Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set Page 65

by Smith, Wendy

  “She found someone else.”

  Shit. What the hell do I say to make this better? “I wish Hayley was here. She’s so much better at this stuff than I am. But I’m telling you now, this isn’t you, and you’re worth more than this.”

  He blinks slowly. “Where’s Hayley?”

  “Heavily pregnant and tired. She’s having a lie-in, and she’s really sorry not to come.”

  James looks around the room. “Maybe it’s just as well. She’d kill me for the way this place looks.”

  I chuckle. Since Hayley’s been living in Hamilton with me, it’s a much shorter trip to Auckland. We usually catch up with James when we visit, and they’ve gotten to know each other well. She’s a bit of a mother hen when it comes to him. “She would. So sort your shit out so we can visit.”

  He straightens up. “I know I should, but—”

  “Dude. This kind of thing is part of life. It sucks, but trust me, one relationship breakup can lead to something so much better. It did with Hayley and me, and when you’re ready, it will for you. Clearly, Ashley wasn’t the right one for you.” I grip his shoulder. “Believe me. One day you’ll look back on this, and it’ll be a blip on your radar.”

  James nods. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Bro, I’m always right.”

  He laughs. “You sound like Max.”

  “He’s usually right too.”

  * * *

  It’s after one by the time I get back to Hayley’s parents’ place.

  “Something smells good.”

  Sonya smiles. “Roast lamb for lunch. I know it’s your favourite.”

  “Sounds amazing. How’s Hayley been?”

  “She’s still upstairs. I’ve been in a couple of times to check on her, but she told me she was fine, just tired.”

  I nod. “Apparently carrying twins is exhausting.”

  “One baby was hard enough” She pats me on the arm. “Lunch will be ready in about twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks, Sonya.”

  I mount the stairs, two by two. As much as I loved seeing James, being with Hayley is more important to me right now. I’ve tried really hard to act like a husband and father-to-be than a doctor. She hates when I hover, and I understand that, but the reality is that multiple pregnancies are tough, and I want to make sure she doesn’t want for anything.

  “Hey.” She’s still in bed, right where I left her.

  She gives me a lazy smile. “How was James? I thought you’d be back earlier.”

  “James is a mess. Ashley left him. I sat him down and told him to get his shit together.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear they broke up. I wish I’d seen him.”

  I smile. “Well, we’re here for a couple more days. Maybe we can check in on him before we go.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Leaning over, I give her a tender kiss, waggling my eyebrows. “Your mum said lunch will be ready in about twenty minutes. How tired are you?”

  She chuckles. “Never too tired for what I think you’re suggesting.”

  Sex has been difficult the past few weeks with the added bulk of two babies. But it’s not impossible.

  I lie by her side and kiss her softly. She murmurs her approval, and I run my hand over her belly and lift her skirt, slipping into her panties and finding her clit with my fingers.

  “You’re already wet.” There is a benefit to pregnancy hormones.

  A husky laugh passes her lips. “I need you.”

  “I need you too.” My hand slides farther down, and I pause. Something’s not right.

  “Babe, are you sure your waters haven’t broken?”

  “I think I might have noticed.”

  Sliding my hand out, my fingertips are coated in fresh blood.


  “Hayley? Are you just tired? Or are you having contractions too?”

  She shakes her head. “No contractions. I’m not comfortable, but that’s nothing new.”

  “I think I need to take a look at you.”

  “What’s wrong?” Her words are a little slurred now, and she frowns.

  Pulling her skirt and the blanket out of the way, I don’t need to look much further. She’s lying in a circle of her own blood, and it’s so much more than I’d like to see.

  I slide her panties down and examine her. It’s not good.

  Wiping my hand on the blanket to remove the blood, I take a look at her face. Her eyes are closed, and her skin’s so pale. How did I not see it before?


  Her eyelashes flutter as she opens her eyes, and she gives me a small, sad smile.

  Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I dial emergency services. “Ambulance, please.”

  The woman’s talking at me, and I struggle to focus, but I have to. For Hayley.

  “My name’s Doctor Drew Campbell, and my wife has a suspected placental abruption. We need an ambulance as soon as possible.”

  I place the phone on speaker and put it on the bed. Hayley hiccups as a tear runs down her cheek. Of all the things for it to be, it had to be the thing that caused her patient’s death five years ago. The thing that nearly ruined her career.

  The irony isn’t lost on me that she suffered so much for another woman’s abruption, and here we are.


  “Back in a second, princess.”

  I open the door to find Sonya on the other side.

  “Lunch is ready a little earlier than I thought,” she says with a smile.

  “Sorry, Sonya. Hayley’s going to hospital. The ambulance is on its way.”

  “What?” Her eyes fill with worry.

  I nod, holding my hand out to try and convey that I’m keeping calm for Hayley. Thankfully, she seems to pick up on it.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just let them in when they get here. It’ll be faster than me driving her, and they can monitor her the whole way.”

  “Is it serious?” she whispers.

  I nod. The last thing I want is to frighten anyone. Hayley will be scared enough without anyone else panicking. But Sonya’s strong. This woman once tried to set my girlfriend up with another guy right in front of me. She’s got balls.

  “I’ll tell David and wait by the door.”

  Turning back to the bed, I lie beside Hayley and stroke her face. “Drew.” Tears continue to fall, but she’s remaining calm. At least on the outside.

  “We’ll get through this, princess. I promise.”

  She nods. “I trust you.”

  “I should have been here with you. You’re so close, and I need to keep an eye on you.”

  “We didn’t know.”

  I shake my head. “No, but I should be better at this. It’s my job, and you’re the most important person in the world to me.”

  Her smile’s faint, but it still lights up the room. “And our babies.”

  I nod, but I know if it came down to it, I’d choose Hayley’s life above all else. Even if it killed me.

  “Those two have done fine, and they’re old enough to be born now. Don’t be scared.”

  It’s easier said than done, but if anyone can handle this, it’s Hayley. She knows the risks, but she also knows that these things can be mitigated by catching it early. I’ve seen worse than this and got the mother and baby through. There’d better be a good obstetrician waiting at the hospital.

  There are three lives on the line.

  * * *

  Hayley’s parents watch as she’s carried to the ambulance on a stretcher. I jump in the back, and sit beside her.

  “Hey,” I say softly.

  She gives me a small smile, but the strain in her expression is clear.

  “How many patients do you think get their own personal obstetrician on the way to the hospital?”

  Hayley laughs, and it’s music to my ears.

  One of the paramedics climbs in with me, and with sirens blaring we take off for the hospital.

  This is about to be
the longest ride of my life.

  About halfway, I pull out my phone and dial. What I need is to hear the voice of the man who’s my closest friend.

  At the other end is Owen’s cheery voice. “Hey. Am I an uncle again yet?”

  “Not yet.” I hold back, but my fear bubbles right at the surface. If this was a patient of mine, I’d know what to do. It’s a whole different story trying to think clearly when it’s the woman you love.

  “Dude, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Hayley.” Suddenly, this doesn’t seem like such a good idea, and I’m not sure if I can get the words out. “She … she …”

  “Slowly, mate. One word at a time.” His tone’s more serious now.

  “We’re on the way to the hospital. She has …” I can’t complete the sentence.

  “She has what?”

  “Placental abruption.”

  There’s silence for a moment. Owen knows Hayley’s history. He and my other brothers were there for her when she needed them.

  “Okay. I’m coming.”

  “You don’t need to. I just wanted you to know.”

  “Let me call Ginny and deal with the kid. I’ll hit the road as soon as I can.”


  I hang up the call. There’s no way I could say a lot more without breaking, and that’s not what Hayley needs. She needs me to be strong because this road could be bumpy from here on in.

  And she knows it.



  When we were growing up, it was always Corey and Adam, me and Drew. Spending twelve years of my life sharing a room with him, I developed a stronger bond with him than I did any of my other brothers.

  “Are you okay to drive?” Ginny asks as she climbs into the car beside me.

  “I’ll be fine. You might just have to remind me to keep to the speed limit once in a while.”

  She shoots an annoyed glance at me and nods to the back seat. Shit.

  “Looking forward to hanging out with Max for the night, Ava?”

  Her little blonde head bobs up and down. I smile at her enthusiasm, and make a mental note to try not to imply we might crash. She still has dreams from time to time about that night.

  “Max is so good with her. I bet they’ll have heaps of fun,” Ginny says, her light tone keeping the conversation upbeat. “You’re doing the right thing, Owen. Drew needs you.”

  I’m acutely aware that I rely on Ginny so much where Ava’s concerned. I don’t know if I could do this without her. Reaching for her hand, I link her fingers with mine and drag her hand to the gearstick.

  I called Adam as soon as I hung up from Drew. Their house is going to be Ava’s sanctuary while yet more drama plays out in our lives. She doesn’t need to know anything about it.

  The thought of Hayley being in danger makes me sick.

  Lily’s on the steps when we pull in, concern written all over her face. I grab Ava’s bag while Ginny helps her out of the car, and we walk toward my girl’s auntie.

  “Hi, Ava.” Lily smiles, and I’m so grateful that she’s happy to take Ava on top of dealing with Max and Rose. “Oh, and Owen and Ginny, of course.”

  “Ava.” Max runs out, Lucky by his side. Ava giggles as the dog bowls her over and licks her cheek before Max pulls him off.

  “Naughty,” Max growls.

  I hold out my hand to her. “You okay?”

  She nods, wiping her face with the palm of her hand. “The doggy’s tongue tickled.”

  “I bet it did.” It’s good to hear her laughter. She’s so happy here.

  “How’s Hayley? Have you had any update?” Adam’s right behind Max, his brows knitting in concern as he looks at me. We all know how much Drew loves Hayley, and if anything happened to her, it’d break him.

  “No. I don’t want to call Drew again. I’d imagine they’ll have all kinds of things going on. The sooner we get there, the sooner I’ll let you guys know what’s going on.”

  “What did he say when he called?” Lily asked.

  “Something about placental abruption? I didn’t have time to look it up, I just wanted to get Ava sorted so we could get out of here.”

  The colour drains from Lily’s face.

  “What is it? He was so stressed, I didn’t want to stop and ask.”

  She swallows. “Hayley lost a patient in her second year to placental abruption. Though, in her case, she struggled to get a doctor to take it seriously in time.”

  “Drew’s good. Can you imagine him? He would have been driving her crazy with his hovering.” I lean over and kiss Lily on the cheek. Squatting, I smile at Ava. “Can you be a good girl for Adam and Lily?”

  She nods, the happy expression disappearing from her face. I know she’s pleased to be here, but that I’m leaving her is probably confusing. Even for the night.

  “I need to go and check up on Auntie Hayley and the babies.”

  Her blue eyes widen. “The babies?”

  I nod. “Remember? Two babies.”

  She throws her small arms around my neck, and I hold her tight. We’ve worked ourselves into this routine these past five months, and this is the first night we’ll be apart. I thought this would be easy, letting her stay somewhere else, but my chest is tight at the thought.

  I lift her off the ground, and nod at Adam. “Everything she needs is in her bag. There are pull-ups for night, and her pyjamas, a couple of changes of clothes, and a couple of toys.” She lets go of my neck, her big eyes still focused on me. “If you’re a good girl for Uncle Adam, I’ll have to see what I can bring home.”

  “Can I get a toy?”

  “I’m sure we can find something.” I plant a kiss on her nose and let her drop to the ground.

  Max takes her by the hand. “Come on, Ava. I’m playing a racing game, but you can watch if you want.”

  As she disappears inside the house, I feel a twinge of regret I’m not taking her. But after what happened to her parents, the last place I think she needs to spend time in is the inside of a hospital.

  “Thanks for everything,” I say, not taking my eyes off the door she went through.

  “It’s never a problem. We can take her whenever you need a break.” Lily smiles and slips her arms around my neck. “Give all our love to Drew and Hayley.”

  “I will.” My voice breaks, and Ginny rubs my back.

  It’s time to get on the road.



  I hold her hand tight as she’s wheeled into the hospital on a gurney. The ambulance crew radioed ahead, and there’s a doctor waiting for us.

  “Mrs Campbell, I’m Doctor Johnson.” He smiles widely.

  “Marcus?” Hayley’s voice is strained and quiet.

  I stare at the doctor who’s arrived to take care of my wife.

  “Hayley? I’m so sorry. I didn’t recognise you at first.”

  “Doctor Marcus Johnson.” He holds his hand out for me to shake. I ignore it.

  “Is there anyone else who can help her. Quickly?” I ask.

  “I’m it right now.” He withdraws his hand.


  “Drew, let him do it.”

  I fume. This is the man who nearly ruined Hayley’s career. Do I want his hands on her? No.

  Do I have much choice?


  “Look, Mr Campbell …” Marcus says.

  “Doctor Campbell. Hayley’s presenting with a class-two placental abruption, and there’s far too much blood loss already. You’d better have your shit together.”

  He nods. “She’s in safe hands, I promise.”

  Reluctantly, I take a step back. It sucks, but right now I don’t have a choice. Hayley and the babies’ fates are in this man’s hands whether I like it or not.

  “Well, Hayley, I’m glad you married a doctor, because at least I don’t have to work out what I’m dealing with.” He grabs the ultrasound wand and lifts Hayley’s shirt. She takes a deep breath, and I walk around the other side of the bed so I ca
n hold her hand and watch the monitor.

  “Sorry, the gel will be cold.”

  “It’s okay. I know.”

  He squirts gel on her belly, and runs the ultrasound wand across her baby bump. Our babies are active and healthy-looking, but I know what he’s looking for because I’m looking too.

  “How many weeks are you, Hayley?” he asks.


  He meets my gaze. “Good. I think these babies are going to make their appearance really soon.”

  I shift my focus back to the monitor, and he zooms in closer. The abruption is right there, and while it’s not the worst I’ve ever seen, it’s not good.

  “We’ll be good, Hayley. They’ll be good. The most important thing is that the three of you are safe” I squeeze her hand.

  She nods. “Whatever you two think.”

  Fear is in her eyes, and I lean over. “I’ll be with you the whole way, princess.”

  “Of course you will.”

  “I’m not going to sugarcoat it because I think you both know exactly what’s going on, but the best course of action is an emergency C-section. Your babies stand a good chance at this stage. Time is of the essence,” Marcus says.

  I nod. “I agree. But you’d better believe I’ll be watching every move you make, and if you put a foot wrong …”

  He swallows.

  “Drew, Marcus isn’t a bad doctor.”

  My eyebrows raise at the sound of Hayley’s words. Maybe she’s right and he’s a good doctor, albeit one who chose not to listen to her.

  She gives me a wan smile. “I trust him. And I know you’ll be there, watching over us.”

  “You’d better believe it.”

  While Hayley’s being prepped for theatre, I scrub in with Marcus. I’ll only be there watching, but I want to be as close to her as possible because I don’t trust him.

  “So, what area of medicine are you in?” he asks. “You picking up the abruption saved a lot of time.”

  “Obstetrics. Hayley and I live in Hamilton. We’re just up here visiting her folks.”

  “And you landed here the weekend I’m on call.”

  “Well, then I guess this is it.” I know my exasperation is clear in my voice, but I’d give anything for this to have happened at home where I know the hospital and the surgeons.


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