In Bear's Bed

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In Bear's Bed Page 5

by Carol Lynne

  Running his fingers through his hair, Liam mentally prepared to apologise for the way he’d reacted. He opened the front door and stepped inside. The common room was littered with faces he’d seen in the past week along with a few new arrivals.

  As Liam searched the room for Nate, he said hi to one of his new housemates. He finally spotted Charlie. The blind man’s head turned and Charlie appeared to look straight into Liam’s eyes. Charlie didn’t say a word but pointed towards the upstairs. Liam gave a nod in acknowledgement, only realising Charlie couldn’t have seen the gesture as he headed up to eat crow.

  Standing outside their room, Liam took another deep breath and turned the knob. He found Nate sitting on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. “Nate?” Liam whispered.

  Nate’s head came up immediately at the word. It was evident he’d been worried sick. Without a word, Liam walked over and knelt in front of him. “I’m sorry.”

  Two big arms grabbed Liam and lifted him. He was placed on Nate’s lap before he could get another word out. “I was so scared you wouldn’t come back,” Nate’s deep voice proclaimed.

  Liam shook his head and pressed his fingers to Nate’s lips. “I think I’ll always come back.” He ran his hand over Nate’s strong jaw. “I’m in love with you. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t upset me you’re planning to still play ball, but it isn’t enough for me to walk away.”

  He felt Nate’s breath hitch but his man wasn’t the type to shed tears. Still, Liam knew his words were being heard.

  “I love you, too,” Nate mumbled, his voice dropping so deep Liam could barely understand him. “I’ll be okay. I won’t let this thing get me.”

  Liam closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Nate’s. He prayed that his lover was right. Besides his mom, Liam had never felt safer and more loved than at this moment.

  The kiss grew in intensity until their clothes were discarded and Nate was deep inside Liam. Their dual climax, combined with the emotional upheavals of the day, left them both breathless and sleepy.

  As Liam lay with his head on Nate’s chest, he couldn’t help listening to the precious heart underneath him. He knew everyone had a weakness, but he couldn’t help but to wish Nate’s was something else. If only he had a bad knee or shoulder. Those things could be career threatening without ending Nate’s life. Why his heart, the most precious thing about him?

  “We okay?” Nate asked.

  “I hope so,” Liam whispered. He placed a kiss on the soft skin covering Nate’s heart. God did he hope so.

  Working on a research paper in the communal computer room, Liam felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle. He could tell someone was watching him. “Can I help you?” he asked without turning away from the screen. He knew he should’ve worked on the computer in his room but knew he’d need the colour printer only available downstairs.

  “Sorry,” the unidentified voice said. “I was just taking a look around the place. I don’t know if you remember, but we met a month or so ago.”

  Liam finished entering a line of data and turned around. Jace Rawlings stood in the doorway. Looking even more handsome than Liam remembered, Jace grinned. “Hi.”

  Jace took a couple of steps into the room. “Do you mind if I ask what you’re working on? Those spreadsheets look familiar.”

  Liam glanced back at his computer. “It’s a project I’m working on for my Principles of Microeconomics, Honours class.”

  “A man after my own heart,” Jace teased putting his hand over his chest. “Are you an economics major?”

  “Yeah. It’s cool.”

  Jace looked at Liam for several seconds. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in a part-time job?”

  A job? “Uh, yeah I’d be interested, but I don’t really have enough time between soccer practice and studying. I could use the cash though. If it weren’t for my scholarship I’d even be willing to give up soccer, but I can’t afford to attend without it.”

  Nodding, Jace looked at Liam’s computer screen. “Let me give it some thought. I might be able to come up with something.”

  “I’d appreciate it Mr. Rawlings.” Liam smiled. A job would really help right now.

  “Call me Jace.”

  Liam heard Tony Bianchi calling Jace’s name from the living room. “Guess I’d better get going,” Jace said, pointing towards the voice. He pulled out his wallet and handed Liam a business card. “Give me a call in a couple of days. I’m sure I’ll have figured something out by then.”

  Taking the card, Liam ran his thumb over the raised black ink. “Thank you.”

  Chuckling, Jace shook his head. “Don’t thank me yet. Talk to you soon, Liam.”

  “Bye.” He watched Jace walk out of the room and shook his head as he studied the business card. Working for Bianchi Bytes in any capacity would be a dream come true. He couldn’t wait to share the news with Nate.

  Liam saved his data onto his handy jump drive and shut down the computer. As soon as he walked into the communal living room, he heard Nate’s deep laugh coming from the kitchen. Smiling he walked that way.

  He found Nate and a new guy doing the dishes from their evening meal. They were standing way too close and laughing way too much for Liam’s comfort. “Hey,” Liam said coming up behind Nate.

  The guy turned his head and looked Liam up and down. He couldn’t explain the way it made him feel, but he didn’t like it.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Nate said leaning in to give Liam a quick kiss. “Have you met Michael?”

  “No, I haven’t,” Liam answered.

  Michael turned fully and offered his hand. Despite his natural instinct to pull away, Liam shook the buff blond guy’s hand. “Nice to finally meet you, Liam. Bear’s been talking non-stop about you since we met.” Liam could’ve sworn Michael caressed his hand instead of shaking it.

  Pulling away, Liam took a step back and looked up at Nate. “You about done?”

  “Yeah, we just have a few things to put away. Michael invited us out to a new gay club.” Nate pulled Liam into his arms. “We’ve never danced.”

  The pleading look Nate gave him had Liam swallowing his protest. He looked down at his shabby clothes. “I’ll need to get ready.”

  Nate grinned and turned towards Michael without releasing Liam. “We’ll meet you out front in thirty minutes.”

  “Sounds good,” Michael said, putting another pot away. “I’ll finish this up.”

  “Thanks, man.” Nate led Liam out of the kitchen and to their room.

  As soon as they were behind their closed door, Liam started going through his tiny closet. “So when did you meet Michael?” he asked. He knew it wasn’t fair to judge a person because of a bad first impression and wanted to give Nate’s new friend the benefit of the doubt.

  “Couple of days ago. He lives over in Darton Hall. He’s on the waiting list for BK, but until someone moves out or the new addition is finished, Charlie said he could hang out here if he wanted.”

  “So they’re just gonna let him come over anytime he wants?” That didn’t make sense to Liam. It was like an open invitation to anyone who wanted to stop in for a free meal.

  Pulling out a clean pair of jeans and a black T-shirt, Nate started stripping. “I guess Demitri and Charlie discussed it. Because they didn’t anticipate the reaction to BK, they’ve found it just isn’t big enough. They think anyone should have access to a place they can consider a safe-haven. So, they came up with a way. Seems guys can pay a monthly fee and take their meals here and hang out if they need to.”

  “Generous of them,” Liam said. He knew it was said in a sarcastic tone, but he didn’t like the thought of people coming and going all the time, or maybe it was just Michael he had a problem with. After looking through his clean clothes, Liam shook his head. “I don’t have any clean jeans that aren’t threadbare.”

  “Good,” Nate said. He placed a kiss on the side of Liam’s neck. “Wear the tight faded ones with the hole in the back pocket. Those are m
y favourite anyway.” Nate reached over Liam’s shoulder and pulled out a blue sports shirt.

  Liam looked at the shirt his mom had given him the previous Christmas. She’d told him it matched his eyes. It was a little too preppy for Liam’s taste and he’d yet to wear it. He didn’t have to worry about it still having tags on it, because he knew his mom had got it at the local thrift shop near their house.

  “This would look great on you.” Nate ran a hand down Liam’s chest to land on the fly of his jeans. “Will you wear it for me?” He gave Liam’s cock a squeeze.

  “Will it get me more of that?” Liam pressed his growing hardness into Nate’s palm.

  “You’ll be lucky if I don’t take you right there on the dance floor,” Nate chuckled.

  “Okay, you’ve convinced me.” He took the shirt from Nate and turned around in his arms. “Now, either you go stand on the other side of the room while I get changed, or I won’t want to leave the room at all.”

  Laughing, Nate gave him one last squeeze and went to put his shoes on. Liam quickly undressed. He decided to torture his man a bit and slid into the tight pair of jeans without putting on underwear. Nate’s eyes followed Liam’s every movement.

  “Damn,” Nate said, brushing his hand across the evident bulge in his own jeans. “For someone so worried about my heart, you sure don’t mind getting my blood pressure up.”

  Liam knew the remark was meant as a joke, but it sobered his ardour. He never thought he’d be in a relationship that could so easily end with the death of the person he loved.

  “Stop it,” Nate growled. “It was a joke and you know it.” Nate gathered Liam’s athletic shoes and handed them over.

  “Yeah, I know it was a joke. Just wasn’t a funny one.”

  Chapter Eight

  They found Michael standing in the parking lot, leaning against a brand new cherry red pickup. “Nice ride,” Nate said, opening the passenger door. He looked at Liam and gestured for him to go first.

  Great, Liam knew it made sense for him to sit in the middle with his much smaller size, but he didn’t relish the thought of being that close to Michael.

  As he tried to buckle his seat belt, Liam felt the odd press of Michael’s thigh against him. Instead of saying anything, Liam gave the man a narrow eyed stare.

  Michael just grinned and winked. “Ready?”

  “More than,” Nate replied, taking Liam’s hand.

  Entwining his fingers with Nate’s, Liam held his tongue. Liam knew Nate didn’t have many friends. Oh, he was friendly with a lot of people but only counted a couple as buddys he could do things with, and Nate really seemed to enjoy Michael’s company. The two of them laughed and joked the entire way to the club on the outskirts of town. Before this bar had opened, the town only had the D/s club, something Liam definitely wasn’t interested in.

  They pulled up to an old warehouse turned nightclub with the name Lucky’s blazing across the front in blue neon. “Hope so,” Michael joked as he read the sign.

  Nate laughed and Liam rolled his eyes. It was going to be a hell of a long night.

  After a couple of fast dances, Liam needed a break. He pulled a reluctant Nate off the dance floor and towards their booth against the wall. Nate stood beside the table and Liam slid in.

  Taking his seat, Nate looked around the room. “It’s packed.”

  Liam nodded. “It’s the weekend. Not much else to do besides go to the movies or hang out at the college.” Liam noticed Nate’s gaze was focused on the dancers. He wondered whether he was watching the group or Michael. Nate’s statement quickly cleared things up.

  “Michael can really move. He looks like a brother out there.”

  Liam felt his temper rising. “As opposed to what? Me? Do I dance like a leprechaun?”

  “What?” Nate asked turning back to face Liam. “No. That’s not what I meant. What’s gotten in to you?”

  “Nothing,” Liam mumbled. It seemed the more Liam rebuffed Michael’s bold advances, the more Michael seemed to turn to Nate. Although, Liam had noticed since the moment they walked in how all eyes seemed to track Nate’s every move.

  Liam was the first to admit Nate was the sexiest mother-fucker in the room, but Nate was his, dammit. Nate got Liam’s attention by putting his big hand on his thigh. “Don’t you like Michael?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “That’s just because you haven’t given yourself a chance to get to know him. He’s really funny.” Nate’s hand worked its way between Liam’s thighs.

  “I’ll have to take your word for it,” Liam said dryly. He squeezed his legs together trapping Nate’s hand as the song ended. “Here he comes.”

  Michael slid into the booth across from Liam. “This place is fantastic,” he said, wiping the sweat off his face with a napkin.

  “I’m gonna hit the john before a slow song comes on,” Nate announced as he stood.

  Liam watched his man weave through the crowd towards the restroom. Yep, every eye in the place checked out Nate’s broad shoulders evident in the tight black shirt, or maybe it was the sweetest ass in the world encased in those tight jeans. “Damn,” Liam whispered without thinking.

  Michael turned his head and watched Nate disappear into the restroom. “He’s a good looking guy.” Liam looked at Michael and narrowed his eyes. “Not as hot as you are, but damn close.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Stop fucking around. You know I want you,” Michael declared. “You and Nate ever play?”

  “Play?” What? Michael wanted him?

  “Don’t go all virgin on me. I’m asking if the two of you ever invite someone else into your bed.” Michael’s foot quickly brushed up the inside of Liam’s thigh to press against his cock.

  Knocking the foot away, Liam noticed Nate talking to someone just outside the restroom. “We don’t play.” Liam leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table, staring Michael in the eyes. “Nate likes you, but I don’t think I could keep him from ripping your head off if I told him what just happened.”

  “I wonder,” Michael replied.

  “Just in time,” a deep voice said from beside him.

  Liam looked up into Nate’s smiling face. “I knew there was a slow song due any minute.” Nate held out his hand. “Care to dance?”

  With a nod, Liam took Nate’s offered hand and was pulled out and against a firmly muscled chest. Before allowing himself to be led to the floor, Liam reached up and pulled Nate’s head down for a kiss. He tasted of Coke and potato skins and Liam delved his tongue deeper.”

  Nate was the first to break the kiss. “If we do that much longer, we’ll never get to that dance.”

  Liam felt himself blush and nodded. He followed Nate to the centre of the crowded dance floor. Liam actually giggled like a girl when Nate picked him up off his feet and pressed their bodies together. Instinctively wrapping his legs around Nate’s waist, Liam smiled at his man. “Why Mr. Tucker, you’re a fine dancer.”

  “I haven’t had much practice at this type of dancing.” Nate moved to the music, taking Liam with him. Their mouths found each other’s again, and before he knew it, Liam was grinding his hardened cock against Nate.

  “Need you,” Liam moaned against Nate’s lips.

  Nate’s hands squeezed Liam’s ass as he pressed his fingers against the seam of the faded jeans. “Watch out,” Liam whispered. “These jeans are so old you’ll likely break through the stitching at any second. Even though I’m sure you wouldn’t mind having easy access to my ass, I don’t really want the entire room to see it.”

  The statement had Nate growling. “My ass,” he proclaimed. He gave Liam’s butt another squeeze.

  That reminded Liam. He looked into Nate’s eyes. “So you don’t want to share me with anyone?”

  “Hell no,” Nate bellowed. The loud statement, combined with Nate’s deep voice had the dancers around them staring. Of course they could’ve been staring at the almost-sex-show he and Nate were performing.

bsp; Liam felt much better and burrowed his face under Nate’s hair to get to his neck. He licked and bit the chocolate brown skin, needing more. Working his tongue up to the shell of Nate’s ear, Liam sucked the lobe into his mouth. “Take me home.”

  Without a word, Nate carried Liam from the dance floor and out the front door. He didn’t stop until he rounded the old warehouse, out of view of the parking lot. Pressing Liam’s back against the wall, Nate ground his cock against a quivering Liam. “Can’t wait, need in you, now.”

  Liam felt his pre-cum wetting the front of his jeans. “Stuff?”

  Nate grinned and delved into his pocket. He held up a foil packet. “Extra lubed.”

  “Good thinking,” Liam stammered. His hands went to the fly of his jeans as he began unzipping. “How are we gonna do this?”

  “Depends,” Nate said gruffly. “If you don’t mind stripping out of those sexy-assed jeans, I’m going to hold you just like this and thrust so far up inside you you’ll feel me in your throat.”

  Liam shivered. “Sounds like a plan.” He released his hold on Nate’s torso and stood. Quickly kicking off his shoes and shucking his denims, Liam was nude from the waist down in no time.

  While he’d been stripping, Nate had unzipped and sheathed his cock. Those big arms picked him up once again. Nate spit onto his fingers and ran them around the rim of Liam’s ass. Already hornier than he ever remembered being, Liam’s body accepted the wet fingers hungrily. “Yes,” he moaned as Nate buried two fingers inside him.

  “Ready for me, sweetheart?”

  Liam moved as much as he could on Nate’s hand. “Now,” Liam managed to get out. His cock was painting a trail along his blue shirt and he reached down and pulled the soft material up and under his armpits, exposing his leanly muscled chest to the night air.

  Removing his fingers, Nate positioned the crown of his cock at Liam’s entrance. The deeper Nate entered him, the more Liam was pressed against the rough bricks of the building. His now bare back would be a mess by the time this was over, but Liam didn’t care as Nate filled him.


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