Harvesting Hope: in Saddleback Ridge

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Harvesting Hope: in Saddleback Ridge Page 9

by Milan Watson

  There was more here than passion, Gemma realized as she felt herself inching towards the edge of the flames. She could be incinerated tonight and she wouldn’t care, as long as Dusty braved the flames with her.

  They licked at her release but he wouldn’t let her be, instead he drew back and paid attention to a different part of her body every time. It was the sweetest torture she’d ever known. Her ankle was spoiled with soft kisses, her back explored even as his hands did some exploration of their own. When he finally dragged her closer to the flames again, they snapped and blazed higher than ever before.

  They braved the heat together, their eyes never closing as they searched for the answers in each other’s gaze. Gemma might have been with other men, but she couldn’t even remember their names as Dusty filled her mind, heart and soul.

  Chapter 18

  Gemma smiled even before she was fully awake. Her body ached deliciously after a night of making love with a man she had denied herself for too long. Every time he had taken care that she didn’t hurt her ankle, every time he had taken her higher than before.

  Gemma had thought she would be sated by now, but she already wanted him again. She turned over to reach for him only to find the sheets cool and pulled up as if he had never been there at all.

  A frown creased her brow even as she pushed herself up in bed. She glanced around the room but Dusty wasn’t there, not his clothes, not even the cellphone she remembered him dropping on the bedside table. She dragged a hand through her hair and flinched, realizing she had rolled around with wet hair and now it was a tangled mess.

  Her eyes caught her ankle brace standing within reach and her heart simply swelled in her chest. He might have left but he had brought her things back from the bathroom and even made sure the brace was within easy reach. A soft sigh escaped her as she shook her head. Last night had been everything she’d imagined, and more.

  She just wished he’d stayed until she woke. She chastened herself for being foolish when her phone buzzed. A smile tilted the corners of her mouth as she answered. “Hey handsome.”

  “Uh, it’s Craig,” the older man’s voice came over the phone.

  “I uh…” Gemma flinched. Why hadn’t she checked the caller display first? “Sorry Craig, what’s up?”

  “Just wanted to let you know we’re fine out here at the site. We can carry on for the next week at least, so you can finally put that ankle up and let it heal.”

  “Thanks,” Gemma said. She asked him about a few things in particular and once she was assured he had everything under control she hung up. She glanced around the room and shook her head on a sigh.

  Last night might have been heaven, but it was just one night. For all she knew Dusty just wanted to get her out of his system. Closure so to speak. The thought made her tummy twist in the worst way. Surely it would’ve been more?

  But even as she considered that it might be more she wondered if she was ready for more? She had just moved back to Saddleback Ridge and the project was her way of proving to herself and the world that she was worthy of being a freelance architect. Was now the right time to get involved with someone?

  Especially someone like Dusty who made her forget reason and common sense. He would be a distraction, she tried to convince herself. But deep down she knew it wasn’t the distraction she couldn’t handle, it was losing him again that frightened her. It had taken almost a year before she dipped her toes into the dating pool again. Was she really ready to take another chance with the one man that managed to grab her heart with both hands?

  Fear trickled down her spine at the thought of losing him again and she drew in a sharp breath. No promises were made last night; they didn’t even discuss what last night meant. In fact if she was being honest they didn’t talk much at all.

  She glanced at the empty side of the bed again and thought of Craig’s call. She didn’t need to be here anymore and perhaps leaving was exactly what she needed. She wasn’t ready to put her heart on the line if she didn’t know it would be safe.

  She needed her own apartment, her own space, and hopefully she could figure out what last night had meant to her at least.

  There was a soft knock on the door, making her drag up the sheets to cover herself. “Yeah?”

  The door inched open and her heart soared knowing it would be Dusty, but it was Kelly who poked her head in. “There you are. You’re usually up by this time.”

  Gemma frowned, glancing at her watch. “It’s already ten?”

  “Yup. I was heading into town, wondered if you wanted to go with. Escape cabin fever for a while? We could stop by the bakery?”

  Gemma didn’t need a minute to decide. She needed to get away, to clear her mind and to try and figure out what she wanted from Dusty before this thing went any further. Besides, as soon as anyone from Falcon Falls stepped into a room with her and Dusty today they would know what’d happened. Gemma had never been good at pretending or acting.

  “Yeah, that would be great. But actually if you don’t mind helping me cart my things down, I’d like a ride to my apartment.”

  “You’re leaving?” Kelly asked as she moved into the room.

  “Yeah, Craig just called to say the project is on track. They won’t need me on site for a week at least. It’s time for me to head back.”

  Kelly’s eyes narrowed curiously. “Gemma, is everything alright?”

  Gemma shrugged. “Everything’s fine. I just miss my own space, that’s all.” Gemma crossed her fingers hoping Kelly wouldn’t push; if she did she might just spill her guts.

  “If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure. I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.” Gemma sighed. “Make that forty-five; everything takes longer with this ankle.”

  Kelly smiled. “I’ll go get some coffee and help you pack, how’s that for a deal.”

  “Perfect, Kelly, you’re a Godsend.”

  Kelly chuckled. “No, the coffee is.”

  As soon as Kelly left the room Gemma drew in a sharp breath. She would’ve wanted to talk to Dusty but just like nine years ago she was afraid of facing him. She couldn’t stand seeing him and realizing last night had meant nothing to him, because it had meant the world to her.

  Chapter 19

  Dusty had woken up with Gemma curled around him just before dawn. For a moment he considered reaching for her again, to hear her soft sighs and feel her fevered touch, but common sense prevailed.

  Although his father spent an evening at Betty’s now and then, Dusty knew his father was always back by first light to keep his eye on the ranch. Which meant his father was probably already on the road. Dusty was a grown man and not ashamed of spending the night with a girl he had loved since a long ago summer, but he couldn’t stand the thought of his father giving him the third degree, or worse embarrassing Gemma by having Clayton find him in the spare bedroom.

  Against his better judgment he had carefully slipped out of bed and returned her things from the bathroom before heading to his annex to shower and dress. When he finally returned to the main house thirty minutes later his father was already in the kitchen just like he’d predicted. He waited for fifteen minutes for a chance to slip upstairs and wake Gemma, but Farley had stopped those plans the moment he came rushing into the house.

  Another snare had been found by one of the ranch hands.

  Within ten minutes Dusty and Ford were both saddled and headed to the border fence between Falcon Falls and the Upton Ranch. The snare was the same as the last one but much smaller. Dusty would’ve bet whoever was setting them was trying to catch small game or foxes, but that didn’t diminish the anger he felt.

  The sheriff had been called and for the next hour Ford and Dusty had shown him where the snares had been found all along the border fence. The rest of the morning had been swallowed with searching for more snares. They found five more.

  Dusty itched to get back to Gemma. After last night he wanted to make sure it wasn’t just a dream. He needed some sort of reassurance t
hat it had meant as much to her as it did to him, but the business with the snares needed to be dealt with first.

  Along with a few other ranch hands they went over the area again and this time luckily didn’t find another snare. He saw Ford getting a call and moved closer hoping that Sheriff Jones had some news from Upton Ranch.

  He stopped beside Ford just as he ended the call. “And, what’d he say?”

  Ford cursed under his breath. “Nothing, just like we knew he would. Dean threatened to make a libel suit against us if we accused him again. With no proof there’s nothing the sheriff can do.”

  “Can’t they fingerprint the snares?” Dusty asked, already knowing that wasn’t an option.

  “Dusty, it’s a rope and a few twigs, even if they had the fingerprinting equipment down at the station the chances of getting a complete print is slim.”

  “I know.” Dusty sighed. “It’s just someone is doing this on our property and it just feels to me like we don’t have any control over it. Maybe we should have a few men camping out here. He has to set them at night otherwise he would be seen.”

  “Dad’s going to be pissed. Especially after finding five more snares. I just don’t get why Dean would do it? This isn’t the eighteen hundreds, fur trappers have long since stopped making a reasonable living, especially of hare hides.”

  “I don’t give a damn about his reasoning; we just have to catch him,” Dusty said before he walked to the tree where he’d tethered Sammy.

  Sammy neighed at the sight of him. “Yeah girl, I know you’ve been waiting a long time. Let’s get home,” Dusty said as he swung into the saddle. He didn’t wait for Ford or the ranch hands before he leaned in and edged Sammy into a canter. She raced over the fields, the wildflowers nipping at her heels as she took him home.

  Dusty understood that sometimes trapping was necessary, especially if you had a nuisance ruining your crops or stealing grazing pasture, but not like this. Not for no reason and not on Falcon Falls. Nothing could ease the anger Dusty felt now, except maybe seeing Gemma. To know that last night had meant the same to her as it did to him.

  Once he arrived at the ranch house he unsaddled Sammy before setting her out to pasture. He needed a shower and to talk to his father, but first he wanted to find Gemma. He headed to the living room where she usually worked on her laptop during the day, but there was no sight of her. After checking her room and the porch again, confusion clouded his mind.

  Kelly came ambling into the house, arms loaded with groceries. Dusty rushed forward to help her hoping she knew where Gemma was. “Have you seen Gemma at all?”

  Kelly nodded. “Yeah, just dropped her off at her apartment. Apparently Craig won’t be needing her for the next week at least.”

  Dusty stopped mid-step as he searched Kelly’s gaze. “She left?”

  “Heck Dusty, you make it sound like she copped out of a blood vow.” Kelly chuckled but her laughter quickly faded as her eyes widened. “She didn’t tell you, did she? Why do I have a feeling this is about much more than the dude ranch?”

  Dusty sighed as he set down the bags in the kitchen. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Look, I know it’s none of my business but clearly it does matter. For the last few days you have been circling each other and although no one else noticed, I did. She had the same look in her eyes you have right about now, when I dropped her off. Why don’t you go see her?”

  Dusty shook his head. “If she wanted to talk to me she wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.”

  Dusty turned and walked out of the kitchen feeling as if he was right back where he had been nine years ago. Except this time he didn’t have Joe Parker to blame, this time he only had himself to blame.

  Last night he had given her everything, he had opened his heart and bared his soul to her only to have her slap it away this morning. He might still want the girl he fell in love with nine years ago, but her sudden departure made it clear the woman didn’t want him now.

  Chapter 20

  Gemma sat on the examination bed and couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. Sawyer Pruitt might have the M.D. on his card and the degree to show for it, but to her he was still just Dusty’s friend from high school.

  When she had first injured her ankle it had been different. She had been in pain and hadn’t even noticed him touching or probing her ankle, but this time she noticed alright and she couldn’t help but notice that his dimples from high school were ever present. How he hadn’t been caught and tied down yet was a miracle. If she hadn’t been hung up on Dusty for the last heaven knows how many years she might have responded to that smile.

  It was two days after her escape from Falcon Falls and although she hadn’t yet heard a word about Dusty, she didn’t regret leaving. Without knowing where Dusty’s heart was at she simply wasn’t ready to put hers on the line yet.

  “Loosen up will you? You’re so tense I can hardly feel the ligament from the muscle.” Sawyer chuckled glancing up at her.

  Gemma drew in a deep breath. “I still don’t know why you wanted to see me. It’s barely been two weeks on the brace.”

  Sawyer shrugged as his warm mechanical hands probed and turned her ankle. “A sprain is hard to diagnose initially with all the swelling. I knew it wasn’t broken but I just wanted to see how bad it is. If there isn’t any improvement I’ll need to send you down to Colorado Springs for x-rays.”

  “It’s better,” Gemma said quickly.

  It wasn’t that she hated x-rays, she just didn’t have a fondness for the cool table and being dressed in nothing but a sheer hospital gown; call her old-fashioned but she didn’t like strangers seeing her barely clad.

  Sawyer chuckled just as the door opened and his receptionist Sally stepped in. He glanced at Sally before turning to Gemma. “You can stop wearing the brace. I’ll give you an elastic bandage that ought to give it the support it needs, but you’re well on your way to recovery.”

  Gemma gasped as Sawyer began to wrap her ankle in the bandage. “Wait, what? You mean I don’t have to use the crutches?”

  “Now Gemma, don’t tell me you have trouble with the crutches. From what I hear you’ve been falling over your feet regardless of using them or not?” Sawyer said with a teasing smile.

  Gemma felt a flush cover her cheeks even as Sally snickered in the corner. “Rumor has it you and Dusty have been making goo-goo eyes at each other again.”

  “What?” Gemma asked jumping off the bed. The moment the pain shot to her knee Sawyer was by her side to steady her.

  “Careful, I said lose the brace not break a hip!” Sawyer cautioned although his eyes were sparking with mischief.

  “Did Dusty say something to you Sawyer?” Gemma asked with a narrowed look.

  She hadn’t even processed what had happened between them yet and already it was running across town on the fastest conveyor belt ever invented, the Saddleback Ridge gossip mill. She knew Dusty and Sawyer were friends but she had honestly thought they had passed the kiss and tell stage of their lives.

  Sawyer held up his hands even as his brows rose. “Slow down there, Dusty ain’t told me nothing, but judging by your reaction there’s clearly something to tell.”

  “I heard it from Betty who let it slip that you and Dusty can’t stand each other. From what I remember you two could stand each other just fine.” Sally winked as she chewed on her strawberry flavored gum.

  Gemma drew in a deep breath, she couldn’t even blame Betty because she hadn’t been lying, she and Dusty had avoided each other for days until the other night.

  “Why, I sure as heck don’t know.” Sally clucked her tongue and crossed her arms. “Have you heard of styling or is wearing a ponytail like a middle grader suddenly the new fashion up in Denver?”

  Gemma clenched her jaw even as she self-consciously touched her ponytail. “Next time you’re in an ankle brace, let me know how easy it is to style your hair when you’re balancing on one foot,” Gemma snapped.

  Sawyer chuckled.
“Ladies, this isn’t a competition, except if there is going to be mud involved and the fight’s about me. Sally, you make sure Gemma gets back upstairs without injuring that ankle, and Gemma, you can start putting a little more weight on it every day but just don’t overdo it, ya hear? If you do it’ll swell again, then you ice it and hope I don’t find out.”

  Gemma smiled gratefully at Sawyer for his trouble even as she began hobbling towards the door on her crutches. She was just out the door when she heard Sally follow after her.

  “Wait up, Gemma, I was just kidding,” Sally said with an easy smile.

  Gemma sighed realizing Sally was right. She was so on edge because she hadn’t heard from or seen Dusty in a few days and she had just taken it out on Sally. “No, I’m sorry. I’m just feeling edgy. I hate feeling helpless.”

  Sally chuckled as she began helping Gemma up the stairs. “Don’t I know what you mean? Broke my right arm a few years back on one of those mechanical bronco type things; couldn’t even feed or dress myself. You holler if you need help, ya hear?”

  Gemma smiled as she reached her door. “Thanks Sally, and thank Sawyer for me too.”

  As she closed the apartment door behind her Gemma leaned against it for a moment. How much longer could she pretend Dusty didn’t exist and they hadn’t spent the night tangled in the sheets? By denying it the whole town were coming to their own conclusions, and sooner or later their guesses would hit the sweet spot.


  “Barley?” Dusty asked shaking his head. “Dad’s going to skin you if he finds out.”

  After a long day on the ranch Dusty and Drake had decided to end the day at Whiskey Woes. Logan was busy arranging his office in their mother’s old sewing room, and Betty and Clayton were having an early night watching black and white movies, although Dusty doubted his father had any interest in movies unless it was old westerns. The things men do for love.


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