Deborah's Discovery

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Deborah's Discovery Page 15

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘Perhaps he’s possessive of you, Lizzie!’ laughed Richard.

  A shadow crossed the young woman’s face. ‘I hope not. That would really spoil things.’

  Pavin shook his head. ‘Brian isn’t possessive, he simply can’t bear not to be involved. Which reminds me, where is he now? Sara, do you know where Brian is?’

  Sara, her eyes downcast, shook her head. ‘No, sir.’

  ‘How about the Woolcotts? Or Celia, Martin and Flora? Have you seen them?’

  The maid hesitated. ‘I served tea to Mr and Mrs Woolcott and Mr and Mrs Craig half an hour ago. I haven’t seen Miss Stewart since breakfast.’

  ‘What about my husband?’ asked Elizabeth softly. ‘You must have seen him at some time. He’d never miss his lunch!’

  ‘He took lunch with Miss Woods,’ admitted Sara, hastily collecting up the remaining scones and piling plates onto the silver tray.

  Pavin blocked her way. ‘Sara, did Brian mention where he was going to spend his afternoon?’

  ‘I couldn’t help overhearing,’ the maid said hastily. ‘I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I was right behind him.’

  Pavin gave her one of his most reassuring smiles, although deep inside him he was beginning to feel the first premonition of something not being right. ‘No one expects you to be deaf, Sara, merely to pretend to be deaf when it suits us! So, where was he planning to go?’

  She looked apprehensively at him. ‘He told Miss Woods he’d take her to Puffin’s Cove, but that she wasn’t to mention it to anyone else.’

  ‘Why on earth not?’ demanded Pavin.

  ‘He said he didn’t think they wanted spectators,’ explained Sara quietly.

  Pavin moved to one side and the maid quickly left the room. Richard glanced at his employer. ‘Puffin’s Cove’s on the furthest side of the island. They’re bound to be gone some time.’

  ‘He didn’t mention taking Deborah out for a private twosome. It is considered polite to mention it, as you well know.’

  Elizabeth’s eyes were troubled now. ‘Perhaps it isn’t a twosome,’ she put in softly. ‘Isn’t it possible Flora’s there as well? No one’s seen her since she left us. Perhaps she and Brian set up a threesome but without mentioning it to Deborah.’

  Richard sat back in his chair. ‘That’s all right then! I think I’ll go and have a nap before dinner.’

  Pavin picked up his jacket from the back of a chair. ‘I think I’ll take a walk to Puffin’s Cove. After all, it is my island, and you’re all my guests. Not even Brian is likely to have the nerve to tell me to go away because he doesn’t want a spectator.’

  ‘You sent him away,’ Richard pointed out.

  Pavin shook his head. ‘Elizabeth sent him away, because that was part of how she wanted her day to be.’

  ‘Suppose this is how Brian wants his afternoon to be?’ suggested Richard.

  ‘As long as Deborah and anyone else involved goes along with him, I’ll leave. I just think I’d better check. Besides, it’s a long time since I visited that side of the island. I’ll take my binoculars and see what I can spot!’

  Although he laughed, both Richard and Elizabeth could tell that he was concerned. After he’d gone Elizabeth turned to the American’s PA. ‘It looks as though he cares quite a lot for Deborah.’

  Richard nodded. ‘That was plain to most of us from the start, including Flora I’m afraid. She sees our fair-haired English rose as an obstacle to her chances of becoming the next Mrs John Pavin III.’

  ‘She ought to become the first Mrs Richard Ford,’ said Elizabeth lightly.

  Richard pulled a face. ‘I don’t think there’s much chance of that, unfortunately.’

  As Pavin left the castle, Deborah was wishing fervently that she’d told someone where she and Brian were going that afternoon because right at that moment the fun was beginning to go out of things.

  It had all started well enough. They’d chatted amiably as they’d crossed the island, Brian talking about his wife and the way her sexual needs complemented his desire to dominate, while Deborah told him about her first meeting with Pavin.

  ‘How come he was so attractive to you?’ Brian asked. ‘Did the money add to his ample manly charms?’

  ‘I didn’t know he was rich! I suppose he was the complete opposite of Mick, who’s slim, sensitive and rather moody. Pavin was so incredibly masculine and yet I had the feeling that he really liked and understood women. There was just something about him, a sort of involuntary chemical attraction, that made me feel we’d be good together. And I was right.’

  ‘Yeah, but he’s right with most women!’

  Deborah shrugged. ‘Of course he is. I don’t expect him to have lived like a monk for forty-two years.’

  ‘He’ll never live like a monk.’

  ‘Elizabeth will never live like a nun, but you still love her,’ retorted Deborah. Brian fell silent.

  When they reached Puffin’s Cove, Deborah was glad they’d taken the trouble to walk the distance. On this side of the island the rock face was steeper, and in the many nooks and crannies formed by the various crumbling layers there were masses of seabirds. Down in the cove the white-crested waves broke on the outlying slate-grey rocks giving the island a far more raw beauty than that afforded by the sheltered cove where she and Celia had met up with Tansy.

  ‘It’s breathtaking!’ she enthused, when they’d finally scrambled down to the bottom.

  Brian watched her face as she stared out to sea. She had a tranquil beauty that was similar to his wife’s but their colouring was totally different. Normally he wasn’t drawn to blondes, but he definitely fancied Deborah. He also fancied getting his own back on Pavin for sending him away while he and Richard enjoyed themselves with Elizabeth.

  Linking his arm through Deborah’s he drew her back into the more sheltered part of the cove, then opened the beach bag he’d brought with him and spread a thick towel over one of the large, flat-topped pieces of grey rock.

  ‘Strip off and lie on that. The sun’s warm and we’re out of the wind here.’

  Deborah glanced at him. He looked relaxed, cheerful, and undeniably sexy in his tight jeans and white T-shirt. His slender but wiry arms were covered with fine dark hairs and there was an air of great energy about him which, combined with the hint of danger in his occasionally brooding brown eyes, excited her.

  As she did as he suggested, Brian too stripped off and then when Deborah was naked he drew a dark red silk garment out of the beach bag. ‘Here, slip this on. It will add to the excitement of the afternoon. Lizzie loves wearing silk next to her skin.’

  ‘So do I,’ confessed Deborah. ‘Pavin bought me a fantastic silk dress. The one I wore to dinner that first night.’

  ‘I remember it. Here, let me help you.’ Brian drew the silk teddy up Deborah’s long legs, sliding his smooth hands caressingly along them as he did so. Then he eased it up across her abdomen and to her surprise carefully drew her breasts through the gaps left in the top for that very purpose. He then slipped the straps over her shoulders and as she stood up to adjust it she realised that it was also crotchless and had a thong back that slid between the cheeks of her bottom. She felt more naked than when she’d been without clothes.

  Brian stared at her approvingly. ‘Great! Lie back on the towel then. I’m sure those inviting boobs would like some sun and attention!’

  She lowered herself onto the covered rock and felt his mouth sucking gently on the outer sides of each of the breasts in turn, then he ran his tongue round the rim of them, making the edge of the silk openings damp. Deborah felt her breasts growing and her nipples hardening.

  ‘You’re beautifully responsive,’ he murmured, and she wriggled with the pleasure of the warm sun and his mouth. She was grateful when he finally moved to her nipples and felt them spring to life when he took each in turn between his teeth, tugging softly and nibbling on the areolae.

  Brian could feel her whole body beginning to tremble with arousal and when he slid
a hand between her parted thighs he could feel through the opening at the crotch that she was already damp. As his hand carefully massaged her outer sex lips she pressed down against him, a small smile on her lips.

  Brian waited until she was completely relaxed and then bit sharply on her left nipple. Deborah’s eyes flew open. ‘That hurt!’

  ‘Lizzie loves it when I do that.’

  ‘I’m not Lizzie.’

  ‘You are for the next couple of hours,’ he whispered. ‘I’m going to pretend you’re my wife and give you the time of your life.’

  Deborah started to sit up. ‘I didn’t come here as a substitute for Elizabeth. I came here as me. If that isn’t what you want then we’d better go back.’

  Brian’s eyes gleamed with excitement and he pushed her flat on the rock again. ‘Don’t be silly. It’s only a fantasy. See, you did like it,’ he added and he now softly licked the previously abused nipple and it stood out harder than ever before.

  Deborah was shocked at her body’s treacherous reaction, just as she was shocked by the growing dampness between her thighs and the strange, erotic feelings that were coming from the tightness of the thong between her buttocks.

  ‘Lie on your stomach,’ said Brian.

  Deborah hesitated. ‘I prefer it this way.’

  ‘Too bad. Flora, help me turn Deborah onto her stomach,’ he called. To Deborah’s amazement, Flora emerged from a concealed opening to a small cave away to Brian’s left. She was carrying a long strip of seaweed in her hand. Walking over to where Deborah was prone on the rock she drew it across her exposed breasts. Deborah’s breath caught in her throat at the feel of the cool, damp strip covering her burning nipples and swollen breasts.

  ‘She says she wants to go, but her body says otherwise,’ laughed Brian, watching the flush of arousal spread up Deborah’s neck as the seaweed continued to snake backwards and forwards over her exposed flesh.

  ‘I’ve been waiting ages for you,’ complained Flora.

  ‘Sorry, but it took a while to persuade Debbie here to come with me. Now, help me turn her over.’

  Although Deborah struggled, the two of them found it easy to overpower her and within seconds she was lying face downwards, her arms stretched above her head and the wrists held together by Flora.

  When Brian’s hand reached between her buttocks and slipped the thong of the caressing teddy to one side, Deborah kicked out with her legs but he easily caught hold of her ankle, slapping her lightly on the back of her thigh. ‘Don’t be naughty, Debbie, or I’ll have to get rough. Just enjoy yourself. Flora and I have had a lot of fun over the years in Puffin’s Cove. You’re in good hands.’

  Once the thong had been pushed aside Brian drew a jelly-like double headed vibrator out of the bag, lubricated it with some gel and then carefully slid the smallest head in between Deborah’s tightly clenched buttocks. He had to hold them apart with one hand while inserting the vibrator into her puckered opening with the other and her initial resistance made it difficult for him. He ran his tongue along the top of her spine, swirling it on each of the sensitive upper vertebrae in turn until she automatically started to relax. Then, with one swift movement, the soft jelly-like thing was inside her.

  Deobrah lifted her head and her mouth opened in a strangled gasp as she felt the strange, almost liquid coldness invading her rectum. Then Brian turned the vibrator on and it began to squirm within her, its cool pulsating sides brushing against the paper-thin walls of her back passage and arousing every vulnerable nerve ending while at the same time she felt her stomach swelling and tightening as her body recognised this as a prelude to a climax and began to prepare itself.

  ‘You see, you like it!’ Brian laughed, but there was no humour in the laugh, rather a note of triumph and Deborah wished that her flesh hadn’t responded so rapidly.

  ‘Clench your buttocks and keep it there,’ he continued. ‘Now, turn onto your back and we’ll make you into a very sexy mermaid.’

  Flora laughed and then Deborah was turning onto her back again while the softly insinuating pressure of the incredibly flexible vibrator continued its stimulation between her firmly clenched buttocks.

  When Flora released her hands, Deborah decided to keep still. There was no point in trying to get away from these two, and in any case her body was now starting to take over from her mind and her flesh, already more responsive than ever before because of all she’d done since coming to Pavinsay, was craving satisfaction.

  Flora walked down to the edge of the sea and filled a large shell with salt water, then walked back to where Deborah lay outspread like some pagan sacrifice. She smiled to herself as she saw Brian cover the young woman’s eyes with two dark pads. This meant that Deborah was quite unprepared when Flora held the shell aloft and then tipped it gently so that the salt water fell in a slow trickle over the outthrust bare breasts.

  Deborah, her body warm from the sun, shouted in shock as the ice-cold water hit her and then, as it continued to dribble down in a relentless trickle, her nipples rose, the flesh burgeoning after its initial shrinking and Brian spread her thighs wider. Carefully he ran his fingers along her moist inner channels, sliding them up and down, always to the very base of the stem of the clitoris but never further.

  Deborah thought she’d go mad with the conflicting sensations. Her breasts had gone from hot to cold, in her tender back passage the jelly continued to move and touch her inner heat with its alien coldness and between her thighs her body screamed for those clever fingers to rise higher and touch her on the one spot that would bring the various sensations together into a climax.

  When the shell was finally empty, Flora dried off the other woman’s breasts and then massaged in some of the heat lotion so that now the tissue was warm and Deborah groaned, pressing down in an attempt to let her clitoris make contact with Brian’s torturing fingers.

  ‘Not yet, Debs,’ he said firmly. ‘You aren’t quite at one with nature. We want to make a proper mermaid out of you, don’t we Flora?’

  Flora laughed in agreement. Now the dark pads were removed from Deborah’s eyes and she watched as Flora pressed two small shells carefully over the blonde’s aroused nipples. The heat lotion worked as a glue for them and they stayed in place, their slightly rough insides tickling against the suffused flesh they were covering.

  Next Brian pushed a rolled-up towel beneath her hips to raise her pubic area more and then spread her legs wide. ‘I think Flora has something for you. Isn’t that right, Flora?’

  Flora smiled, and picked up a different piece of seaweed; it was long and thin with tiny rounded bubbles on the surface and she drew this down Deborah’s body until it came to rest between her outspread thighs.

  Flora laughed at the half-despairing, half-yearning look on Deborah’s face, then seated herself on the rock by their captive’s feet and stared at the upraised, unprotected sex mound. ‘You look very moist,’ she said gently, and the seaweed trailed across the outer lips.

  It was exquisite and Deborah couldn’t help her groan of delight. Her outer lips parted of their own accord and the inner lips swelled so that Flora could draw the long strand of seaweed back down across them and watch for herself as Deborah’s clitoris swelled and stood up proudly erect, pulsating with need. For one brief instant she let the seaweed touch it, but although it triggered sparks of bliss it didn’t precipitate a climax, it merely left Deborah straining all the more and as her muscles tightened the cool jelly vibe in her back passage stimulated her even more.

  ‘You’d like to be filled, wouldn’t you?’ asked Flora. ‘I know what it’s like to ache deep inside. Well, don’t worry, I’m going to ease that ache for you.’

  Deborah stared down at the other woman, and then Brian’s clever fingers were opening her inner lips wide, and she felt the cool breeze off the sea touch her most sensitive opening. Suddenly she cried out in disbelief as Flora, with a skill born of practice, teased Deborah’s vaginal opening with the end of the seaweed before, with diabolical slo
wness, gradually letting it feed into the writhing young woman’s vagina so that the raised bubbles on the moist walls of the seaweed touched her vaginal walls. As more of the seaweed was fed into Deborah it felt as though there was something alive inside her and when she had taken as much as she could, Flora stood up and twirled the seaweed ribbon in slow circles so that Deborah felt she would go out of her mind, so full and aroused was she in both passages, while her nipples remained tightly imprisoned in the shells.

  Deborah squirmed, writhed, tried to thrust her pelvis upwards, cried out for release, for cessation from the stimulation and the bliss of a climax but no one listened and all she could hear was the sound of the waves and the birds calling to each other while Brian and Flora continued to torment her body.

  She closed her eyes, the blood pounded in her ears and she felt as if she would pass out from their stimulation, but she knew that they weren’t going to let her come. They were going to make her wait and wait, arousing her to such heights that she knew she’d end up begging for them to help her and that this was why they’d brought her here. To reduce her to nothing more than a mass of screaming desire, and although she hated the thought of it she was aware that very soon she’d start to beg.

  Brian knew it too. He let his fingers massage the heat cream into her swollen breasts, then drew the same fingers along the insides of her outer sex lips so that they too were consumed by heat, and all the time the seaweed continued to play inside her vagina, touching spots she hadn’t even known were sensitive before.

  ‘Finish me!’ she screamed at last. ‘Brian, Flora, do something! Help me, please. I need …’

  Brian never even heard Pavin approaching him from behind. The first he knew of his arrival was when he was pushed to one side and then Pavin’s hand was between Deborah’s thighs and he eased a finger up her throbbing, damp inner channels until he found the stem of her clitoris. Then he carefully let his finger slide up and down the side in two quick movements that immediately had the desired effect and Deborah’s voice screamed louder than the gulls as her body was at last allowed to spasm in release.


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