Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set Page 79

by Smith, Wendy

  I grin as he exits the room. The sight of him naked makes me sigh.

  There’s no way I could get rid of my grin, even if I tried. Last night was everything I ever imagined could be possible. My heart’s a goner.

  “Before I cook bacon, I should probably put on some clothes. That stuff spits.”

  I laugh as Corey flops back onto the bed. “That doesn’t look like getting dressed.”

  He looks up. “Maybe I don’t want to.” Desire flashes in his eyes, and he crawls up the bed, pulling the duvet off me as he goes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want to love you in the daylight, sweetness. Then we can have breakfast.”

  I squeal as he keeps coming toward me, lowering himself next to me and draping his arm over my chest.


  What does he mean?

  I relax and close my eyes as he sucks gently on my neck. It hasn’t taken him long to find the parts of my body that make me sigh when he pays attention to them.

  “All mine,” he murmurs in my ear.


  I don’t want to be owned.

  I can’t help tensing up.


  I open my eyes to see his concerned expression, and a look of understanding crosses his face. “You might be mine, but I will never make you do anything against your will. Do you understand?”

  Slowly, I nod. The memory of my last encounter with Ash is so fresh, and his insistence that he had complete control of me still rings in my ears.

  “You’re in charge of your own life now. And I promise that I’ll always listen to you. If there’s ever anything you don’t want me to do, then tell me. I’ll respect you.”

  As the tears well, I rest my head on his chest.

  Maybe I should say something to him and acknowledge what he’s said. But any words I have are lost in the overwhelming affection I have for him.

  He considers me his equal.

  * * *

  Despite him telling me to stay in bed, I make my way into the kitchen. The smell of toast and bacon fills the air, and I breathe in deep as Corey turns to look over his shoulder.

  “What are you doing in here?” he asks.

  I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face in his back. “I missed you.”

  “Missed me, or was your stomach grumbling?”

  “My stomach doesn’t grumble.”

  He laughs. “Are you sure? I thought I heard it from out here.”

  I slap his back. “No more teasing.”

  Corey turns and plants a kiss on my nose. “There’ll always be teasing.” His lips quirk. “But only the kind that gets you hot.”

  I roll my eyes, pressing my body against his. When I got out of bed, I stole one of his T-shirts from a drawer, and my nipples rub against the thin fabric, against him.

  “That’s cheating,” he says.


  He captures my arms, holding them behind my back. My body’s aching to be touched. All it’s taken is one night, and I want more.

  “Now you can’t touch me,” he says.

  “I’m still touching you.” I rub my breasts against him and he catches his breath.

  “I need breakfast. And then I might need some more of you.” He sucks my lower lip into his mouth before giving me a tender kiss. “But that’s all you’re getting for now, because I’m starving. You wore me out.”

  “I wore you out?” I laugh as he lets go of me and steps back.

  “Yeah. You’re insatiable. Can’t get enough of me.” He winks before turning back to the stove, and I grin as I take a seat at the table.

  This house looks different today. Before, it was somewhere to stay, but this thing between Corey and me makes it home.

  My home.

  “I made you coffee.” Corey places a steaming mug in front of me, and drops a plate stacked with toast and grilled bacon on the table. “Are you okay?”

  “Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “How happy I am here. How everything in my life seems to have fallen into place when I was so lost.”

  He smiles. “I hope that includes me.”

  “It is you. The night I ran away, I panicked when I realised what I’d done. It all happened so quickly. But you’ve never wavered in taking care of me.”

  Corey nods. “Whether we’d ended up in bed or not, I’d never have let anything hurt you.”

  “I know.” A thought I don’t like crosses my mind. “This isn’t just sex for you, is it? Because I can’t—”

  “If you think last night was just about sex, you’re crazy,” he says. I close my eyes, and he cups my cheek. “I’m not one to take advantage. Not like that.”

  “Corey,” I whisper.

  “I would never have slept with you if I didn’t want more out of this. You showed up here scared and vulnerable, and all I’ve wanted since the day we met is to protect you.”

  I open my eyes and look into his. I’ve been here long enough to know how open he is—about everything. He’s not the type to hold back and given that he’s already extended an open-ended invitation for me to live here, I think I can trust what he’s telling me.

  “The only reason why last night happened is because we wanted each other. If you’d come here and thrown yourself at me at the start, I would have said no.”

  I can’t breathe. “No?”

  “You weren’t ready. But we’ve spent the last few weeks like an old married couple. You fight me on everything, and you know better even though you’ve only been outside those gates a short time. You’re what I need.” He lowers his voice. “You’re who I need.”

  Tears blur my vision, and Corey runs a thumb under my left eye. “If you’re not a match for me, Con, then I don’t know who is.”

  I sniff, laughing, as he smiles. “Let’s have something to eat.”

  Nodding, I pick up a fork. “I’m starving.”

  “I knew I wasn’t the only one left tired by your neverending need for me.”

  As I stab a piece of bacon, I roll my eyes.

  This is the life I always wanted—not full of fear or worry about what’s coming next.

  This is freedom.



  I go to the doctor in the morning.

  “Corey.” Doc Paton smiles as I walk into his office.

  “How are you, doc?” I ask.

  He nods. “Good. You’re here early.”

  “I want a full work-up. Everything.”


  I take a seat. “I’m in a relationship now, and she’s on the injection.”

  He nods. “Fair enough. It’s good to make sure you’re safe.”

  I shrug. “I’m her first sexual partner, and she had the injection maybe a month ago?”

  Smiling, he stands. “Well, the injection lasts three months. So, if she wants to make an appointment for two months’ time, I’d be happy to see her.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Let’s get this done. The courier picks up for the lab this afternoon, so we’ll have your results in few days, with any luck.”

  “Thanks. Appreciate it.”

  I let him do everything he needs to. It amuses me that he checks my height every time I’m here. It’s been the same since I was eighteen.

  “Let me guess. Two point zero three metres.”

  The doctor gives me a weary look. I do this to him every single time. “Good guess.”

  I stay silent the rest of the appointment, pee in the cup when he wants me to, and let him poke and prod me.

  “You know you’re in perfect health, Corey. You always are.”

  I smile. “I know, but it pays to check. Look at Mum.”

  “Very true.” He sighs. “It’s tough. Just when you think you’ve gotten rid of it …”

  “I’m going there after this.”

  He nods. “She’s lucky she has all of you.”

  “Well, her illness seems to
have brought us closer together.” I lick my lips. “How long do you think she’s got?”

  “That’s something your parents need to talk to you about.” He looks over his glasses at me, as if telling me off.


  “Want my nurse to call you with your results?”

  I nod. “That would be good.”

  “Sure thing. Give your parents my regards.”

  “No problem.”

  * * *

  It pains me to see my mother declining.

  She’s stubborn and won’t be anywhere else but home. Dad’s at home full-time now to care for her, living on their investment income. At least they’re not short of money.

  There can’t be long to go now.

  She’s pale and struggling to keep her eyes open as I approach.

  I’m going to miss her. We clashed all the time in my teenage years, but our relationship has mellowed over time.

  “Hey, you old bitch. How are you?”

  Despite her obvious tiredness, she smiles. Mum and I have always had an open and honest relationship. Or at least, I thought so until I discovered the line of crap she’d fed Adam for years. It’s the one thing I know of that she kept from me.

  “A box of fluffies. Isn’t that what the Kiwis say?”

  I sit on the side of the bed and lean over to kiss her temple. “You’re as much of a Kiwi as I am, Mum.”

  “Maybe.” She raises a hand and palms my cheek. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “Now I know you’re like this, I’ll visit every day.”

  “We both know you won’t. You’ll get caught up somewhere in the bush and disappear for days at a time.”

  I shake my head. “Not anymore. Not unless I’ve got a job.”

  “What’s changed?”

  I can’t fight the grin on my face. “I met someone.”

  “It’s about time. Who is she?”

  “She’s one of my next-door neighbours.”

  Mum’s mouth falls open. “No. From that weird place?”

  “The very same. She left it behind, and she’s been living at my place ever since. It was a natural progression to us being together.”

  “Are you going to bring her to meet me?”

  I nod. “Another day. I wanted to check in to see how you were doing.”

  She grimaces, and rolls onto her back. “The days are so long now, Corey.”

  “I bet.”

  “I don’t know how much longer I can fight this.”

  It hurts my heart to hear her say that, but Mum’s never been a quitter. I swallow. “Then, don’t.”

  Her lips twitch.

  “I hate seeing you in pain. You should be in a hospital.”

  She nods. “Maybe. But I don’t want to die in a hospital.”

  “You’re so stubborn.”

  “I know.”

  Sighing, I reach out, flicking her hair off her face. “Love you, you stubborn cow.”

  She chuckles. “I love you, too. You boys are my world. I hope you know that.”

  “We all know it a little too well, Mum.”

  “Tell me all about your lady.”

  * * *

  My youngest brother, James is home.

  Since he went to university, we’ve barely seen him, but with Mum getting worse and him having finished his current year, he’s been here for an extended time.

  We haven’t spent much time together.

  Growing up, we weren’t that close. I was thirteen when he was born, and much more interested in girls and my friends than my pesky baby brother.

  It was when he was older that we became closer.

  When Mum first fell ill, James fretted. He used to come up to my place and we’d go hunting, or just hang out.

  I’ve missed him.

  Tapping on his bedroom door, I don’t give him a chance to respond before I push it open. “Hey, dude.”

  He’s sitting on the edge of his bed, facing away from the door, his mobile to his ear. I shake my head in amusement, as he very clearly didn’t hear me.

  “Do you really want to hear what I want to do to you?”

  Oh, Jesus. I need to make myself known before this turns into full-blown phone sex and he has his cock out.

  I lean over. “What do you want to do to me, James?”

  He leaps off the bed as I roar with laugher.

  “My brother’s here. I’ll have to call you back.” He ends the call and glares at me.

  “I’m sorry. It was just too good an opportunity to pass up.”

  He frowns. “I didn’t hear you.”

  “No, you were too busy sexing up whoever was on the other end of that phone. Got something to tell me, little brother?”

  He shrugs. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to visit Mum, and to check in on my baby bro. You know, seeing as he hasn’t come to see me in forever. Thought you might want to go for a beer.”

  He glances at his phone. “Sure. That sounds good.”

  “You’re old enough to drink now, right?”

  James rolls his eyes. “I’ll just send a quick text and I’ll be ready.”

  I nod. “Say hello to her for me.”

  His cheeks redden as he types his text, and I try to suppress a smirk. “Come on, let’s go. We’ll take my truck, and I’ll drop you off before I head home.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  We head outside, and he cracks a smile as he climbs into the ute. “I thought you might have traded this thing in by now.”

  “And get what? She’s never skipped a beat.”

  He nods. “I guess. Suppose it helps that Adam’s around now to fix her when she does break down.”

  “Is this a diversion tactic to make me forget about that phone call?” I start up the car and back down the driveway, onto the road.

  James laughs. “I guess it’s not working.”

  “Memory like an elephant. You should know that.”

  “Fair enough. How have you been, anyway? Adam said you’ve got a new girlfriend.”

  I chuckle, moving into gear and pulling into the road. “Adam’s right.”

  “He also told me where she’s from.”

  I nod. “Uh-huh.”

  “You’re not going to talk about her, are you?”

  “Depends on if you ask the right questions.” I laugh. “But seriously, I’m trying to look forward and not back for her. She’s so much better off out of that place.”

  “I bet she is. What happened? Adam said something about her coming through the wall?”

  “The cops loosened it not far from their little hideout, to give their guys the ability to come and go if they had to. She was sent through to escape an arranged marriage.”

  His eyes widen. “Woah. I knew that place was weird, but …”

  “Yeah. To be honest, I think most of it’s pretty harmless. They work the land and largely live off the food they grow. But something else is going on in that place. I’m just glad she’s with me now and not still there.”

  He grins. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Maybe you can when I meet your lady.”

  James laughs, and looks out the window as we draw closer to the pub.

  I guess that’s a no.

  * * *

  We grab a booth in the corner.

  There aren’t a lot of people in the pub at this time of day. It’s mostly the old fellas from the cove who come here to bet on the horses and watch the racing.

  “Thank you,” James says.

  “What for?”

  “For inviting me out. I’m glad to be home, but it gets a bit hard sometimes. I hate seeing Mum like this.”

  I nod. “I get that. Any time you want to come up to my place, you know you’re welcome.”

  “Even with your new girlfriend?”

  I take a sip of beer. “She’d love to meet you. I think you’d really like her. She’s a reader, like you.” And closer in age to you.

  “And you.”

  “We do have that in common.” I pause. “So, who was that on the phone?” His eyes shoot to the ceiling, and I grin. “Dude, it’s okay. I’m your big brother. You can tell me anything.”

  “I met someone.”

  “I guessed that. You moped around after Ashley left for long enough. If it makes you happy, I’m happy.”

  He smiles, running his finger around the rim of his beer glass. “Thanks.”

  “Are you going to bring her home to meet us?”

  I swear, there’s terror in his eyes for a fleeting moment. He shrugs. “Not yet. It’s … complicated.”

  Nodding, I take a sip of my beer. “Well, if you ever need to talk about anything, you know where I am.”

  “Thanks, Corey. I want to, but …”

  “It’s okay. Just remember that if the shit hits the fan, we’re all here for you. You’ve been gone so long, man. It’s so good to see you.”

  He forces a smile. “I wanted to see Mum before, well—you know.”

  “I sure do.”

  “Do you think she’s got long left?”

  I shrug. “You know her. She’ll hang on as long as possible. But who knows? I’m glad her and Dad have got to spend time with Max and Rose. I only wish it had happened sooner.”

  He nods. “If Adam hadn’t come back, I might not have started studying.”

  “Is that where you met your new lady?”

  James might be older now, but his cheeks still go red when he’s got something to hide. “Umm, well …”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to answer that.”

  He looks so relieved, I laugh.

  “Look. Whatever’s going on, you don’t have to tell me. But know that I’m here for you if you need it. Okay?”

  James nods. “Thanks.”

  “It’s pointless asking Dad for advice. He won’t be thinking about anything other than Mum. Plus, I think he’s a bit out of date. So, if you need an ear …”

  “I know. I’m glad I have you guys if I need you.” He sighs. “I love being back home. It feels like I’ve been away forever, but at the same time, this isn’t home anymore.”

  I chuckle. “I’m sure. Just don’t forget us when you leave uni and go on to some amazing career.”


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