Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 1

by Robert Iannone

  Sisterhood’s End

  The Complete Three Volume

  4th Adventure of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  © Copyright, 2016, by Robert Iannone

  All Rights Reserved.


  Tend to My Ring

  Heart and Soul


  Book 1, Sisterhood’s End

  Another Novel of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  Copyright 2014, by Robert Iannone

  All rights reserved

  (Book & Illustrations)

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – The Big Cheese

  Chapter 2 – Seven on Seven

  Chapter 3 – Magical Mystery Tour

  Chapter 4 – Hobgoblin

  Chapter 5 – Another Sister

  Chapter 6 – Peekaboo

  Chapter 7 – Parents in Panic

  Chapter 8 – Me and My Shadow

  Chapter 9 – The Cheese Stands Alone

  Chapter 10 – Unjust Reward


  A half hour later, the story was over. Ezra had not said a word as he took in the unbelievable tale. Had he not seen the girls materialize out of thin air for himself, he would have left and never looked back.

  Egg stood up. “Ring, tend to my suit,” and the grey fog enveloped her. When it cleared, there stood Flying Girl.

  “Wow. Those were the words you spoke when you made me look away.”


  “May I see the ring?”

  “Sorry, no. I never take it off.”

  “I understand.”

  “So, Ezra dear. In an hour, you will forget having seen Egg as flying girl as I explained. However, tomorrow . . .,” but he cut her off.

  “Eloise, I saw her in this . . . flying suit almost four hours ago when she first popped out of thin air. I didn’t forget that.”

  “How weird is that?” asked Egg to no one in particular.

  “Oh my.”

  “What Grammy?”

  Sylvia, of course, understood immediately. “He’s got Dazzle’s DNA. He’s one of her descendants.”


  “Epic?” asked Ezra.

  “It’s a perfectly good word.”

  “Well, this certainly changes everything, Egg.”

  “Yes, Grammy.”

  “Tomorrow after your parents leave, I think we should take Ezra to meet his great, great, etc. grandmother.” It would work out perfectly – maybe her last visit to Aerianna, with the man she loved and before the Empress arrived. Nice.

  “You’re going to take me a trillion miles to Aerianna?”

  “Yes, we are. Would you like that?”

  “Epic,” he replied with a rather large grin.


  The Graystone’s left around noon. “When are you guys heading back?” asked Egg’s mom.

  “Probably this time tomorrow, possibly the day after,” answered Grammy. “Do me a favor and drop this in a mail box. Before you ask, it’s a letter to Ashley.” She wanted to thank her other granddaughter for warning her about the surprise visit and to let her know they were going back to Aerianna for a quick visit.

  Mrs. Graystone took the letter. “Okay, but don’t leave any later than that. Egg and Sylvia start school this week.” She turned to Ezra. “Wonderful to meet you. Dinner was delicious, the stories were fascinating and . . . and, well it was nice to meet you.”

  Ezra walked up and gave Mrs. Graystone a kiss on the cheek then shook Mr. Graystone’s hand. “Drive safely.”

  The car pulled out of the driveway with a honk. When it was out of sight, Grammy suggested to Egg, “Why don’t you change, dear.”

  “Ring, tend to my suit,” and presto change-o she was Flying Girl.

  “Love that trick,” said Ezra.

  “Then you might like this one,” and Egg grabbed his hand and leapt skyward. In a blink of an eye, they were higher than the clouds. “Grammy said you once had a flying suit.”

  Ezra was brave and daring . . . but being up a few thousand feet with just the hand of a teenage girl to keep him from falling to his death took all his courage. After a moment, he realized two things. He was probably squeezing Egg’s hand too hard and she had asked him a question. “Sorry,” he said as he loosened his grip – but just a little.

  “I said I heard you had a flying suit.”

  “I thought I did. But compared to yours, it was just a Halloween costume.”

  Egg headed back down and they landed where they had started.

  “Did you have fun?” asked Grammy.

  “Once I stopped being scared. So this was your suit? This is how you used to fly?”


  “Eloise, you are the most amazing woman I have ever known.” Then he added “Thank you for sharing all this with me.”

  “I hope you can now understand the secrecy?”

  “Of course. But times a wasting. I really, really want to meet a dragon . . . just to complete this fairy tale.”

  “What about a Queen, a sea serpent and a floating city?”

  “Yeah, that too.”

  “How about Max?” asked Egg.

  “He’s all set with water and food. He can manage for a few days without any problems.”

  “Then take my hand,” and a moment later they were on the balcony of Q’umulus.

  Like all Earth visitors before him, Ezra just stared in total disbelief.


  No answer.

  “Ezra, dear.”

  No answer.

  “Do you think he’s dead?” teased Egg.

  “I certainly hope not. Ezra?”

  “I’m . . . I’m . . . good grief. This is spectacular.”

  “It does have a certain charm,” responded Grammy with pretend indifference.

  “Syl, why don’t you let Dazzle and Meggy know we’re here. In the meantime, Grammy wants me to take them to the Hameggattic museum place.”

  “Okay. See you in a bit.”

  But before they could move, a dozen Sentinels came marching out . . . encircling them. That had never happened before.

  “What’s going on?” asked Ezra alarmed by the lances they were carrying.

  “I’m not sure. Egg, dear, perhaps you should find . . .”

  The head Sentinel cut Grammy off with a very stern “Silence.” And the goose bumps on Egg’s arms popped up.

  “Hey, I’m Egg of Earth. Take us to see Daz . . . I mean Queen Rose’Alynnia.”

  The Sentinel knew very well who the girl and the others were (well, not Ezra) but he had his orders. “I am sorry, Egg. We have been instructed to take any unannounced arrivals to a holding cell.” He was mortified that he was forced to do this to the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood – the beloved heroine of Aerianna.


  “Follow me,” then he added softly, “please.”

  They were marched to a room that was unfamiliar to them. It had only one window but it was high on the wall and they could not look out. There were no chairs . . . in fact no furniture of any kind. “I am truly sorry,” said the Sentinel as he led his men out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

  “What in the world is going on?” asked a very frightened Grammy.

  Before Egg or Sylvia could answer, there was a commotion just outside the room. They heard the lock turn then the door opened.

  And in stepped the Emp
ress Violetta Veeva Velveeta.

  “Oh my gosh”.

  Chapter 1 – The Big Cheese

  The woman, all seven feet of her, surveyed her ‘guests’. After a moment, she declared, “I dislike that phrase” (referring to ‘oh my gosh’, of course). She said it matter-of-factly . . . as in ‘hey, just my opinion’.

  “Egg, dear, who is this person?” asked Grammy in a whispered voice.

  It was obviously the hobgoblin Mysteria had mentioned . . . none other than the big cheese herself, the Empress Violetta Veeva Velveeta. Before Egg could tell the others, the imposing alien woman said “approach.” The voice was soft and strangely soothing. There was no hint of condescension that might come from the enormous power she obviously commanded. Just an (almost) motherly request – all that was missing was the ‘please’.

  The four earthlings took a tentative step forward.

  Violetta held up a hand. “Only you”. She didn’t point, or in any way identify who she meant – but it was obvious. She wanted Egg.

  The girl took a deep breath and did as requested – well, let’s be honest, did as she was commanded to do. When she was within about ten feet, a guard gently rapped his lance on the floor. Startled, Egg looked up. It took her a moment to realize she was being warned that this was as close as she was allowed to get.

  “Hi, my name is Egg. You’re the Empress Violetta.”

  “I am, little one. It is a great honor to meet the legendary leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.” Wow, that was unexpected.

  Egg had the good grace to blush. “Thanks but . . .”

  Violetta raised a long, slender finger – it looked like a pet snake coming to attention. “I know of your fabled modesty. I apologize if I have embarrassed you.” (Let me say it again – wow, that was unexpected). “If you would be so kind, introduce me to your friends.”

  “Sure. That’s Sylvia.”

  “Ah, your Feminion. Also an honor.” and she tipped her head slightly.

  “The honor is mine, your Highness,” replied the earth girl. Leave it to Syl to remember to address an Empress, as ‘your highness' – not ‘your majesty,’ which is for queens.

  “And that lady is my grandmother.”

  “Eloise, the actions of your granddaughter speaks highly of your character. Welcome back to Aerianna.”

  Grammy was a little flustered, but just for a second. She bowed her head and said, “You are too kind, your Highness. May I introduce my friend, Ezra.” She took his hand so that her translation crystal would work for him also.

  Poor Ezra was still pretty flummoxed by the whole trip and now the sight of this very alien ‘person’. “I . . . I . . . I’m speechless, your Majesty. This is all terribly new to me.”

  “I take it this is your first visit to this beautiful city. On behalf of Queen Rose’Alynnia, I welcome you to Q’umulus. All of you. Come, let us not keep dear Rose waiting. I am sure she wishes to greet each of you.” Apparently not expecting a reply, Violetta turned and . . . well, it was more like gliding than walking . . . left the room.

  “How epic was that?”

  The three ladies looked at Ezra and smiled at his phrasing.

  “Hey, that’s twice. Get your own word, that one’s mine,” teased Egg.

  “Egg, dear . . . I thought we didn’t want to bump into the Empress?”

  “No, Grammy, we didn’t. Dazzle wasn’t expecting her for a month or two.”

  “Why?” asked Ezra. “She seemed very nice. Very, very alien, but nice.”

  Grammy squeezed his hand. “You are holding up remarkably well for a man who just traveled half way across the galaxy to a floating city.”

  “Not as well as I’m pretending,” and he squeezed her hand back. “So why didn’t you want to meet her?”

  “She’s going to disband the Sisterhood . . . and probably steal my flying suit.”

  “WHAT?” he barked too loudly. “Sorry.” He lowered his voice. “Why would she do that?”

  “She loves technology. Apparently can’t resist getting her hands on anything that’s really cool.”

  “Okay, I think I can understand that part. But why disband your sisterhood?”

  Sylvia answered, “She’s paranoid. Anyone that can be a threat, she eliminates.”

  “Yikes. What are you going to do?”

  Let’s stop here a second and consider how amazing Ezra’s question was. Here’s a man who just heard that an alien Empress was going to do some nasty things to a not quite fourteen-year-old girl. And his reaction was a matter-of-fact acknowledgement of Egg’s abilities. That’s kind of remarkable.

  “She might be able to disband the sisterhood . . . but not forever. I’ll find a way to bring it back. I already promised the others.”

  “And your suit?”

  Egg answered calmly, “You said it . . . it’s my suit.”

  “Oh.” Ezra was deeply impressed. He had no idea how she could stop the Empress, but his gut told him that if anyone could, it would be Flying Girl.

  When they reached the Royal Reception Room, the three ladies frowned. The Empress was sitting on the throne while Dazzle and Meggy stood on either side of her. Lord Z’kkk and his son, both whom would normally stand behind the Queen, were in the front row along with other lesser dignitaries. It was humiliating.

  “Your Imperial Highness, your Majesty . . . Egg of Earth, her Feminion Sylvia, her grandmother Eloise and an honored guest.” You just gotta love these Sentinels . . . nothing seemed to faze them.

  Egg very much disliked seeing the Empress sitting on Dazzle’s throne. It was an insult to her friend. And in that instant, she knew there was going to be some serious trouble between the two of them. So, being Egg, she did the unthinkable. She bowed . . . not to Violetta (even though they had just met, it was still required), but to Rose’Alynnia. “Your Majesty, thanks for having us back.” She stood, then turned and stared defiantly at the Empress but said nothing.

  There had been a collective intake of breath when Egg violated protocol. But for those who knew her, which was everyone who lived on Aerianna, they grinned in appreciation of her rebellious nature and the honor she did their Queen. However, it was just a teensy little one.

  Again, by protocol, Rose could say nothing before the Empress. But Violetta only smiled beatifically at the young girl in front of her . . . then raised a finger ever so slightly. She was giving the Queen permission to speak.

  “Egg, my sister, and Sylvia . . . it is good of you to return so soon. And Eloise, it is always a pleasure to see you. You are well?”

  “Indeed, your Highness. May I introduce my dear friend, Ezra.”

  “Welcome to Aerianna, Ezra.”

  Grammy had to nudge the man to get him to move and speak. He took a step forward, bowed awkwardly and said, “Thank you, your Majesty. May I say this city is magnificent. I could not imagine anything as spectacular.”

  “You are too kind, sir. Later I will arrange a tour . . . with your permission, your Highness,” and she nodded at Violetta.

  “My permission is not required,” she replied softly. “This is your home and these are your guests.” Very well said . . . but no one believed her for an instant. Violetta was in charge – not by right but by the power she wielded.

  “Thank you. Daughter, please see to the accommodations for our guests.”

  “Of course, Mother. Egg, will you and your party follow me please.”

  Now I know it sounds tedious and silly, but when you’re leaving the presence of royalty, there are certain rules that are always followed. The three earth women knew them well enough from all their visits. But Egg wasn’t finished being Egg. If Sylvia could, she would have advised her friend to ‘play nice’. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, that wasn’t possible.

  Egg was sure that Violetta wasn’t as loveable as she had pretended to be when they first met. So, it was time to test her true nature. “Dazzle, I think we came at a bad time. We’re going to go home. Maybe during Christmas break we’ll
come back.”

  Rose had to suppress her smile . . . she knew this girl all too well. But she had no choice but to say, “My sister, I know the Empress was hoping to meet you. Your presence here and now is fortuitous. I do hope you will reconsider.” Translation – stay.

  “Yeah. No, I don’t think so.” She faced Violetta and said, “Nice meeting you.” Without waiting for permission, she turned around as if to leave. One never turns her back on royalty without their consent. Never.

  “Child.” That term slipped off of Violetta’s lips as if it were a one-word poem.

  Egg felt compelled to turn back.

  “You and your Feminion have our permission to leave. However, your grandmother’s friend expressed a desire to see more of Q’umulus. I would see his wish granted.” Actually, he didn’t quite say that . . . but no one was going to argue.

  And the implied threat – Grammy and Ezra were now hostages – was pretty obvious.

  Since Egg wasn’t finished being Egg, Sylvia had no choice but to put her hand on her friend’s shoulder to stop her from doing something they all might regret. “If it’s alright with you, your Highness, we would like to accompany our friends on that tour?”

  Violetta smiled. “You are most worthy of your position, Feminion. Request granted.”

  Before Egg could cause a scene, Meggy stepped forward, grabbed her sister’s hand and virtually pulled her out of the room. Sylvia and the others were glad to follow.

  As they were leaving, Egg tried to say something but the girl shushed her. “Not here.” She took them to the residential wing of the palace all the while looking over her shoulder to see if they were being followed.

  They finally reached their destination and the Princess opened a door and ushered her friends through. “In here.” She quickly closed the door and locked it.

  “Egg, my dear sister, that was foolhardy.”


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