by Paul Watson
links with oral traditions, 295
and Parks Canada, 255, 256, 266, 272, 291
and point of desertion, 292
and SCUBA, 249–59
search patterns drawn in, 316–17
and stratigraphy, 256
and Terror discovery, 329–31, 344, 345
wrecks remaining on ocean floor, 258–59
and Zacharchuk, 249–58
and Zagon, 293–98
UNESCO, xxx, 258–59
University of Toronto, Robarts Library, 275
US Navy, aquanauts of, 260
Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania):
Franklin as governor in, 4, 5–6, 8, 10, 11
Franklin’s pamphlet about, 32, 35–36
Gould’s study in, 27
news from, 33
Victoria, queen of England, 63, 144–45, 161, 228, 233
Victoria Island (Wollaston Land), 80
Victorian Era:
animal magnetism in, 93, 94
exploration in, 16
paranormal phenomena in, 92–105, 116–17
technology in, 18–19
women’s roles in, 87, 91, 156
Victoria Strait, xxviii, 48, 100, 135, 292, 293, 295, 297, 308, 325
Victoria Strait Expedition (2014), xxii, 309–23, 324–36
Victory, 29–31, 36, 50, 60, 73, 129, 149, 212
Victory Point, 50, 77, 100, 112, 125, 135, 167, 170, 210, 226, 229–30, 233
Victory Point Record, 229, 275, 276
Vikings, search for Northwest Passage, xxiii
Walker, David, 172
War of 1812, xxvi, 5
Waters, S. C., 234
Wellington Channel, 44, 87, 118, 120, 132, 134–35, 137
Whale Fish Islands, 22
and ice conditions, xxiv, 61, 64, 74, 165
and rewards, 71, 81, 87, 89, 92, 173
and search for Franklin expedition, 81, 87–89, 90, 92, 113, 119, 120, 121, 173, 343
and Victory expedition rescue, 73
whales, travels of, xxv
whaling, 62–63, 64
whaling boat, SCUBA recovery of, 257–59
Winter Harbor, 13
Woodman, David, 273–80
and Franklin Expedition searches, 273, 274, 275, 279–80, 282, 300, 334
Inuit oral histories studied by, 274, 277–78, 296
at Skull Island, 283–85, 286
Unravelling the Franklin Mystery: Inuit Testimony, 277–78
Wright, Noel, 237
Wrottesley, Lord, 162
Yi Xing, 15
Young, Allen, 163, 173
Youngblut, Scott, 313–16, 319
Zacharchuk, Cyrille, 251
Zacharchuk, Doreen, 252, 255
Zacharchuk, Walter, 249–58
Zagon, Tom, 293–98, 312, 334
Zeeman, Fischal, xxv
Zootopia, 289
Excerpts from John Rae’s Arctic Correspondence 1844–1855, with a Foreword by Ken McGoogan reprinted with permission of TouchWood Editions.
Excerpt from Captain James Fitzjames’s letter to his wife quoted in James P. Delgado’s Across the Top of the World: The Quest for the Northwest Passage reprinted with permission of Harbour Publishing.
Excerpt from “Longfellow and Dickens: The Story of a Transatlantic Friendship” courtesy of the Cambridge Historical Society, The Proceedings, Volume 28. Cambridge, MA.
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