Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 12

by Robert Iannone

  “However, I have now the truly unpleasant task of issuing a royal decree. After much thought and in consultation with others whose opinion I trust, I am hereby disbanding the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”


  “I am so sorry, Egg . . . sister. It is an unjust reward but . . .”

  Flying Girl interrupted Rose. “After all we did for you? How can you do that? You can’t. I won’t let you.”

  Rose’Alynnia stared at the girl – whatever emotions she was feeling were well hidden. “I will also have your flying suit.”

  Egg’s face dropped in horror. She immediately went to tap her ring and transport herself back to the safety of earth . . . but the hand of a Sentinel reached out, grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

  She struggled to free herself but was no match for the larger, stronger man. With tears streaming down her face, she looked back at the woman she once idolized and screamed . . .


  Chapter 1 – By Royal Decree

  The chamber erupted in total chaos, absolute pandemonium and utter bedlam. To say that there was a complete disregard for royal protocol would be a fair assessment. It would also be fair to say that it was unprecedented in the annals of the House of M’earth.

  The dozen Sentinels started to pound their lances on the marble floor – the resulting clatter just adding to the cacophony of sound engulfing the room. No one reacted because no one heard the incremental noise.

  Rose gave the men a slight nod of the head – as in ‘don’t bother’. They stole a quick glance at their comrades then resumed their positions.

  The Queen sat back and let everyone vent their rage. It would do them good.

  She watched as the Sisters consoled one another. Eloise went up to her granddaughter and tried to give her a hug . . . but the girl pulled away.

  Her son was talking to his father in a very animated, if one-sided, discussion.

  Her daughter went from sister to sister giving words of encouragement . . . all the while glaring at her mother.

  Those others in attendance were talking amongst themselves . . . with a lot of hand gesturing, wing flapping and tail waving. There was so much random motion that Rose was afraid someone might inadvertently get hurt.

  After a few minutes, she stood up. One or two folks noticed and stopped talking. As the seconds ticked by, more and more fell quiet as they realized the Queen was standing. And like a switch being thrown, the room went from a noisy madhouse to deathly silent.

  Egg walked up to Dazzle and once more said, “Why would you do that?” She wasn’t crying . . . all her tears were gone. However, she glared at her former friend with such intensity that a lesser person might have backed away from fear.

  “A Queen needs no reason.”

  “I wouldn’t know about that. What I do know is that my sisters and I have risked our lives over and over again for you . . . all of you. We don’t deserve this.”

  “That is precisely the reason for my decision.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Instead of answering, Rose said to Sylvia “Feminion, please explain it to your sister.”

  Egg was in no mood to be treated like a kid. “Syl, stop. I asked you, Dazzle. I want you to answer me.” The crowd had mixed emotions to that. On one hand, they loved their Queen and Egg was being very rude. On the other hand, without the Hameggattic Sisterhood, they knew darn well they would still be kowtowing to Mobius . . . or the Empress.


  Two Hours Ago

  Grammy had asked the Queen for a few minutes alone. She and Ezra were granted their request and were escorted to Rose’s private office.

  “Thank you for seeing us, your Majesty.”

  “I am glad we had this chance before you left, Eloise. I take it there is something on your mind?”

  “Yes. Egg.”

  “Was there something specific?”

  “I have been very, very stupid to allow her to lead the Sisterhood into such dangerous confrontations. She is too young.”

  “Have we not had this discussion before?”

  “My pride in my granddaughter blinded my judgment. But, no more.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “I want . . . sorry, I would request that you disband the Sisterhood.”

  If the Queen was surprised, she did not show it. “I see” was her only reply. Then she waited . . . it was a technique that forced the other person to expound on what they had just said.

  Grammy glanced at Ezra who gave her a smile of encouragement. “Your Majesty, I could try to forbid my granddaughter from continuing on as she has . . . but I am very doubtful she would listen to me. At best, she would sneak off without telling me her plans. At worse, I might lose her love and the incredibly special bond that we’ve always shared. To be absolutely honest, that would break my heart. I’m not getting any younger and I would hate to face my last years knowing that I had lost the love of my grandchild.”

  “Why do you feel so certain that now is the time for Egg to cease her role as leader of the Sisterhood? She continues to face challenges that would daunt most others. But, she unfailingly rises to the occasion – with the help of her sisters – and comes away victorious. Before the Quest, when she was at her youngest and with no experience, I would have accepted your concerns more easily. However, she has almost five years and three or four victories to her credit.”

  “She is not yet fourteen. Her parents don’t know what she does. If they did, they would absolutely forbid it . . . and probably have me committed for allowing it to happen in the first place. Same goes for Sylvia; and I’m not even her grandmother.”

  “Eloise, the galaxy needs Flying Girl. We need her and the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  “Forgive me, but that is terribly selfish of you. I feel the same way – but I have a right to be selfish. I have her interests at heart – above anyone else’s.”

  “She is unique. There is no limit to what she can accomplish.”

  “That may be true . . . but the downside will always be that she could be injured, imprisoned or worse. It is unacceptable to allow a girl . . . an under-aged girl . . . to take that risk. That is not something we condone on Earth.”

  “And those she would save? Do they not deserve to live or to be free?”

  “Rose . . .,” Grammy had never used her first name before,“. . . when she turns eighteen, graduates high school and gets her parent’s permission, then she can resume being a superhero. Personally, I would rather she wait until she graduated college but I doubt she could sit still another four years.”

  Rose’Alynnia steepled her hands which gave the impression she was praying. “She will graduate in four years?”


  “What of her flying suit?”

  “As long as she has it, she’ll not be able to resist using it. Take it back for the duration.”

  “And her ring? Will she not be allowed to visit Aerianna and her sisters?”

  “No. Please take that also.”

  “El.” Ezra had taken to calling her that instead of Eloise.

  Grammy turned to look at him. “Yes?”

  “Don’t take the ring. It’s too much.”

  “Won’t visits here just make it worse?”

  “Maybe. But it’s still too much. She’s a real life hero. She doesn’t deserve to be punished just because she’s young.”

  The Queen smiled. “Ezra, if you ever chose to move to Aerianna, I would be pleased to make you one of my advisors.”

  “I will pretend you were just paying me a compliment. If I took it as a serious offer, I might just accept.”

  “It was a serious offer.” To Grammy she asked, “As to the ring, what would you have me do?”

  The woman exhaled loudly. “Let her keep it.”

  To consider what she was being asked to do, the Queen stood, walked to a window and looked out. A half a minute later, she returned to her desk. “I will honor your request but on one
condition. And, I will have your solemn word on it.”

  “What condition?”

  “Egg must never know that what I am about to do came from you. It will be my decision alone.”

  “That’s very kind of you but I can’t lie to her.”

  “Eloise, when she hears my pronouncement she will be incensed . . . and not without some justification. She will not understand the why of it. What she will do is hate the person who imposed this . . . this sentence on her. I owe you and your granddaughter too much to allow that emotion to come between the two of you. Let her hate me.”

  “She would never hate you.”

  “She will. I am confident that over time she will come to understand it was done with her best interest in mind. However, until that time – she will hate me.”

  “But I can’t allow that to happen.”

  “It is non-negotiable. Your solemn vow – and Ezra’s also – otherwise I will do nothing.”

  Grammy began to cry . . . the Queen was giving her an incredible gift – the continued love her granddaughter. She managed a quiet, “I accept your terms . . . and, Rose, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”


  Back In the Throne Room

  Rose answered Egg. “As you say, you and your sisters have risked your lives for the people of Aerianna and Zynn-Zaz’zia. Both Mobius and Violetta were adversaries with enormous power at their disposal and a willingness to use it freely to obtain their nefarious goals. Yet, you stood up to them – showing incredible courage and an unwavering faith in each other.”

  Egg still had no idea where the Queen was going with this. “Yeah, I know that. I was there.”

  “However, I was not. Then I witnessed you with Violetta.”


  “Egg, you showed a horrifying lack of maturity. You purposely did your best to insult and to provoke her. That is not the way a leader should act. You put yourself, your sisters and Aerianna at risk for no reason.”

  “We won didn’t we?”

  “Despite your actions, the Sisterhood once again succeeded. However, your lack of maturity could have easily brought about a more disastrous outcome. As one might say on Earth . . . you were lucky.”

  Egg was stunned into silence . . . because she knew Rose was right. She, Egg, just couldn’t help herself when it came to mean people. And Syl, Grammy and Megg were always telling her to ‘play nice’ . . . so they obviously knew her behavior was wrong. The worse part, though, was the mention of luck. In her heart of hearts, Egg knew luck played a ridiculously large part in their success. And like she told Spirit, sooner or later that would end.

  But she couldn’t just roll over and do nothing. “So, in the future I’ll listen to Syl . . . she always knows when I go too far.”

  “Sylvia has been an outstanding Feminion but she is not the issue. Your maturity is.”

  “So that’s it. I’m a bad leader? I’ll step down and let one of the others take over. Satisfied?”

  “Egg, with all due respect to the rest of your sisters, you are the Hameggattic Sisterhood. You are its heart and soul. No one can, or ever will, replace you. Stepping down as leader is very noble . . . however, it is not the solution.”

  The girl was about to argue, but Meggy spoke first. “Egg, on that score, my mother is correct. I know you don’t see yourself as anyone special . . . but that is the furthest from the truth.”

  Again, before she could argue, every other sister voiced her agreement with the Princess.

  “I just don’t get it.” Egg wasn’t being modest; she really did not understand how the others felt.

  It was Tee’ka who came up to her friend and wrapped her arms around her. “Egg, it is precisely that reaction that makes you so special. But . . .” and she released the girl and looked defiantly at the Queen. “. . . I will follow you anywhere, anytime. Whether or not there is a sisterhood, you will always have my love, my friendship, my gratitude and my support. Just say the word . . . as far as I’m concerned . . . your voice is the only one that matters.”

  Egg misted up. “Thanks, Tee. That means a lot to me.”

  The Queen said to Egg, “Do not put your friend at risk.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Until you have achieved the maturity that comes with age, leading Tee’ka or any of the others, is dangerous. For their love, walk away from the sisterhood.”


  The Sentinel that had grabbed Egg’s wrist to prevent her from escaping to Earth had taken the ring from her and had given it to the Queen. She now opened her hand to show it to the girl. “Return your flying suit to the ring.”


  “If you persist, I will have my ladies-in-waiting take you to a bedroom and strip off the garment.”

  Egg sagged in defeat. She looked at Dazzle with such hatred that Rose almost flinched. “Ring, tend to my suit” she said forlornly. The grey mist swirled around the girl . . .

  . . . and a second later, she stood there in her jeans.

  Chapter 2 – Farewell and Goodbye

  The people in attendance had obviously never seen Flying Girl’s little changing trick and they ‘oohed’ as it happened. They fell silent when the Queen said “Thank you.”

  Egg gave her former friend one last ugly stare then turned her back and went to join her sisters. The girls all circled their sister in a show of support and to protect her from who knew what.

  Rose called her son over and the young man obeyed dutifully. “Yes, mother?”

  “Take this ring . . .” and the rest of her words were too quiet to overhear.

  When she finished, the Prince nodded and turned to leave. “Py, please join me,” he called to his friend.

  “Sire,” acknowledged the dragon who followed him out of the room.

  Everyone had watched this little exchange between mother and son wondering what it was all about. Assuming that Rose was having Ben’Edikk put the ring away for safekeeping, Sylvia stepped forward. “Dazzle, please take my ring also. If Egg can’t have hers, I have no need for mine.”

  “Syl,” called her friend. “Don’t. It’s okay.”

  “No it’s not. It’ll never be okay. I understand what . . . the Queen said and why she’s doing it. But, she’s wrong.”

  “Tell me Feminion . . . why am I wrong?”

  “Because you can’t change the spots on a leopard. If you did, it wouldn’t be a leopard anymore.” That was most definitely an Earth saying and no one other than an earthling would understand it.

  “Your reference is not known to us. But . . .” and she raised her hand to stop Sylvia from explaining. “If you are saying that Egg must be allowed to be Egg, then you, too, need time to mature.”

  Sylvia’s mouth dropped open.

  And now Egg came to her defense. “Stop that. You have no reason to insult her. How dare you? You may be their Queen, but to her and me you’re just Dazzle. And that doesn’t give you the right to be mean. So, just stop.”

  Everyone held their breath waiting for Rose’Alynnia’s response. The Queen stood up, looked Egg in the eye and said, “Your ring will be available to you shortly. The translation and teleportation crystals will still function. However, it will not respond to your command to ‘tend to your suit’. Sylvia, your translation and teleportation crystals also continue to function. When I return Egg’s, I will return yours. You are invited to visit Aerianna as often as you desire. I am sure your . . . your former sisters will wish to see their friends. Eloise and Ezra, you two are always welcome.”

  The Queen stepped down from the little dais so that she was on the same level as Egg. “However, if you wish to be allowed in my presence, you should be prepared to apologize for your unseemly behavior. I am the Queen of Aerianna and no one may speak to me as you have just done.”

  Egg’s face turned red with anger but before she could say anything, Sylvia stepped in front of her friend. “Don’t.”

  “But . . .”

  “You p
romised to take my advice about these things. My advice is say nothing.”

  Egg took a deep breath to calm herself. With an effort that was pretty much superhuman for her, she nodded okay then turned and went to join her sisters.

  Rose said to Sylvia, “Thank you, Feminion.”

  “I did it for her . . . not you.” She, too, turned and walked back to the others.

  The Queen had one last pronouncement. “I would speak to the former members of the Sisterhood later today. You will be summoned at my convenience. Please do not leave Q’umulus until then.”


  “We need to talk.”

  “Let us go to my rooms for the sake of privacy,” offered Meggy.

  “Go on ahead; I’ll catch up to you.”

  “Where you going, Egg?” asked Syl.

  “I’m going to take Grammy back. She can call our parents and let them know everything’s okay and we’ll be home soon.”

  “I can do that. Go with them.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’ll only be a minute or so. Go.”


  Egg went with the others while Sylvia found Grammy and Ezra. “Egg wants me to take you back so you can call our parents.”

  “What about you two?”

  “We’re just going to say our goodbyes. We’ll be no more than an hour.”

  “Okay. How’s she taking all this?”

  “As you would expect.”

  “Do you think she hates the Queen?” Poor Grammy was feeling very guilty and less sure of her decision.


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