Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 33

by Robert Iannone

  “Oh yeah. As soon as I take care of a few things, we’ll be off.”

  “I presume my daughter has now given you permission to move to Aerianna?”

  “Yup. So, I need to get my parent’s consent.” She hesitated then corrected herself. “Actually, I would like to have their blessing . . . I don’t really need their approval.”

  “We will do all that we can to convince them. When might we expect a visit?”

  “Tomorrow . . . I hope.”

  “Very good. On another related subject, I do have something I wish to say. I have run out of adequate words in which to express my thanks yet again. Therefore, to show my appreciation for all that the sisters have done for me, my family and Aerianna . . . I hereby transfer ownership of Se’rene to the Hameggattic Sisterhood. I know you will enjoy and treasure it as much as I have.”

  “Dazzle, you can’t.”

  “But of course I can . . . and I have. As Serenity mentioned, it is ‘historical’. The people of this world will be thrilled that the Sisterhood has come full circle from the days of the Quest. They will be excited that you will now have a permanent presence on Aerianna.”


  Grammy’s House

  Everyone was there . . . Egg, Sylvia, Grammy, Ezra, Ashley and Mr. and Mrs. Graystone. However, Ashley was in the bedroom since her parents thought she was still in Boston.

  “So, Mother, what’s the occasion?”

  “Actually, this family gathering has been called by your daughter. Egg, the floor is yours.”

  “Thanks, Grammy. Mom and Dad, I have a story to tell you that’s . . . out of this world. Everyone here is fully aware of it . . . in fact they’re actually a part of it.”

  “How mysterious. I take it Ashley was not included?”

  Upon hearing her name, the girl came out of the bedroom. “Hi, guys.”

  “Ashley . . . when did you get in?” asked her father.

  “About an hour ago. I warn you, I can’t stay long. I need to meet Aaron in two hours.”

  “What are you talking about? It’s at least a four-hour flight to Boston. It’ll take you an hour just to get to the airport and another half hour to go from Logan (Boston’s airport) to your apartment.”

  “Not really. Egg can have me there in about ten minutes. That about right, little sis?”

  “Give or take a minute if I fly you.”

  “You’re not going to fly Ezra’s plane, are you?”

  “Dad, he has a bi-plane. You can walk faster than they can fly.”

  “Then what in the world are you talking about?”

  “Ring – tend to my suit”.

  “What the heck?”

  “Egg, what did you just do?” asked her mother.

  But it was Grammy that answered. “I would like for you two to meet Flying Girl . . . heroine on more than a hundred different worlds, and leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  “Oh, Mother. I told you that medication had some crazy side effects.”

  “Ezra, be a dear and get our guests a glass of wine. They’re going to need it.”

  “My pleasure. How about you, El . . . care to join us?”

  “No thanks . . . on second thought, yes. But just a half glass.”

  As Ezra went to get the wine, Egg continued her story . . . from the time she first received the flying suit and jewelry until now. It took her the better part of an hour to finish.

  Her parents just stared at her in dead silence and total incredulity.

  “Just take them to Aerianna,” suggested Ashley.

  “Soon. First, I should take you back. This time I know what your apartment looks like, so I can use the ring.”

  “Cool. Okay Mom and Dad” and she gave them each a hug. “Enjoy your trip. Wait till you meet the rest of the sisterhood. Just do me a favor, when you meet K’ssss, don’t try to pet her. And, please, don’t faint when you meet Aeri’elle. She already thinks we humans are looney tunes. Let’s go sis.”

  “I’ll be back in about thirty seconds.”

  “What are you talking about?” demanded her father who was getting a little annoyed with the whole meeting. He was missing a great baseball game on TV.

  Egg didn’t answer. She took her sister’s hand and they disappeared.

  “Oh my gosh,” cried Mrs. Graystone. “What happened? Where did they go?”

  By the time she finished asking the questions, Egg reappeared. “I’m back. Miss me?”



  They were all in a lovely room reserved for the Queen when she met dignitaries from other worlds. The group included Rose, her husband and son, and the entire sisterhood.

  Mrs. Graystone sat with her husband, tightly holding his hand. Between the view from the balcony looking down two miles to world below, the introduction in the Throne room to Queen M’egg-Alynnia (who looked strangely familiar) and the sight of dragons, sea serpents and humans with skin colors from blue to green to . . . well, every color in the rainbow, Egg’s parents were numb. It was impossible to process it all.

  By the way, Mrs. Graystone did faint when she was introduced to Aeri’elle.

  “Humans,” and the dragon just shook her head sadly.

  Meggy started the meeting. “First, I would like to once again welcome you to Q’umulus and to Aerianna. It is a pleasure to see you both again.”

  “Again?” said Mr. Graystone.

  His wife answered. “You . . . you were younger but I do remember. My mother said you were the daughter of a friend. But, you were the same age as Egg. Now, you’re older than she is. How is that possible?”

  “You are correct. Back then, I was incorrigible and my mother was at wits end. Grammy very graciously volunteered to do the impossible . . . make me worthy of being Queen. As to the age difference, that is more complicated and we shall save that conversation for another day.”

  “Well, I’m guessing my mother succeeded.”

  “With the help of Egg, and the cleverness of Sylvia, they did. It was but one of the reasons my family owes a debt of gratitude to your family.”

  “And Rose . . . may I call you that?”

  “Of course.”

  “It was your spirit inside the flying suit?”

  “For almost a thousand years.”


  So the conversation then turned to the real reason for this visit . . . Egg’s relocation to Aerianna. They talked about the Quest, and Mobius and Zynn-Zaz’zia, and Laff’Alott, and Violetta. They even talked a little about Spell ‘Bound.

  When it was all talked out, Egg’s dad spoke. “Needless to say, this whole conversation, this floating city, you all . . .” and he waved his arms at the others “. . . it is beyond understanding. The fact that my youngest daughter has done what you say she has is impossible to assimilate. However, I have no choice but to believe my own eyes and ears, so I can accept the need for the Sisterhood. And I’m incredibly proud my daughter is part of it. But, with all due respect to you sweetheart, are you really good enough to be the leader? You’ve never shown that kind of personality.”

  Her mother added, “Egg, dear, at home your only friend is Sylvia and maybe the twins (meaning Zeke and Zack). You never ran for school government or shown any desire to take chances. Quite frankly, I’m just surprised.”

  “I understand. But remember, I was always coming back to Aerianna and getting into trouble. Being on Earth was like a vacation.”

  Her father addressed the others. “Please be honest . . . do you all feel that Egg is the right person to lead the Sisterhood?”

  The girls looked from one to another . . . then giggled. Meggy asked them, “Who wants to go first?”

  “Let’s go in order,” suggested Soo. “So, that would be me.”

  “What order is that?” asked Mrs. Graystone.

  “The order in which we first met your daughter . . . and the day our lives changed forever. Do you know that I’m married to a brilliant scientist? I’m even learning so
mething about his weirdly wonderful and whimsically whacky work so I can help. Not much . . . but a little. And in about a year and half I’ll be giving birth to twins? And it’s all because of Egg.

  When I met her nine years ago, I was selling seashells. My biggest customer . . . both in how much she bought and in her size [the girls giggled] . . . was K’ssss. Back then, she was dumber than a sea slug but that’s another story. I had no friends, no future and let’s face it, no present.

  Then Egg came along and asked me to join her to do the unimaginable . . . overthrow a tyrant that had all the power in the world at his disposal. It was impossibly irrationally insane . . . so naturally I agreed.

  First thing she did was give me the ability to see the Princess. More importantly, she gave me the ability to see the greater good . . . even if that meant sacrificing myself. She gave me six sisters and showed me how to be a good and loyal friend. She gave my life purpose, and me, a sense of self-worth.

  Did you know that a thousand years ago sea serpents and dragons were mortal enemies? Even to this day, each species is a little wary of the other. But after the Quest, my best friend in all the world is that feather duster over there. Bl’azzz was even my maid of honor . . . which was a huge mistake, by the way.”

  “Hey, I’m right here . . . you know I can hear you?” teased the F’yre Dragon.

  “Anyway, I’ve had the opportunity to fight for my planet, for strangers on other worlds and for sisters that I would gladly die for. But it was Egg’s leadership, her sensitivity to each of our needs, her uncanny sense of danger . . . and the loyalty I feel to her . . . that’s changed my life in ways I could never imagine. My only regret . . . well, not really . . . is that I’m going to be a mom and won’t be going on anymore adventures with her and the others.”

  That was followed by a few seconds of silence. “I never thought I’d being saying this to a sea serpent,” said Mr. Graystone, “but very well said. Thank you for sharing.”

  “Well done, sister” added Rose. The rest gave nods of approval.

  “I believe I’m next,” said K’ssss.

  “As my dear sister so eloquently put it, when I met Egg I was overweight and lacking in the mental capacity to understand anything that was going on. I know the others always wondered why your daughter chose me to be one of the seven. Anyone else . . . everyone else . . . would have dismissed the idea out of hand – believing that I had nothing of value to add to the enterprise.

  Not Egg. It’s beyond rational understanding how she knew that I could contribute . . . but she did. Of all the honors I have accumulated over the years, only one holds any real significance. Egg made me her M.V.P. Not only did I have that opportunity, but with her encouragement, I did make a contribution . . . or two.

  On our little adventure on Zynn-Zaz’zia, I met my future husband. Like Soo, that would never have happened without you daughter. She will always be the person I would hold up to my children – when I have them – as their role model. She is extraordinary and I love her dearly.”

  Egg couldn’t help it and ran up to her sister and gave her a hug. “Thank you.”

  “What, my speech didn’t merit a hug?” teased Soo.

  “You were barely coherent,” joked Bl’azzz.


  “It is my turn,” said Sassi in her quiet voice.

  “I was orphaned when I was quite young. What I didn’t know was that my parents were still alive fighting against Mobius. To protect me from him in case they were captured, they left me with an aunt and disappeared. Though I’m grateful that she took me in, she was not a very loving individual. My life up until I met Egg was not a happy one.

  Then she invited me to become a Hameggattic Sister and to fight for this world. She gave me purpose . . . friendship, love and five other wonderful sisters.

  I returned that favor by helping Mobius . . . by betraying the Sisterhood.”

  “STOP THAT,” shouted Egg. “It was my fault and you know it. Mom, Dad . . . oh, never mind. It’s too complicated. Just know that Sassi never did anything of the kind. Also, know that when we were in the Maze of Forever, she sacrificed herself so Syl and I could live. She did it without giving it a second thought. She was terrific.”

  “Thank you,” said the green-skinned girl softly. “Anyway, like Soo and Bl’azzz, I made a very special friend during the Quest. It was K’ssss. When I had my daughter, I named her Kiss’immee or Kissy as I call her in honor of that friendship.” She stopped then laughed. “Oh, silly me. I forgot to mention that because of Egg, I found my parents. It was such a magical time when we reunited.”

  Mr. Graystone said, “We’ve only heard from three of you . . . but I’m already getting the sense of the bond between all of you. I look forward to hearing more.”

  “As do I,” added his wife. “I can tell you that each story is giving me goose bumps.”

  “NOT GOOSE BUMPS,” yelled Soo. “Good grief.”

  “What? What did I say?”

  “Nothing, Mom. Soo was teasing. It’s just that whenever something is about to go wrong, I get goose bumps. Don’t know why . . . but it happens every time.”

  “I don’t . . . I’m sure that’s not what mine mean.”

  “Sorry Egg’s Mom . . . I was just trying to be funny. That’s my job.”

  “She’s right,” said Sylvia. “She’s the class clown.”

  “Okay, enough meaningless chit chat. It’s my turn,” said Bl’azzz.

  “My story is not as dramatic as the others. Good childhood, great parents, a few friends . . . and one boyfriend named Furn’o who was a jerk. Just normal stuff. But Egg gave me a chance to do something really special. Without her, my life would have been so ordinary. I would follow her anywhere in the universe. She’s sweet, caring, clever and really, really lucky. What’s not to like in a leader?”

  “Hey, fire breath, if I didn’t deserve a hug, you sure as heck don’t,” kidded her best friend.

  “Be nice or I’ll stop taking my pills,” threatened the F’yre Dragon.

  “My bad. Sorry.”

  “Mom, Dad . . . what Bl’azzz forgot to mention was that during the Quest, she fought a giant spider and saved Soo’s life.”

  “You’re all so brave,” replied her mother. “Nothing you can say will surprise me.”

  “My turn,” interrupted Aeri’elle. “And, I have a question for Egg’s parents. What do you think your daughter is feeling right now?”

  “Why I assume she is terribly pleased that you all think so highly of her,” said Mrs. Graystone. Her husband nodded his agreement.

  “Sorry, you’re wrong. What she’s feeling is uncomfortable. Egg despises being complimented. Hates it more than anything. She’s always saying she’s just Egg, nothing special. She does what she does because it’s the right thing to do . . . and she can.”

  The Queen added, “Her modesty is as legendary as her exploits.”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” pleaded Egg. “Just stick to your own stories, please.”

  Aeri’elle smiled. “See.”

  “Big bird, just finish.”

  “WAIT. WAIT,” cried Bl’azzz. “I can’t believe we forgot. We finally found out what big bird is. Serenity, can you show the professor a picture?”

  “Sure,” and she tapped at her controls. “Here you go.”

  Aeri’elle and all the others who weren’t on board the Seven came over and looked. And laughed hysterically. “Egg of Earth . . . is that what you think of me?” cried the proud dragon in mock indignation.

  Egg laughed. “You’ve got to admit there’s an uncanny resemblance,” and the good-natured laughter intensified.

  Aeri’elle turned back and watched the yellow creature sing and dance. “Well, it’s got talent . . . at least compared to your singing.”


  Mr. and Mrs. Graystone just sat back and took it all in. What a remarkable scene.

  “Alright, if you’re all finished making fun at me, I’ll continue.�

  “Wait,” called Bl’azzz. “I need another minute.”

  “Shut up.” More laughter. “Anyway, when I met Egg I was a college student and way too full of myself. I considered humans and serpents to be inferior species. Worse of all, I pretended to be fighting Mobius when all I was doing was talking about it. Then your daughter invited me to join the sisterhood . . . and my world changed forever. Unlike the others, my new friendships were truly an eye-opener. Those that I had dismissed as inadequate or beneath me turned out to be more than my equal . . . they became my role models. Egg, of course, was first among equals. Let me just say that I love your daughter and I would do anything for her . . . even letting her call me big bird.”

  When the laughter died down, Egg said to her parents, “On the Quest, the monster AyBee nearly got me. It was Aeri’elle who stepped in and saved me . . . sacrificing herself in my place.”

  “Why are we not surprised?” said her father.

  “My turn,” said the Queen.

  “You already know the gist of what happened to me on Earth, so I will not bore you with that. It was on Zynn-Zaz’zia that Egg and the others had the most profound influence on me. Despite my years as a mega-brat and only a few days as a reformed dilettante, your daughter gave me her full trust. Because she did, the others were willing to do the same.

  As it turned out, the person we were fighting was Mobius, the same individual my mother fought a thousand years ago. I was thrilled . . . I admit that was a childish reaction. Nonetheless, it was a dream come true – to pit myself against the same villain that had subjugated my world. As it turned out, it was my one and only adventure as a Sister but the memory of it has, and will continue, to influence my decisions as Queen. Like the others, my love and respect for your daughter knows no bounds.”

  “What Meggy forgot to mention, is that she and Aeri’elle risked their lives to save Wind’dancers during a fire storm. Both were seriously injured . . . and Meggy’s face was severely burned. You would be so proud of the way she reacted . . . like it was no big deal. She was amazing. Oh, and by the way, she led the sisterhood when I needed rescuing.”


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