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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

Page 17

by Vox Day

  That is the same problem faced by comics, books, and movies that have abandoned traditional morality in favor of amorality, or worse, the alternative moral standard provided by social justice.

  While discerning art critics can disagree on the aesthetic value of an artwork, it would be very difficult for anyone to reasonably argue that a bizarre vehicle with thirteen square wheels painted in neon pinks and greens offers a more accurate or realistic picture of a historical automobile than a more conventional portrait that respects traditional color schemes. Whether social justice argues that patriotism is evil, that soldiers willing to die for their country are motivated by hate, that sex is a social construct, or that blacks are all hard-working, saintly people whose historical misfortunes are solely the result of white racism and oppression, it fails to reflect the experience or the daily observation of most people.

  Even worse, two is the minimum number of moral poles required to generate moral conflict. But social justice cannot admit the legitimacy of any morality outside its own nebulous and ever-mutating narrative, let alone portray one honestly. One of the primary causes of the decline in popularity of the comics industry—unit sales are down 25.9 percent from August 2016 to August 2017—is the observable moral blindness on the part of the writers, the vast majority of whom are SJWs. There is, after all, little room to appeal to the reader’s emotions or moral sensibilities on the basis of a character’s amorality, indeed, the limitations of this peculiar moral palette is such that it is difficult to even justify any action at all on the part of any character intended to be presented as heroic or ideal.

  While the convergence of Marvel and DC Comics are merely a symptom of the greater societal decline, it would be better if they tried to build something beautiful in the ruins rather than celebrate the destruction of Western civilization and its moral order.

  But the SJWs in comics don’t create anything beautiful or inspiring anymore because they won’t and they won’t because they know they can’t. If you can’t draw, you can still scribble. If you can’t create, you can still deconstruct. If you can’t build, you can still tear down. None of this is new or even the least bit innovative. The preachers of death call themselves creators, but they create only corpses. Fortunately, in this case, the corpses are only imaginary.

  At least for now. In September 2017, a group of industry pros were discovered to have been discussing a critic of the SJW convergence of the comics industry on Facebook. Immediately dubbed, Comicsgate, the situation happened to be the inverse of the events that led to GamerGate, as in this case, it was a YouTube reviewer being targeted for harassment by editors and writers, rather than developers being targeted by journalists and game reviewers. The group of comics professionals, which included writers and editors employed by Marvel and DC Comics, were plotting to “posse up” and stalk Richard Meyer of Diversity & Comics, a former Marine, at the New York Comic Con, and threatened him with, among other things, “a baseball bat to the teeth”. Also, a pair of reporters for Bleeding Cool, a comics review site, were caught trying to get Diversity & Comics expelled from Patreon, a standard SJW tactic that has proven all too effective in more than a few cases. Fortunately, this attempt to cut off Richard Meyer from his financial supporters proved unsuccessful.

  The apparent ringleader of the SJW attack on Meyer, Mark Waid, an award-winning writer, known for his work on The Flash, Captain America, Superman, and Fantastic Four, was clearly well-aware of the cultural implications of the substantive criticism being offered by Meyer. His criticism of the convergence of the comics industry was a cause for legitimate concern, because, with 41,000 subscribers, Diversity & Comics has a bigger following than all but the most successful series. Earlier in 2017, Waid had complained that “several comics folks are getting accused of ‘child pornography’ this weekend by GamerGate types”, after Gerard Jones, a longtime writer for both DC and Marvel, was arrested on suspicion of possession of child pornography, production of child pornography, sending harmful material to a minor, and distribution of child pornography. Waid’s behavior demonstrates that across every industry, the SJWs now know they are no longer able to advance their cultural war without facing determined resistance, and also serves as a reminder that they are not restrained by traditional morals.

  Not even the NFL, with its exclusively male makeup and predominantly male following has proven immune to politicization and SJW convergence. So, no matter what your job or your interests happen to be, it should be clear that you will not be able to escape the pernicious tentacles of social justice interfering with your employment and your favorite pastimes. And it is therefore vital to learn and apply the lessons of GamerGate to your own front in the cultural war, because those who are unwilling to fight it are destined to wind up as victims.


  Ignore the media and its narratives. They are the enemy. Don’t talk to them.

  All their memes and their hashtags are belong to you.

  Identify their weaknesses and target their income sources. Advertisers are the weakest link.

  No leaders, no celebrities, no shills. Decentralize.

  If you’re taking flak, you’re over the target. Hit it again.

  Be ruthless, be relentless, and be rhetorical.

  A picture is worth a thousand words. Meme harder.

  Victory is not positive PR. Victory is when your opponent quits.

  Keep your morale level high. Cheer on your side.

  If it doesn’t work, drop it. If it works, reinforce it.

  Shut up and email.

  Chapter 9: Building SJW-Free Organizations

  In SJWs Always Lie, I noted that if you visit the Wikipedia page devoted to anyone who has been successfully attacked by SJWs, you will find that a significant portion of their page is dominated by the so-called news of their downfall. It doesn’t matter if they are otherwise notable for discovering DNA, winning Nobel Prizes, or writing science fiction novels, the SJWs utilize Wikipedia as a primary means of ensuring that every time anyone looks up information about the individual, one of the first things they will see is the fact that the SJWs successfully attacked them.

  How does one counteract that when the vast majority of Wikipedia’s Administrators are hard-core SJWs fully intent on using their power to discredit people they don’t like, and of whom they don’t approve?

  The answer, as I suggested in this book’s predecessor, was to pursue the strategy of building alternative institutions that will compete with the SJW-infested ones. I believe this to be a winning strategy in the long-term due to the aforementioned Impossibility of Social Justice Convergence; the converged institutions have to serve the interests of social justice first, whereas our alternative institutions can focus solely on their primary functions.

  In 2015, Wikipedia was at the top of my personal list, due to it being both influential and vulnerable. I wrote, “It is influential because it is the first place that practically everyone in the media begins their research. It is vulnerable because as an open-source project, its current offering can easily be forked, and because its SJW affiliation is maintained by a mere 562 volunteer admins, half of one percent of whom are camped on my page.”

  Since then, 6.6 percent of its admins have gone inactive, and with the help of 176 of my readers, in October 2016 I forked Wikipedia and established Infogalactic: the Planetary Knowledge Core. Funded by donations provided by the Original Galaxians and the Burn Unit, Infogalactic is an SJW-free zone where people are allowed to edit pages without the constraints of having to abide by the SJW Narrative or rely upon the SJW-approved “reliable sources” in lieu of directly citing the relevant evidence. And because it is not a static, one-time fork, but a dynamic one that is constantly scanning Wikipedia’s changes and bringing over new pages and updated ones that do not conflict with its own editors’ edits, Infogalactic is in no danger of becoming out of date despite its much smaller number of regular editors.

  And while it is far too soon to begin tryi
ng to challenge Wikipedia’s institutional dominance, Infogalactic is already laying the foundation to become a formidable rival. The Infogalactic team has improved the daily news headlines by adding a pair of Drudge Report-style pages focused on news and technology, has created a new type of Verified page that only the subject of the page is allowed to edit, and has redefined the concept of corporate notability to be more in line with the personal notability guidelines. Infogalactic has even been designed into the excellent new browser, Brave, introduced by Brendan Eich in

  More importantly, the Infogalactic team is building the DONTPANIC engine which will replace the very old and very outdated MediaWiki engine that powers Wikipedia and is held together with little more than string, chewing gum, and massive quantities of memory caching. When it is introduced in 2018, it will permit every user of Infogalactic to set his perspective filters according to his own preferences, thereby allowing him to act as his own Admin and see the version of the subject page that most closely approximates those preferences, rather than the version the admins have decided represents the one true reliably-sourced, SJW-approved page.

  Combined with the Verified pages that permit subjects to present their own side of their own story, Infogalactic’s perspective filters provide for the genuine possibility of drawing off the greater part of Wikipedia’s audience, and in a way that Wikipedia, due to its convergence and its centralized structure, will never be able to match.

  As we have shown, SJWs crave eternal conflict as well as complete control, the former because they need enemies to generate the feelings of superiority that stave off their long-term emotional pain, the latter because being exposed to people and ideas that challenge their current Narrative cause them new emotional pain. That is why they can never live and let live, and that is why they will never voluntarily permit rival perspectives to be freely accessible by their users.

  Infogalactic is not the only new rival challenging the SJW-converged institutions. In addition to the Brave browser, which is already much faster than Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on both mobile and desktop, Twitter-alternative Gab offers 300-character, editable posts and has raised over one million in donations and private investments. Castalia House, which publishes this book, is growing at a year-on-year rate of 336 percent and sold more books in September 2017 than it did in all of 2014. is an alternative to GoFundMe. And perhaps most importantly, Freestartr offers an SJW-proof alternative to Patreon, Kickstarter, and IndieGoGo that will permit the funding of more alternatives to converged platforms, organizations, and industries.

  These alternatives are necessary even when an organization is not fully converged itself because too many of them have proven to be unable to resist external pressure from SJW swarms. Even mighty Amazon has proven itself susceptible to social pressure from outside, when it joined Walmart, Sears, Google, and eBay in banning the sale of Confederate flag merchandise in the wake of a shooting at a black church in South Carolina. This may seem a little ironic in light of the fact that Amazon still sells Mein Kampf, The Little Red Book: Sayings of Chairman Mao, and Essential Works of Lenin: “What Is to Be Done?” as well as merchandise featuring the face of the murderous Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, but then, incoherence and inconsistency are a reliable hallmark of an institution under assault by SJWs.

  But it is important to do more than simply react to SJW attacks on existing institutions by providing alternatives to them. As the American conservative movement has finally learned, the Reagan strategy of trying to hold on until the enemy collapses under the weight of its internal contradictions only works when your taxes are not going to prop the other side up and your children are not

  No one has ever decisively won a purely defensive war; even Fabius Maximus was eventually replaced by Scipio Africanus as Rome took the war from Italy to Carthage. Survival is a necessary condition for victory, but the two should never be confused. That is why Castalia House launched Alt*Hero, which represents the first significant offensive into an industry that has been an SJW stronghold for decades. Both the strong support for the new comic series as well as the feverish attempts of SJWs to disrupt that support tend to indicate that both sides clearly recognize the potential significance of a successful superhero comic that is openly anti-social justice.

  How does one go about building an SJW-free institution? My experience is limited, but I have learned the following lessons over the last three years of building my own and observing the experiences of others doing the same.

  Crowdfunding through donations, subscriptions, and preorders takes less time and provides a much more resilient foundation than successfully seeking investment. Investors are much more susceptible to SJW pressure, as they will be identified and targeted. Advertising is not an option, as it is a dying industry and advertisers are extremely vulnerable to SJW swarms.

  Choose your partners and your suppliers in the knowledge that they will come under SJW attack at some point in time. I never considered Patreon for Voxiversity or Kickstarter for Alt*Hero because I knew that I could not rely upon Patreon, which kicked off Lauren Southern and Tara McCarthy, and Kickstarter, which has banned books deemed “seduction guides”, to withstand the inevitable SJW pressure. This is why I was delighted to be one of the first creators to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Freestartr, which is designed to be as SJW-resistant as possible and has proven that it is the campaign that matters more than the platform.

  Rely heavily upon trusted volunteers who have proven themselves over time in preference to paid employees or enthusiastic new volunteers. While I am not at liberty to divulge the specifics, I am aware of at least three examples where right-wing individuals and organizations have been betrayed by paid employees leaking sensitive information to which they have had access to the media. Whether these leakers were infiltrators who intended to do so from the start or whether they were simply opportunists taking advantage of an unexpected data-bounty, the point is that you can never trust an SJW to behave in a professional manner when he has an opportunity to signal his virtue by striking a blow for social justice.

  Do not accept more money than you initially require to accomplish your initial objectives. Excess resources inevitably lead to feature and mission creep. Chris Roberts’s Star Citizen is a warning of what can happen when too much financial support interferes with the original mission. Chris originally wanted $25 million to reboot Wing Commander after licensing it from EA, a reasonable sum for a reasonable project. When he was unable to raise the money from various game industry funds, he managed to crowdfund $160 million from his supporters, which unfortunately led to such a ludicrous expansion of the game’s scope that veteran game developers, including me, now very much doubt that Star Citizen will ever see the light of day.

  Vet every member of the team, from partners to employees and volunteers, very carefully. Don’t pay any attention to what they say, go through their social media accounts and review their track record. Never trust a recent convert. Yes, people do change their minds, but remember, they can always change them again. Converts are often enthusiastic, but tend to lack both the intellectual base required to defend their newly adopted positions as well as the experience of withstanding SJW heat. Be particularly wary of the convert who is just brimming with great ideas and is seeking any sort of leadership position.

  Don’t permit Gammas in any position of strategic importance, much less leadership. Gammas are often intelligent and technically skilled, but their sensitivity and emotional instability can cause them to do a 180 and vow utter destruction of the very project for which they were responsible for nothing more than having their opinions overruled. Always respect the socio-sexual hierarchy. You simply can’t put a Gamma in a vital position any more than you can hire an Alpha bodyguard to protect your wife or daughter; the way in which the situation is likely going to end badly is immediately obvious to anyone who understands human behavior patterns.

  Be stoic and take the long view. There will be su
ccesses and there will be failures. There will be ups and downs. People will surprise you with their generosity and disappoint you with their pettiness.

  Morale is the key to success in every form of competition, including business and war. Always be thinking about how you can infect your team and your supporters with enthusiasm. Celebrate every goal and every milestone, no matter how small, and don’t overreact to setbacks, no matter how big. Remember, everyone is looking to you to set the emotional tone; if you crack under the pressure, they will lose faith in you and confidence in the project. Be aware that SJWs will be waging a constant, low-grade demoralization campaign against your supporters, and never hesitate to call out their lies and counteract their attempts to gain influence.

  Rely upon your volunteers, and when you start hiring, hire them first. They will always be your best employees. I was once offered a job as a lead designer by a very successful game company. I didn’t take it because it required me to move my family, but I went through the entire interview process, which was intense, detailed, and very rigorous. I can attest that it was not only thorough, but guaranteed to weed out any pretenders, and included an actual test of one’s relevant abilities. (I was mildly annoyed at having to create a new game design from scratch considering my track record, so I dropped an unexpectedly complete game design that was five times longer than they anticipated on them, causing the developer charged with reviewing it to complain he didn’t have enough time to go through the whole thing. Yeah, well, they only gave me a week to write it.) But I couldn’t complain about the process. The employees they had hired using this method were uniformly well-qualified, smart people with excellent credentials. And yet, none of the teams they hired ever came close to comparing to their original team of volunteers, who remained the A team and were still the only ones who could be relied upon to do the mission critical work. Always rely on those who work for the mission, not for money.


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