Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set Page 114

by Smith, Wendy

  “I like that idea. I’m so glad we’re here.”

  He nods. “I am too. I thought today was going pretty well, until …”

  “Me too. Oh, I know there was gossip, but next week everything will be back to normal.”

  “I punched Cody. Before word gets back to you about that.”

  My mouth falls open. “What?”

  “He said a few things he now regrets. Garrett saw it. Tried to turn Cody against me, but Cody basically told him where to go.”

  I swallow. “That might not have helped the situation.”

  “If I’d thought for one second he was going to go after you, I would have gone straight home and told Drew to meet me there.”

  Tears prick my eyes. “You two showed up. And that was all I needed. You were there for me, are there for me.”

  “Always,” he whispers. “Isn’t that what love’s all about?”

  I grin, and he kisses me. I know that he’ll kiss me all night if I need it.

  And that might just make everything better.

  We walk down the stairs hand in hand and into the living room where Hayley’s parents sit.

  “Drew and Hayley are bathing the kids, but I’ll go and get that hot chocolate I promised if you want it,” David says.

  “David makes the best hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles,” Sonya says.

  I smile. “Sounds amazing.”

  “Is the room okay?” Sonya asks.

  “It’s gorgeous. Thank you so much,” I say.

  “You’re welcome. We’re happy to have you here.”

  I want to cry at how happy I am. To be part of such a big, loving family is wonderful.



  Everything feels settled.

  I’ll admit it’s a little weird to get up and go to work every morning, but Tim’s a good employer. He takes care of his staff, and everyone gets along.

  The best part is coming home to Constance. With every day that passes, she copes a little better. The routine is easier for her now, I think because she’s not constantly looking over her shoulder and worrying about taking care of me. She can focus on Eli and herself.

  I don’t mind coming home and cooking dinner either, and once I got that through to her, the pressure on her seemed to ease. If the baby needs feeding right as I get home, then that’s what he gets.

  My evenings are spent with her in my arms, or Eli, as Constance grabs some sleep. This new arrangement works well for all of us.

  There’s just one thing that makes me restless.

  I want Constance to be my wife.

  Every day I see that engagement ring on her finger, and it’s not enough for me. I made a promise to her father that I’d marry her, and I’m not a man who breaks his promises.

  I put my sleeping son to bed and walk back into the living room. We’ve had a great weekend.

  Constance gives me a sleepy smile. It’s been one of those days when Eli has just wanted to feed and feed. If he grows up to be anything like me, he’ll go through a lot of growth spurts. But instead of freaking out and getting stressed, Con is handling it all like a pro.

  “Let’s get married.”

  She cocks an eyebrow at me and lifts her left hand. “I thought we did this? Have you got another ring for me?”

  “No. I mean, let’s get married as soon as possible.”

  “Clearly I’m really tired. I thought we were doing that anyway?”

  I laugh. “It takes three days to get a marriage license. We know what we want to do. Why don’t we go and apply tomorrow, and get married next weekend?”

  Constance stares at me like I have two heads. “Now you want to rush?”

  “You know me. When I want to do something, I do it.”

  She laughs. “I know, but …”

  “I happen to know that Lily made you a dress. And it’s time for you to show me.”

  “But there’s no time.”

  “Sweetness, we can do it. I’ll get Lily and Ginny on the case and we’ll be sorted. Where do you want to get married? I thought the cove was nice for Drew’s wedding.”

  She laughs. “There’s no stopping you is there, Corey Campbell?”

  “Not when it comes to you.”



  Coming home is like crashing to Earth.

  But James and I get stuck in, and by Saturday evening, the kitchen and living room have been tidied and vacuumed, and everything Garrett trashed is in the bin.

  After our amazing meal on Friday, we eat pizza on Saturday. On Sunday, we go shopping and buy our own crockery. At least the house can feel more like us now.

  It’s with a heavy heart that I go to work on Monday. But I was right. The class is back to normal, and I have to confess that I like the chatter today instead of the quiet whispers.

  It’s the longest day ever though, and I head back to my office when lectures are finished to tidy up a few things before I go home.

  It doesn’t take long to get everything done.

  “Have you got a minute?”

  My teeth grate as I hear Garrett’s voice. He’s leaning against the frame in the open doorway of my office. “I do, but you’re not supposed to be talking to me.”

  He nods. “I know. I’m sorry for what happened, Mia. I got carried away.”

  “That’s what you used to say when you yelled at me. Minus the apology.”

  His Adam’s apple bobs as he just stands there, staring.

  “Maybe it was inevitable that you’d reach that point, Garrett. I just hoped that you wouldn’t.”

  He nods. “I volunteered to take anger-management classes. The court will probably order them anyway, but I just wanted to say how sorry I was.” Garrett licks his lips. “I love you so much, Mia, and I’m sorry.”

  “I appreciate your apology.” The old me might have felt bad about the discomfort written all over his face, but not now. I spent years feeling like I wasn’t good enough for him when the truth was the opposite. He was never good enough for me. “If you’ve finished, Garrett, I’m going home.”

  With a stiff nod, he takes a step back.

  “And I would suggest that if you want to talk to me again, you do it through your lawyer. We’re so done.”

  For the first time in a long time, there’s emotion in his eyes. Real emotion. He’s sad. But I’m not about to cave in any way. Garrett deserves everything that’s happening to him.

  “Okay.” He takes a step back, and with a final look, disappears down the corridor.

  I shut down the computer, and pick up my bag.

  James is at home waiting for me, and if I know him, he’ll have cooked dinner.

  Before him, I didn’t know what I was missing out on.

  I’ll never take what we have for granted.

  * * *

  I love coming home.

  This house was always cold when Garrett and I lived here together. The atmosphere was always bitter and prickly.

  It’s been warm and welcoming since James has been here.

  James stands in the kitchen, watching over the cooktop when I arrive. His whole face lights up with happiness.

  I walk through and drop my bag on a dining room chair.

  “Hey.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him.

  I linger on his lips. “Hey, yourself.”

  “Good day?”

  I nod. “Very. You killed that last assignment. I got your marks back today.”

  He grins. “At least the university know I wasn’t getting good marks for sleeping with the teacher.”

  Slapping his chest, I laugh. “They knew that before. You were achieving a long time before I came into your life.”

  “Then it just backs up how good you are at your job. I’m still learning.” He lets go, returning to the cooktop.

  I bite my bottom lip. “Garrett came to see me.”

  James’s eyebrows knit. “Really? I thought he was supposed to stay away from you.”
  “Yeah, he is. He apologised. All it did was make me more angry.”

  James pinches my right shoulder, rubbing my neck with one hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Just frustrated.” I sigh. “He waited until his words didn’t hurt me, you know? Where were all those apologies when he told me how useless and pathetic I was?”

  James wraps his arms around my neck, pressing a kiss to my temple. “He was an idiot. I promise you’ll never get any of that crap from me.”

  “I know. You are a million miles away from him.” I turn my head. “I’m so grateful that we found each other.”

  “So am I.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He turns. “Always.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want. I’m what you want?”

  “Mia, I—”

  “Let me finish. You’re so young. I’m seventeen years’ older than you. I know we’ve talked about this, but I can’t start a family now. How are you going to feel when you’re thirty being with a nearly fifty-year-old?”

  His lips curve into a smile. God, how I love that smile. It lights up the room with youthful enthusiasm. “I’ll still love you. You are everything I’ve ever wanted. Nothing else matters to me as long as I have you.”

  “No regrets?”

  “Zero regrets. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Mia Scott. And one day, I’ll make you Mia Campbell, if I have anything to do with it.”

  My heart leaps. I want to be with James so much, and I want this to be a long-term commitment. I hadn’t thought about marriage. “I like that idea.”


  I lean closer, hooking my arms over his shoulders. “I like the idea of everything with you.”

  He grins, and I get closer so I can kiss him. His eyes are so full of love, and his heart is on display. I love this. This is what a relationship should be like.

  “By the way, Corey and Constance have set the date,” he says.

  “Really?” I smile.

  “I hope you don’t have any plans next weekend.”

  I gape at him. “What?”

  “Apparently Corey’s sick of waiting. They went and applied for the license today and they’ll have it by the end of the week. They’re getting married at the cove with the reception in Dad’s backyard.”

  I grin. “That’s beautiful.”

  “So, I figure we head out of town on Friday, and come back Sunday.”

  Nodding, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. “I’d love to. Those two are impulsive, huh?”

  “Corey is. I’m not too sure about Constance, but they’re so in love I think she’ll be over the moon.”

  I let go of him, and he searches my face.

  “What?” I ask.

  “That’ll be us one day.”



  There’s only one other person I need to tell about James and me being out in the open: Kelly. I haven’t seen her in forever.

  She’s back in the country, and while I was falling in love with James, she had her own hook-up and break-up story. But now I get to update her on my love life. It might take a while.

  “Mia.” Her tone is so warm when I call her. It makes me miss her all the more.

  “Hey, Kelly. I wondered if you would be interested in a catch-up.”

  “I’d love to. When?”

  “If you’re free, tonight. Come around for dinner. James is cooking.”

  “I’d love to.” She sounds excited. And I’m glad. I’ve missed her. “So, is it all official or are we keeping this a secret?”

  “It’s official.”

  She squeals. I love this woman. She’s genuinely excited and happy for me, and I don’t have enough people like that in my life. “How are things going with you?”

  She sighs. “I’m by myself again, but you know that. I just want someone nice, you know?”

  “Oh, I know.”

  “Anyway, I must go, but what time tonight?”

  “Does six-thirty sound good?”

  “Sounds wonderful. Can’t wait.”

  Neither can I.

  * * *

  She’s at my door with a bottle of wine and a huge grin at six-thirty.

  “Come in.” I step back as she walks into the kitchen. “James is just getting changed.”

  Her expression tightens as she looks at me. “Who hit you? It wasn’t your new man, was it? Because if it was, we are getting out of here, and he’ll wear this bottle.”

  “No. It was Garrett.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up. “What? Really?”

  I nod. “He didn’t take the news about me declaring a relationship very well at all. Came ’round here, trashed the house, and got really upset.”

  “I can’t believe he hit you.” She huffs. “I mean, I knew he was a prick, but I never thought he’d get physical.”

  “Me either, but it happened. He tried to brush it off when the police came, but—”

  “Wait. Stop. You called the police?”

  “James did.”

  She shakes her head. “James called the police. What was he doing when Garrett hit you?”

  “James wasn’t here. He and his brother Drew showed up when I was arguing with Garrett. He’d already hit me. James called the police while Drew took care of me. He’s a doctor.”

  Kelly holds her hands up as if in surrender. “It all sounds like a crazy time.”

  “It has been.”

  James walks into the kitchen, a smile on his face. “Is this Kelly?”

  Kelly turns. Her mouth falls open as she looks James up and down. It probably helps that he’s in dark jeans and a dress shirt. Mouth-watering.

  “Nice. Mia said you have a brother?” She sounds hopeful.

  I laugh. “He has four. And they’re all taken.”

  Kelly sighs. “Shame. Maybe a younger man is what I need.”

  “Age doesn’t matter,” James says, slipping his arm around my waist. “It’s finding someone who makes you happy.”

  “Awww, and he’s sweet too. Maybe I need to be hanging around the university.” Kelly grins.

  “I’ve got a friend I could introduce you to.” James grins.

  I turn and stare at James. “Who?” He can’t possibly be thinking of …


  Laughing, I shake my head. “Oh, James. No.”

  “Who’s Cody?” Kelly asks.

  “One of my friends from uni. But I don’t think he’s after anything serious.”

  Kelly examines him closely. “Tell me more.”

  * * *

  I laugh so much over dinner that my face aches. I massage my cheeks, tender from smiling so hard, and James rubs my arm. “Are you okay?”

  Nodding, I lean toward him. “I’m fine. Just enjoying myself.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’m so happy to see you happy, Mia. I don’t think I ever saw you like this with Garrett,” Kelly says.

  I let go of a contented sigh. “My life is very different now, that’s for sure.” I lick my lips. “Next year, the house will go up for sale, and James and I are moving back to his hometown.”

  “Really? I’m going to miss you.”

  “We can keep in touch. And you can always come and visit us. I’m not sure Copper Creek will be as lively as you like, but it’s such a beautiful place.” I reach for James’s hand under the table. “And James’s family is wonderful. They’ve been very welcoming.”

  “Have you told your parents about your divorce?”

  James’s grip on my hand tightens. He knows I hate talking about this. How do you mend a bridge that burned that long ego?

  “No. I’m not really sure where to start. One day.”



  It’s a very rare thing to find me wearing a suit.

  Adam’s wedding, Drew’s wedding, Mum’s funeral. I can count the number of times I’ve worn one on one hand.

  Today, I wear one with pride.

  Anything to make it perfect for Constance.

  “Ready?” Adam asks. He’s my best man, and the only one for the job.

  “I was ready a long time ago.”

  He laughs. “You two are so good together. I’m glad you found her.”

  “Me too. I don’t know what I’d do without her now.”

  Adam grips my shoulder. “I think you were just lucky to meet the right woman. Just like I was.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  Everyone I love is here. Dad sits at the front with Eli in his arms. My brothers and their wives and partners are right behind him. I throw a wink at Ava, sitting beside Owen.

  Lily and Ginny threw all their effort into this. They managed to get the company who did Drew’s wedding to arrange the seats and the reception afterward, though this is so much smaller than Drew’s wedding was.

  A group of my friends are here, including Rob and Amy. It’s perfect.

  When the music starts, I look up.

  She’s here.

  I hold my breath.

  When we first met, she wore that drab, grey dress. I tore it from her body and burned it in the fireplace. The thought of that still makes me smile. It was that day she told me she was pregnant. I swore to myself then that I would never let her go again.

  Now she’s in a long, cream halter-neck dress.

  She’s breathtaking.

  Her brown hair is down, and that makes me smile. I’d heard her discussing that with Lily. Lily’s opinion was that she should wear it up to show off that graceful neck. But Constance knows I like it when she wears it down. She’s done this for me.

  My stomach flips as she walks past everyone I love and comes to a stop right in front of me.

  “Wow,” I say when she reaches me.

  She smiles, her cheeks pinking. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell her how gorgeous she is, she still blushes when I pay her a compliment. It’s one of the things I love so much about her. She’s so humble when the reality is that she doesn’t know her own strength.


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