Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2) Page 1

by Dawn Doyle


  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14




  Dawn Doyle


  Copyright © 2018 Dawn Doyle

  All rights reserved, worldwide, and on any multiverse that is known or unknown. No part of this publication may be reproduced in, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, including electronically or mechanical, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Published by Dawn Doyle

  Edited by Dawn Doyle

  Book cover design by Dawn Doyle

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it from Amazon (sole distributor) or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Amazon and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  For those who continue to believe in me.

  Chapter 1


  “Listen, Grandpa, there’s no way I’m going to hear you if you keep mumbling like that, so there’s no way I’m even gonna begin to listen to what you’re saying.” The old man was grating on my nerves. “But, if I ever get the desire to, you’ll be the first to know.”

  My mom’s dad was a dick at the best of times; he’d been ragging at me for as long as I could remember. It had gotten worse after he and my mom reconnected after my grandma passed away a couple of years ago, and again because of the colorful language I used frequently. He would yell and tell me to watch my tongue.

  Yeah, the only tongue I would watch was the one I was already a master at using. I had a long line of satisfied girls that could attest to that.

  My mom shook her head. “Dad, you need to stop,” she snapped. “My son hasn’t done anything to deserve your comments—you need to look in the mirror before judging him.”

  Yeah, she was right. That asshole had driven Grandma to kick his ass to the curb. I didn’t know the specifics, but I knew that she took my mom and filed for divorce. She saw him every other weekend for a while until she got old enough to decide that she didn’t want to see him, either.

  “I might have made mistakes, Janie, but I can sleep at night knowing I’m not a sponge, draining from the family,” he fired back, garnering another eye roll from me. “He’s never here to help you.”

  Little did he know that I didn’t have to sponge off of anyone. I had my own income, and I was more than fucking generous with it. So much so, that I paid extra to make my life a little more bearable. But lately, I was willing to forego my kindness just to see that asshole squirm a little.

  My mom looked at me, her eyes full of remorse, and her mouth pursed and downturned. I hated that she was stuck with her father, but besides me, he was the only family she had left. I understood. She was the only family I had.

  I ran my hand through my damp hair from my shower, and winked at her, letting know I gave no fucks to what Grandpa was saying. We kinda looked alike. I’d inherited her blond locks and blue eyes, but where she was barely pushing five-five, I was tall like my dad—the only thing I was grateful I’d gotten from that fucker. Well, what I remembered.

  “I’m out,” I said, pushing off the counter and putting those memories right back into the locked recesses of my brain. “Don’t wait up, kids.” I kissed my mom’s cheek and got out of that house. My fingers were itchy, and I had to fulfill my needs before I developed a tick. I could’ve gone to the gym, worked on pumping my six-pack and my pecs, but this took the top spot right now; the gym could wait until tonight.

  I shut the white front door and hopped down the brick steps, whistling to myself. Today was going to be a good day.

  I twirled my black key fob around my right index finger and walked over to my car. I wouldn’t be needing it today, so I popped the trunk, took out my backpack, and slammed it shut.

  “Let’s go, Cecil, Daddy’s got a job to do.” Yeah, I was definitely batshit talking to my bag, and even stranger giving it a name, but we’d been through a lot, and Cecil had stored my shit safely for years. I opened him up and re-checked I had everything I needed. I pulled my phone out of my gray hoodie pocket and called a cab. “Main Avenue, Bronson, and Seventh,” I said when they picked up.

  “Sure thing. Name?”

  “Uh, Bob,” I said, saying the first thing that came into my head.

  “We have a cab near that area, so it’ll be about ten minutes,” the woman replied.

  God, her voice was sexy. Raspy and seductive with a hint of depraved sin about her as though she could fuck me five ways from Sunday by just talking to me.

  “Yeah, uh, thanks. I’ll be waiting,” I said, then ended the call. Fuck, I was losing it. A few months without sex and the slightest thing gave me a boner. “Jesus, I need to get laid.” Cars were my addiction, but going too long without fucking was almost as bad as going without a stranger’s car in my hands.

  “Um, I’m still here.”

  I looked down at my phone and saw I hadn’t pressed the red circle, allowing Miss Throaty to hear every damn word I said. “Shit.” I lifted it to my ear. “Sorry.” But I wasn’t. Getting a rise out of people amused me.

  “No problem,” she replied, giggling softly. “I hope your journey gets you to where you need to go to…” She paused. “Enjoy your day, Bob.” There was a click, and she was gone.

  I grinned. “Well, that’s something you don’t hear every day.” I shook my head and took a left down the sidewalk toward the center of Lynnfield. I checked my watch and saw I had five minutes to get to my destination, then whatever time I needed to get my new ride and get the hell out of Dodge.

  I stood on the corner and scanned the area, noticing a few private cabs driving by on the busy road with plenty of yellow ones taking up the rest of the space and honking loudly at the jaywalking pedestrians.

  A sleek black sedan pulled up with the company’s name and number on the side. A middle-aged guy leaned over the passenger seat as the window lowered. “Cab for Bob?”

  I nodded, steeling my jaw in an attempt to remain as serious looking as I possibly could. “That’s me.” I opened the back door and got in. I always kept a safe distance from the drivers. Nate’s aversion to people had rubbed off on me in that way. I had my personal space from certain people, but others… Well, they could get all up in my face as much as they wanted. Namely sexy as fuck women who wanted a piece of me for a night. Then, I was gone. No relationships. Nope, not me. I wasn’t going to share my kink with anyone. If they wanted me, they got my body; that’s it.

  “Where to?”

  “Bristol Park.”

  The guy pulled away from the curb and into the steady traffic going my way. I noticed the other cars changing lanes, and I automatically checked for dis
tance and speed, planning what route I would take if I were driving. I was desperate to get behind the wheel.

  “You don’t look like a Bob,” the guy said, staring at me in the rearview mirror for a few seconds before checking the road and signaling to turn the corner.

  “And you don’t look like a”— I glanced at his ID on the back of his seat—“Gregory.”

  “No? What do I look like then?” he asked, flicking his eyes to me.

  His thinning gray hair allowed the sunlight to reflect off of his scalp, and his above average frame filled his side of the car. “I’d say you look more like a Clark,” I replied, nodding. “Yeah, Clark.”

  “Clark? Like Superman?” he asked with a gravelly laugh.

  I smiled. “Of course,” I said with a shrug as though Greg was insane. “Who else would I mean?”

  I’d been accused of being immature in the past, and quite a lot, but it was part of my charm. As a twenty-three-year-old guy still living with his parent, I saw that as an excuse to live like Peter Pan. I didn’t have to grow up until I had responsibilities, and for the time being, I had only a few.

  One, don’t get myself arrested; two, don’t get myself killed; three, keep my room clean and tidy. I was living every male teenagers’ dream with the freedom of a man. Oh, and I had to turn up to my job, or I could get fired…again.

  Greg continued laughing. “Sure, kid. I’m as much Superman as you’re Batman.”

  “Hey, don’t say that,” I spat. “You’re not supposed to expose my secret identity.”

  Greg shook his head while chuckling. “You’re a strange kid, Bob, but I like that. Breaks up the day from the assholes that usually get in the back of my cab.”

  I looked down at the well-worn seats. Clean, but light stains and lumps from where probably thousands of asses had rested. “I’m glad to be of service, Clark. Now I can retire from my life of fighting crime and seek out my true calling.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “To make cab drivers smile, and, Clark… You just popped my cherry.”

  He pulled over to the quiet park, and I handed him fifty bucks. “You really are a strange kid.”

  “I get that a lot.” I winked and then got out of the cab, slinging Cecil over my shoulder.

  ‘Retiring from my life of fighting crime.’ A slow smile tugged at the corners of my mouth when I went over those words. That was the complete opposite of me, and giving it up wasn’t going to happen any time soon, and I doubted I ever could. I’d be boosting cars for as long as I could get my hands on the tech to make that possible. And even then, I’d find a way.

  I always did.

  There she was, a classy fuck-me-engine with red skirts and a phat ass. I wanted to pull up to her bumper so bad I clenched my fists to stop myself from feeling her up on the way past.

  I had to be careful; a lot of people were around, and I’d be noticed taking this lady for a night out and a quickie behind the docks. Her axles would be quivering by the time I’d be finished with her, and when I’d take her home, I’d move on. But, she would always be on my mind, just like the rest of them, even those that had long moved on.

  I had to bide my time, stay close but yet so far while I watched as she was gradually left unattended. Then, I would strike, and this little lady would be putty in my hands.

  I sat in the coffee shop, staring out of the window, not taking my eyes off my latest obsession. I’d left her a little something, just out of sight of others, but set to get what I needed to show her a good time.

  Opening my bag, I discreetly checked my device, the green lights telling me it was on. She was ready and willing, and all I had to do was go over there and sweet talk her into giving me what I wanted.

  I stood, zipped up my hoodie and walked out, not taking my eyes off the beauty before me. Crouching down next to her, I dipped my hand into the small bush and retrieved my scanner, quickly shoving it in my bag.

  To keep from looking suspicious, I took the few steps toward her like I’d done it a thousand times, pressing my new fob to gain entry. I touched her slick handle, wrapping my fingers around the smooth surface and pulled, the sound of the click as she opened up for me almost giving me a boner. I got inside, sniffing the clean air of her fresh upholstery, then got to work on turning her on.

  I opened the compartment that would give me access to her sweet center and plugged in. She came to life under my hands, and within ten seconds, I had her roaring down the street.

  “Baby, it’s just you and me now,” I cooed, caressing the shiny steering wheel. “I’m going to treat you right, but first, I gotta get you outta here and stripped naked.”

  There was something seriously fucked about me, I got that, but once I got the car I was thirsty for, it was no longer an object—it was my obsession.

  I pulled up out of sight near the pit, the same one that Lucian had spent three years pounding his fists into guys’ faces for money. Guilt hit me, slamming right into my gut as I remembered the last fight he’d taken. But, I knew that was over and had been for a long time. It was because of me that he’d endured that shit, but it was because of Luca that he was out.

  I got out of the car and popped the hood, working my magic on her tight body. Nobody would know where she was now, and all I had to do to get her off the radar was give her ass a once over.

  “Let’s get your rear ready, baby,” I purred, smoothing my hand over the paint as I glided down her side. “I’ll be gentle.” I twirled my tool of choice in my hand and crouched behind her, loosened her up, and then retrieved her change of panties—a license plate—from Cecil. I screwed her tight, then stood, admiring the view from above. This baby was good to go.


  My eyes were growing heavy, and I blinked hard and fast to stay awake. Finishing my shift was the only thing I was focused on. Holding two jobs was slowly killing me, my mental and emotional wellbeing suffering with the long hours and the assholes I had to put with on a daily basis. That was until a glorious day off. The one day between a long run of shifts where I could do whatever the hell I wanted which, right now, was to sleep. Not much to look forward to, but easing the pressure behind my stinging eyes and throbbing temples, I didn’t care about anything else.

  “Three latte’s, two cappuccino’s, and a double choc-chip cookie to go for Josie,” I said, calling out the order.

  A tall woman with a sneer approached the counter. “I hope they’re non-fat,” she said sternly. “And the cookie better have more chocolate chips today.”

  Seriously? Non-fat, but loading up on the sugar? Wow.

  “Yeah, I made your order exactly as you asked,” I replied, pasting on a smile. “The cookies come out of the oven like that. I have no control over how many chips each one has.”

  Her overly made-up red lips turned up in a snarl as she huffed. “Dark circles aren’t attractive,” she sneered.

  I took one look at her face and replied, “Neither is lipstick on your teeth.” I smiled wide, letting her know that I wasn’t going to stand there and take any crap from her.

  She turned quickly and stormed out of the coffee shop while running her tongue over her too-white veneers.


  I stiffened at my aunt’s voice. “Yeah?”

  She gestured me away from the counter and out of earshot while the other baristas were busy making up the orders. “You can’t speak to customers like that.”

  I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes. “Sorry, Aunt Joan, but she was rude. That wasn’t necessary.”

  Aunt Joan shook her head. “That may be so, and although she deserved it, you can’t snap back like that. It could cause a scene and even escalate from there.”

  I was tired of people, tired of being spoken to like everything that went wrong with their ride or if they were unhappy with their order, was my fault.

  I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “She made a personal comment, and that’s too far,” I argued.

  She studied my face
. “You do look tired, honey, and I think that’s why you answered back like that, but you have to control yourself. If we aired whatever we were thinking, we’d go out of business.”

  I dropped my head. “I know.” I lifted my eyes and rounded my shoulders. “It won’t happen again, Aunt Joan.”

  “Okay, but if another person speaks to you that way, take a deep breath and don’t rise to it.”

  Easier said than done.

  I wasn’t usually like that, but since I had to take on another job, my patience for assholes and bitches had declined a hell of a lot.

  “No problem, but I have to get back to work. The queue’s getting longer.” I walked away from my aunt and stood next to Mica. “What’s this one?”

  He turned to look at me, his brown eyes crinkling up as he smiled warmly. “Hey, Robyn, um these are vanilla macchiato’s with cream.”

  “Cool.” I took the takeout cups and placed them in a take-out tray before calling out the order for Joel and Stan. I looked up as they approached the counter. “Here you go.” I tried to smile as they looked me up and down, but it began to slip when their eyes lingered a little too long on the neckline of my burgundy uniform.

  “Thanks, Robyn,” one of them said, his lips curling up on one side. His dark eyes dipped down again.

  “Something interesting?” I hissed, keeping my tone low so Joan wouldn’t tear me a new one.

  The other guy licked his lips. “Very. See you again, pretty girl.” His slimy voice made my skin crawl.

  I balled my fists and dug my teeth into my lower lip.

  Don’t yell, don’t yell.

  “Come on, Stan, we gotta go,” Joel, I assumed, said.

  “Bye, Stan,” I bit out and continued glaring until they went out of the door. “Jerks.”


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