Deborah's Discovery

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Deborah's Discovery Page 23

by Fredrica Alleyn

Within a matter of seconds she was bare from the waist down, and then he was tugging at her camisole top, pulling it up over her head and dragging her arms down through the openings without any care or thought for her comfort.

  Only when she was entirely nude did he pause, and she opened her eyes to see him balanced over her, his weight taken on his arms as he drank in the long, lean lines of her pale body.

  He was still fully clothed, and when he lowered himself onto her the zip of his jeans rubbed against her abdomen. She tried to protest but he placed a hand across her mouth and continued to rub himself up and down her, until raising himself up again on his arms in order to see how his efforts had brought the blood to the surface of her whole body area. She was now flushed red and her nipples were far darker and harder than before.

  She looked and felt slightly dazed by the speed with which he’d moved, and he took advantage of this to tear off his own clothes while she remained unmoving on her back. Then he lay on his side, propped up on an elbow and with his free hand he reached out and took one of the protruding nipples between his fingers. He held it lightly at first, but then his grip increased until the first tremors of pleasure turned into a sharp, shooting pain that radiated right through the breast.

  Deborah gasped, and at once Brian covered her mouth with his, his tongue invading her lips and teeth, thrusting into her, plundering every soft part of her gentle mouth. At first she resisted, but then as the pain from her imprisoned nipple grew unbearable, she responded with equal savagery and her tongue thrust into his mouth, down between his teeth and deep into his throat until she felt him bite on her tongue and this made her jerk her head away as his mouth finally left her.

  Her nipple was released too, but as his legs imprisoned hers between his lean but strong legs, he used the same mouth that had just plundered hers to fasten on to her other, as yet untouched breast, and now he was biting and sucking on that while his free hand scratched lightly across her belly and the sensitive inward curves of her waist.

  Deborah had never before had her flesh so savagely attacked in this way. Lovebites had always been gentle, playful nips, not the kind of demanding pain-inducing marks of domination Brian was inflicting and yet she knew, as deep down a part of her had always known she would, that she was responding to him.

  Her hands went round his back and her nails scratched at the skin across his shoulders, digging in so hard that even Brian was aware of the pain and his mouth attacked her breast with renewed ferocity. The hand that had been scratching at her belly moved lower, he spread her legs wide with his own and without even testing to see if she was aroused thrust three fingers into her opening.

  Deborah was aroused, she was more than ready for him and her body bucked against the fingers as they moved rapidly in and out of her until very quickly she was shuddering with her first orgasm. Brian felt her internal muscles contracting around his fingers and knew that she’d been right; deep inside the cool blonde was a creature as capable of wild savage sex as he was and for this short time they could indulge themselves.

  Even as her last tremors were dying away he was turning her onto her front, and now the breasts and tender abdominal skin that he had already marked were rubbed hard against the prickly, scrubby brushland that characterised the island and she felt as though a thousand tiny pins were sticking into her.

  Brian pressed against her back, forcing the breasts down harder until he heard her cry out with the pain and then he lifted a tube of jelly-like lotion from the pocket of his jeans and spread it all round her buttocks and into the surrounding creases until she was squirming with delight.

  Her buttocks were marked by the pressure of the scrubland earlier and the jelly cooled and soothed them, but at the same time Deborah knew that soon Brian would be using it to lubricate another area; a hot, tight area that was already tensing with fearful desire for his attentions.

  Grateful that he’d brought the tiny vibrator that Elizabeth so loved with him, Brian swirled the tip of that in some of the jelly that was covering Deborah’s buttocks and then tried to slip it into her tightly puckered opening but Deborah was ready for him and she drew in her muscles so that it was almost impossible for him to do as he wanted.

  She was revelling in it all. She wanted the vibrator inside her as much as he did, and she wanted to go on feeling the weight of him pressing her sore but stimulated flesh into the island’s earth, but she sensed that resistance was something he both liked and expected from her at this point.

  Brian sat astride the tops of her thighs and pushed a hand between her belly and the ground, then pressed upwards so that her buttocks were automatically raised. As they raised, Deborah forgot to keep her internal muscles contracted and immediately the vibrator was slipped into the opening and switched on.

  He moved it with cunning calculation, letting it touch each of the highly sensitive walls in turn, then bringing it right back to the entrance and allowing it to vibrate there until her bowels began to clench with a desire to move and she felt herself heaving with the effort of constraining them.

  Then, knowing how she felt, he allowed the vibrator to move deeper inside her until finally it came to rest against the T-bar at the base.

  This meant that he could leave it in place, still vibrating, and turn her over once more. The face that looked up at him was wild with desire and a kind of uncivilised sexual hunger he had rarely seen on a woman’s face before.

  He caught hold of her long, wonderfully-shaped legs and thrust them sharply upwards. Deborah felt as though they were going to tear at the groin so high did he stretch them, but then all at once they were resting on his shoulders and despite the discomfort she was grateful because she could imagine that this would enable him to penetrate her deeper than anyone had ever penetrated her before.

  ‘Yes!’ she moaned as he came closer, watching her red, trembling breasts which still bore the marks of his teeth and noticing her swollen mouth, bruised from his savage kisses earlier. ‘Please, do it to me now!’

  Taking his weight on one arm he drove into her with as much power as he could, and at the same time as his penis filled her vagina and the vibrator titillated her rectum, his fingers, in complete contrast, tenderly peeled back her outer sex lips and then skimmed across her inner moist surfaces. They swirled and pressed in such a skilled way that her orgasm grew nearer and nearer as her clitoris strained from its sheath longing for the merest suggestion of a touch from him.

  Brian wished that he had a camera; that he could record for ever Deborah’s total abandonment to his savage plundering of her body, but he knew that even a photo wouldn’t fully show the transformation that had taken place in her.

  As one hand continued to delicately arouse her vulva, his mouth closed harshly about the most inflamed nipple and once more flashes of pain filled her sensitive breast area, but she didn’t care. She was a mass of pulsating, frantic desire and when at last he allowed his thumb to caress the very tip of the swollen bud while at the same time pulling her nipple out to its full extent and holding it there so that the areola was puckered into a small gathering of flesh, Deborah exploded.

  She screamed an almost primitive cry of release into the air and it was drowned in the cries of the birds as they lazily circled in the sky above them. As she screamed so her muscles pulsed, the walls of her rectum closed tightly around the vibrator and Brian felt her gripping his penis with a fierceness that matched the way he was gripping her breast, so that he too bucked and convulsed in the throes of a wonderfully intense climax. He too cried out to the elements.

  When it was over they drew apart quickly, both of them startled by the easy way in which they’d fallen into a pattern together. After a time Brian pulled on his clothes. ‘We’d better carry on walking or we won’t be back for lunch and they’ll send out a search party.’

  ‘I knew it would be like that,’ Deborah murmured.

  He glanced at her flesh, still marked by his loveplay. ‘It was better than I expected,’ he confessed. />
  Deborah began to fasten her skirt. ‘It isn’t what I normally want,’ she explained, hoping no one would notice the tear in her camisole top. ‘It’s just something I had to do once.’

  ‘I know. Like going on a Big Dipper or trying white-water rafting.’

  ‘I suppose so.’

  He pulled her to her feet. ‘Pavin’s right for you; we’d destroy each other. If this is how it begins, imagine how it would end.’

  He was right, and Deborah knew it, but she would always be pleased that at least she’d had the experience. Such total, pagan abandonment of the senses wasn’t something everyone could try. She’d enjoyed it, but it wasn’t something she would ever attempt again.

  After a quick lunch, Deborah decided that she needed a rest before the evening’s barbecue and took one of Pavin’s books of erotica from the library in the east wing. She then spent the afternoon lying on a lounger beside the pool, enjoying the tropical-style heat and the collection of short, highly arousing stories, while in the pool Pavin, Richard, Flora and Celia enjoyed themselves in their own version of water sports.

  At six o’clock they all went off to their rooms to get ready for the evening and, for the first time since her morning walk, Deborah was alone with Pavin. He seemed slightly subdued for him. She wondered if it was his work or the fact that she’d chosen to go off with Brian which was the cause.

  He soon let her know. ‘Why did you choose Brian?’ he asked abruptly as he threw himself down on the bed.

  ‘Because I felt like it,’ she replied. ‘Isn’t that the only reason necessary here?’

  He didn’t turn his head to look at her. ‘Sure, but I can’t help wondering why him.’

  ‘I was drawn to him and I didn’t know why; I wanted to find out.’

  Pavin gave a soft laugh, deep in his throat. ‘And did you find out?’

  ‘Yes, I did.’

  He rolled onto his side and now they were lying face to face. ‘Did you enjoy the experience?’

  Deborah hesitated, wondering whether honesty was necessarily the best policy. It was all very well to talk about total sexual freedom and lack of jealousy, but the very fact that Pavin was questioning her suggested he was unusually curious about the answer. The last thing she wanted to do was put him off her, but on the other hand he claimed that this holiday was his idea of perfection, in which case he might simply want to know the answer in order to gain some kind of private pleasure from her reply. In her mind her response took on the importance of the answer to an exam question and she tried to think how best to phrase what had occurred between her and Pavin’s right-hand man.

  ‘Yes, I did enjoy it,’ she said at last. ‘He has this intensity, a harshness to his sexuality that’s so urgent it’s positively dangerous, and I needed to experience it just once.’

  ‘Once was enough?’ asked Pavin, sounding as though he found that difficult to believe.

  ‘Yes, because I responded too well. I nearly matched him some of the time and that isn’t the way I want to be. I accept it’s a part of me, that sometimes I might be attracted to that kind of man because of this, but it isn’t who I really am.’

  ‘You mean, you’d enjoy meeting up with him another year, on this island say for another holiday session, but you don’t want his kind of lovemaking the whole time?’

  Deborah nodded, her eyes held by the piercing gaze from the American’s blue eyes. ‘I’m not an Elizabeth; Brian would destroy me.’

  ‘You don’t think he’ll destroy her?’

  ‘No!’ exclaimed Deborah. ‘Don’t you see, if anything Elizabeth could destroy Brian because he needs her so much. He also loves her.’

  ‘Loves her?’ This time Pavin sounded incredulous.

  ‘Before we began he said that he only made love to his wife. That everything else was purely sex.’

  ‘Is that so? Then I guess you’re right, honey, Elizabeth holds all the cards. It’s strange, I spent the morning with her, and I could see the attraction in her submission, her total abandonment to the pleasure of pain, but I also knew that I couldn’t live with someone like that. There has to be more for me.’

  Deborah wished he hadn’t told her. All at once the green-eyed monster, jealousy, was back and she had trouble maintaining eye contact with Pavin. ‘What did you do together?’ she asked softly.

  ‘Hey, that’s an out-of-bounds question! I didn’t ask you for a blow-by-blow account and I don’t expect to give you one. Let’s be thankful we found they don’t suit us but they do suit each other and leave it there.’

  Deborah ran a hand over his chest, letting her nails scratch delicately over the skin and knowing full well that this always aroused him. ‘Who does suit you?’ she whispered.

  He grabbed her hand and folded it tightly in his, scrunching her fingers up so that she had to pull away because he was hurting her. ‘I think I’ll have to say I’m not too good at judging that; after two divorces I’d look pretty damned stupid if I gave a firm answer!’

  Deborah knew then that he wasn’t going to tell her what she wanted to hear, at least not yet, and possibly never. She decided to lighten the mood. ‘Is it shorts and bikini tops this evening, or wet suits?’ she asked laughingly.

  ‘Shorts and bikini tops; wet suits might come later! Are you having a bath first, or shall I?’

  ‘Why don’t we take one together?’ she suggested.

  Pavin shook his head. ‘Not tonight; I’m saving myself for the barbecue. We’ll keep the bath for our last night tomorrow.’

  Deborah turned her head sharply away. ‘Don’t remind me about tomorrow.’

  Pavin rested a hand on her shoulder. ‘Come on, Debs! Let’s enjoy the time that’s left to us.’

  She nodded, too full up to speak because she was beginning to think that in spite of everything, despite fitting in so well with all his friends and their own wonderful lovemaking, Pavin had no intention of taking their relationship further once the holiday was over, and she didn’t know how she was going to get him out of her mind.

  Pavin watched her go off to the bathroom and lay back on the bed, his hands folded behind his head. It was all going very well, even better than he had hoped at the start. So far, Deborah hadn’t put a foot wrong and he was keeping his fingers crossed that their last twenty-four hours would be as successful. If they were, then his future looked a great deal happier than it had on the night he’d gone, as reluctantly as Deborah, to the publishing party in London.

  The small cove where the barbecue was being held had been decorated with innumerable multicoloured fairy lights, the wires draped over the rocks. And in the sand, tall wooden posts held Chinese lanterns which glowed brightly attracting every moth in the vicinity.

  ‘It’s beautiful!’ said Deborah as she and Pavin descended the cliff path. ‘You must feel so proud of your island.’

  He squeezed her hand. ‘I am, and I’m pleased that you like it, Debbie. Am I forgiven for buying up your country’s history now?’

  She laughed. ‘Of course; that was a really rotten thing to say. My only excuse is that I was in a vile mood at the time.’

  ‘You’re forgiven! Hey, Elizabeth, that’s one hell of an outfit!’

  Elizabeth, smiling gently, waved at them from where Brian and Richard were trying to get the barbecue alight. Her flesh-coloured bathing costume clung so tightly to her that it looked as though she was naked, and the effect was heightened by the fact that tiny holes had been cut to allow her nipples to protrude. Deborah was relieved to see that the other women were all dressed in shorts and tops while the men were in casual trainer bottoms and T-shirts.

  ‘As usual Richard’s having trouble getting the barbecue going,’ said Flora, coming up to Pavin and resting a hand possessively on his upper arm. ‘Will you see what you can do or we’ll be here for hours!’

  ‘Sure, then we’ll leave the chef to see to the food while we all play blind man’s buff,’ called Pavin, striding off to join the group round the barbecue.

d man’s buff!’ laughed Deborah.

  Flora shook her head. ‘The way we play it you end up in the buff, Debbie. That’s why we use this cove, it’s nice and sheltered. Is Pavin making sure you get safely back to London when you leave, only he hasn’t asked me to make ticket arrangements?’

  ‘We haven’t discussed our plans after we leave here,’ said Deborah sweetly. ‘Elizabeth, you’ve left your nipple rings off!’

  Elizabeth nodded. ‘That’s because of the sand, it gets in the joins and messes up the spring fastenings. We learnt that last year. I’ve kept the other one on though,’ she added softly. ‘It’s better protected, and I love the feel of it against this tight costume.’

  Deborah could well imagine how it must feel and a frisson of excitement ran through her at the other woman’s words. She realised that she was looking forward to this game Pavin had mentioned. It seemed that she was more than ready for some of the island’s pleasures again.

  Very quickly Pavin had the barbecue going, and the chef from the kitchen was left to see to the food while the rest of them formed a large circle. Pavin took a black silk scarf out of his tracksuit trouser pocket and held it aloft.

  ‘Now, for the benefit of Debbie, who hasn’t played before, I’ll run through the rules of the game. One of the circle is blindfolded and then brought into the middle of the ring. I turn them round three times and then the rest of the players weave in and out in an ever-moving wheel, while the one who’s been blindfolded tries to “tag” one of them. Once a player’s been tagged he or she can then start sexually stimulating the blindfolded player in any way they choose and they keep going until the person being stimulated makes a guess at their seducer’s identity.

  ‘If the guess is correct then the two change places. If not, the blindfold stays on and the game continues until a correct guess is made. I don’t play, mainly because we’ve learnt by trial and error that I’m too easy to identify, simply because I’m bigger than everyone else!’

  Deborah felt the excitement rising in her. Here, on this isolated island in the slowly fading light of a late midsummer night, she would be sharing sexual pleasure with a group of like-minded people out in the elements, where nothing except sensual enjoyment mattered. A quick look around at the other faces in the group showed that they too found this a stimulating game.


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