Deborah's Discovery

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Deborah's Discovery Page 2

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Deborah began to laugh, but all at once the laughter turned to tears and she suddenly found that she was sobbing uncontrollably. Gently, Pavin led her to the sofa, swept the assortment of clothes off it and then sat her carefully down facing him, their bodies close together. He kept one large hand on the back of her neck, letting his fingers massage the rigid tendons lightly, while occasionally allowing his fingers to stray to the roots of her blonde hair.

  Even through her tears Deborah was aware of his touch. And when his other hand began to rub small circles between her shoulder blades she found herself turning towards him and the next thing she knew she was buried against his huge chest and sobbing away all the tensions and strains of the past three months.

  Pavin let her cry herself out. He kept his arms around her and held her firmly against him. Then when the tears eased, his hands massaged carefully all over her back and upper arms as she moved closer so that he could feel her breasts pressing against him.

  Deborah had forgotten what it was like to have a man comfort her. Mick had always been the one in need of comfort. Every failed audition, every rejection of any kind, had resulted in childlike sulks that would go on for days if she didn’t pamper him and shower him with affection. To have a man taking care of her was bliss, and when the tears finally ended and Pavin put a finger beneath her chin, raising her face towards him, she closed her eyes and waited with eager excitement for his kiss.

  It wasn’t the kind of kiss she’d expected. He looked the sort of man who’d ravish you with his mouth, kissing hard and forcefully, but he tickled the corners of her mouth with the tip of his tongue, teasing her so that she strained upwards for closer contact and he then let his tongue slide inside her mouth for a brief second before returning to the corners again. Deborah found that she was twisting her head in an attempt to feel his tongue inside her mouth more often.

  After a while, Pavin slid Deborah into a reclining position and then bent her head back more, supporting it at the back with one large hand that covered both the base of her skull and the nape of her neck. He then carefully parted her lips with his tongue before licking all round the inside of her mouth in deliciously sensuous movements that aroused her whole body so that she was achingly aware of every one of her erogenous zones.

  He continued to kiss in this way for several minutes and then, as Deborah pressed her body up towards him, he finally thrust his tongue deeply into her mouth and at once she longed to feel his penis thrusting inside her as well and she tightened her arms round his neck, trying desperately to communicate her longing for more intimate contact.

  Once he was certain that this was what Deborah wanted, Pavin picked her up off the sofa and carried her through into the bedroom, still teasing her mouth with little licks and flicks of his tongue. Then he laid her on the bed and moved away for a moment.

  ‘Don’t go!’ said Deborah frantically, terrified that he was about to desert her. She opened her eyes, which had been closed to savour the sensations caused by his kissing, and saw that he was quickly stripping off his clothes. As she’d thought, although he was a very big man there was no fat on him, it was all well-toned muscle and she shivered with excitement at the thought of what was to come.

  Sitting up she began to peel off her bolero, but Pavin shook his head. ‘Let me,’ he said harshly, his own arousal evident in his huge erect penis and the slight huskiness of his voice.

  Obediently Deborah waited until he sat on the bed next to her and began to unfasten the jacket buttons one by one and then he slid it off her shoulder tantalisingly slowly. After that his fingers slid beneath the bottom of her black silk camisole top, gliding over her skin and brushing the undersides of her bare breasts as he eased it over her head.

  He lowered his head for a moment and kissed each of her already erect nipples, and then he pulled the Lycra skirt down over her legs, unfastened her black stockings and peeled them down her legs and over her feet before finally slipping a thumb under the sides of her cut-away briefs and inching them from between her already damp thighs.

  No one had ever taken so long to undress her and by the time she was naked her body was screaming for the touch of his hands and mouth, but to her surprise he promptly left the room, only to return a few seconds later with a bottle of baby lotion that he’d found in the bathroom.

  ‘You’re tense, honey. You need a massage,’ he said softly. He then slipped her onto her face with one easy movement and she heard him rub some of the lotion between the palms of his hands before lightly pressing across the admittedly tight muscles of her neck and shoulders.

  Deborah turned her face to the left and felt his hands gliding across her, slowly increasing their pressure as he reached beneath the soft flesh to the taut muscles and joints beneath.

  After that he travelled on down the sides of her spine and across the base of her back, working with extra vigilance on the area between the small bones above her buttocks. Deborah groaned and pressed her pubic bone down against the mattress to try and get some stimulation on her rapidly engorging vulva.

  With a soft laugh, Pavin at last turned her onto her back again, and now his hands crossed the front of her shoulders and swept down the valley between her breasts, but he never once touched the swollen breast tissue itself or the tight, hard little nipples that were frantic for contact. Instead he spread the lotion around her stomach in circular movements and, as his hands pushed the skin of her tight abdomen upwards, she could feel a small tug on the hood of her clitoris as it moved and pinpoints of promised pleasure began to spark there.

  Pavin watched Deborah closely. Her whole body was becoming restless, her breasts engorged with the veins showing dark blue through her fair skin and the nipples so tight he knew they must be hurting, but still he waited. Now his hands parted her willing thighs and he moved down the bed, keeping her legs apart with his vast forearms while he massaged the delicate skin of her inner thighs but he didn’t touch her swollen outer labia despite the tell-tale beads of moisture he could see on her fine pubic hair.

  His rhythmic stimulation of her body was driving Deborah into a frenzy. She wanted to scream at him to touch her between her thighs, to suck on her throbbing nipples and release the mounting tension, and yet at the same time she was enjoying the glorious feeling of heightened sexuality. She wanted release and yet she didn’t want the lovemaking to end.

  Pavin lay on his side, his head level with Deborah’s breasts and as his hands moved lazily down the outside of her long legs he suddenly stabbed at her left nipple with his tongue and as her eyes flew open he took the whole nipple into his mouth and then drew back his head so that her nipple was fully extended to a point where it was almost painful. Then he slowly rolled his tongue around the tip before releasing it.

  Deborah’s breathing was becoming more and more rapid and her hips moved in reflexive jerks as he continued to arouse her without touching the core of her pleasure. As he took all the nipple and surrounding areola into his mouth he let his free hand move down her stomach so that the heel of his hand was resting on her pubic bone and his fingers were finally where she wanted them to be; between her thighs.

  Now his touch was incredibly light and sensitive. His fingertips eased her outer sex lips apart and then danced gently over the slippery flesh beneath until they located her throbbing clitoris. Deborah arched up to meet him.

  ‘No, keep still. It’s better this way,’ he whispered, raising his head from her breast for a moment. Deborah obeyed him. No one had ever made love to her this well before and she certainly wasn’t going to argue now.

  For a moment he rested the tip of one finger very softly against the tip of her clitoris, and then he tapped at it lightly and Deborah gasped as pleasure shot through her, zig-zagging its way right up through her abdomen to where he was once again sucking on her engorged breasts.

  Now the tapping continued, increasing in pressure and speed until her entire pubic area seemed to be on fire and the heavy aching pleasure grew and grew but without
reaching a climax. Deborah moaned, twisting and turning as she tried to bring about her release, but Pavin knew what he was doing. As beads of perspiration formed on her top lip and her abdomen tightened yet more he stopped drumming on the clitoris and instead slid two fingers up from beneath it so that it stood out between the V-shape of the join. Then he pressed down with the two fingers while at the same time increasing the pressure on the trapped stem of Deborah’s screaming bud.

  She’d never known sensations like it, and as he pressed down against the inner folds and squeezed the clitoris like a pip, he at last triggered her climax and her whole body went rigid as she was suffused with orgasmic waves of ecstasy that rolled over her in an endless stream until she thought she might pass out from the pleasure.

  When the last spasms of excitement had finally died away, Deborah opened her eyes to find Pavin looking down at her, a smile of pleasure on his lips. She smiled back at him, and then felt his hands grasp her at the waist and turn her to face him so that they were both on their sides. She lifted her top leg over his hip as he pulled her against him, and for a moment felt the tip of his swollen penis playing at the entrance to her vagina before, with a sudden thrust, he was inside her and the slight ache that had remained within her even after her shattering climax was finally stilled by the comforting thickness of him deep within her.

  Pavin used his hands on her hips to move her backwards and forwards on him, slowly at first but then more rapidly, the rhythm increasing as their mutual excitement mounted. Deborah closed her eyes, but immediately Pavin stopped moving.

  ‘Look at me,’ he said firmly. ‘I want to watch your face as you come.’

  Even the words added to her excitement, and this time she kept her eyes open and saw his pupils dilate as he approached his own climax but he seemed to know that hers was still a little way away because he withdrew slightly, and moved his penis around just inside her vaginal opening in small circles that aroused the nerve endings situated at the entrance. Once again the darts of pleasure grew and her breasts strained towards his chest, the nipples brushing against the thick hairs that covered him there.

  Now that she was near, he gripped her nipples even harder and began to move her vigorously so that she could feel him thrusting to fill the whole length of her and then withdrawing slightly as her body was pushed backwards, and all the time she stared into his piercing blue eyes and saw her own excitement reflected back at her.

  The sensations expanded to cover her whole body, she was suffused with heat and knew that her climax was only seconds away. ‘I’m coming!’ she told him, because Mick had always wanted to know so that he could stop worrying about control and let himself go too.

  At once Pavin stopped moving and held her body motionless. Deborah nearly screamed at him in frustration. ‘I was nearly there!’ she whispered. ‘Didn’t you understand what I said?’

  He smiled. ‘Sure I heard. That’s why I stopped. It’s always better to wait a little. Makes it all the better in the end.’

  Experience had shown Deborah that the opposite was true. If for some reason Mick had stopped too near the vital moment she’d never managed to get it back and had usually ended up faking her climax. Pavin saw the doubt in her eyes.

  ‘Trust me, Debs. Just wait a moment and you’ll see.’

  She had no choice because his hands held her tightly by the hips and she wasn’t strong enough to move unless he released her. For several minutes they lay face to face, their breathing gradually slowing, and then just as the last of the sexual tingles were dying away, Pavin began to move her again. He used the same tempo, building up from slow thrusts to quick, only this time as her excitement mounted he became fiercer and her body slammed into his every time he pulled her up against him.

  Now the sensations were like red tongues of fire scorching her as her clitoris ground against his lower body every time their flesh met, and suddenly she felt as though her whole stomach was swelling visibly with the pressure of the approaching orgasm, and her breath came in short gasps as she prayed silently that he wouldn’t stop again.

  He didn’t. Instead he watched her eyes widening in anticipation and, just seconds before she climaxed, he reached behind her and inserted the tip of his little finger into her tight anus so that it seemed to Deborah every nerve ending possible was being stimulated and she arched her belly into his as her second climax of the evening tore through her.

  Pavin heard her cry out with excitement and this, coupled with the feeling of her breasts and belly thrusting against him, finally triggered his own orgasm and he went rigid, his teeth clenched as a small groan escaped from between his lips.

  Deborah felt him shuddering and wrapped her arms round his broad back, feeling the thin film of perspiration that was covering his skin and relishing the closeness and the physical satiation.

  For a long time they lay entwined, their eyes finally closed now that they were finished, and Deborah felt his heartbeat slowing against her breast. Finally he withdrew and sat up, glancing at the watch that he’d left on the bedside table.

  ‘I’ll have to be going, Debbie,’ he said reluctantly.

  She felt surprisingly bereft. It wasn’t as though she knew him well, and she certainly hadn’t intended to go to bed with him tonight, but now that she had she didn’t want to lose him. He’d just given her the best sex she’d ever had and quite apart from that she found him incredibly attractive.

  ‘Of course,’ she said coolly, hoping he couldn’t tell quite what an impact he’d made on her.

  Pavin dressed swiftly and she pulled on a robe to see him to the door. He glanced around at the mess made by Mick. ‘I’ll send someone round to help you clear this lot up tomorrow.’

  ‘There’s no need. I know where it all belongs. I was just mad at the way he’d done it behind my back. Somehow it doesn’t seem so bad now!’

  Pavin grinned at her. ‘Good! I’ll ring you, Debbie. What’s your number?’

  She gave it to him, he jotted it down in a notebook, kissed her very softly on the lips and then left without a backward glance. Deborah hugged her robe tightly about her. She knew that she ought to take a shower, but didn’t want to lose the distinctive smell of him that was all over her at the moment. Instead she made herself a pot of tea and sat in the kitchen drinking cup after cup and wondering if and when he’d call her again.

  When she finally went to bed she told herself that even if he didn’t call he’d certainly helped her get over Mick. Just the same, she hoped that he did. It hadn’t felt like a one-night stand to her, and she didn’t want to think that was all it had been to him.

  She finally fell asleep re-playing their lovemaking in her mind.

  Chapter Two

  AFTER THREE DAYS had passed without Deborah hearing a word from Pavin, she reluctantly decided that she’d been nothing more than an enjoyable one-night stand. Since, on the two previous occasions she’d slept with men since her affair with Mick ended, she’d been the one to leave calls unanswered, she supposed there was a kind of justice in this, but that didn’t stop it hurting. The sex had been fantastic and she’d felt really attracted to him. Apparently the feeling hadn’t been mutual.

  Exactly a week to the day after she’d met the American at Chrissy’s party, she was called to her managing director’s office and told officially that she would not be promoted to fill the vacancy of senior fiction editor at Pegasus, despite her eight years as deputy.

  ‘It’s nothing personal,’ the managing director assured her, his eyes fixed firmly on his desk top rather than meeting hers. ‘It’s simply that the current policy here is for new faces. We have to bring in fresh blood, liven ourselves up, create a new image.’

  ‘I’ll have to go then,’ said Deborah firmly, having had plenty of time to prepare herself for this since rumours had been circulating for several weeks.

  ‘If that’s what you want, then of course you must, but no one at Pegasus would dream of asking you to go. We value all you’ve done for us,’ re
sponded the managing director tonelessly.

  Deborah wished that she could tell him exactly what she thought of him and the spineless way he was carrying out the new American owner’s demands, but that would mean she’d find it difficult to work anywhere else and so she swallowed her pride, told him she’d like to leave as soon as possible and left his office.

  Even Deborah was surprised though when her secretary began helping her pack up her personal possessions that very afternoon, and by the time she left the office at five-thirty she knew that she wouldn’t ever be going back. She’d receive a generous cheque in lieu of notice no doubt, but as far as work was concerned her years at Pegasus were over.

  Once back at her flat she swore aloud for a good five minutes, threw all her belongings into a corner of the living room and then ran herself a deep bath. She emptied half a bottle of bubble bath into it, then stripped off her clothes, collected a bottle of white wine from the fridge and took it together with a glass into the bathroom. She’d drown her sorrows in comfort.

  Just as she was about to step into the bath, the doorbell went. She waited, hoping the caller would go away, but within seconds the buzzer was sounding again. This time it was a long impatient ring forcing her to pull on her towelling robe and go and see who it was. She slipped the chain on first and peeped out, then clutched her robe more tightly round her in amazement.


  His eyes flickered over her and his mouth widened in the familiar grin that made her stomach turn over. ‘Seems I called at just the right time. Can I come in, or has some lucky guy beaten me to it?’

  With shaking fingers she slipped the chain off and opened the door. ‘No, I’m quite alone. I was just going to take a bath. What on earth brought you here this evening? I thought you were probably back in the States by now.’

  He draped a heavy arm round her shoulders. ‘Without contacting you? That would have been pretty unlikely after the time we had together! No, I’ve been caught up in some unexpected business, that’s all. Hey, nice smell!’


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