ZetaTalk: Hybrid

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by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Hybrid

  Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Hybrid

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  The Zetas talk about What are Hybrids and Why Hybrids are being produced from a combination of Zetan and human genetics; how this is not the First Time Homo Sapiens has been genetically engineered; whether Non-Zetan Hybrids

  are being produced; how the hybrid program is in operation only in the Good Old USA but Special Children are being born worldwide; how there is a Cataclysm Link to the pending Pole Shift; what the Time Frame is; why many abductees report that the Zetas seem to be Stepping Up the Pace; why isolated Hybrid Colonies will develop; and how

  Intermarriage with humans the hybrids consider their Team Mates will eventually occur. The Zetas talk about how the hybrid program runs in the Family Line and why are there No Elderly in the hybrid program but there are sometimes

  Prebirth Agreements; how abductees are sometimes given a formal Introduction to their offspring; how they feel about the Pregnancies that they lose or resent their lack of Custody Rights; what the Father Donors experience; why

  Extended Families are unlikely to occur, and how the Zetas Cherish Children.

  The Zetas talk about Engineering Techniques; what fear stands behind recent Cloning Bans; how Genetic Diseases are

  being corrected but we will not have a Perfect Body; what part Recessive Genes play; how there will be Basic

  Similarities and Physiology Differences but desirable Human Traits are being continued; how there are indeed Zeta

  Emotions, but there is an Evolution Impact, and a remarkable Zeta IQ, so the hybrids going to be smarter than their Earthly parents; why the hybrids are not exactly In the Middle; why the goal was not what we would call Beautiful

  Bodies; and how the 90's Model has arrived in spite of the difficulties the Proto-Hybrids experienced. The Zetas talk about Where They Live and When We Can Meet the hybrids; that Full Blood Zetas will still be around but humans may become an Endangered Species; how there are Hostile Humans resentful over Who's in Charge; that resentful humans spread Disinformation; that the hybrids are not to save a Dying Race although there are Zeta Clones; and that some humans assert False Hybrid claims.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/hybrids/h00.htm[2/5/2012 11:49:06 AM]

  ZetaTalk: What are Hybrids

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  ZetaTalk: What are Hybrids

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The hybrid form is neither human or Zetan. The advantages to humans of being promoted to a hybrid form are many.

  Briefly, they will be more intelligent and more telepathic. Certain human problems are being screened out - the

  tendency to become obese; the ability to become enraged beyond all thought of the consequences; the short life span;

  and the need to consume large quantities of food, requiring gassy periods of digestion and flatulence and frequent

  defecation. Trust us, we have included the goodies. Your sex life will not be diminished in your future life times. Your

  ability to dance, feel the rhythm, and feel the sensuous luxury of warm water or silky fabric will not be diminished.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/hybrids/h06.htm[2/5/2012 11:49:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Why Hybrids

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  ZetaTalk: Why Hybrids

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The Earth is about to become a home for entities in the next stage of spiritual development, or density. Those entities

  currently in human form who have made their choice for Service-to-Self will eventually leave the Earth, and those

  who have made their choice for Service-to-Others will remain. Those entities who have not yet chosen will be

  transported elsewhere when their current incarnation ends, to continue their deliberation. The earth is to become a

  home for incarnations in the Service-to-Other orientation. If you wish, you may relate this time to the heaven on earth

  foretold, or the thousand years of peace. This time will neither be a heaven or for a thousand years, however.

  And why have we chosen the Earth? Are there not many planets that are habitable and do not already have intelligent

  species resident? Habitable planets, with vacancies, are not in great abundance, and competition for them is keen. The

  Earth is due for a Transformation to 4th Density, which is our current density, and humans are genetically similar to

  Zetans, so hybrids merging the characteristics of both Zetas and humans can give entities with a background in either

  species a familiar home.

  Our hybrid program is to create a new form of human which has greater mental capacity, including capacity for

  telepathic communication. The human form is being phased out because it is not appropriate for 4th Density Service-

  to-Others, which requires a mental capacity greater than that you currently enjoy. Those who will be continuing to

  incarnate on Earth are desirous of this new form. They are being polled continuously, and voting willingly. As the

  genetic engineers, we are responsible for ensuring that the specifications for a 4th Density incarnation experience in the

  Service-to-Other orientation are met. We would not, for instance, bring forward violent tendencies, where blinding

  rage can overtake one on a moments notice, even if the humans voting were to indicate a desire for this. Likewise, a

  higher intellect is a specification, and even if humans voting were to indicate otherwise, this human vote would be

  negated by the overriding specification.

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  ZetaTalk: First Time

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  ZetaTalk: First Time

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  We are not the oldest visitors, as you sometimes like to call us, though we have been coming to Earth for millennia.

  Our genetic engineering mission is not the first such mission on Earth. There have been dozens of such missions, each

  of which has taken place over many stages, with some of these stages having millennia between them. We were

  chosen for the current genetic engineering mission for three reasons.

  1. Our genetic background is similar in origin to yours.

  2. Where we aggressively pruned our genetic structure to remove aggression, emotion, and sexual

  drives - which we considered to be the instigators in the manner in which we destroyed our world -

  our genetic structure in regard to the capacity for intelligent thought and telepathic communication is

  considered to be in an excellent state for 4th Density existence.

  3. We have motive, as being those-who-mourn, regarding our past treatment of our own planet.

  The point where the human race was first genetically engineered into its current form is much discussed. Neanderthal

  Man was at one of the later stages of evolution. Why did it then take so long, and why is there so little evidence of the

  earlier steps and stages? Genetic engineering takes a long time, because a creature that can live on the world they are

  being designed for, and live well, must be the results. In the case of human evolution, the goal was not only an

  intelligent species, but one which also had the degree of blind rage and aggressiveness to be able to live with large,

  land-based carnivors. Neanderthal Man had a digestive problem and had to be totally re-engineered,
with his

  concurrence, into a later form of man. The reason there is a missing link is because these links are on the Moon, where

  the genetic engineers frequently resided.

  The start of genetic engineering goes back many multiples of the step back to Neanderthal Man. Tiny apes were

  changed to make them larger, to make various parts of the brain expand, to make them dextrous, more adventurous,

  etc. These were stages and steps, in each case. At each stage, the specimen was placed back on the Earth to see how it

  fared, whether the experiment worked or was tinkering required. In most cases, tinkering was required. Should every

  change to tried at once, there would be a muddle and a mess. The specimen would fail, and die. So changes are done

  in stages.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/hybrids/h01.htm[2/5/2012 11:49:08 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Non-Zetan Hybrids

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  ZetaTalk: Non-Zetan Hybrids

  Note: written Oct 15, 1996

  The reality is such in human society that any couple or in fact any single person who wishes can have an offspring.

  Human society attempts to control this by laying down rules about who can marry whom or dictate the number of

  children a couple should bear, but in reality the sex urge drives the process, followed closely by the urge to become

  parents. Individuals who break the rules run the risk of ostracism or physical punishment, but even forbidden racial

  mixing occurs, surreptitiously. This is not the case during genetic engineering, which only proceeds after a long

  evaluation period and is a deliberate intellectual decision and right granted by the Council of Worlds. In many cases a

  genetic engineering project involving the merging of two species is followed closely or even overlapped by additional

  genetic engineering to bring in selective DNA from a third or fourth species, but in most cases it is simply upgrading

  one intelligent species with DNA from another with desirable traits.

  For the Earth at this time, the Zetas were selected to be the species, as we have explained. Our selection was not

  simply due to our genetic compatibility, our having an iron based hemoglobin for instance, but was due to our

  emotional control. Humans are almost ruled by emotion at times, not only by blind rage which can cause them to

  slaughter their loved ones in a fit of jealousy or frustration, but by fear. Fear can cripple humans, taking control of the

  mental processes with a flood of images on what might occur, so that a palpitating heart or weak knees and mental

  ruminating on what might happen engross the human. As we have explained, fight or flight emotions were necessary

  for survival on Earth, due to the number of large carnivores here, but during 4th Density such defensive emotions are

  not needed for survival.

  No other alien species are participating in the development of a hybrid species, not by contribution of genetic material

  or as genetic engineers, as the traits desired - high IQ and greater emotional control - are traits we have in abundance.

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  ZetaTalk: Good Old USA

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  ZetaTalk: Good Old USA

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The hybrid program we, the Zetas, are involved with is not underway throughout the world. The reasons for this are

  territorial, among what is termed aliens, or entities from worlds other than Earth. These matters are addressed by the

  Council of Worlds, where the various endeavors underway on Earth are laid out and agreements among the alien

  groups as to how humans will be affected are administered. As the saying goes - too many cooks spoil the broth. The

  hybrids being developed, which encompass the best qualities of both humans and Zetas, will in the future be the

  incarnation home for Service-to-Others entities from throughout the world as well as North America. North America

  holds, as the melting pot of the world, genetic material from all the Earth.

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  ZetaTalk: Special Children

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  ZetaTalk: Special Children

  Note: written Oct 15, 1995

  Human children have been born with a small percentage of Zeta genetics since the 1950's. In these cases the entity

  scheduled to incarnate into the infant has given a pre-birth agreement and all caretaker parents are consulted. However,

  the entity to be incarnated calls the shots in this matter.

  While in our hybrid program we are seeking more of a 50/50 blend, with the best of both species preserved, the

  gradual infusion of Zeta genetics into select human children has been a tiny percentage, 3- 5% during the 1950's

  through the 1980's, and moving to 10% in the 1990's. The Zeta genetics chosen were for the purpose of research, to

  determine under full stress conditions how certain genetic engineering approaches would work. Therefore, any two

  volunteers would not have the same traits. To all intents and purposes the children born prior to the 1990's looked and

  acted 100% human, slight changes to their digestive, circulatory, or nervous systems not enough for their parents or

  doctors to even take note of. However, our careful monitoring of these volunteers has given us a wealth of information

  which can be applied directly to the hybrid program. All future Earth inhabitants have thus benefited, and this point

  has not been lost on our volunteers.

  Starting in the 1990's this program went into the next stage, as the Zeta genetics inserted into the embryo are not

  primarily for the purpose of research but are to position capable young people where they can assist with the

  Transformation. These special children are being born all around the world, to parents highly motivated to protect and

  nurture them. In these situations both parents and in some cases the whole extended family must be firmly in the

  Service-to-Other orientation and whole- heartedly with the program. Anything less than this is a risk to the child, as

  these entities do give evidence of their genius level IQ and other differences, which we will not enumerate here, to

  those close to them.

  Intelligence can be hidden, when the child is wise to the dangers about, where other characteristics could give them

  away, if known. Is the quiet child a genius or failing to understand? Hard to tell. And genius children do not

  necessarily perform well at school. Einstein, for instance, was thought to be retarded. In fact, he was bored into non-

  participation, a common reaction of mentally gifted children to the stagnant routine where all must learn at the pace of

  the slowest student. These children all have heightened telepathic abilities, and thus instinctively know whom they can

  trust. Their placement throughout the world is such that they could never be located by humans wanting to murder

  them, to slow the Transformation, or use them for their own ends. In addition, they are under our protection, and by

  the Rules of Engagement aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation cannot interfere. You may deem this a type of

  Unlimited Engagement between the entity incarnated and ourselves, life long.

  These children are destined to become leaders during the troubled times ahead, and are working for the good of all

  human survivors of the coming cataclysms. They should be viewed as the missiles of love and assistance that they ar

  not as freaks.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/hybrids/h30.htm[2/5/2012 11:49:09 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Link

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  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Link

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  There should be no confusion between the coming cataclysms and our goals. They are not related. The cataclysms are

  something that happen regularly to the Earth, have in the past, and will in the future. The cataclysms are more or less

  traumatic, in any given cycle, depending on where the earth is positioned in relation to the comet when it comes

  through. There is nothing that changes this situation.

  Let us address first our goals, to genetically engineer a Homo Sapiens who carries enough Zeta Reticulan genetic

  structure to be more intelligent, more telepathic, more caring, less violent, and we might add, not prone to fat. Should

  the Earth be a planet not prone to cataclysms, this would occur anyway. The genetic infusion would be more gradual.

  At some point, we would elicit the cooperation of the populace being genetically engineered, as at some point the

  general orientation of the populace would be Service-to- Other. These parents, in all likelihood, would want for their

  offspring a better life. On other planets, where the transition has been made from 3rd Density to 4th Density, this has

  been the process.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/hybrids/h12.htm[2/5/2012 11:49:10 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Time Frame

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  ZetaTalk: Time Frame

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding how our races will merge, and the time frame. The human race will eventually die out, although this may

  take some centuries and may never be completely a fact. How will this occur? After the cataclysms life will be

  difficult to sustain. As in times past, where healthy animal strains became extinct, there is a massive die-off and a


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