The Cop Killer

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The Cop Killer Page 18

by Harry Nankin

  With that, Doris led her party along the queue and then veered to the right eventually stopping at the door marked VIP lounge and Carl showing their passes they, all save him were soon inside. Jack just could not resist a turn of the head in the direction of the long regular queue and on seeing all the Cheshire faces, he removed his hat in a gesture of either a well mannered good-bye or in more common circles an unfriendly “up you”.

  It was all new to both Anne and Jack, sitting in a VIP lounge with its lush and luxury fittings. The other passengers were all wearing designer summer wear or business clothes and carrying brief cases

  “Jack please take off that damn trilby and rain coat, there isn’t a hope of rain today and certainly not here” whispered Anne.

  “What, what, oh yes very well” mumbled Jack who clearly had not noticed the difference in the standard of attire between himself and his fellow travellers. Well that or he was not bothered.

  Doris had momentarily left them but soon arrived back accompanied by a waiter seeking to know if they wished any complimentary drinks and or something to eat.

  It was not long before a voice on the loudspeaker announced,”Attention, will passengers travelling to Daram on the private flight of British China Aero Industries please report to gate B”.

  “Come on” called Doris who was already in full flow heading for the gate.

  “Well I never” said Anne “a private flight, good gracious”

  Jack said nothing but thought, “This girl has some pull, why the hell does she want to be a cop and worse, put up with Striker and Co?”

  Once on the plane they were greeted by a very handsome man, thought Anne, not to mention what Jack was thinking as he saw the glint in Anne’s` eye when she gazed at the very handsome flight attendant. It reminded him of Mrs Delwright and good old Rojaa.

  The seats were spacious and very comfortable, nothing in the same world as their last flight when they had travelled tourist class and squeezed into the seat then unable to move a limb for over three hours.

  They were soon seated and safety belts fastened when a very handsome blonde lady stood and went through the usual flight safety drill. Anne looked to see if Jack was ghouling but it was no surprise that he was not; he just sat looking either at or through the handsome speaker towards the pilot’s cabin door, no doubt wondering if he should ask if the pilot did actually know the way to Daram.

  The plane taxied off and it being smaller than the large commercial jets Anne could feel the speed and steep rise of the plane as it took off.

  Jack meanwhile was sitting back eyes closed pondering that if anyone other than Doris new the real reason for their journey even possibly Wrexham Sid, they may well have taken some pride that, Jack The Hat had been given the chop or in more polite terms, the axe and he had been run out of town. He opened his eyes looked and seeing no tar and feathers had been daubed upon him consoled himself that no one did in fact know the real reason for their visit to Daram and he would soon be back.

  The four-hour flight was soon over, mainly due to Jack falling asleep for most of the journey. The plane landed without a hitch.

  Arriving in the airport, they could see Craig standing waiting as they approached the arrivals lounge. It seemed a formality going through immigration presumably, because it was the Sultan’s staff who were waiting with Craig.

  Once outside it was once again in a limousine only this time it was flying a royal flag, and it was away, soon leaving the airport behind and into semi desert country.

  They arrived at the Palace and the car veered to the right and stopped outside some very nice looking apartments.

  “Here we are folks”, said Craig.

  Once inside the building they were amazed to see how large was Craig’s apartment. Two bedrooms, a well-designed and fitted kitchen is what took the eye of mother Anne; it would, thought Jack as he saw her smile. There were two large bedrooms and large lounge, a swimming pool outside and a very spacious bathroom including shower.

  The evening passed by everyone getting up to date mostly from Anne, Jack as usual appeared distant. He was in fact awaiting a reply to his text to Doris in the hope of ascertaining where she had been billeted. He was not too concerned for in view of the fact, her father and seemingly her benefactor had a fleet of chauffeur driven cars and at least one private jet, a first class hotel was bound to be her destination and he would be proved to be correct.

  A text eventually arrived stating Doris had a suite at the aptly named, Daram Palace hotel and Spa, located as Jack would learn, just across the road and only five minutes walk from the Sultan’s place and Craig’s apartment in its grounds.

  Morning soon arrived in the guise of 6am, Jack was up and on looking through the bedroom window saw the blue sky and bright sunshine. There were several workers tending the gardens outside and others watering plants and washing off the paths.

  At 8am it was breakfast at which Craig announced that he had spoken with the Sultan and permission had been given for Mum, Dad and Doris to attend the wedding later that day. Craig explained it was a niece of the Sultan Sulliman and that before they left for home the Sultan would be pleased to meet with them.

  The function soon arrived. Anne was amazed at the ceremony and the seemingly hundreds who were attending both the wedding ceremony and the banquet afterwards, held in the palace grounds open air of course, in those weather conditions.

  Craig was showing mother around whilst Jack, who was still sporting his trilby but had now finally agreed to dispose of the weather beaten Macintosh.

  For the time being had also agreed to wear his new trilby being summer wear and an attractive two colour material in black and white, attractive that is for those who like trilby hats now in the minority back home and over here so rare as to suggest he was wearing the only one.

  Jack met Doris, who stated how much she had enjoyed the events of the day when a voice called,

  “Superintendent Richards, well I never, now who would have thought I would meet you here”.

  Jack stopped looked at Doris as if it had been she who had spoken his name; he then turned and saw a very old and long-standing adversary, Al,

  ”Well hello, Al, I seem to recall” said Jack.

  Al Justice was a man just as quiet as Jack, he was a dark character, looked a nothing and a no one. He was far from that by any stretch of the imagination. He was accompanied by a very attractive blonde girl who Jack immediately recognised at his daughter Grace and another lady.

  Jack recalled this lady like Al appeared not to know who they were for they often had name changes.

  “Who are we now then Mr Al?” asked Jack.

  “I am Al Justice, this is my housekeeper and assistant Mia and of course you remember my daughter Grace”

  “I remember,” replied Jack, “it appears Grace has now recovered from her trauma, are you well Grace”?

  Grace replied, “I am feeling well, I can now walk, just need a little training to get up to speed”.

  “I see,” replied Jack, “that is good news”.

  Al smiled and asked, “I believe you are retired Jack?”

  “Yes”-replied Jack.

  A voice chimed in, it was Anne, “He supposed to be retired but has currently been called back to investigate some very unusual cases, haven’t you introduced Inspector Scott-Ling, Jack”.

  Jack was annoyed at her intrusion but said nothing of his distaste for her comment but said, “Please meet Inspector Doris Scott-Ling, my assistant”.

  “Pleased to meet you” replied Al. “I have no doubt Mr Richards here will update you later as to who I am, save to say old Jack was once there but missed me, come Jack let the girls get to know each other. Let us catch up”.

  Jack had no alternative so left Grace to get acquainted with Doris, Anne meanwhile having done the damage saw Craig and so went after him post haste.

  “Well now Grace have you been ill?” asked Doris.

  Grace hesitated, and then replied, “As you are in t
he police I can trust you”.

  “Why of course Grace. Not a word of what you tell me in confidence will ever be repeated by me.”

  The two sat down as they did so Grace saw the large tattoos on the inside of Doris arms and had an idea as to the relevance of them.

  Grace hesitated once again then said, “I was gang raped back in England. The incident left me ill, I can’t bear children, and I was bed bound then wheel chair bound for months.”

  “I gradually recovered after various courses of treatment so I can now walk and even jog.”

  “I normally stay around the house and our teashop on our island, I am afraid with the tourists that I may once again been attacked and that would be the end of me”.

  “I see, very understandable,” replied Doris.

  “I myself as you can see, am only small and being mixed race I have much abuse from the opposite sex but I have been fortunate enough to gain special skills”.

  “Special skills?” replied Grace

  “Yes, my brother is a Shaolin Priest.”

  “My father is a wealthy businessman so sponsors the temple”.

  “Special permission was given for me to attend, as it is normally an order only for men.”

  “My brother is a master of self-defence and so I attended there and learned how to take care of myself.”

  “You may have seen the marks on my arms that were given to me when I myself became a master.”

  “I could if you wish have a word with my father and brother, Kato with a view to you attending, that is if your father Al, agrees?"

  “My father?”, said Grace “he has a long military history. He is a VC and holds the American Congressional medal of honour plus many other awards”.

  “He has a long history in the Special Forces in the UK and the States.”

  “He is highly trained and goes on secret government missions but he feels he is unable to put me through such rigors of self-defence training as he has endured.”

  “ I think he was once sought by Mr Richards when he was a policemen, it seems Mr Richards thought my father was a vigilante but things came to an end when there a major mission involving the son of the Sultan and Craig Richards. It is top secret so I don’t know the details”.

  “I see”, replied Doris, “if you are interested in my offer speak with Al, your father and let me know. I will see if I can arrange the training for you but a word of warning it is vigorous, you will have to devote yourself to it”.

  Grace smiled and Anne was waving, in company with Mia, it was obviously time for the ladies to have another get together.

  Al and Jack meanwhile were walking in the garden when Al asked

  “Well Mr Richards I heard you had retired I am surprised to hear you are back on duty?”

  “Well” replied Jack “it’s not actually back on duty I am still retired and a civilian but I am involved in a little enquiry, Doris was given to me as an assistant, being a serving officer she has the necessary police powers”.

  “Is it top secret”, asked Al.

  “Well” answered Jack “it’s not top secret, it is a strange affair”

  With that Jack now did something he had never done he discussed the circumstances of the cases of the dead police officers including their deaths being apparently from natural causes

  Once he had finished there was a call from Anne, they looked and saw the ladies in a group indicating their appearance was required.

  “Well” said Al, “the ladies certainly seem to be getting on well together”.

  The following day Jack was taking a stroll at mid morning when he saw his old adversary Al once again but on this occasion, he was in company with another man.

  “Good morning Mr Richards” said Al. “May I please introduce you to my boss, so to speak, General Western, head of British Special Forces, currently based at the War Office in London, he is here with his wife to attend the wedding just as we are”.

  “Pleased to meet you I am sure,” replied Jack a little irritable at having his stroll and contemplating time disturbed.

  He would soon have to return to the UK to continue his enquiry; the time of the annual conference was fast approaching.

  “I was just telling the General”, said Al, “of your strange enquiry of the five dead cops, all young fit men who it seems have died from natural causes.”

  “I am not wishing to interfere; for I know some of you detectives are not very good conversers and decline any offers of help let alone ever smile or crack a joke”

  “However I really do think it may be worth your while taking a few minutes to hear a suggestion or two.”

  Jack stopped and thought, he did realise he was known as a bit of misery, he couldn’t actually recall the last time if ever he had made a joke or worse laughed at one, he couldn’t really, for having no sense of humour nothing appeared funny, life was all a serious affair.

  As he had let the cat out of the bag there now seemed no further harm could be done by, at least listening, after all he didn’t have to smile.

  Anne arrived to call Jack for lunch but seeing him in close consultation with the two men she realised if he had taken time to stop and converse there was a good reason and so turned and left without calling him.

  After about a quarter of an hour the three men parted shaking hands, Jack was in even more in a thinking cap mood digesting what he had been told, stranger than fiction he thought but worth looking into, after all he had nothing else.

  Later that day Doris met with Al who finally agreed that Grace could attend the religious retreat in the hope that Kato, Doris brother could finally bring his loving daughter back to full physical and mental health.

  With the training, he himself had undertaken he knew from that time onwards she would be confident and safe to go out into the world once again.

  He had dealt with her rapists who would never trouble any woman again but there were always evil men just like them. If she were trained, to his standard and seemingly that of Doris all would be well.

  The following day Jack called Doris and announced he was now ready to return to the UK. She informed him the plane and pilot were on standby.

  This arranged all he had to do was to break the news to Anne that he was returning to the UK and would return immediately after completing his enquiries. He was surprised she took the news well.

  So it was that the next day Doris and Jack were flying high above the real world.

  Doris said, “I met with this Al, he seems a little like you Mr Richards a quiet man, what is the history between you?”

  “Well just before I retired there was a string of revenge killings, wicked men I admit, committing atrocious crimes. The courts failed to deal with them, as they should have; you know the cries of do gooders and civil rights people. Some person or persons dealt with the villains they were either murdered or disappeared.

  Some were asking if the acts done were actually crimes or justice. I suspected this Al as being the vigilante. I was building a file on him. I don’t agree with one taking the law into one’s own hands, I suspect neither do you?”

  She nodded in the affirmative but not with as much zeal as he appeared to have.

  “My efforts were thwarted,” he continued, “when it was revealed Al was a very special member of the Special Forces serving also in the US army, his boss was General Western.”

  “The Sultan we have just visited has a son, my son Craig being his tutor.”

  “The Prince Raja I think his name is, was abducted and Craig with him.”

  “This Al was called in and to cut a long story short Al and some other men saved the day, rescued the Prince, saved Craig and dealt with the political intrigue that goes with such things.”

  “The Sultan was so pleased he awarded the UK all the oil rights of his state.”

  Anne and I believed all hope for Craig was gone but eventually we learned that Al had carried out extraordinary acts of heroism to save Craig and the Prince.”

  “I f
elt compromised so it was then I retired.”

  “Al has a daughter she was gang raped, the offenders were horribly killed by a vigilante, say no more, but the girl was left in a wheel chair. I see she has improved and is now walking”.

  “Yes so I see,” replied Doris, making no mention of her own involvement with the girl or Al.

  “You ought to write a book on the affair,” said Doris

  “I am actually, called A Crime or Justice,” said Jack.

  “I was diverted on these unusual death cases. I may go back to it later.”

  It was late afternoon when their plane touched down in Manchester and after the drive in the same limousine; he was back home and ready for action.

  From what he had learned in Daram he felt certain he would not now in fact have egg on his face,.

  If the events finally proved the cases were all natural causes, at least he could show that all possible enquiries had been made to satisfy all concerned or interested parties that the final result was the true cause and matters could finally be put to rest.



  The house seemed so quiet without Anne. A check of the deep freezer and refrigerator by lonesome Jack discovered an ample supply of items from which he was certain he could prepare sufficient make shift meals for some days.

  Monday 8am, the sound of a car horn and a look through the lounge window revealed a car stationary outside. It took a second look to realise it was Doris, who having stopped, tooted the horn but having received no response she had left the vehicle and was walking down the path towards the front door.

  It was the make and colour of the car a pink Ferrari that had put him off recognising who was waiting; one had to take more care since the axe affair.

  He opened the door, as Doris was about to knock.

  “Sorry” he said, “I hadn’t realised it was you, have you changed your car?”

  “Yes” she replied, “It was my birthday whilst I was away, when I arrived back home Daddy had given me this new car”. There is worse, my brother; Edward has bought me a personalised number plate”.


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