re finished. Gentlemen, I suggest you put your weapons down.”

  Kalar’s guards didn’t hesitate, weapons dropping and their hands rising in surrender. Leven gestured to Gale, who strode forward with an almost gleeful grin on his face and yanked Kalar’s arms behind her back, securing her wrists with a working pair of cuffs.

  Gale’s men rounded up the rest of Kalar’s guards, all of whom, upon learning she’d been deposed, were more than willing to give up their arms rather than pay the ultimate price defending a cause that was now dead in the water.

  Leven turned and met Jadi’s gaze. “You’ll send that file to Shengo? I imagine he’ll be getting the hell out of our airspace once he realizes there’s no gradium or money coming his way not to mention the C.O.P. is on their way.”

  Jadi glanced over his shoulder at Rain. “Yeah?”

  Rain nodded, tugging on Torin’s arm. “Yeah, we’ll handle it. In fact, we’re going to head for the spaceport. We figured you’d want to stay for a while, maybe? You can just send us a comm when you’re ready and we can swing back by to pick you up.”

  Jadi wasn’t a hundred percent sure that was his plan, but Rain and Torin disappeared before he could decide. He met his uncle’s eyes and smiled with a sigh. “Well, this is over.”

  Leven gave him a warm look. “You could stay, Jadikira. This is your birthright.” He waved at the throne Kalar had vacated.

  Jadi hugged him. “I don’t want it, Uncle. And that makes me the wrong person to rule. The people need someone who wants to lead, who has it in his blood, and that’s not me.” He let out a breath. “That’s you. I don’t know what kind of legality there is to it, but I relinquish my throne to you. I know you’ll do what’s right for the people. And my cousins will one day make fine kings themselves.”

  Leven held the embrace for another moment, and for the first time in a long time, Jadi had his family again. One who could maybe accept him for the person he was, not hold against him the person he’d chosen not to be.

  The hall was soon flooded with people, both dignitaries and military, and in the crush, Jadi found himself face-to-face with Dagan. He didn’t know what to say, so he just reached up and wrapped his arms around Dagan’s neck.

  “Thank you.” He did know what to say after all. “For everything.”

  Dagan’s big hands were strong and steady on Jadi’s back. “You don’t have to thank me.”

  Jadi’s heart clenched. No, of course not. Dagan had just done his duty. Jadi pulled back. “Still.”


  Whatever Dagan had been about to say was lost when, out of nowhere, a young woman burst from the crowd and darted toward him. Jadi recognized her immediately. Dagan’s sister, Lira. Several small children were with her, and they clambered around Dagan’s legs as Lira clung to him and cried.

  This was why Dagan had helped. To get his life back. His honor. His family. Jadi didn’t doubt that he’d been a part of it, but there’d never been any question about Dagan’s motivations. So what if Jadi’s childish heart had come up with a few fantasies about what might happen after? Reality trumped.

  He gave Dagan a small smile, and backed up a bit. “I have to go. Goodbye, Dagan.”

  He didn’t even know if Dagan heard him in the commotion, and he didn’t linger to find out, turning and disappearing amid the crowd. Annie was waiting. He needed to catch Torin and Rain before they caught the next shuttle to Acorra to pick the Ansata up.

  He didn’t look back.

  * * *

  “I told him goodbye.” Jadi yanked off his coat and threw it across the engine room, turning to run his hands lovingly over Annie’s engine shell. “Hey, girl. Did ya miss me?”

  “And he just let you leave?”

  Jadi shrugged, tugging open the compartment flap and letting out a soft sigh of pleasure at the sight of the bare engine within. It’d been years since he’d touched his girl, seemed like. “I didn’t give him much say. Because he doesn’t have any say.” Rain looked like he was about to say something else, and Jadi let out a frustrated sigh. “Can we just go already? I’m sick of being on the fucking ground.”

  Rain threw his hands up. “Fine. I swear, you’re worse than Torin was.”

  Jadi sighed in relief when Rain stormed out of the engine room, hopefully to go get in the damn driver’s seat and get them off this rock. Dagan had gotten what he wanted and now Jadi was getting what he wanted.

  All’s well that ends well, right?


  “Shengo’s gonna slice ya from nose to dick when he finds out you all were involved in blowing that deal for him.” Killian snorted in amusement, long legs stretched out in front of the fireplace of his and Neith’s small, cozy house. “If he don’t already know, that is.”

  Torin laughed. “What’s one more person gunning for our asses out there? Goes with the job, you know that.”

  Jadi couldn’t seem to bring himself to join in on the conversation and ribbing, despite how long it’d been since they’d gotten the chance to stop by Nephele to see Killian and Neith. It’d been weeks since Hadrian and he just wasn’t himself.

  Apparently, it was obvious too, because a minute later Killian stood up and nudged Jadi’s shoulder lightly. “C’mon an’ talk to me, kiddo.”

  Cookie was maybe the only person in all of the In-Between who could still get away with calling him that. Even Torin didn’t anymore. Jadi pushed to his feet and followed Killian outside. The sun was going down and he smiled, leaning against the porch railing as the sky turned all golden and purple. “Sure is pretty here. You guys doin’ okay?” He glanced over his shoulder at Killian.

  Shrewd green eyes met his. “I oughtta be askin’ you that, I think. Yer awful quiet.”

  Jadi shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  Killian gave him an amused ‘I am so not buying that load of shit’ look. “Tell me another one.”

  “Christ, you’re such a nosy old biddy.” Jadi laughe
d softly and then sat down in one of the porch chairs, shrugging again. “I miss him.”


  “Yeah. It’s stupid. I barely thought about him—I mean, okay, I did think about him before, but now it’s like he’s just living up here.” He tapped his temple lightly. “And it’s driving me crazy.”

  Killian gave him a knowing smile. “Yer in love, kiddo.”

  Jadi scoffed. “Not a chance.”

  “Oh, it’s more’n a chance. Yer head over arse for that man and I ain’t even hadta see you together to know it. Torin and Rain know it too. When are you gonna admit it?”

  Jadi wrinkled his nose. “That’s stupid. He just wanted his life back, not me. And that’s fine, I’m happy he got what he wanted. I just want to forget him but it’s not working.”

  Killian smiled like he knew some big secret. “Uh-huh. ’Cause you’re in love, dumbass.”

  “Look, just because you went and got all domesticated doesn’t mean everybody’s gonna. I am not in love!”

  “That’s too bad.”

  Jadi frowned. “Why?”

  Killian shrugged. “’Cause he’s here.”

  It was like being whacked in the face with a whiskey bottle midbarroom brawl. Jadi was very glad he was sitting down. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Been here a week now, waitin’ on you to show.” Killian pushed to his feet and nodded down the deserted street. “Surprised you didn’t notice his ship at the spaceport.”

  Jadi’s jaw dropped as Killian disappeared back inside. He surged to his feet, turning in the direction of the spaceport. Dagan was here? Why was he here? Killian was right, Jadi hadn’t even noticed Little Bird at the spaceport. Why would he have? The idea that Dagan would be here on Nephele was absurd.

  By the time he caught up to his racing thoughts, Jadi was halfway down the road to the port, determined to confront Dagan and send him home once and for all. So what if his stomach was doing somersaults at the idea of seeing him again? That didn’t matter.

  But he came. He came this time.

  Jadi tried his best not to let the joy swell up inside him just yet, but oh, it was hard. He hit the spaceport running, turning in a circle in search of Little Bird. Sure enough, there it was, sleek little ship barely five spots down from Ansata. Clear as day. Was he the only one who hadn’t noticed it? Had Torin and Rain known?

  He stomped up the ramp to the bay door and pounded on it. When that got no response, he went over to punch at the keypad on the door panel, trying to remember the code to open it.

  “Zero one star three zero P.”

  He spun on his heel and came face to...well, face to chest with Dagan mere inches away. “Oh.”

  Dagan’s lips quirked. “Yes, oh. Do you want to come in?”

  Jadi hesitated, heart still racing. “Yeah.”

  Dagan punched in the code and glanced over his shoulder as Jadi followed him inside, the bay door sliding shut behind them. “You’re awfully terse. Something wrong?”

  Jadi frowned, waving his hand impatiently. “What is all this? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, doing something like reclaiming your life back home? Or, like, hunting some new bounty at least?”

  Dagan leaned his hip against the control console. “Nope. I’m no longer a bounty hunter. As for reclaiming my life, that’s what I’m doing.”

  Jadi’s breath hitched and a split second later he called himself a fool for even thinking that meant what it sounded like it meant. Did it? Christ, he wanted it to. “You’re not making any sense.”

  “No, I’m aware of that. Sense kind of flew out the window a long time ago, Jadi. Right around the time I realized I was in love with you. Then you disappeared again and I wasn’t going to let that happen a second time. Stop running from me, Jadikira.”

  Jadi stared at him, eyes wide and tried to figure out why it’d just sounded like Dagan said he was in love with him. Because that was so not possible. “Have you lost your mind?” was what came out, and he cringed inwardly. What a lovely response to a declaration of love.

  Dagan just grinned though. “Maybe. Probably. But at least I’m not the only one.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that you love me too. So I’m in good company, I guess. Speaking of good company, I like your Cookie a lot. He kept me very entertained with tales of your exploits while I waited for you to show up.”

  Jadi’s jaw dropped. “That gossiping old lady! Whatever he told you is only fifty percent true. Maybe less.” He was going to kill Cookie.

  Dagan laughed and stepped closer, one arm sliding around Jadi’s waist. “I notice you didn’t deny it.”

  “Deny what?” He was finding it hard to breathe with Dagan so close.

  “That you love me.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to do just that. “I guess I didn’t. Weird.”

  Dagan laughed softly. “Yeah, weird. Except not really.” And then he kissed him and Jadi forgot all about giving Dagan a piece of his mind. Why bother, when Dagan already had the whole of his heart. Fuck, he hated when Cookie was right.

  “Jadi!” Torin’s voice exploded out of his comm unit and Jadi jerked back from the kiss. He grabbed the unit out of his pocket and held up a finger to Dagan, who just grinned and kissed it. “Kinda busy here, captain.”

  “Yeah well, get unbusy because we just got word on a job and if we want it we gotta get there ASAP. Can you get Annie ready?”

  Jadi grinned, adrenaline whooshing through his veins. “Annie’s always ready to dance. Oh, and Captain?” He grabbed Dagan’s hand and met his eyes in question. Dagan nodded and Jadi grinned wider. “We’re gonna have company.”

  * * * * *

  Find out how it all began with Sky Riders, available now!

  Sky Riders

  Mercenary Captain Torin Covell needs a man who knows his way around a cockpit. Ace pilot Rain needs to get the hell off-planet. Thrown together by chance, the two men form a wary partnership.

  Torin has every intention of dumping Rain at the next moon, despite his intense attraction to the hotshot. In his line of work he can’t afford to trust anyone, especially someone as infuriatingly charming and naïve as Rain. But first, he’s got a mission to complete.

  What Rain wants, Rain gets. And what he wants is Torin, any way he can get him. The gorgeous captain isn’t making it easy, and the two are quickly embroiled in an erotic battle for supremacy. But when Rain discovers that he’s not the only one in pursuit of Torin, he demands to know exactly what sort of “job” he’s signed on for...

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  About the Author

  Fae Sutherland has always dreamed of being a published author, starting her writing career off at age 11 with a series of stories she charged her classmates a dollar to read. She has since progressed to more serious writing, though always keeping that dash of irreverence and fun (and a hell of a lot more heat!). Also, she charges just slightly more than a dollar now.

  Fae is perhaps best known for her books co-written with fellow M/M romance aficionado Marguerite Labbe. Together they are the award-winning, bestselling authors of many novels, novellas and short stories. Currently, Fae is focusing on solo work and has a multitude of upcoming books in the pipeline.

  When Fae’s not working on new stories to make her readers sweat, she loves website design, spending too much time on Twitter, and watching oodles of Food Network with her beloved life partner. If there’s any time left over, it’s spent snuggling the cat.
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  ISBN: 9781426895852

  Copyright © 2013 by Fae Sutherland

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