Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2) Page 14

by Dawn Doyle

  “I think we should go, Blaine,” Charlie said from behind me, tapping my shoulder. “Everyone’s staring.”

  “Listen to your friend,” Robyn spat, jerking her chin toward Charlie. “Get the fuck out.”

  “What’s your surname?” I asked.


  “I’m intrigued,” I said, finding her confused expression amusing and cute as hell. “I don’t know your last name.”

  “Uh… Thorstensen, same as my Aunt Joan.”

  “Ah, Thorsty For coffee,” I said, pointing to the sign on the wall. “I get it now.” I backed off when her jaw clenched. “So, your initials are RT, like retweet.”

  “And yours are BS, like bullshit!”

  I threw my head back and laughed. This girl was a breath of fresh air. “Aw, you looked me up, too.” I glanced at Mica, then back to her. “I’m flattered.” I took a step toward her again, watching as her posture didn’t falter, and her fierce glare burned into me. “This isn’t over, baby,” I whispered, tucking her soft hair behind her ear. I leaned closer, my lips grazing the shell. “You’re mine, you hear me? And no matter what that dipshit does, or anybody else, that’s not going to change.” I moved back to gauge her reaction.

  Robyn blinked, and that’s when she slipped up. Her pupils dilated as I stood inches away, but her brows lifted in the center for a split-second. I recognized hurt when I saw it. “You wouldn’t know what to do with me if I were,” she whispered.

  I ran my fingers down her cheek, her skin warming as I did. “You’re gonna find out, retweet, I promise you that.”

  “What was that all about?” Charlie asked as we left.

  I waited until we were in my car to answer. “The golden oldies party the other night. We went for a ride, she kissed me, then acted like she regretted it.”

  Charlie snorted. “Well, that’s a first. From what I remember, you making out with a girl made her very fucking happy, and usually led to more.”

  I smirked, remembering high school and the couple of years that followed until recently. “Yeah. Not just me though, dude. I recall you had your fair share of girls following you around, and still do.”

  Charlie chuckled. “Good times. Getting older isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, huh?”

  I shook my head as I started my engine. “No. Most of the time it’s fucking boring. Gotta hold onto our youth while we have it though, right?”

  “Fucking ay,” he replied, slowly nodding. “Some more than others, though.”

  “Hey, I have feelings too.” I pouted like a brat. “And I don’t wanna grow up, so don’t make me spit out my pacifier and dump my toys on your junk.”

  Charlie laughed. “Let’s go, but don’t forget to wave to your new bestie on the way past.”

  And I didn’t. I crawled my car along the edge of the curb, grinning like a maniac and waving to Mica. He stormed away from the counter, and Robyn took his place. I paused, idling until she looked at me. When she did, I kept eye contact with her. I dug out my second phone and unlocked it, typing out a message.

  ‘I told you, I’m not letting this go, retweet.’

  I clicked send and waited to see if she had hers with her. She dipped her hand under the counter and lifted her phone into view, her pink lips parting as she read. Her thumbs worked over the screen, and my phone beeped.

  ‘You have to because I’m not interested.’

  My gut clenched, but I refused to let the grin slip from my face. I looked up, right into her eyes, and held them there.

  I quickly typed again.

  ‘Yeah, you are. Meet me later. Here, at closing, and I’ll prove it to you.’

  “I’m good now,” I said, pulling out into the traffic.

  “You sure? Cos I’ve got all the fucking time in the world to waste sitting my ass here,” Charlie complained.

  “Nah, I’ve done what was necessary, now I have to wait.”

  “For what?”

  “To make good on my threats, Charlie, and I intend to carry them out to the fucking max.”


  “What’s up with Mica?” Aunt Joan asked as he sped past her and out of the door.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, but he’s been like that since Blaine and his friend left.”

  Blaine. That guy thought he could just come in here and expect me to swoon over him? Ha! Okay, so it was hard not to react when he was so close, his breath fanning over my skin and whispering into my ear while he claimed possession of me. Nobody owned me, and he certainly didn’t. Aaron had tried to do that once, and it got him nowhere. Telling his buddies I was his pissed me off. We were dating, I was his girlfriend—a status saying we were together, but I wasn’t an object he owned. Fuck. That.

  “How is it with you two now?” Aunt Joan asked, and I put aside my fury to answer her.

  “Silent, mostly,” I replied, and he had been since Blaine had come in demanding attention. God, he was such an ass. “I’m glad, too.”

  She nodded. “When you only see the good side of someone, you can’t imagine them being any other way.”

  I snapped my eyes to her. “You see it now, though, right?”

  “Yeah.” Aunt Joan locked the doors and turned off the main lights, leaving the shop darkened except for the counter area. “He was acting strange the night you left a few minutes early, then he behaved like a jealous boyfriend the night of the party.” She frowned, placing her hands on her hips. “I can understand to a point. He likes you, he’s going to be upset that you like somebody else, but he was furious.”

  I liked Blaine. Yeah, that was a joke. I was pissed at him, but seeing him again, even after a few days, my stomach fluttered just being near him. No, I wasn’t going to do that, because he could make me feel like I did all over again, then take off just as quick. Nope, I wasn’t going to do it.

  “Mica ruined our friendship, Aunt Joan. He was sweet to me, he was great to be around, but the moment I said no to him, he changed.” I should’ve seen it earlier, but I missed the signs, mistaking his friendship for him trying to worm his way into my affections.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her eyebrows drawing together in sympathy. “I know how hard it is for you to get comfortable with people, too.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s just one less person I have in my circle. It’s a good thing, though, right? It just means there are fewer people that want to know more about me.” I clenched my jaw as a rush of emotions washed over me, the ones I had to keep down, so I didn’t dwell on my shitty situation.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Robyn,” Aunt Joan soothed, rubbing my arms. “If Aaron hadn’t done what he did, none of this would’ve happened.” I met her eyes, seeing there what I should’ve seen in my mom’s, but all that she’d shown was disappointment—right before she kicked me out. “Being something you’re not, just to make others happy, isn’t you. Remember that.” She looked over my shoulder, then smiled. “You have someone waiting for you.”

  I spun around, my jaw dropping when I saw Blaine outside next to the curb, leaning against my car. “Oh my god.”

  “He’s hot,” she said, glancing at him again. “And I know you like him a lot. Go and have fun.”

  “You’re not supposed to be encouraging me,” I complained. “You’re supposed to be telling me to stay away, that he’s trouble, and you won’t allow it.”

  Aunt Joan laughed. “I think you’re a little old for me to be telling you what to do. Besides, his grandpa keeps saying how he’s a bad boy with an attitude problem. I think you two would be perfect together.”

  “Gee, thanks!” I didn’t know whether to laugh or feel insulted.

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “Bad boys can be fun for a while, and that’s exactly what you need in your life. Fun. Live a little.”

  My eyes bulged, and I blanched. “Are you serious right now?”

  “What can I say?” she shrugged a shoulder. “I can’t let my old reputation of being a bad influence slide completely now, can I?”

I shook my head again, then grabbed my purse from behind the counter. “See you tomorrow, Aunt Joan.”

  She walked with me to the door and unlocked it for me to get out. “Be safe, Robyn,” she said while giggling.

  I gave her my best death stare. “That’s not going to happen!” I whisper-shouted, hoping to the heavens that Blaine didn’t hear what Aunt Joan had said.

  “Is that about me? Cos it sounds like it’s about me,” he said, and I took a deep breath. “But, I only caught that last thing you said, so please keep the sexy talk within earshot. I like to hear all the words.”

  Aunt Joan snorted, then closed the door behind me, the traitor.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He straightened up and took a step toward me. “I told you I’d be here, and here I am,” he replied, opening his long arms. His dark-gray hoodie opened out, showing a matching T-shirt that settled across his broad chest.

  I gave him a once over as though I couldn’t care less, down his long legs hidden by black sweats, crossed at the ankle and stopping above his white sneakers. As I worked my way back up, I stupidly lingered on places that made my body quiver. I knew how they felt against me, and while I remembered exactly that, I pulled my lower lip into my mouth, biting down to stop me from licking my lips. “Yeah, I suppose you are,” I breathed. “What do you want, Blaine?”


  I pursed my lips. “And you think I’m just going to give myself to you?”

  His eyes darkened, his lips stretching wide. “Okay, if you insist.”

  “Can you not turn things around to make it look like I’m throwing myself at you?” I snapped. Blaine chuckled under his breath, but the rumble of his quiet laugh still reached me, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “But I like seeing you all flustered,” he said taking his hands out of his pockets. “You’re adorable when you’re angry.”

  My brows shot up toward my hairline. “Is that so?” I stomped toward him and shoved into his side to get him away from my car. The idiot didn’t move an inch.

  “What are you doing?”

  I shoved him again. “Trying to get your heavy ass off my car so I can go home,” I huffed, pushing him again. Big hands gripped me, holding my shoulders and keeping me still. “You were an ass.”

  “I was?”

  “You know you were,” I ground out. “You didn’t stop to think that I might be embarrassed at myself! Instead, you just decided that it was better to be a dick than let me have a fucking moment to compose myself?”

  He dipped his head, coming eye-level with me, which was difficult considering I was barely above his shoulder. “Look at me, Robyn.”

  “I am,” I said through my teeth. He still had a firm grip on me, but it didn’t hurt at all.

  “No. Stop being pissy with me for one second and look at me.”

  I blew out a sharp breath and stared at him like he wanted, hoping it showed him whatever he was looking for. “Okay, so I’m looking at you.” And I really was, but I couldn’t stop being in the shitty mood I was in. It wasn’t just Blaine, it was Mica, my other job, and the fact I was sleep deprived that fueled me.

  “Hang on…” He studied me, the sparkle in his eyes dulling the longer he did. His lips tightened. “Okay, I’ll go.” He released me and turned away.

  “What?” I had to know what it was that made him shut off like that. My being bitchy when he was trying to talk to me was probably the main one. I felt like crap. “Blaine,” I called out as he walked away. “Blaine!” I scrubbed my hands over my face, then sighed in one long breath. “Get in the car.” When he ignored me, I went after him. “Your car isn’t here, which means you probably got a cab here, which also means you’re going to have to call another one to get home. Just get in my car and I’ll drive you.”

  He stopped and looked over his shoulder at me. “How do you know my car isn’t around this corner?” he asked, jerking his chin in that direction.

  He had me there. “Is it?”

  He smirked, and the sexy way he did it made my body heat. “No.”

  My stomach flipped when he turned around, sending my pulse soaring and my blood to rush through my veins, picking up speed with every step he took toward me.

  “So, get in the car,” I said, quietly. Blaine stared, his smile stretching just a little. “I’ll try to be nice, but I’m not making any promises.”

  “Me neither,” he replied, his tone making the hairs on my arms stand on end.

  I got in my car and twisted around, my face dangerously close to Blaine as he got in the other side. His face tipped down toward me as I looked up. “I was just putting my purse in the back,” I explained. I breathed in through my nose, taking in the same scent he had every time I saw him.

  “No problem.”

  I sat up, then fumbled with my keys, my hands trembling as I tried to turn the ignition. “Jesus,” I whispered, then finally managed to start my car.

  I did a U-turn to head toward West Norton.

  “Why do you have two jobs?” Blaine asked.

  Shit, I thought I’d evaded him enough to make him forget. Obviously not. “Are we still on this?”

  “Why are you avoiding my question? I answered yours the other night, and I told you I wasn’t going to let this go.”

  “I need the money,” I replied truthfully. “Living on your own is expensive.”

  “You have your own place?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I have done for a while, that’s why I need the money. You?”

  I saw him shake his head out of the corner of my eye. “I’m that loser that still lives with his mom.”

  “You’re not a loser,” I countered. “Living with your parents is so much easier than finding the money to go it alone.” I didn’t know why I was telling him that because I loved having my own space. Whenever I got the chance to appreciate it, that is, and it was worth every cent.

  “So, why don’t you live with yours?”


  Acid churned in my stomach. “Uh, they don’t live around here.”

  “Where do they live?”

  “Can we not talk about my parents?” I asked with a little too much venom.

  “Cool, I won’t ask again.”

  I pulled over to the side of the quiet road. Blaine was staring at the dashboard, his eyes narrowed as though he was annoyed about something. “What’s going on and why the interrogation?”

  “I want to get to know you,” he said, not looking at me. “Look, I know you’re still pissed at me, I get that—I was a bit of an ass.”

  “You think? You did a one-eighty on me and made me feel like I’d done something wrong.”

  “You looked like you were ashamed of what you did, and I didn’t like it. I’ve never had anybody act like that after kissing me. They’ve always been the opposite.”

  I could imagine, why would they? He was a great kisser and had the nicest lips I’d ever felt in my entire life. A sting jabbed in my chest when I thought of his lips on someone else’s. I had no right to, though, and the feeling wasn’t welcome at all, but the thought of him kissing someone other than me fucking hurt.

  “But I wasn’t,” I said quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. “I wanted to, and I just…” I scrubbed a hand over my face. “God, I was on a speed high, and I lost my self-control for a minute.”

  He leaned closer to me, his mouth inches away from mine. “So, driving fast gets you hot,” he stated, his voice low, causing my center to hum. “And you know your rides.”

  That was a damn understatement. At one time, it was the only thing that made me happy.

  “I like fast cars,” I whispered. If I moved forward just a tiny bit, we would touch. My lips parted on their own, waiting for something to happen—for him to make the next move. When he didn’t, I snapped my jaw shut, frustration building deep in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t going to let him do that again.

  He sat back. “Let’s go, retweet, it’s getting late.” He looked for
ward out of the windshield as I stared at the side of his face in disbelief.

  Was he playing games with me? “Do you do that a lot?” I snipped, then pulled away from the curb.

  “Do what?” Blaine turned his face toward the passenger window, but I could see his cheeks lift as though he was grinning his ass off. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Well, I said I didn’t want to see you again, yet you still showed up, and then somehow twisted this whole thing around. Now you’re in my car getting a ride home, and know more about me than most people around here.”

  He gave me side-eye. “Are you pissed at me for being here, or yourself for coming after me?”

  I closed my eyes, pressing my lids together before slowly opening them again. “Myself,” I admitted because I’d fallen for it.

  “Great. As long as I’m off the hook, it’s all good.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” I groaned.

  That’s when Blaine’s head whipped around, his ocean colored eyes penetrating me, darkening with heat and his lips curling in the way that made my stomach clench. He licked over the top one slowly as though teasing me. “Do you really need me to answer that question?”

  “Please don’t.” I had a good idea of what that would be, and with his knee right next to my hand as I rested it on the center console, right where I longed for a stick shift to be, he would get the wrong idea if I were to touch him.

  I took the last corner, pulling up outside his house. “Here you go. Home sweet home.” When he didn’t move, I turned to face him. He was staring at me, all humor gone and only a hard gaze. “Blaine, I—”

  “Look, Robyn,” he said quietly, shifting toward me. “I was serious when I said I like you.” I gasped, the expression in his eyes flooring me. He moved closer, lifting his hand and pressing his large palm against my cheek, leaning into my space so much that the heat coming from him warmed me, beckoning me to sink into it. “But if you seriously don’t want me near you again, I’ll respect that—no more fucking around. You won’t hear from me or see me again.”


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