Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 6

by Robert Iannone

  “But her rise to power began when she met my mother. Her parents had made a scientific discovery of some note and invited others to Sunnyside to discuss their work. My mother was only a few years older than Violetta but her reputation was already well established as one of the more brilliant minds of her generation. That is when she was introduced to our dear Empress-to-be. For some reason that I find hard to fathom, they became fast friends.”

  “Why is that so odd?” asked K’ssss.

  “Violetta was . . . is . . . intelligent but nowhere on the level of my mother. And her only interest in science was the end result – the tedious work of formulating a theory, exhaustively testing it then publishing the results for others to consider held absolutely no interest. However, understanding and utilizing these discoveries to further her personal goals was second nature to her.”

  “And your mother, why her interest in Violetta?” asked Bree.

  “I’m not sure. I think she was fascinated by a person’s ability to take abstract scientific theory and incorporate it into everyday politics. For all her brilliance, her mind simply didn’t work that way. Anyway, Violetta can be very persuasive. She convinced my mother to help her implement her vision of the future.”

  “Which was what?”

  “Bl’azzz, it was to create a world dedicated to the pursuit of science – an idea that was totally irresistible to my mother. So, for the next seven years they teamed up to make Violetta’s vision a reality. And they succeeded.”

  “Then your mother began to understand the true nature of her friend,” suggested Tee’ka.

  “Yes. It was never about the advancement of science. It was about power. Absolute power.”

  “And your mom decided she had been used, I’m guessing.”

  “The day the Empress intimidated another planet into joining her new alliance. It was Peekaboo Prime and she very much wanted to make that world the seat of her new empire. Within a few years, Violetta had coerced another six ‘members’ . . . and there was no stopping the Starlight Alliance.”

  “How could your mom fight all these worlds?” asked Bl’azzz.

  “That, of course, was the problem. My mother is . . . was . . . a firm believer in non-violence. She wouldn’t do anything that might start an armed conflict. I can hear her now . . . “rarely, daughter, do the ends justify the means.”

  Soo thought she understood but asked anyway, “What exactly does that mean?”

  “In this case, the ‘ends’ was to stop Violetta from expanding her empire – from subjugating other worlds. The ‘means’ could be war, for instance. Sending an army to stop the Empress would work. But, it would also cause untold tragedy to so many people. That she could not do.”

  “But she did find away – or at least a viable method that would not involve violence.”

  “Yes, Tee’ka. By this time, Violetta was terribly paranoid of everyone – including my mother. She knew there were many who were not pleased with her selfish vision. So, my mother was under constant surveillance and could do nothing. Then Laff’Alott ‘joined’ the Alliance and she saw her chance. She told Violetta that to make the amusement world a real success, they should have computer-generated hosts with artificial intelligence. Violetta was intrigued with the idea and readily agreed.

  My mother was allowed to leave Peekaboo on her own and work on this project. It was a daunting undertaking and took more than five years to perfect Tee’ka and the others. However, while she was working on these hosts, she was also working on her other brainchild.”

  “You?” suggested Bl’azzz and everyone took the opportunity to laugh.

  “That too. She did find the time to get married and have a daughter. However, my father found life with my mother less than satisfactory and left while I was very young. Before you ask, I have not seen or heard from him since. I do owe him a debt of gratitude however. Once he left, my mother and I grew as close as a mother and daughter could. I have no regrets.”

  Serenity fell silent as she relived some private memories and the other girls allowed her the time to remember. A minute or so later she continued. “My mother decided the best way to defeat Violetta was to eliminate her technological toys.”

  Spirit exclaimed “What?” in astonishment. “How do you do that?”

  “In part by using the science that Ven’trrr, K’ssss and I are planning to discuss. I won’t bore you with the details. The short version is she was developing a generator of mind-numbing power that would create a dampening field around each of the planets in the Alliance. The effect would be to stop the most advanced technologies from functioning. Without them, the Empress would quickly lose her hold on her subjugated worlds.”

  “Is that what caused her . . . caused the accident?” asked BreeZee.

  “Yes. The device was simply too complex and too powerful for her and I to control. When it began to malfunction, she flew her ship into deep space and away from Laff’Alott. The explosion would have destroyed the planet.”

  “Then how did you get injured?”

  “Tee’ka, I followed my mother in my ship. I wasn’t going to let her die. I would transport her to safety before the explosion. She forbade me to do it . . . the danger was too great since the device was so unstable. Regardless, nothing in this universe could stop me from saving her. But . . . but . . . but, I failed. It exploded sooner than we expected. I was lucky to survive.”

  All the girls had tears in their eyes. K’ssss said it for all of them . . . “I am so sorry.”

  Serenity didn’t answer. Her face was in her hands and she was sobbing uncontrollably. In the last four or five years, she never had anyone to talk to about her loss and her misplaced guilt. There was no one who cared . . . no one she cared for. This crying was a good start . . . but only a start to the healing.

  Tee’ka went up to the girl and hugged her . . . and she didn’t care if it was more than five or ten seconds. When the girl regained some of her composure, Tee spoke in her ear, “You did not fail, Serenity. You were brave beyond imagining. I would be so very pleased if you would allow me to call you friend.”

  Serenity smiled but all she could do was nod yes.

  “Actually,” said Soo, “that won’t do.”

  Tee’ka looked as shocked as Serenity. “Why?”

  “Listen everyone, Egg asked me to tell you that . . .,” and she paused like humans did when they wanted to be irritating, “. . . she wants to make Serenity a Hameggattic Sister.” She stopped because there was a mini-explosion of babble. “Come on, you guys – shut up.” Surprisingly, they did. “Serenity, Egg said that until all the Sisters have a chance to vote on it, it won’t be official. But she definitely wants you in. I vote yes by the way.” Tee’ka, K’ssss, Bree, Bl’azzz and Spirit also yelled ‘yes’. “I can’t imagine Sylvia voting against Egg so I think we can count on her vote. So we’re missing Aeri’elle, Sassi and Meggy. But since it’s a majority vote and we have a majority – Serenity you’re in.”

  The girl’s reaction wasn’t quite what they all expected. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why does Egg want me as a Sister?”

  “She said that what you did for Tee’ka – giving her a life as a real person – more than justifies you becoming a sister. On top of that, you volunteered to help Spirit. As far as Egg’s concerned – me, too, by the way – you’ve earned the right.”

  “But what about all that nonsense I pulled on you back on Laff’Alott? I was horrible.”

  “Egg said it was fun. No one got hurt and Tee’ka got to leave.”

  Still not convinced that she was worthy of the honor, the girl persisted “I hated her. I didn’t know her except from some books – and I hated her. How awful does that make me? How can I accept this unbelievable honor? What is wrong with her?”

  That made all the other girls giggle. “Silly,” responded K’ssss, “that’s just Egg being Egg. It’s annoying but you’ll get used to it,” she teased.

  Soo added her
two cents. “Do you know the first thing Egg asked me just before I came here? With all that’s going on – Aerianna in trouble, she may be losing her flying suit, the Sisterhood might disband – all that stuff. Her first thought was, ‘Soo, how’s it going with your boyfriend’. Her first words were about my happiness – forget the fact that her world was crashing down on her head. Don’t you get . . . it’s Egg. She is the Hameggattic Sisterhood. She is everything that we stand for . . . fight for. I’ve only known her a few years and she’s changed my life like no one else could have. She is just so amazing . . . every time she leaves to go home, a little bit of me dies. I want her in my life forever . . . and she can’t even swim.”

  That was the most emotional speech anyone had ever heard the snarky serpent give. And not once did she say something silly causing Bl’azzz to smile proudly at her friend.

  Everyone stared – first at Soo then at Serenity.

  “I accept. I am humbled at the honor, and I really don’t feel that I’m worthy. But, if the Sisterhood wants me . . . I accept.”

  BreeZee stood up. “Then, as acting leader of the Sisterhood, I ask you to repeat our oath,” and the other girl did. “Congratulations . . . Sister,” and everyone took turns with the now traditional (if over used) five to ten second hug.

  “Now what?” asked Soo.

  Again it was Bree who took on the leadership role. “Hear me out please. First, Soo, you said it best – Egg is the Hameggattic Sisterhood. I can’t replace her and I resign my temporary position. Stop, let me finish. Spirit, I know that your planet desperately needs help . . . but our first priority is to Aerianna and to Egg. We should not leave until we help resolve what’s happening here with the Empress. However, for Serenity and you, Spirit, the danger in staying is too great and you guys must head out. Get away from the Empress until this is over. That was Egg’s request but I agree with it. And . . . um . . . that’s pretty much all I got.”

  “I will speak next,” demanded the Thought Weaver. “I am in agreement with most of what you said Bree. Our duty is here to Aerianna and to Egg. So, the mission to Paradox will be postponed until the time is right. As for me running away – forget it. I’m a Sister first and foremost. I appreciate Egg’s concern but she was wrong to suggest such a thing. I intended to stay and help.”

  “My turn,” said Serenity. “I, too, appreciate Egg’s concern. Her intuition as always is amazing. But if she thinks my first act as a Hameggattic Sister is to hide, then she doesn’t know me very well. Besides, I think I have a score to settle with the Empress. As far as I’m concerned, my mother died because of her ruthlessness.”

  “Then it’s settled,” declared K’ssss. “All we need now is a plan.”

  “Maybe I can help with that,” suggested the newest Hameggattic Sister.

  Chapter 6 - Peekaboo


  “Don’t keep us in suspense, dear Ezra.”

  “Under normal circumstances, you can’t eliminate knowledge. Unless there is a cataclysmic event that wipes out an entire civilization, once learned it is there forever. However, what happens if access to that information is disrupted?” It was a rhetorical question meaning he wasn’t actually expecting anyone to answer it.

  “How does one disrupt access?” asked the Princess. “Withhold books?”

  “No,” said Sylvia, “Turn off the internet.”

  “Very good . . . um . . . what’s your title?”


  “Right, Feminion. Very good,” praised Ezra.

  “We on Aerianna have no internet. I found that technology on Earth most intriguing.”

  “Princess, I wasn’t talking about your internet. I was talking about hers,” referring to the Empress.

  “How is that possible?” asked Grammy. “Her Alliance must be billions of miles away. Is such a thing practical? The time delay would be very tedious.”

  “Oh my gosh”.


  “She showed me a view of Peekaboo. I thought it was just a painting or something but she said it was a ‘live’ picture. She said that her scientists found a way to transmit data kind of like the way the space portal does for people.”


  “How does that help us?” asked Egg.

  Before he could answer, there was a loud pounding on the door . . . which opened without permission. “What is the meaning of this?” demanded the Princess.

  “A thousand apologies, your Majesty. We have been asked to escort you, Egg and her Feminion to the Royal Reception Room.”

  “Wait outside.”

  “Your forgiveness, Princess. I was directed to take you without delay.”

  “You will give us a minute to prepare.”

  The sentinel looked absolutely miserable. “The Empress specifically instructed me not to leave you alone. I am truly sorry.”

  Meggy was furious . . . but not at this poor fellow. “I understand. However, my guests and I will walk to the far side of the room for a moment. You may observe from here.”

  “As you wish.”

  “Come” she said to the others and they made their way to the opposite end of the large room. “Suggestions?”

  “Listen. I told Soo what was going on just before she left for Zynn-Zaz’zia. I asked her to be sure Serenity and Spirit got away since the Empress really wanted to meet them . . . which I have to tell you gave me goose bumps. But maybe K’ssss can help. Ezra, find a way to talk to her. You probably won’t be watched like the rest of us. Whatever you were talking about before – if anyone can figure it out, it’ll be K’ssss and her brother.”


  “Your Highness,” called the Sentinel. Everyone looked at him. “Please . . . the Empress will be annoyed.” What he didn’t say was she would be upset with him.

  “Of course.” She turned to Ezra and Grammy. “Good luck . . . but do not do anything foolhardy. I will not have you harmed.” It wasn’t meant as a discussion point – it was a royal command.

  “See ya, Grammy.”

  “Egg, dear. Behave yourself . . . please.”

  “Me? I’m always on my good behavior,” and the girl grinned despite the fact things were going ‘south’ in a hurry.

  “Sweetheart, she’s very powerful.”

  “She’s still a bully.” Egg turned to go then stopped. Something that had been nagging at her brain finally came into focus. “Ezra, her collar. Before anything happens, she touches her collar.”

  “That’s probably how she accesses the information or sends commands. Well done, Egg.”

  “Since when are you so observant?” teased her best friend.

  “It’s from spending way too much time with you, my nerdy Feminion.”

  Grammy and Ezra watched the others leave. When they were alone, Ezra said, “She is truly amazing, that granddaughter of yours. I just hope it’s not misplaced confidence. Kids – teenagers – feel invincible at that age. And our dear Empress isn’t someone to trifle with.”

  “I worry too . . . but mostly for the big cheese. She’s never met an adversary like Flying Girl.”

  Ezra flashed a smile then turned serious. “How do we talk to K’ssss?”

  “We need to find Sassi or Aeri’elle. Maybe they can help us.”


  As they walked to the Royal Reception Room, the girls slowed their pace so they could talk before their encounter with the Empress. At one point Meggy had to tell their escort, “Sentinel, you walk much too fast for us poor ladies.”

  “Apologies, Majesty,” and they slowed their gait to match.

  “Meggy, your mom’s been stalling the Empress, hasn’t she?” asked Sylvia.

  “Yes. She’s hoping to find a way out of this situation.”

  “Then I’m guessing Violetta is about to apply a little pressure.”

  “What do mean, Syl?”

  “She showed you Sighing Whorl and me and Benny conspiring with the Tree . . . or at least she can make that case. I bet she’s abo
ut to display her royal displeasure at our expense. It will force Dazzle to make a quicker decision.”

  “What exactly is she asking for?”

  The Princess told Egg “First and foremost is for my mother to sign a treaty making Aerianna a member of the Starlight Alliance. Once she has that, we are subject to her laws and her whims.”

  “And if your mom refuses?”

  “She has not specified how she would react. No overt threats . . . yet.”

  “Does anyone know what happened on other worlds that resisted?” asked Sylvia.

  “Excellent question. Paradox.”

  “Paradox as in puzzle?”

  “No, Syl . . . as in Spirit’s home world. It was the Empress that allowed the . . . the bad guys to come to power. She sent some technology which gave them the means to take control over the other . . . forgive my use of the word . . . mutants.”

  “Wow, she certainly doesn’t let anything stop her from getting what she wants. But what could she do here?”

  “My mother does not know. However, I think . . . and it is only my guess based on absolutely nothing . . . she will try to take possession of the Myst Tree.”


  “Egg, please.”

  “Sorry. How could she do that? The Tree is like the most powerful thing ever.”

  “The Tree was. Like Zynnia, he is old and approaching the end of his natural life. Fear not, for his species that could mean another thousand years. However, he is not as powerful . . . not as strong. . . now that he has entered old age. I do not know if she can actually do it. However, my mother will not risk the chance. We owe the Myst Tree an incredible debt.”

  “So that’s what he meant. The tree said old age was the reason we couldn’t use Sighing Whorl.”

  “You know . . . I’m getting really mad now,” fumed the other girl.

  “Egg, rudeness and direct confrontation will not work. You must channel your anger into a different direction. Do you understand?”

  But before Egg could reply, they had reached their destination. The large ornate doors swung open, a Sentinel banged his lance and announced, “Your Highness, your Majesty . . . the Princess M’egg-Alynnia, Egg of Earth and her Feminion Sylvia.”


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