Coco Chanel: An Intimate Life

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Coco Chanel: An Intimate Life Page 52

by Lisa Chaney

Reverdy’s affair with

  Ritz decorated by

  Rolls-Royce of

  servants’ relationship with

  short hair of

  singing by

  sleepwalking by

  small number of letters written by

  at Sorel’s dinner party

  stories of father retold and revised by

  Stravinsky’s affair with

  as superstitious

  in Switzerland

  unhappy childhood of

  Visconti’s affair with

  Chanel, Gabrielle (Coco), as designer:

  advertising for

  in affair with von Dincklage

  Antigone’s costumes designed by

  austerity and simplicity of

  at balls

  Biarritz salon opened by

  business details disdained by

  Cocteau’s friendship with

  competitors of

  couture house closed during World War II by

  criticism of

  Dali’s work with

  Deauville shop opened by

  earliest dresses of

  Fenosa’s affair with

  growing reputation of

  in Hollywood

  imitation jewelry of

  impeccable timing of

  Lagerfeld as apprentice to

  for La Marseillaise

  large output of

  for Le Train Bleu

  little black dress of

  in magazines

  materials used by

  method of creation in

  as milliner

  models for

  in move into Ritz

  for 1919 spring ball

  of pajamas

  Picasso’s affair with

  practicality of

  Radiguet’s funeral and

  registered as couturier

  Rules of the Game costumes designed by

  in Sem’s caricature

  upper classes hired by

  in World War I,

  see also Chanel № 5

  Chanel, Henri-Adrien

  Chanel, Henri-Albert (Albert)

  children abandoned by

  Coco’s retelling of stories about

  Jean’s family’s dislike of

  marriage refused by

  as womanizer

  Chanel, Hippolyte

  Chanel, House of

  World War II closing of

  Chanel, Joseph

  Chanel, Julia-Berthe

  in Aubazine convent

  birth of

  mother’s death and

  at Notre Dame convent

  suicide of

  Chanel, Louise

  Chanel, Lucien

  birth of

  death of

  placed with peasant farmers

  Chanel (farmhouse)

  Chanel Company

  Chanel Modes

  Chanel N°

  bottles for

  business dispute over

  creation of

  ingredients in

  naming of

  sales of

  Chanel № 19,

  Chanel № 22,

  Chanel Parfums

  Chantilly racetrack

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Chardon, Augustin

  Charles-Roux, Edmonde

  Charvet, House of

  Chase, Margaret

  Chautemps, Camille

  Chazot, Jacques

  Cheruit, Madeleine

  Chevalier, Maurice

  Chevigné, Comtesse de



  Choltitz, Dietrich von

  Churchill, Clementine

  Churchill, Rudolph

  Churchill, Winston


  Clair, René

  Claire, Ina

  Clarke, Henry

  Claudine à l’école (Colette)

  Clemenceau, Georges


  Coco (musical)

  Coco Mademoiselle

  Cocteau, Jean

  Antigone modernized by

  ballet costumes designed by

  on Coco’s religion

  death of

  drugs used by

  in love with Radiguet

  Parade libretto written by

  Coga Foundation

  Colbert, Claudette

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle



  Comédie Française


  Comœdia Illustré

  Concertino for String Quartet (Stravinsky)

  Condé Nast Publications

  Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Aubazine

  Cooper, Diana

  Cooper, Duff

  Copeau, Jacques

  Coromandel screens

  Corrigan, Laura



  Count d’Orgel’s Ball (Radiguet)

  Courpière, France

  Courrèges, Andrés


  Cravates de chanvre (Reverdy)


  Croÿ, Odile de, Princesse


  Cuir de Russie

  Cukor, George

  Cunard, Nancy

  Cutty Sark (Bend’Or’s yacht)

  Cyril Vladimirovich, Grand Duke of Russia



  Daladier, Edouard

  Dalí, Gala

  Dalí, Salvador

  Coco’s affair with

  in collaboration with Schiaparelli

  letters to Coco from

  Dame aux camélias, La (Dumas)

  D’Arcangues, Comtesse Mimi

  Davelli, Gabrielle

  Davelli, Marthe

  Daves, Jessica


  Davies, Lady Mary


  Deauville, France

  Deauville racetrack

  Debussy, Claude

  Decourcelle, Pierre

  Degas, Edgar

  de Gaulle, Charles

  Delay, Claude

  Delay, Jean

  Delay, Marie-Louise

  de Mille, Cecil B.


  Demoiselles d’Avignon, Les (Picasso)

  Deneuve, Catherine

  Denis, Maurice


  Déon, Michel

  department stores

  de Pougy, Liane

  de Quincey, Thomas

  Derby, Lord

  Desbordes, Jean

  Desbutin, M. and Mme.

  Dessoffy, Comte

  Dessoffy, Hélène, Comtesse

  Devil in the Flesh, The (Radiguet)

  Devolle, Marin

  Diaghilev, Sergei

  ballets by

  death of

  drugs and

  and Gabrielle

  homosexuality of

  Misia’s friendship with


  Dietrich, Marlene

  Dincklage, Georg-Jito von

  Dincklage, Hans Günther, Baron von

  divorce of

  Dior, Christian

  Dirys, Jeanne

  Dmitri Pavlovich, Grand Duke of Russia

  death of

  diary of

  Gabrielle’s affair with

  Dolin, Anton

  Dorziat, Gabrielle

  Doubazow, Countess

  Doucet, Jacques

  Downside School

  Doyle, Arthur Conan


  Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre


  Dubois, André-Louis

  Duchamp, Marcel

  Duff, Juliet

  Dullin, Charles

  Dumas, Alex

  Duncan, Isadora

  du Plessix, Tatiana

  Durst, André

  Eau de Chanel


  Edwards, Al

  Edwards, Misia, see Sert, Misia Edwards

  Edward VII, King of England

  Edward VIII, King of England (formerly Prince of Wales)

  Eiffel Tower

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.



  Erlanger, Baba d’

  Ernst, Max

  Eugénie, Empress of France



  fake-pearl stud earrings


  change in

  as democratic

  Gabrielle’s revolutionary style in

  in movies

  place and moment expressed by

  practical outfits for women in

  at racetracks

  style vs.

  subjectivity of

  Fashion Group Import Show

  Faubourg Saint-Honoré

  Faucigny-Lucinge, Princess Baba Erlanger de

  Fauré, Gabriel

  Fellowes, Daisy

  Fellowes, Reginald


  femme fatale


  Fenosa, Apelles

  Féraud, Louis

  Ferguson Brothers


  Figaro, Le

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Flanner, Janet


  Fleming, Oscar

  Flying Cloud (Bend’Or’s yacht)

  Foch, Ferdinand



  Foucault, Madeleine de

  Fougère Royale

  Fournier, Virginie-Angélina



  Foy, Baron


  physical culture in

  post-World War I rebuilding of

  see also Paris; World War I

  Franco, Francisco

  François, Lucien

  Fraser, Laura

  Fraser, Simon


  French language

  French Revolution

  Freud, Sigmund


  Galeries Lafayette

  Garbo, Greta

  garçonne, la

  Garçonne, La (Margueritte novel)


  Gaulois, Le

  Gauthier-Villars, Henry (Willy)

  Gellibrand, Paula

  Gentlemen Philosophers (at Stonyhurst)

  George V, King of England

  Gerbière, La (house)

  German Intelligence Service

  German Supreme Command

  Germany, see World War I


  Ghika, Princess (Lianne de Pougy)

  Giacometti, Alberto

  Gide, André

  Gish, Lillian

  Go-Between, The (L. P. Hartley)

  Goebbels, Joseph

  Goering, Emmy

  Goering, Hermann

  Goldwyn, Samuel

  Goosens, Robert

  Goudeket, Maurice

  Gould, Florence

  Goursat, Georges, see Sem (Georges Goursat)

  Gramont, Duc Armand de

  Gramont, Duchesse de Clermont-Tonnerre, Elisabeth de

  Gramont, Maria de

  Grand Café

  Grand Meaulnes, Les (Alain-Fournier)

  grands magasins

  Grangeémentine de la, Baroness

  Grasset, Bernard

  Great Britain

  in World War I,

  Great Depression

  Gripoix, Madame

  Gris, Juan


  Grumbach, Lilou Marquand, see Marquand, Lilou

  Guerlain, Aimé

  Guilbert, Yvette

  Guitry, Sacha

  Guyborget, Philippe


  Harcourt, Antoinette d’, Comtesse

  Harcourt, François d’, Comte

  Harcourt, Jean d’, Comte

  harem pants

  Harper’s Bazaar

  Hartley, L. P.


  Haussman, Georges-Eugène

  Heim, Philippe

  Heller, Gerhard

  Helleu, Jacques

  Helleu, Jean

  Helleu, Paul


  Henley, Mrs. Anthony, Hon.

  Henraux, Lucien

  Henri II, King of France

  Hepburn, Katharine

  Hidden Faces (Dalí)

  Hinnisdal, Mlle. d’

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoare, Samuel, Sir



  Honegger, Arthur

  horizontal collaboration

  horse racing

  horse riding

  Horst, Horst P.

  Hôtel de Lauzan see also Faubourg St-Honoré


  Hugo, François

  Hugo, Jean

  Hugo, Valentine


  Hutton, Barbara

  Huxley, Aldous

  Huxley, Julian

  Huxley, Maria

  Idylle saphique (de Pougy)



  Iribarnegaray, Maybelle

  Iribe (Paul Iribarnegaray)



  Jacob, Max

  Jacques-Dalcroze, Emile










  Jockey Club (Paris)

  Jouhandeau, Marcel

  Jünger, Ernst

  Karajan, Herbert von

  Karam, Princess of Kapurthala

  Kay, Patrick

  Kelly, Grace

  Kensington University College

  Kessel, Georges

  Kidman, Nicole

  King of Kings (film)

  Kisling, Moise

  Kitmir (embroidery company)

  Klein, Samuel

  Knightley, Keira

  Knights of the Round Table, The

  Kochno, Boris

  Koutouzof, Count

  Krebs, Germaine

  Kutter-Micklefield, Marie-Valery

  Laborde, Comte Léon de

  Labrunie, Gabrielle

  Labyrinth, The (Schellenberg)

  Lagerfeld, Karl

  Laloy, Louis

  Lang, Fritz

  Lanvin, Jeanne

  Laroche, Guy

  Laurencin, Marie

  Laurens, Henri

  Laval, Pierre

  Lawrence, D. H. and Frieda

  Leclerc, Joseph

  Leclerc, Marie

  Leclerc, Suzanne

  Lee, William

  Left Bank

  Léger, Fernand

  Lelong, Natalie

  Lempicka, Tamara de

  Lenin. I.

  Lerbier, Monique

  Léry, Jeanne



  Lestringuez, Pierre

  Leusse, Claude de

  Lewis, Maison

  Lewis et Irène (Morand)

  Liberman, Alex

  Liberman, Tatiana du Plessix

  Lifar, Serge

  Lipchitz, Jacques

  Lister, Thomas. See Ribblesdale, Lord.

  little black dress

  livre de la fumée, Le (Laloy)

  Lollobrigida, Gina

  Lombardi, Colonel

  Londsdale, Lord

  Longchamp racecourse

  Loos, Anita

  Louis XIV, King of France

  Louis Napoléon

  Lovat, Laura, Lady

  Lovat, Lord

  Lubersac, Odon de

  Ludres, Marquise de

  Luxemburg, Rosa


  Madoux, Georges

  Maeght, Aimé


  mail order catalogues

p; Mainbocher

  Mallarmé, Stefan

  Malraux, André

  Mann, Thomas

  Manners, Diana

  Manning, Cardinal

  Man Ray

  Marais, Jean

  Marcus, Neiman, Fashion Oscar

  Margueritte, Victor

  Maria Pavlovna (the elder), Grand Duchess of Russia

  Marie Pavlovna (the younger), Grand Duchess of Russia

  embroideries of

  Mariés de la Tour Eiffel, Les (Cocteau)

  Maritain, Jacques

  Marling, Charles and Lucia

  Marne, First Battle of

  Marquand, Christian

  Marquand, Lilou

  Marseillaise, La (film)

  Martínez de Hoz, Madame

  Martinez de Hoz, Paul Eduardo

  Massine, Léonide

  Massis, Henri-Adrien

  Matisse, Henri

  Maugham, Somerset

  Maupassant, Guy de

  Maurras, François


  Mazuel, Maud

  Mdivani, Roussadana See also Sert.

  Medici, Catherine de’

  Mendl, Lady

  Menkes, Suzy

  Meyer, Baron Adolphe de

  Meyer, Olga Caracciolo de

  Michelham, Lady

  Milhaud, Darius

  Mille, Gérard

  Mille, Hervé

  Millin, Bill



  Mironnet, Jean (François)


  Mitford, Nancy

  Mode, Les


  Modigliani, Amedeo

  Moltke, Helmuth von

  Molyneux, Edward

  Momm, Theodor

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Monte Carlo

  Morand, Paul

  Gabrielle’s memoirs taken down by

  Lewis et Irène written by

  Sorel’s dinner party recorded by

  Moreau, Jeanne

  Moulin Rouge

  Moulins, France

  Mournay, Comte de (Zed)

  Moustiers, Comtesse

  Muggeridge, Malcolm

  Mugnier, Abbé


  Munich pact

  Munnings, Hilda

  Murat, Therese, Comtesse

  Murat, Violette, Princesse

  Murphy, Gerald and Sara

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nametalla, Marguerite (Maggie van Zuylen)

  Nana (Zola)

  Napoléon I, Emperor of France

  Napoléon III, Emperor of France (Louis Napoléon)

  Nast, Condé

  Natanson, Thadée

  National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC)

  New Look, the

  New York, N.Y.

  New Yorker

  New York Times

  Nexon, Barone Maurice de

  Nicholas II, Tsar

  Nijinska, Bronislava

  Nijinsky, Vaslav

  Noailles, Comtesse Anna de

  Noces, Les (ballet)

  Noces villageoises, Les (Diaghilev ballet)


  Northcliffe, Alfred


  Nothing Doing Bar. See also Boeuf sur le Toit, Le

  Notre Dame convent

  novels, serial

  Nuremberg war trials

  Odile de Croÿ, Princesse

  Oedipus Rex (Cocteau)

  Ollivier, Valéry

  Operation Modelhut


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