Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2) Page 9

by Dawn Doyle

“Okay, then,” I said, masking my urge to stare at him, and fixed my eyes on the road ahead, not deviating from the directions back to Norton City. “Where do you live?” I pressed the button on my dash, then gestured for him to enter his details. I sounded like a stalker.

  “You’re seriously going to take me home?”

  Oh, I would, believe me.

  Where the fuck that had come from I didn’t know, because there was no way I was going to take him back to my place… Even though the images my mind was conjuring involved me, him, and my bedroom, I was definitely not the kind of girl to pick up a guy for a night of fun. Not even Blaine, although a girl could dream about it.

  “Sure,” I finally replied with a shrug. “I picked you up—I’m hardly gonna dump you in the middle of Norton.”

  I caught his grin, then his fingers tapped on the screen, entering the zip code near to where he’d been picked up the first time he’d called me. “All set.”

  The robotic voice of my GPS told me it was starting the route, then showed me the twenty-minute journey we would be taking together.

  No, I had not thought this through.

  “So, Robyn,” Blaine said while I was mentally kicking my ass for my spontaneous action which resulted in me sweating profusely while sitting in close proximity to the guy that I couldn’t stop thinking about. “Where do you live?”

  Damn it. I knew where he was going, so I had to share. My apartment was cheap, but it was mine, and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t proud of myself for standing on my own two feet. Well, so far, anyway. “Lake View.”

  “Lake View?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, why?”

  He shifted in the seat, his large torso twisting to face me. “Why are you all the way out here if you live in Lake View? Isn’t that like five minutes from the cab company?”

  Shit, shit, fucking shit!

  My insides dropped, rolling over and starting again, twisting around as though they were trying to vacate my body. “Yeah,” I said quietly. I shifted down a gear before I took the sharp right toward Norton, ready to join the highway that separated the two cities.

  “Robyn, anyone would think you were trying to get in my pants.”

  I gasped, my hands tightening around the steering wheel as my jaw fell open. “What?”

  “Hey, I’m not that kind of girl,” he added, flicking imaginary long hair back. “But, if you’re nice to me, I might let you seduce me just this once.”

  I stopped at an intersection where the traffic lights shone red. I slowly turned my head to him, dipping my brows. “Huh?”

  Blaine winked. “I won’t tell.”

  “What the fuck?” I asked, leaning away from him, my eyes widening as I wondered what the hell I’d invited into my car.

  Blaine burst out laughing, the sounds of his soft cackle forcing me to smile along with him. “Lighten up, Robyn, I’m kidding.” When his chuckles died down, he stared right at me, his blue eyes penetrating mine with an intensity I’d never seen before. “But if I weren’t, I wouldn’t say no. Just to make it clear.”

  “Oh my God.” I blinked a few times and turned my attention back to the road when the lights changed to green. “I… I don’t even know what to say to that.”

  He ran his hand over his head again. “Excellent. We’re going to get along just fine, I can tell already.”

  I snapped my eyes to him then back to the road, but the fast look still allowed to me to take in every detail of his lips, his sharp jaw, his hypnotic eyes… Shit, I was so done.

  I took in my surroundings as I drove through West Norton, the area so much more beautiful and calmer than where I lived. It was almost like a completely different city altogether. Flowers hanging in baskets lined the main street and lights draped overhead from one streetlight to the one opposite the road. It was as though some kind of carnival was going on, but nothing else was there except for the traffic.

  I pulled up in a quiet road outside a pretty house set back away from the curb. The stone path curved in front the sidewalk to a long, white front door. A black car sat in the driveway, the plates saying it was from the area. I knew those types well. It was a bitch of a flat-four, sixteen-valve with a strip-me-down-and-fuck-me turbo, and I would’ve loved to be able to get behind the wheel and get lost in the ride. There was something about the details, though—the plates. I swore I’d seen them before, but not on that car. No, the car I’d seen with similar plates was way over on the other side of East Norton, about ten miles out from where I lived. It was bright red, sporty, and had a shape that was made for racing, not driving it along a road busy with shoppers looking for a bargain.

  “Thanks for the ride, Robyn,” Blaine said as he turned to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. He dug into a pocket in his bag, pulling out some bills. “Here.”

  “What? No,” I said, pushing his money back at him, our hands touching as I did. His skin was warm, whereas mine was cold and clammy, my nerves getting the better of me as my hands were still shaking. “I don’t want any money.”

  “For gas,” he argued, pushing it back toward me. “You did me a solid, Robyn, so let me just give you gas money.”

  I shook my head and pushed it away again, our hands practically overlapping. “No, I offered the ride. I never expected anything from you.”

  Blaine grinned. “Oh, baby, you have so much to learn about me.” His other hand lifted and reached toward my face. His fingertips brushed my blazing skin, stroking down my cheek to my jaw. “But, when we get a lot more acquainted, you’ll know not to say those things to me.”

  “Why?” I whispered as his finger continued it’s journey south toward my neck, his eyes following the movement. I completely disregarded the other things he said.

  He leaned forward, his face inches from mine. I held my breath as he spoke. “You might want to choose your words carefully.” His fingers moved quickly upward, shifting so his palm was cupping my face. He closed the tiny gap between us, my breath catching in my throat. Then, his lips pressed to mine, his mouth covering them in a simple kiss, holding the movement for a few seconds before he slowly pulled away. But, I wasn’t done, I wanted more, and I wanted to taste him. I wanted to climb in his lap and run my hands through his blond locks while devouring him.

  I had to get out of there as fast as I could and clear my head from what was currently happening to me.

  “Thanks again,” Blaine whispered against my mouth, then kissed me so softly it was barely there.

  The door opened, and he got out, closing it behind him and slinging his bag over his shoulder. As he walked away, I let my eyes take in the expanse of his broad back, lowering down to what I knew was a fantastic ass underneath those baggy sweats. I chewed on my lower lip, my libido raging like I’d turned into a sex addict that hadn’t gotten their fix. God, it was so not like me to drool over anybody, and that included my ex.

  Blaine pulled something out of his pocket, lifted his hand then the lights of the black car flashed before he popped the trunk, shoving his bag in there.

  Is that car his?

  If it were, then he was paying way too much to be driven around when he had a sweet engine sat right there outside the gray-tiled house. I would’ve loved to take that for a spin and see what was under the hood, but I couldn’t, not after what happened the last time, or what could happen to me if I got caught.

  He turned, a smile tugging on his lips as he saw I was still there. Why was I? Oh, yeah, I’d been perving on him like a deviant, and I had to leave before I only made the situation worse.

  He waved, then disappeared inside the house, and that’s when I finally pulled away from the curb and headed across the city to East Norton with Blaine’s words running through my mind.

  He’d called me ‘baby’ and said, ‘But when we get a lot more acquainted…’ which could only mean one thing… He planned on seeing me again, and I was all up for that. Picking him up had been a possible bad decision on my part, but the tingles still on my lips from where he’d kissed m
e, I wasn’t sorry. Not one little bit.


  The party tonight was going to be a disaster, I just knew it. Aunt’s Joan’s uncle had moved into a pretty decent retirement home a long time ago. But, since his health was deteriorating, he wanted to go to the annual get together, making sure that if it were his last party, it would be memorable. The residents of the retirement home invited their families, and those who bothered to show up usually had a good time. I did, but the fact that Mica was coming too dampened my enthusiasm. I would rather spend the evening waiting for Blaine to call in, even though I hadn’t heard anything from him since I’d dropped him home.

  I licked my lips, remembering how his felt against mine even though it lasted only a few seconds. The way his eyes held my gaze before he got out of my car, and his smell… God, it lingered behind like a fading memory, only to disappear by the time I’d gotten home. I’d been tempted to text, but that wasn’t me. Besides, I did not want him to think he was on my mind, even though he hadn’t left since then, two nights ago.

  I flipped my long hair back, drying the last strands then dragging my hairbrush through it to pull out any remaining knots.

  “Stupid ass,” I muttered as I remembered Mica’s actions in the coffee shop. We’d been friends since I’d moved, and he was destroying it all by acting like he had some sort of hold on me, like I should be grateful he gave me his attention.

  I picked up my beeping phone, my heart thundering at who it could be—who I wanted it to be. It slowed down just as quick as it had raced when I saw that I had a message from Ella.

  Stop being so pathetic and needy.

  That’s how I felt about myself, and it wasn’t something that I found was an attractive quality in anybody, especially me. Yet, there I was, anxious over a guy texting or calling when I had no right to. It was ridiculous! I put those idiotic thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on the task at hand.

  I opened my message and sighed with relief when Ella said she was getting ready to come with. I couldn’t be there alone with Mica, and even though Ella didn’t have any family living in the home, she agreed to back me up. I swiped my screen to reply.

  ‘Thanks, you’re a lifesaver. I’m almost done, so I’ll pick you up in fifteen.’

  I coated my lashes, blotted some gloss on my lips and checked the hem of my skirt. Not too short, and definitely not too long to make driving awkward. It skimmed above my knees, just enough fabric to be tasteful while maintaining a certain appearance, the flowing pale blue layers swishing as I walked. Yeah, I looked every bit the grown-up—a responsible young woman who didn’t have a criminal record.

  The only person who knew about that was Aunt Joan.

  I picked up the box of cookies I’d bought earlier, left my tiny apartment and locked my door behind me, taking the steps down to the building entrance. I walked out, pressing my fob to open my car, and pulled the handle of the silver Swift I’d bought through Aunt Joan.

  I was lucky I was still allowed to drive after what had happened, and I felt like shit every day because of it. The events caused that day, had been yanked out of my control. I knew what I was doing; I was a great fucking driver, but when my last race had ended with me getting arrested along with my piece of shit ex for something he’d caused, I found myself up shit creek without a paddle, and he was the one who’d put me there.

  “Hey, Aunt Joan,” I said into my phone when it rang.

  “Hi, honey, I’m on my way to the retirement home. How long will you be?” she asked, the noise in the background sounding like she was in her car.

  “I’m just going to pick up Ella, and then I’ll be there.” I just hoped Ella didn’t ask any more questions about my impromptu diversion the other night. I’d been late getting home and spilled everything. Well, almost everything. The simple, yet knee-trembling kiss I’d kept to myself.

  “Okay, sweetie, see you there,” Aunt Joan replied, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Oh, and don’t forget to pick up the cookies for Uncle Lauge.”

  I checked in my rear view mirror, then the side before pulling away from the curb. “Already have them. See you soon.”


  I pulled up outside Ella’s place, the almost black bricks of her building daunting under the darkening skies. She lived on the seventh floor, but with most of the windows unlit, it seemed a lot higher up. Instead of getting out of my car, I shot her a text to let her know I was outside. Just as I pressed send, the large steel door opened, and out she came.

  Her beaming smile grew when she saw me. “Hi, Robyn!” She opened the door, smoothed her dress under her butt and sat down before closing it again. “You look beautiful,” she said, her eyes moving up and down my outfit. “It’s nice to see you in something other than jeans.”

  I jabbed her playfully with my elbow. “Thanks, I think.” My white ruffled blouse crossed over at the front, showing the tiniest bit of cleavage. I had a hard enough time keeping the girls under wraps without having a way for them to escape out of my clothes. “You look fabulous. I love that dress on you.”

  “Do you?” She gestured down her teal colored outfit complete with a sparkling neckline that dipped in the middle.

  “You know I do—it’s gorgeous,” I said, nodding. “You’re gonna give the old guys a heart attack.” I chuckled when her jaw dropped. “Kidding, but you do look amazing as usual.” And she did. Her golden hair was held up on her head with a loosely styled braid running from the front to the back where it fastened around a messy knot. I had no idea how she did that herself—I was all fingers and thumbs when it came to styling my own hair like that.

  “Thanks.” She smiled, then pulled down the visor to check her makeup, smoothing a finger over her lips. “Let’s hope the oldies have some cute grandsons.” She turned to me and pumped her eyebrows. “I’m actually excited for tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, grinning at her. “Don’t hold your breath, babe—I wouldn’t.”

  “Well, maybe you’ll get lucky, and voice guy will call you to pick him up again,” she said, pumping her eyebrows. “He has your number now, honey. I bet those calls won’t be going to the center anymore.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head before pulling away from the curb.

  We pulled up outside Starling Retirement Home, and I parked behind Aunt Joan’s red Mini Cooper. I got out and looked around at the other cars in the lot, my gut dropping when I spotted Mica’s old navy-blue Fiesta, a model that had long disappeared from dealerships. With a few tune-ups, it was quick and snappy, but nothing to get too excited over.

  I reached into the back, retrieving the vanilla wreaths for Uncle Lauge, and Ella and I began walking toward the large dark-wood doors.

  I could see through the long panes of glass, the curves at the top allowing the upturned ceiling lights to shine outward, illuminating the front steps.

  “I’m just warning you,” I said to Ella, stopping with my hand on the long metal handle, “these people might be old, but they can get pretty rowdy.”

  Ella’s face lit up with a grin. “Oh, I bet. My grandma was wild when she was alive. Didn’t give a damn what she said or who she said it to.”

  “Great, then you’ll do just fine.”


  “I really don’t wanna go,” I complained.

  “Don’t be a big baby, Blaine,” Luca replied. “It’s just a party. Besides, they’ll probably tire out quickly. You’ll be done in a few hours.”

  “But you don’t understand,” I whined, clutching her hands in a plea. “They’re mean, cruel, and just…smell funny.”

  Luca laughed loudly, her soft snorts between making me smile. “I doubt that. Don’t you wanna spend time with your grandpa?”

  My stomach rolled, the acid inside feeling like it was burning a hole right through me. The last thing I wanted was to spend time with a guy that had a problem with me for just breathing. “I see him enough. The guy won’t leave me alone. You know how it is, everyone wa
nts a slice of me,” I said, shrugging a shoulder like it was a hardship. “I just don’t have another portion left available for the others.”

  There was one person who I’d gladly give my other portion to. I’d texted her many times, but deleted the message over and over. This was so new to me. Fuck, the only female I texted, and that was rare, was Luca, but she didn’t count; she was practically family. Being engaged to one of my best friends made her so. She was an amazing woman, and Lucian was a new person because of her—a happier, calmer person. Even when he won a fight and came home with bruises and cuts, the fucker was still pretty. Shit, if I’d gone a few rounds in that cage, I’d look like a damn cauliflower. I might not be a badass fighter like Lucian, but I wasn’t a fucking pushover.

  “Your grandpa seems like he has a bit of a problem with you,” Charlie said, bringing me out of my thoughts as he took a long pull of his joint. “What was up with him, anyway?”

  Luca’s smile fell from her usually happy eyes.

  I dropped her hands and turned to Charlie, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. “He’s jealous. I got the looks in the family,” I replied, lifting my hand and flicking imaginary lint from my shoulder, then ran my fingers through my already ruffled hair. Yeah, Brady had messed it up on the way in, the fucker. “The old man’s just pissed his nut sack hits his knees when he walks.”

  Lucian snorted a laugh while tugging Luca down onto his lap.

  Charlie stared at me while Brady said, “Then you definitely should go. Cup your balls as you walk in, show him yours are still where they should be.”

  “Aww, Brady, you noticed.” I grinned, winking at him while cradling my crotch. I was glad of the chance to get him back for my new hairdo.

  He flipped me the bird. “Fuck off, dick,” he said but failed to contain his chuckle. He couldn’t resist my unending charisma—none of them could. I was the clown as usual.


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