Taming Avery (A MFM Menage Romance) (Club Menage Book 2)

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Taming Avery (A MFM Menage Romance) (Club Menage Book 2) Page 3

by Tara Crescent

  Xavier Leforte rises as well. “Come on, Caleb,” he says, his voice amused. “Let’s go make trouble elsewhere.” He nods to Avery. “Ms. Welch. Enjoy the club.”

  The two of them leave. I turn back to Avery. “You have a choice,” I bite out. “You can stay or go.”

  She gives me a level look. “I’m staying. Sir.”

  We never did veer into dominance and submission those two weeks. I wanted to, of course I did, but I also didn’t want to scare her off. Our threesome already pushed her boundaries. I wanted to introduce her to kink slowly. I wanted to make sure she was as into it as I was.

  So many times, I’ve wondered what it would have felt like if she called me Sir.

  And now I know.

  My cock hardens. My heart clenches painfully. I need to get the fuck out of here.

  “What are you really doing here, Avery?” I ask her harshly.

  “I was hoping to find a pair of dominants to show me the ropes.”

  At best, that’s a half-answer. “Did Lowell introduce you to BDSM?” Kai demands.

  She sucks in a shaky breath, her face going pale. “You know about Victor,” she whispers.

  “You went from our bed to his, Avery. Did you think we wouldn’t find out?”

  She looks like I hit her. Her eyes are wide and vulnerable, and for an instant, the years melt away. Shame fills me, and then I steel myself. I let her break my heart once. It won’t happen again.

  There’s a long pause. Finally, Avery speaks, her voice so low I have to strain to hear her. “No, Victor didn’t teach me about BDSM.”

  “Then who?” It’s like rubbing salt over a raw wound, but I can’t help myself.

  “You did.”

  “Did we now? Explain.”

  “Neither of you gave it a name,” she says. “You didn’t ask me to call you Sir or Master or anything else. But you controlled my pleasure. I didn’t connect the dots until much later.”

  “After much more exploration, you mean,” I throw back.

  Her shoulders stiffen. “I always did hate double standards, Maddox,” she says. “I very much doubt that I’ve been exploring as much as either of you.”

  My lips curl up for a split-second. She could always hold her own. Even then, she called us on our bullshit. That had been one of the things about her I could not get enough of.

  She’s getting under my skin again.

  I exchange a look with Kai. If we tell her we won’t scene with her, she’ll go to Caleb, who will be happy to get his paws all over the beautiful woman. We need to put an end to this, once and for all. We need to stop her from coming back here, to Club M, where every member is eying us with discreet fascination, wondering what the hell is going on between the three of us.

  “You get one chance to change your mind,” I warn her. “I recommend you take it.”

  She doesn’t move.

  “Okay.” Kai rises to his feet. “We’ll do this your way. For now. Come.”

  “Where?” There’s a distinct quaver in her voice.

  “You’ll find out,” Kai replies flatly.

  She hesitates. She’s having second thoughts already. Good. I ignore the disappointment running through my veins. It’s best this way.

  Then she lifts her chin in the air. “Yes, Sir,” she murmurs obediently.




  I can’t help thinking that I’m making a huge mistake.

  Kai and Maddox were many things. Wickedly inventive in bed. Fiendishly good at drawing out my pleasure, at making me beg for my release.

  But they were never cold, never cruel. There was always warmth in their eyes when they looked at me.

  You made your bed. Lie in it.

  Kai leads the way. He holds his wallet over a card reader in the back, and a door swings open. I follow, my heart hammering so loudly in my chest that I’m convinced everyone around me can hear it. Maddox brings up the rear, trapping me between them.

  We make our way down a long corridor. When we’re almost at the end, Kai waves his wallet in front of another card reader, and a door clicks open.

  I step into the room and freeze in my tracks. The walls are painted red, and there’s a padded bench against one wall. That’s about the only piece of regular furniture. I’ve done my research, so I can identify the rest of the objects in the room. A Saint Andrews Cross. A chair that wouldn’t look out of place in my gynecologist’s office. A wall lined with leather whips, canes, crops, and more.

  I swallow hard. They won’t hurt you, I try to reassure myself. But the truth is, I’m not sure of that. Not anymore.

  “Sit.” Kai gestures to the bench.

  I perch on the edge obediently.

  “How much experience do you have with BDSM, Avery?”

  Absolutely none. “I’ve never been to a sex club before.”

  “That wasn’t what he asked,” Maddox interjects. He settles himself on a leather armchair. “You seem to have a bad habit of keeping important pieces of information from us, Avery.” His voice is coated with frost. When did Maddox get so cold? “But if you want us to train you, you’re going to have to try something new. Like being honest.”

  Okay. Here’s the honest truth. I shouldn’t have given in to temptation ten years ago. I shouldn’t have asked them to come to Ireland with me.

  And I shouldn’t be here now either. If I had any sense, I’d leave the club and never return.

  Except I can’t make myself move. I’ve always been terrible at resisting Maddox and Kai.

  “None,” I whisper. “I have no experience at all. I’m brand new.”

  Kai and Maddox both look up at that. “None? At all?”

  “Just what we did together.” Ten years ago.

  Kai laughs incredulously. “Avery,” he says. “We didn’t even have anal sex.”

  Oh God. That note in his voice. I want to melt into the ground. They don’t train novices. I don’t know why I thought I could flounce in here and reconnect. I’m such a fool. “You’re right.” I’m proud of how steady my voice is. “This was a mistake.” I get up from my bench. “I’m sorry to waste your time.”

  “Sit down.” Maddox’s voice cracks with command. I obey automatically. “Tell me the truth. Do you really want to learn?”



  Because listening to you just now felt right. “The idea of being tied up, being spanked, being controlled…” I can feel my face burn. “It turns me on in a way that nothing else does.”

  The two men exchange looks. Some unspoken communication passes between them.

  Kai had been the intense one. He’d been fresh out of medical school, doing the first two years of his residency in London. Maddox had been lighter, quick to smile, easy to get along with.

  Not now though. Intensity radiates off both of them in palpable waves.

  “This is a one-time deal.” Kai’s words set my heart sinking. He stands up and stalks toward me. I lean back on my bench, my pulse racing, trapped between his hard body and the red-painted wall. “Just for tonight. Still want to stay?”

  If that’s all I can have, then I’ll take it. After what I did to them, it’s more than I deserve.

  He’s so close. The aroma of him washes over me, something earthy and musky and very male. There’s a hint of whiskey on his breath, and his eyes are blue tidal pools, deep enough for me to drown. “Yes.”

  “We’ll take it slow,” he assures me, his voice a rumble that sends my pussy clenching. In the background, I see Maddox get to his feet, long, lean, and deliberate.

  “Will I have a safeword?”

  “Someone’s been doing their research.” Maddox sounds amused. “No, Avery. Not just yet. If you want us to stop, just say stop.”

  That’s easy. My nerves calm momentarily, then I see what Maddox is doing. He’s standing by the wall of whips, and he’s holding one in his hands.

  To use on me.

  The butterflies in my stomach
swoop and swirl. Kai, inches from my face, notices the way my gaze skitters away, and then back. “Relax,” he murmurs. “That’s a beginner’s flogger. The tails are made of suede. They won’t hurt, not unless he wants it to.”

  Does he want it to hurt? Even worse, is that what I want?

  My skin prickles with nerves and desire. My breathing comes in little pants, even though they haven’t even touched me. This chemistry. This attraction between us. It’s lingered in the recesses of my mind for ten years. Nobody’s ever measured up.

  Kai slowly trails his fingers over my lace stockings. My knees weaken, my bones liquefy, and the need in my core solidifies into a hard ache. I bite my lower lip as his fingers make their way up past the stockings. I gasp when he touches my bare thighs, and unwittingly, my legs fall open for him.

  “You don’t move until I tell you.”

  I nod.

  “Repeat it back to me.” There’s a hard, demanding edge to his voice, one I’ve never heard before. A shiver of arousal runs through me. I’m almost thirty. How have I never realized that dominant men turn me on?

  “I don’t move until you tell me to.”

  “Good girl.”

  I flush with pleasure at the compliment.

  He grabs my wrists and pushes them behind my back. “Hold them there,” he orders.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  My breasts jut out in this position. The corset is tight, pushing them up and out, like a pair of obscene, creamy offerings. Kai’s eyes rake down my body. “Look at the way you’re dressed,” he growls. “Every single man in the club wants to fuck you, Avery. Is that why you wore this corset?”

  His fingers brush the swell of my breasts, and my breath catches in my throat. I can’t answer. I can’t think past the soft circles his fingers are tracing on my skin.

  Kai’s lips curl into a smirk. “Do you want to get fucked tonight, Avery?”

  By Maddox and you. “Yes.”

  He chuckles cruelly. “My cock is a privilege you need to earn.”

  Okay, I can’t help it. There’s no way I can refrain from rolling my eyes. “Does that line work?”

  This time, his laughter is more genuine, and his eyes dance with merriment. “You’d be surprised,” he says, his lips twitching. “Take off your panties.”

  My arousal ratchets up. I almost move my hands, and then I catch myself. “May I move my hands?”

  He strokes my cheek. “Such a good girl, asking for permission.” The approval in his voice warms my core. “Yes, you may.”

  My heart hammering, I wriggle my knickers down my hips. Kai pulls them off, his fingers grazing against my skin, making me shiver. He lifts the scrap of fabric up to his nose and breathes deeply. “I can smell your arousal, Avery,” he says. “Tell me what’s turning you on.”

  The vinyl of the bench is cool against my bare ass. I feel so wanton sitting there, my legs spread, my pussy on display for Maddox and Kai. As if I’m an object for their pleasure. For them to do whatever they desire. Another shudder of lust runs through me. “Everything.”

  There’s a slight smile on Kai’s face. He tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Spread your legs wider for me,” he orders.

  I open them shoulder-width, but it’s not wide enough. Kai puts his hands on my knees and pushes my legs apart until my muscles burn. He reaches under the table and pulls out a set of wide leather cuffs, and he buckles them around my thighs. “Does that help?”

  It actually does. The burning stretch is still there, but the cuffs help me hold my position. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Another half-smile. “Now touch yourself.”

  My eyes fly to his face. “Really?”

  “Would you prefer to take Nadya’s place on the center stage?” Maddox asks pleasantly.

  A shiver runs through me, part nervous fear, part unadulterated desire. At any moment, I can say stop and end this. And they’ll stop immediately. A lot of things might change in ten years, but I don’t think the basic nature of a person is one of them. Kai and Maddox always respected my limits. I can’t imagine that’s changed.

  Besides, I know from reading Xavier’s rulebook that all the scenes, even in the private rooms, are monitored by club security. I’m perfectly safe.

  I feel like I’m standing at the tip of a diving board, waiting to plunge into the deeps below.

  “Avery.” Kai’s voice is even. “Now.”

  I don’t have to obey. But I want to.

  I stroke my slit with one finger. Maddox and Kai watch, their eyes hungry and heated. “Add another finger,” Maddox orders, his voice raspy. “Push them inside, Avery. Show me how wet you are.”

  Goosebumps rise on my skin. I thrust my fingers into my pussy, wishing it was one of them touching me. I pump a couple of times, until Kai’s hand closes over my wrist. “Stop,” he says softly.

  He lifts my fingers to his lush, full lips, sucking them, nipping at them, tasting my juices. I can’t stop my moan of need. I’m so wound up. So needy. I want to mewl like a kitten and rub myself against them.

  The last time I was this desperate with desire, the three of us had been in a hotel room in Dublin.


  They’re fully dressed, and I’m half-naked. The straps hold me wide, open, exposed to their gazes. There’s no place to hide here. I circle my clitoris, my face warm, my gaze falling to the floor.

  “No, Avery,” Maddox chides. “Don’t hide from us. Eyes on me.”

  I obey, stroking faster as my need claws deep. My skin tingles and my toes curl. Watching them watch me, my arousal flares sharper, brighter. Heat builds. My thighs tense, straining against my bindings, and my breath comes in short gasps. Every muscle clenches as I strain toward my peak. I’m almost there…

  Kai’s hand grips my wrist. “Stop.”

  “No,” I wail, as he stops me just in time. I hump the air a couple of times, but it’s futile. I need friction to push me over the edge. “Please…” I beg.

  “No.” Maddox’s chocolate brown eyes flash with dark emotion. “In this room, I own your orgasms. Each and every one of them. Do you understand, Avery?”

  Stop. The word dangles at the tip of my tongue, but I hold it back. If I safeword, I can stroke myself, and I can come.

  But I can touch myself anytime. I came to Club Menage for Maddox and Kai.

  I exhale slowly, a tear leaking out of the corner of my eye. “I understand, Sir.”

  Kai’s finger traces the tear track. “Should we stop?” he asks, his concern evident. “Am I pushing you too hard?”

  Warmth fills my body at his worry. “No. I don’t know why my emotions have bubbled to the surface. I’m fine. I promise.”

  Kai lets go of my wrist. “Put your hands back on your knees.”

  I take a deep, shuddering breath and obey. My nipples are hard bullets under my corset. My pussy feels heavy, swollen. I’m so turned on that if they so much as breathe on my clit, I’m going to come.

  Kai moves aside. Maddox’s brown eyes rest on me. “You looked up BDSM on the Internet?” he asks me.

  I nod.

  “Verbal answers, please.” His tone is light. Pleasant. Exactly the same voice he used when he told Caleb to go the hell away.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He gives me a half-smile. “Other dominants might be big on form and protocol,” he says. “Not me. You can call me Sir if you’d like, if it’s easier for you to maintain boundaries that way. Or you can call me Maddox. I don’t care.”

  I nod.

  His voice cracks like a whip. “What I do care about,” he says, “Is that when I give you an order, you obey it. Verbal answers, Avery.”

  Shit. Stupid, rookie mistake. “Yes, Maddox.”

  “When you looked up BDSM, what scared you?”

  “Blood.” I swallow hard. “Canes breaking skin. Needles.”

  According to Fiona Clarke, Kai had given a fireplay demo here in the club, not too long ago. Am I too tame for them? Too boring?

nbsp; Maddox’s expression gives nothing away. “What did you want to try?”

  Oh God. I can’t be expected to tell them that, can I? It’s far too embarrassing. Then I look at the implacable expression on Maddox’s face and realize that yes, if I want this to continue, I’m definitely going to have to answer his question.

  Wild horses couldn’t drag me away from here at this point.

  I can’t look at either of them. I lower my eyelashes, focusing on the dark-grained wooden floor. “I was turned on by the idea of being spanked,” I whisper.

  “What else?”

  I hesitate again. “Avery,” Kai says, a note of understanding in his voice. “If you don’t tell us what turns you on, how will we know?”

  Damn it. That’s so reasonable. I’m a therapist. I know how important open, honest communication is.

  And how difficult.

  I clench my hands into fists. “I want to be tied down,” I murmur, my cheeks flaming. “And forced to suck your cock. All the way down my throat. Even if I cry or gag, I want you to keep going.”

  Maddox is silent for a very long time. Long enough that I start to worry that I’ve freaked him out. Are my fantasies too extreme? Is he judging me?

  “Fuck,” he says at last. He draws in a deep breath, and as he does, I see his very obvious erection pressing up against his trousers.

  Their cocks are a privilege I need to earn.

  “Do you like being on display? Like Nadya outside?”

  I swallow hard. “The idea turns me on,” I confess. “But I think I’d prefer that to stay a fantasy.”

  Maddox trails his fingertips on my inside thighs. “Good girl,” he says. “Do you want to come tonight, Avery?”

  “Very much,” I respond instantly.

  A smile ghosts over his face. “And you will,” he says. “Eventually.” His fingers are at my straps, unbuckling them. “Stand up.”

  My muscles are stiff. I sway a little as I stand, and Maddox’s arm immediately circles my waist, holding me up. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “The high heels were an impulse purchase,” I say ruefully. “They look great, but they’re murder on my feet.”


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