SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2) Page 12

by Vox Day

  The Failed Flounce: When feeling pressed, SJWs frequently declare that they are too busy to continue the discussion or have to leave for one reason or another. More often than not, this does not prevent them from continuing the argument for another hour or two.

  The Forgetful Fade: Upon being confronted with an opponent who outmatches them, an SJW will often vanish, only to return again later with precisely the same arguments, facts, and figures that were previously refuted.

  Attack the Source: SJWs frequently request a source for even the most obviously true statement in order to attack it rather than argue the point directly or admit they are wrong. This tactic is so frequently utilized by SJWs that I now ignore all requests for sources and automatically delete or block anyone who requests a source more than once.

  The Sock Puppet: This is when an SJW creates multiple accounts in order to pretend to be different individuals and create the false impression that more people support his position than actually do. It is also used to get around site bans by SJW trolls. SJWs never seem to realize that writing styles not only tend to be distinct and readily identifiable, but that presenting the same arguments for the same positions tends to be an obvious tell. At Vox Popoli, we’ve had a number of SJW trolls over the years, and it has gotten to the point that the VFM and other longtime readers can identify them by as little as two sentences. On the organizational level, this is known as Astroturfing.

  The Amused Spectator: SJWs love to claim that everyone is laughing at their opponent. This is because they are prone to psychological projection, and because they are low on the socio-sexual hierarchy, they are absolutely terrified of anyone laughing at them. They like to pose as being amused, world-weary sophisticates, but they can never maintain the pose for long once people start mocking them and it often collapses in an entertaining, rage-filled meltdown.

  The Brushfire: If an SJW feels he is losing the upper hand, he will not infrequently attempt to burn down the discussion with distractions, inanities, vulgarities and obscenities in order to avoid taking a kill shot, or at least to prevent third parties from noticing his defeat. This is similar to how SJWs will always choose to destroy a converged organization rather than relinquish control.

  The Crowd Inflation: SJWs always, always, always exaggerate their numbers and posture as if their position is the standard, accepted, mainstream one, no matter how obviously untrue that is. When pressed on the falsity of their stance, they will so readily resort to appealing to temporal bias that the Alt-Right openly mocks this tactic as The Current Year. Example: “How can you still believe that? It’s 2017?”

  The Predicted Demise: An SJW will frequently affect sadness over the inevitable downfall of his opponent, who is fated for certain failure due to his crimethink and ineptitude. Example: “It's a little sad, actually. You're really overestimating how much people care.”

  The Worst Possible Assumption: An SJW will consistently assign the worst possible meaning to every statement and preemptively take offense at it without making any attempt to determine whther any offense was intended or not. This is not due to the SJW being particularly sensitive or thin-skinned, nor is it a case of a mistaken assumption, but a purposeful tactic designed to keep potential opponents off balance and afraid to confront the SJW over his nonsense. Example: “What do you mean by calling me ‘she’? Did you just assume my gender?”

  The Concerned Supporter: This shows up every election cycle, when obvious Democrats claim to have voted for every Republican candidate for President except the current one, because he has gone too far. This is obviously nonsensical; not one single person who voted for Ronald Reagan refused to vote for Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Donald Trump because any of the latter were too conservative for them. More close to home, we recently had an SJW combine this tactic with The Sock Puppet in an attempt to demoralize supporters of the Alt*Hero campaign by quoting his own mathematical evidence posted elsewhere to prove why the comics being funded there could never be produced.

  Organizational Tactics

  The Skin Carcass: Identify a respected institution. Kill it. Gut it. Wear its carcass as a skin suit, demanding respect. This observation is courtesy of David Burge, of the Iowa Hawk blog.

  Speaking of The Skin Carcass, a reader sent in an anecdote from a friend who, while on recent pilgrimage, had a conversation with someone who is very close to some of the liberal religious orders in the Roman Catholic Church. His acquaintance told him, in no uncertain terms, that many members of the religious orders in serious decline are actually happy that their orders dying out because they hate the Church and their own orders because they believe them to be unjust. These aging SJW infiltrators not only do not lament that their orders have few individuals with vocations to replace them, but they actively, consciously, drive away any young people who come inquiring, because they consider joining a religious order of any kind to be a waste of their life. They literally want the Roman Catholic Church to die with them.

  The Pharisee Gambit: The SJWs inside the organization load an organization’s rules and operating procedures with conflicting requirements and procedural logjams. This makes it highly difficult or impossible to get anything done. They attribute the resulting inability to accomplish anything on those within the organization they want to discredit:

  The Code of Conduct: Modifying the organization’s rules and rendering them more nebulous in order to allow the prosecution or defense of any member, according to their perceived support for social justice.

  Unlocking the Door: Relaxing the organization’s standards enough to permit unqualified entryists to enter the organization.

  The Conspiracy: If you put two SJWs in the same room, they will find each other and organize a secret mailing list designed to coordinate attacks on people and ultimately converge the institution by sundown.

  Break the Norms: Constantly violate the social rules that dictate the avoidance of political and religious matters in order to stir up conflict inside the organization.

  Blame History Game: Infiltrate, capture, and converge an organization, then blame all the resulting failures on the organization’s non-SJW positions prior to the changes you have made.

  An SJW Infiltration in Action

  Robert Rosario is a veteran Linux and open source programmer who is involved in a number of open source projects. A strong critic of codes of conduct for open source projects, and the author of the Code of Merit, a meritocratic approach to project management and discussions, in 2015 he defeated an attempt by an SJW entryist to impose a code of conduct on the Awesome-Django project. It is a useful illustration of the way in which the entryists surreptitiously go about their insidious efforts.

  The attack began, as such attacks often do, with a seemingly friendly and helpful suggestion from the SJW:

  great project!! I have one observation and a suggestion. I noticed you have rejected some pull requests to add some good django libraries and that the people submitting those pull requests are POCs (People of Colour). As a suggestion I recommend adopting the Contributor Code of Conduct ( to ensure everybody’s contributions are accepted regarless of their sex, sexual orientation, skin color, religion, height, place of origin, etc, etc, etc. As a white straight male and lead of this trending repository, your adoption of this Code of Conduct will send a loud and clear message that inclusion is a primary objective of the Django community and of the software development community in general. D.

  A few things about this. First, the name that was provided is generic and almost certainly a false identity. Second, this comment is literally the SJW’s first contribution to the project. Third, while the SJW uses the correct terminology, he offers no evidence whatsoever for his claims. Fourth, his claim that the people whose pull requests were rejected are People of Colour are almost certainly fictitious given that he clearly doesn’t know that the individual he is addressing is from Puerto Rico.

  Fortunately, Rosario immediately recognizes the nature of the st
ealth attack. While he politely addresses the nominal suggestions, he makes it clear that the project is not a soft target and conclusively shuts down the SJW’s line of entry

  The pull request was rejected not the person. Of the people who did not had their patches accepted at least one submitted another pull request and was accepted or are contributors in my other repositories, disproving your basic premise.

  There is no need for a code of conduct, there hasn’t been a conduct related incident with the repository and nothing about a contributor comes into play when rejecting or accepting a patch (as proved above). An explanation is provided when a patch is rejected, and some have been left open to re-asses in a future time.

  I’m not white and please don’t make any other assumptions about me, they hold no relevance to the matter at hand.

  I already work on several projects that hold inclusion as one of their primary goals.

  I’m closing this issue based on the explanations given.

  He’s polite, firm, and uncompromising. His precise wording allows for just a little more wiggle room than might be ideal, but it is a strong and effective response, especially the implication that inclusion is not a primary goal of this particular project. Perhaps due to the perceived wiggle room, the SJW tries again.

  You seem to have taken personal issue with well the issue :) I opened this issue not to attack you or your decisions,but to help improve a part of the project in which it seemed lacking. Most projects on Github have adopted the Contributor Covenant or a variant of it. It is a very straight forward document that protects all parties,I don’t understand your negative attitude towards that philosophy. You may not be “white” [ in your profile picture you sure seem white :) ] but you are not a woman or a trans-gendered person so you can’t possibly understand what they go through (harassment,exclusion,threats) and why a code of conduct is necessary. Even the Django Software Foundation has adopted one to protect it’s future,for me it’s very obvious Django related projects would naturally follow suite and adopt the same if not similar Code of Conducts. I urge you to reconsider for the good and future of this project :) Thank you

  Now the rhetorical gloves start to come off. The SJW begins with a classic Gamma tell—“you seem”—tries to play on Rosario’s potential insecurities and emotions, then throws out an appeal to the herd animal instinct before issuing an implicit threat. The code of conduct is now declared “necessary” in order to protect the future of the project, which is twice brought up in a mildly threatening manner. Notice that the SJW simply ignores the fact that his original concerns were already addressed, thereby negating any need for the requested code, he simply moves the goalposts and proceeds to stronger rhetorical tactics. This clearly shows why dialectical arguments are totally useless when dealing with SJWs, because they simply ignore the effective ones.

  Rosario responds and again refuses to back down or give any ground:

  1- You opened an issue to raise concern about the relationship of a contributor’s race and the rejection of their patches.

  2- Only I can accept or reject patches in this repository.

  You made it clear who this was about.

  Apart from this issue, we’ve had no conduct problems, so no need for a code of conduct.

  I’m very certain of my race: I’m Latino, Puertorican, a Mestizo from a Castiza mother and a Mulato father. There are many more races than just black and white. Yes, I’m not a woman or a transgendered individual and I don’t intend to even try to understand what they have to put up with, never said that. But you assume women and transgendered individual are the only targets of harassment, exclusion and threats.

  English is not my first language and I hope I’m mistaken but your last line “I urge you to reconsider for the good and future of this project :)” sounded like a threat, please clarify.

  This response is overly long and too dialectic in nature. Remember, rhetoric has ZERO informational content, so responding to the feigned issues raised serves no purpose unless one is doing it to expose pseudo-dialectic on behalf of any onlookers. However, expecting a programmer to not respond in a comprehensive manner to the issues raised is rather like expecting sight hounds not to chase running rabbits, so it’s harmless enough. What is more important is the way Rosario calls out the SJW for his implicit threats, and better yet, the way in which he requests clarification. In doing so he causes the unsettled SJW to unmask completely and show his fangs.

  I really have no idea why you are responding the way you are! Really!! Code of Conducts are not JUST about conduct,they cover all the spectrum of behaviours expected from civilized human beings that are more and more absend in the software industry. You are evading the topic at hand and I can only wonder why,why deny equal opportunity for all to join and contribute to your project Roberto?

  That you have not “seen” harassment doesn’t mean it is not happening all around us. And turning a blind eye makes it worst. I was not threaning you,but your reaction is a projection of your feelings and now I feel threated by you. Reading the links you posted I only have one thing to say to you: reevaluate your actions,you are becoming a toxic individual who is harming the Python and Django communities and haven’t even realized it yet. You are a member of the Django Software Foundation and are supposed to be setting the example. I will be forwarding the content of this issue to the Chair to evaluate your continued presence in the DSF. best regards.

  And there you have it. It’s all there. Naked threats, point-and-shriek, playing the victim, false accusations, and the inevitable appeal to the amenable authority. The SJW clearly demonstrates that he will try to destroy the project rather than permit it to continue unmolested if it cannot be captured and forcibly submitted to the SJW Narrative. Robert Rosario’s response to the Awesome-Django project infiltrator was the best one I have seen in technology yet, as he not only conclusively defeated the infiltrator, but exposed the SJW for the insidious lunatic that he is in the process.

  SJW convergence is not a joke. These people are genuinely dangerous and will destroy everything they touch. Resist them. Expose them. Seek them out in your own organizations, hunt them down and root them out.

  SJW delenda est.

  Chapter 7: Understanding the SJW Mind

  Individuals who accuse others of unethical behavior can derive significant benefits. Compared to individuals who do not make accusations, accusers engender greater trust and are perceived to have higher ethical standards… we find that accusations have significant interpersonal consequences. In addition to harming accused targets, accusations can substantially benefit accusers.

  —“Holding People Responsible for Ethical Violations: The Surprising Benefits of Accusing Others”, Jessica A. Kennedy and Maurice E. Schweitzer

  In my previous book on SJWs, I wrote that it was not my purpose to try to define or understand SJWs, because knowing everything there is to know about bears doesn’t do you any good when you find yourself nose to nose with a hungry one. First things first, after all; survival was the goal of SJWs Always Lie. However, if one wishes to develop an effective model to predict and anticipate a bear’s behavior, then it is useful to understand how and why they behave the way they do. Therefore, if we are to try to understand why SJWs lie, why they double down, and why they project, it is necessary to delve a little deeper into the SJW mind. It is necessary to look a little more closely at the ways in which SJW psychology relates to SJW behavioral patterns, and hopefully, this will help us understand why it is that SJWs do what we have learned they tend to do.

  Now, it is still true that whatever went into making the SJW with whom you are acquainted most likely happened decades before you ever met him, and you can be certain that there is absolutely no way you are going to undo the consequences of years of psychological aberrancy through facts, reason, or sympathy. But understanding why he does what he does, and how he habitually reacts to various stimuli, can help you build a predictive model that goes well beyond anticipating the customary SJW di
shonesty. It’s useful to know that someone is lying, but it is even more useful to know, in advance, when he is going to lie, how he is going to lie, and how he is going to react when he is called out for lying.

  To return to the bear motif, it is useful to know that one should avoid bears. But it is even more useful to know enough about bears to be able to anticipate where the bears are going to be ahead of time, so that you can avoid the accidental risk of running into one. And to do that, we need to understand what it is the bear wants, why he wants it, and where he usually goes to obtain it. In the case of bears, the primary answer is food.

  But what do SJWs want? The obvious answer is “social justice”. That’s what the SJW is fighting for, right? But in this case, the obvious answer is incorrect, obviously, because no amount of success ever satisfies the SJW. No sooner had courts ruled that “gay marriage” was legal than the crusade for “transgender bathrooms” was launched. The Narrative is constantly changing. Society’s mores are constantly changing. What is deemed normal is in constant flux. What is deemed good and right and true is not what was deemed good and right and true only a few years ago.

  There are two primary explanations for why SJWs behave the way they do. One is based on evolutionary psychology and neuroscience, the other is based on group dynamics and social interaction. But there is no contradiction between them, in fact, the two theories tend to bolster each other rather than compete with each other, and taken together, provide a deeper understanding of the madness, anger, and fear that provides the psychological foundation for the mind of the social justice warrior.


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