A Bittersweet Hood Dilemma 2: A Naptown Love Story

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A Bittersweet Hood Dilemma 2: A Naptown Love Story Page 21

by Natavia

  “I think she has a good heart with a troubled past. I can tell she loves you. You coming into her life must have made quite an impact. She is really happy about that baby. Sometimes, that’s all we need. Just the right person to come along and love us because it’s obvious she never experienced it before. From what you told me anyway,” my mother said, smiling.

  “I think Tasira is dead,” my mother whispered.

  “Come on, Ma! Not this again. I thought no news meant good news,” I said to her.

  “Tasira was wicked, Osari! I always knew she was but she was my child and I loved her. I can feel it in my heart that she is dead,” my mother said. Tassana came out of the bathroom. I kissed my mother goodbye. Tassana gave her a hug.

  “I go to church every Sunday, Tassana. I wouldn’t mind you coming with me. I can’t get Osari to go but maybe you wouldn’t mind going,” my mother said. Tassana told my mother she would go with her the following Sunday. Once we got into the car I looked at Tassana. “Don’t be lying to my mama, Tassana,” I said to her.

  “Shut up! I’m going with her. I need Jesus in my life, you know that,” she said to me. My phone went off and it was Kyree texting me back. Tassana snatched the phone out of my hand then started reading our messages.

  “So, you still be keeping in touch with her, huh?” she asked.

  “It’s not even like that! She and I are just cool. I can’t control her texting me,” I said. Tassana dialed her number as I drove. She had the phone on speakerphone.

  “Heyyyy, handsome,” Kyree said.

  “Handsome, my ass! What the fuck are you doing calling and texting my man, Kyree?” Tassana asked.

  “Oh, it’s your hoe ass! Tell Osari to call me later!” she said, hanging up on Tassana.

  “You must still be fucking her!” Tassana said on the verge of tears.

  “I’m not fucking her and what I tell you about that crying shit? I just took you to meet my damn mama! I ain’t never took a broad to meet my mama! You are tripping over some text messages! You didn’t read me saying out of the way shit to her!” I spat.

  “She wants you! I can tell she does!” Tassana said.

  “I’m ready to drop your ass off at home! You are getting on my fucking nerves!” I said, getting on the highway.

  Thirty minutes later I was pulling up to Tassana’s house. She got out then slammed my door. I got out behind her. “What the fuck is your problem? I’m not fucking around on you!” I said, somewhat feeling bad although I wasn’t doing anything.

  “Leave me the fuck alone!” Tassana said, walking up the steps. There was a woman sitting on her step.

  “Is that you, Ma?” Tassana asked the woman. I saw her mother once at Tassana’s father’s funeral but this woman looked way different than before. Her body was really frail and her face was sunken in. She eyed Tassana’s bulging stomach and I started getting a weird feeling.

  “Get the fuck away from her, Tassana!” I said to her.

  “Shut up, Osari, that’s my mama!” she said, walking closer to her. Her mother pulled out a gun then Tassana froze.

  “What are you doing, Ma?” she asked her mother with tears welling up in her eyes.

  “You took him away from me! You killed my husband! You don’t deserve to live! You are an evil bitch!” her mother spat with the gun to her head. I was mad as hell I left my gun in the car.

  “I turned my life around, Mama! I don’t care what you think! I did not kill your husband! Don’t blame me for that! I’m your fucking daughter! I should be above him!” Tassana cried. Her mother pulled the trigger as I tackled Tassana. Tassana and I both rolled down the steps.

  I heard another gunshot then looked up. Tassana’s mother was stretched out in front of her house with blood seeping from her head.

  “OSARI!” Tassana cried, holding her chest with blood seeping through her fingers. Tassana’s neighbor ran to us on the phone with 9-1-1. Her neighbor was shaking as she held the phone in her hand.

  “My neighbor has been shot! She is pregnant! Hurry up and send someone!” the woman cried. I tried to stop the blood from flowing from Tassana’s chest.

  “You got to fight for our son! Just hold on!” I said as tears fell from her eyes.

  “I’m getting cold!” she said. My eyes burned with tears as I sat and watched her life slip away. Tassana was trying to change her life around. All she wanted was to see our son born and I didn’t think it was going to happen. The ambulance pulled up and Tassana was still fighting to breathe. They hurriedly worked on her as I was being pulled away from her. They called for more back up when they realized another body was in front of the house.

  A few hours later I was in the waiting area with my nerves going crazy. I hoped she and my son made it. Tassana had some fighting in her because she was still holding on when they rushed her to the hospital. I still had blood on my clothes. A presence sat down next to me. I never looked up until a hand grabbed mine. It was her sister, Tokyo.

  “I never thought I would get a call like the one I just got. Although she and I had a falling out, she is still my sister. I wasn’t going to come but I did a lot of soul searching. Both of my parents are dead and now my sister is fighting for her life,” Tokyo said with tears falling down her face.

  The doctor came out and told me that Tassana was still holding on and they had to give her a C-section. My son was in critical condition from the fall down the steps Tassana had, and the lack of oxygen from her losing a lot of blood. Tokyo went to see her sister and I went to see my son. He was in the NICU with tubes in his mouth. I had to put on hospital gear before I could enter. When I walked in I almost bitched up and I couldn’t move. He looked just like me when I was a baby. He had his mother’s nose and lips but everything else was all me. I sat down and just stared at him for what seemed like forever. He was definitely my son.

  Chapter 22- Tokyo

  I wasn’t going to come at first but I felt like I had to. When I walked into the hospital I thought maybe I would start hating her again then turned back around to leave. But when I saw Osari sitting down with blood on his clothes, I just couldn’t. Babies are innocent and, although I was still hurt from what Tassana did to me, I couldn’t turn my back on my nephew. I walked into Tassana’s room and all I could hear were machines beeping. I still couldn’t believe my estranged mother shot Tassana then killed herself. I have been trying to get in touch with her since my father’s funeral but couldn’t. I just gave up trying to reach out to her. Tassana must be a fighter because she was holding on after she lost so much blood. I was wondering if God was giving her a second chance because anybody else would’ve died.

  Three days later…

  Tassana was still sleeping. She wasn’t really in a coma because she moved a few times. The doctors said she was heavily sedated. Osari Jr. was pulling through. His father never left the hospital. I had to go to the store to get him some clothes to change in to. I admired his love for her in a way. He was caught up in her rage but still stuck it out with her. If that wasn’t love then I don’t know what is. Kyree called my phone and I answered.

  “Yes, Kyree?” I answered.

  “Where are you? Is everything okay? Kauzie told me you have been in the hospital with your sister,” she said to me.

  “Yes, she is in a coma. The baby is pulling through. He is so handsome. He looks just like his father,” I said. It got quiet on the other end.

  “Osari is there?” she asked me.

  “What type of question is that? Why wouldn’t he be here?” I asked Kyree.

  “I just still can’t get over him forgiving her so easily! I’m even surprised you are there!” Kyree said.

  “How many fucking times have you forgave No Hands? I’m almost sick of your shit! Yes, my sister pissed me the fuck off, but it’s over! I’m happy with my family and she was happy with hers! The shit is fucking old, Kyree! Do you not know our beef caused us to lose both of my fucking parents?” I asked her.

  “Exactly! More reason why y
ou shouldn’t be there!” Kyree said. I hung up on her and when I looked up, Tassana was staring me dead in the face. I jumped up because she scared the hell out of me.

  “Make some damn noise, shit! You almost scared the piss out of me!” I spat as I called the nurses in. They rushed in, checking Tassana’s vitals and taking tubes from her throat. I could see the pain in her face. She looked very uncomfortable. I told them to give her something else as tears rolled down her eyes from the pain. I stepped out of the room as they tried to get her situated. Osari was in NICU with their son. We have been taking turns going back and forth. Kauzie even offered to come with me but I told him to stay with our daughter.

  An hour later they told me I could go back in, and there she was, lying down with tears in her eyes.

  “I should’ve just died, Tokyo! I don’t deserve to live anymore! Our mama blew her brains out! She killed herself!” Tassana said then broke out in a horrible cry. I couldn’t say anything as I watched her break down.

  “Your baby is in the NICU. He is pulling through,” I said to her.

  “Thank God for that! Although he would be better off without me!” she said. I didn’t know this side of Tassana. The Tassana I knew was selfish and manipulative. This one is broken down and vulnerable. She was finally getting a taste of life.

  “I know we will never be close. I just want you to know that I’m sorry. Even if you don’t talk to me anymore after this, just know that I am really sorry for everything and I do love you,” she said. Tears fell down my face and I hurriedly wiped them away. Tassana and I may never be close like how twins normally are, but I can be cordial with her.

  “It may take forever for me to forgive you. I may not ever forgive you, but I’m not going to stress about it and neither should you. We have kids to raise and all we can do at this point is to focus on our families and let everything fall into place,” I told her. She nodded her head.

  Osari rushed into the room with a smirk on his face.

  “About damn time you woke up! I was ready to break up with you for leaving me like that!” he said, making me laugh. Osari is a complete jackass!

  “Really, Osari! I’m just waking up and that’s all you can say to me?” Tassana asked smiling, wiping her eyes.

  “Shit, you know I’m not affectionate!” he said, kissing her lips.

  “This nigga was boo-hooing! Trust me! He is acting tough now but this nigga was walking around with tears in his eyes for the past few days!” I said, rolling my eyes at him as he grilled me.

  Osari showed Tassana pictures of their son and she cried as Osari hugged her. I told them I was going home to give them some alone-time.

  When I got to our new home Kauzie was in the living room watching TV with his baller shorts on. Kylee was in her bouncer, kicking her little feet, making noises.

  “Everything good?” he asked and I just broke down in tears. I have been holding it in for the past few days and I couldn’t do it any longer. Kauzie held onto me as I cried. Seeing Tassana and her son like that bothered me but I managed to hold it in. I was fighting whether or not I wanted to feel sorry for her and I couldn’t do it any longer. The truth is, I felt sorry for Tassana.

  “Her innocent little baby had tubes down his throat. It was awful. My mother could see she that was pregnant and didn’t feel any remorse for her grandchild, despite how she felt about Tassana! My nephew is innocent!” I sobbed as he hugged me.

  Chapter 23- Kauzie

  We are in our new home, living peacefully! I know I’m not hearing from Tasira again because I know her ass is dead somewhere! I saw it in her brother’s eyes that she wasn’t going to live another day. As for Tokyo and I, we have been on very good terms. She was a stay-at-home mom but she did paint and draw during her free time. I hired someone to create a website for her so she could sell her paintings online and she has been making a killing. Tassana was out of the hospital now, her and her son. They’d been in there for weeks and just came home yesterday. She and Tokyo are cordial but you can see there is still a wall between them. I’m glad Tassana and her son pulled through but I don’t care about being cordial with her. That’s Tokyo’s sister and she is the one that has to deal with her.

  Tokyo’s mother was cremated and a lot of money was left to her and Tassana. It stated in the will that if both parents were deceased they would both get two-hundred-and-fifty thousand apiece. Tokyo put her money into a savings account. When Tokyo found out her mother had HIV and had received it from her father, she was livid. She said she understood why Tassana hated their father. If you ask me that whole family was dysfunctional. I noticed that at her father’s funeral. No one said but two words to each other!

  I was chilling over No Hands’s crib, smoking my blunt. Kyree still wasn’t giving him any play. Aries had the baby and it wasn’t even No Hands’s baby. The baby came out looking like the nigga, Geechie. Aries was fucking him too! Speaking of Geechie, him and Kai were sentenced to twenty-five years. Their DNA led to two other unsolved murders. I didn’t care for Kai because she was vindictive also! I’m sure she was more than willing to help her brother set niggas up to get robbed. I’m glad Jessup didn’t get caught up in her mess, he was too good of a dude.

  “I miss her, man!” No Hands said.

  “Nigga, get over it! She ain’t fucking with you anymore!” I said to him. My phone rang and it was Tokyo. “What’s good, shorty? I’ll be home in a few,” I said to her. She was crying into the phone and all of sudden I got worried. “What’s the matter? You and Kylee okay?” I asked.

  “I hate your sneaky ass! I fucking hate you!” she screamed into the phone.

  “What the fuck for? Don’t make me slap the fuck out of you! What are you screaming on me for, Tokyo? I don’t be doing shit!” I yelled back into the phone.

  “I’m pregnant again!” she cried.

  “Oh, that’s it? Damn, shorty! I thought you was ready to accuse me of cheating!” I said, blowing the weed smoke out.

  “Kylee is only three months, Kauzie!” Tokyo yelled into the phone.

  “My soldiers be marching, shorty! What do you want me to do?” I asked her.

  “Get fixed!” she said. I choked on the smoke I inhaled.

  “You have lost your damn mind! That’s the whole point of fucking raw! I’m not getting that shit done! Damn, Tokyo, you got me in my feelings! You telling me to get fixed like I’m a dog!” I said. No Hands fell over laughing. No Hands is the nigga that she needs to have that conversation with.

  “I’ll be home in a minute!” I said to Tokyo. I gave No Hands dap then left his crib to head home.

  I pulled up in front of our three-level brick townhouse. I had that house inspected inside and out before we moved in. It was a house I was fixing up to sell but after it was finished Tokyo fell in love with it, so we moved in instead.

  I opened up Kylee’s bedroom door and she was sound asleep. I went into our bedroom and Tokyo was just getting out of the shower. She was oiling her body up when I pulled her towel off.

  “Don’t touch me,” she said.

  “You seriously mad that we are having another baby?” I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.

  “You damn right, I am! This is all too much!” she said.

  “You got me though! I’m not going anywhere, so what’s the problem? We are more than good, financially,” I said to her.

  “I was having complications with the first one,” she said.

  “Due to stress! Our problems are gone!” I told her, pulling her into me. I kissed her lips then squeezed her breasts gently. She slightly moaned when I rubbed on her sex.

  “I’m addicted, shorty,” I said as my finger entered her. When she gasped I sucked on her bottom lip. I was smoking and drinking a little bit, so my dick was ready to burst out my pants!

  Her pussy-walls clenched around my finger. We ended up on the bed with me on top. I sucked her hardened nipple then she gripped my dreads. I kissed down her breasts to her navel. When I got down to her pussy I spread he
r legs wider. I curled my tongue up then gently licked her clit. She gripped my hair harder when I lifted up her legs.

  “OOOHHHHHHHH!” she whined as her wetness started to form a small pool underneath her ass. I sucked on her hole then stuck my tongue inside of her. Tokyo bucked her hips forward, making my tongue slide further into her. She started fucking my face back as my tongue hardened like a dick, as I fucked her with it. She grinded onto my face after I plucked her clit in a fast-like motion with my tongue. She dug her nails into my scalp as she came. Her legs shook when I slid two fingers inside of her. I was trying to scoop her wetness out so it could flow into my awaiting mouth. She screamed and moaned as she orgasmed again all over my face. She cried my name as I sucked on her clit. I let her legs go, unbuckling my pants then sliding them off. I never lost rhythm as I continued to savagely eat her out. She pulled my shirt off and now I was completely naked.

  “Put it in,” she moaned, popping her pussy out with her legs opened. Tokyo’s shining, fat pussy was just spread, dripping, waiting for me to dig into her. I held my dick at her entrance, rubbing it between her slit. I smacked her clit with it, making it jump. Her hole opened up for me, letting me know I was welcomed. My thick head slowly penetrated her walls. She made a hissing sound as I slid into her. She rubbed her clit as she creamed on my dick. I grabbed her breasts as I slowly slid in and out of her. I looked down at my dick going in and out of her, coated with her wetness.


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