The Truth in Love: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Virgo

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The Truth in Love: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Virgo Page 11

by K. C. Stewart

  Dean put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her over to him. He kissed her head-- brave man since she hadn't showered in two, maybe three days. "Em, you are comfortable as you are. I'm not arguing that. But that's not the same thing as happy."

  There was a small window in his office. Basically, it was a glorified closet but he was grateful for the space and the door. Not many were so lucky. Carter was writing a report from an earlier traffic stop when his phone rang.

  "Got a guy down here for you, Bennett. Name's Dean Williams."

  Carter frowned. What was Emilie's brother doing here? "Yeah. Send him back."

  The police department wasn't much bigger than Westlin's. From his doorway, he could see Dean being let through security. Carter waved him back and then closed the door once he was inside.

  "Dean, how are you?" he asked shaking his hand.

  He sighed. "Been better."

  Carter's stomach tumbled. No reason he could think for Dean to be here. No reason but Emilie. He'd gotten a call a few days ago that had scared him shitless. The library silent alarm had gone off while there had been a teen program going on. Being that they lived in a society of mass shootings, his mind had gone dark.

  He went. He left his district and went to Westlin. When he saw her standing outside, arms folded, scowl in place, he knew all was fine. He waved over an officer and got an update on the situation. Kid saw a button and pushed it. Simple as that.

  He sat in his car for a good half hour watching her. Emilie talked with each parent who showed up and explained the situation. She had handled everything without so much as cracking that façade of hers. There was one moment when she turned her back to the crowd and took a deep breath. He saw her exhaustion then. Just a flash of it in her eyes. Someone called her name and back she went.

  He had left but that flash had bothered him. It shouldn't. He was nothing to her anymore. Not boyfriend, not friend, not even neighbor as he was still at the pack house since Owen was gone. But dammit, he still cared. God help him, he cared. So he called Dean that night to hear how she was holding up. He hadn't gotten much out of him, suspicion lacing every word.

  For him to be here now, meant trouble.

  "What's going on?" Carter asked as he sat behind his desk.

  Dean wondered the room. He didn't have much up on his walls yet but the bear walked to the window and looked out. "She's sequestered herself away. I just came from her house and she has fallen deep into that rabbit hole of hers. Won't take much for her to go into hibernation at this point. One day she might just not wake up and sleep weeks or months..." Dean turned his head and looked right at Carter. "Or years."

  "Why?" he asked. Carter didn't know much about bears and hibernating practices. They were a species that didn't group together like the wolves or cats do.

  "Safety. Comfort." Dean shrugged. "Stubbornness."

  Carter’s lips twitched. Got that right.

  "She's too proud to come herself. When she washes her hands of someone, she's done completely. But she is holding out for you. Don't ask me why. I think you are a dick but she's got a thing for you that won't quit."

  Holding out for him? Every day he had wondered why she was still there, in town. He kept his phone on him, waiting for her call but it never came. He couldn’t call, wouldn’t call. Carter bent every time when it came to her. Since Emilie kept her feeling locked up tight, if he gave and called her he would never know if this was what she wanted. That’s why she was supposed to tell him she was back, that she chose to come back to him. Over the last few days, his anger had abated to confusion and over the whole damn situation clouded every thought he had.

  "Why are you telling me this?" And what was he going to do about it?

  Dean pulled the visitor's chair away from the wall and over to the desk. He sat and met him head on. "She has no idea I'm here. Probably would pound me into a million pieces if she ever found out. But I think you need to know even if you are the one that broke her heart. Actually, it's because of that I want you to know."

  Carter knew what he was going to say. Had known it since he had seen her that day at the library. Had feared it. That churning in his stomach every time he thought of her wasn't just guilt for the damage he inflicted when he tried to protect himself and paused their relationship. It was him second guessing himself, wondering if maybe his pride was getting in the way of his happiness. Every time he wondered why she was still here and not back home, he knew. His subconscious knew. His pride stood tall, though, and couldn’t be budged. His wolf had wanted to pursue but he ignored him.

  "She broke up with him after getting him off the murder charges.”

  Carter closed his eyes. What had he done?

  Satisfied with the broken and guilty look Carter had on his face, Dean continued. “She's always been too independent for her own good. Doesn't ask for help, doesn't open up, doesn't share. But let me tell you," Dean said leaning forward. "She lights up like a freaking Christmas tree when she talks about you. Eyes, smile, the whole nine yards. Her soul beams. I've never seen her like that before. Not with anyone."

  "Why wouldn't she tell me that?” he asked, more like begged Dean. “I told her to tell me when she got back but she never did. I thought I had made it clear that I was here waiting for her."

  "You don't even live there anymore,” Dean spat. "She got home and you were gone and as far as I know, she reached out but never heard from you." He had lost her brother's respect. Didn't blame him either. Carter wasn't feeling much for himself right now either.

  "I never heard from her," he said absently as he thought back over the last few days. There had been nothing from her.

  Dean shrugged, not caring. "Your window of opportunity is closing. Like I said, when she is done, she's done for good." Dean stood, pushed the chair back to where it belonged. "What you do next is your choice. I just thought you should know all the facts. Emilie will survive either way. She'll go on like she always does. The choice is yours at this point. I don't say that to sound brash, she cared for you more than I've seen her care for anyone. But Emilie will always find a way to go on. It's a matter of if she is surviving or if she is living. That's what you'll give her. The chance to actually live."

  At his door Dean stopped and turned back. His mouth set in a hard line like he was deciding if he wanted to say something. “If you want her back, don’t just tell her that. Words aren’t always truthful even when they are honest. Show her that you want her back.”

  Dean left Carter staring at his desk. His pulse was rampant as he considered what the bear had said. So much to think about, but with a timer that could go off at any second.

  As much as he appreciated Dean coming to tell him all this, Carter wanted to hear it from her. He still had doubts. The fiancé had wedged himself deep between them without even being conscious of it. Carter may have overreacted but she hadn't reacted at all. That had killed him. Emilie had just agreed with him about the break. She hadn’t fought it at all. What was he supposed to have thought?

  Carter wanted to talk to her, had half a mind to leave and go see here right then. But he'd need to do this right. Just showing up had too many variables. She might not let him in, might not answer the door. Hell, she might not even be home.

  He'd have to do things a little differently if he wanted to get the answers he wanted from her.


  If you don’t chase a Virgo down while they are walking away, they will keep on walking.

  * * *

  Jessica was getting ungodly good at guessing which flavor would be her ice cream pick of the night. The gas station girl could read ice cream like some people could read tarot cards.

  "Cookie dough and brownie swirl," Jessica said, as Emilie put the pint on the counter and got her wallet out. "Seems like someone is split and can't make up her mind."

  Fucking uncanny.

  The drive home from the gas station was the perfect amount of time to let the ice cream get
soft and pliable. Lately, the treat had just turned into her dinner. Best part of being an adult was that if she wanted ice cream for dinner, no one could tell her no.

  Sometimes she wondered if that was the only good thing about being an adult.

  Jessica was right, though. She had a choice to make and it was a fine time to make it. Although, she hadn't realized there was a choice to make until Jessica said it. Either she could continue to pine for Carter and try to talk to him again now that some time had passed, or she could move on.

  She would consider both options tonight over her ice cream. Sprinkles may be needed as well. Chocolate syrup for good measure. Whipped cream just because, why not?

  It got dark early this time of year, something she hated. Emilie wanted the cold but also the long days of summer. Dark at five o'clock sucked. The evening blackness was, however, the perfect backdrop for the red and blue lights that illuminated her rear view mirror.

  Emilie swallowed as she looked behind her. The cop wasn't going around her and no one else was around so that meant...

  She was being pulled over.

  Holy shit she had never been pulled over before.

  Emilie was trying not to hyperventilate when she slowed and pulled to the side of the road. Was she supposed to grab her license and registration now or wait till they told her to? She glanced back in the mirror and saw a man get out of the car. Her breath caught. This was really happening. Her perfect record was ruined. She was about to get in trouble.

  The thought left a sour taste in her mouth. She speeded, everyone did, but she always kept it to five miles over the limit. Never more. So if he pulled her over because of that, then he was a hardass and a warning was out of the cards.

  A tap at her window made her jump. She put her hand to her heart for a second in an act to calm the vicious pounding and then fumbled with the windows. First, the back rear one went down, then the passenger side. The officer was shining the brightest light known to man in her window. He was seeing everything she did. That only made her more nervous. God, what did he think of her right now? Probably that she was some ditzy woman who was going to cry or flirt to get out of this.

  Oh god, what if he thought she was drunk?

  Embarrassment mixed with the nerves and put her in an anxiety shitstorm.

  When she finally got the window down she reached for her purse. "Let me grab my license. I know I was speeding. I'm so sorry. I was totally in the wrong here."

  There was a hearty chuckle from the cop. "Not many people apologize when I pull them over."

  Emilie's hands froze as she was sliding her ID out of her wallet. "Carter?" she asked squinting at the light.

  The flashlight clicked off and she had to blink a few times before she could see him. Carter was in uniform, an Andora badge on his chest, and wearing the most infuriating smirk. All that nervous energy she had been collecting exploded into fury.

  "What the hell, Carter!"

  "Can you get out of the car?" he asked her, sliding his flashlight back into his belt.

  "What? No! What is this about."

  The smile dropped from his face and he took a step back from her door. "I need you to exit the vehicle."

  She choked on her words. "Are you seriously doing this?" She was going to smack him. To hell with assault charges. He deserved a good smack.

  "Please get out of the car, Ma'am."

  Oh, her pout was just too sweet for words. Of course, she couldn't decide if she was more outraged, shocked or just happy to see him. For a good minute, every emotion played on her face. He just may have broken Emilie.

  Might as well keep it rolling.

  "Turn and place your hands flat on the car," he said.

  Her eyes flared in indignation. "You..." Her mouth was moving but nothing came out. Carter spun a pointed finger in the air, a silent command to turn. With a huff and a glare, she spun and put her hands on the car as instructed.

  Seriously, he was loving this. She had no idea if Carter was joking with her or not and with his cop face on, she'd never know.

  This next part was usually his least favorite but today might just change that. With his boot, he tapped the inside of her feet indicating that she should widen her stance. Emilie's lips were pressed in a hard line but she obeyed.

  "Do you have any drugs, paraphernalia or weapons on you?"

  He'd take her glare as a no.

  "Is there anything sharp in your pockets."

  "No," she ground out.

  Carter began patting her down but his hands weren't objective like they normally were. He knew she had nothing on her, Carter just wanted to rile her up and cop a feel while he was at it. He placed his hands under her arms and slid them down her ribs slowly. She was a bit thin, the bones of her rib cage more pronounced than usual. He moved them down her waist and over her hips. He stepped in closer to her, his nose barely grazing the back of her neck. His hands were at her ribs again but this time he moved them around to her front, under her breasts and then straight down. When he reached her jeans, his hands split following down the tops of her thighs. His thumbs dipped and ran right up against her mound. She exhaled in a rush, which made him grin. Good. He still affected her physically.

  Carter backed away and knelt. This time he came up from her ankles. Right up the back of her legs, up her inner thighs and then over her gracious ass.

  That was his most rewarding pat down to date. If only they could always be so satisfying.

  She hung her head as he stood. Her back rising and falling with her rapid breath. He put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her upright. Carter reached behind him for his cuffs with his free hand and then shocked the hell out of her again when he cuffed one wrist and then pulled both her arms behind her back and cuffed the other one.

  "Carter!" she screeched.

  "Let's go," he said.

  He escorted her to the SUV he was driving tonight, secured her in the backseat and then went back to her car for her purse and keys. On the front seat sat a pint of ice cream. He grabbed that too.

  To his surprise, Emilie didn't talk at all on the say to the station, she didn't even look at him. Emilie kept her mouth shut and her eyes trained out the barred window.

  When they arrived, she didn't resist. Emilie went where he led without a word. He took her to an interrogation room, sat her down and moved her cuffs to the front where he locked them to the table. Still, she stayed quiet. She was planning something. He didn't know what but the silence was beginning to make him second guess himself.

  Originally, he had only planned on pulling her over and then talking to her. Carter figured if he rattled her at first then he could get her talking without thinking, which would have worked. She had been so surprised he probably could have asked her anything in that first minute and she would have answered. But the charade was just too much fun.

  He left her and went to tell his Chief that the plan had changed. "She's here now?" he asked with a laugh. "Oh hell boy, that bear's gonna have your nuts for supper tonight." Richard was pack and agreed to go along with his over the top plan. No one would be bothering them and he had as long as he needed.

  On the way back to interrogation, he grabbed the ice cream and a spoon from the kitchen.

  "I want my lawyer," she said immediately when he opened the door.

  Carter tore the lid off the ice cream, kicked the door closed and took a spoonful. "No you don't," he said casually.

  "Is that my ice cream?"

  Of all the shit he had done tonight it was this that she found most offensive. He sat with a bewildered smirk. Women were strange creatures.

  "Why am I here, Carter?"

  He leaned back in his chair, put his feet up on the table, crossed his ankles and got comfortable. Carter took another bite and could almost hear the cursing going on in her head. He'd missed dinner since he had been waiting for her. This was the perfect substitution.

  "As pack enforcer," her eyes cut away from the ice cream and up to him in su
rprise. So she hadn't heard yet. Well, surprise! "I have to investigate all threats to the pack. Since you seem to be staying in town, I need to make sure no repercussions will be coming from your shooting."

  "We've been over this already," she growled. It was sexy. Had a depth to it a wolf just didn't have.

  "I have some more questions."

  Emilie sat back in the metal chair, her chains rattling against the table. She sighed, "If I answer your questions I can go?"

  He nodded around a bite of cookie dough.


  Carter smiled. "Perfect." He licked the spoon clean, not missing how her eyes followed his tongue, and then put the lid back on. Carter swung his feet off the table and opened a bogus file he had grabbed.

  With a click of his pen, he asked, "Are you single Miss Williams?"

  Her eyes narrowed. "None of your damn business."

  That wouldn't do. He needed her to tell him that the fiancé was gone. "Do you live alone?"

  "You know that I do."

  Carter scribbled something on the paper and nodded his head. "Right, ok. Will Mr. Fiancé be asking any questions about your supposed ‘bear attack’," he said with air quotes, "now that he knows it was all bogus? What I need to know here Miss Williams is if we are going to have anyone sniffing around here looking for supernatural creatures."

  Emilie looked like she wanted to gut him, skin him and hang his head on her mantel. It was sweet. "He won't," she spat at him. "Is that all?"

  Carter shook his head. "No, I've got one more for you and then you are free to go. Are you or are you not seeing anyone right now?" He looked straight at her wanting to see as well as hear this answer. She held his eyes as hard as he was holding hers. A flush of anger heated her cheeks as they stood off against one another.

  Emilie caved first. With a shake of her head and a snarl on her lips, she said what he had been waiting for. "I was but he has apparently lost his damn mind."


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