The Myth of the Spoiled Child

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The Myth of the Spoiled Child Page 31

by Alfie Kohn

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  Orth, Ulrich, Kali H. Trzesniewski, and Richard W. Robins. “Self-Esteem Development from Young Adulthood to Old Age: A Cohort-Sequential Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98 (2010): 645–58.

  Otto, A. Ross, Arthur B. Markman, and Bradley C. Love. “Taking More, Now: The Optimality of Impulsive Choice Hinges on Environment Structure.” Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (2012): 131–38.

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  Schiffrin, Holly H., Miriam Liss, Haley Miles-McLean, Katherine A. Geary, Mindy J. Erchull, and Taryn Tashner. “Helping or Hovering? The Effects of Helicopter Parenting on College Students’ Well-Being.” Journal of Child and Family Studies. DOI 10.1007/10826013-9716-3. Published online February 9, 2013.

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  Segrin, Chris, Alesia Woszidlo, Michelle Givertz, Amy Bauer, and Melissa Taylor Murphy. “The Association Between Overparenting, Parent-Child Communication, and Entitlement and Adaptive Traits in Adult Children.” Family Relations 61 (2012): 237–52.

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  Soenens, Bart, Maarten Vansteenkiste, Willy Lens, Koen Luyckx, Luc Goossens, Wim Beyers, and Richard M. Ryan. “Conceptualizing Parental Autonomy Support.” Developmental Psychology 43 (2007): 633–46.

  Soenens, Bart, Maarten Vansteenkiste, and Patrick Luyten. “Toward a Domain-Specific Approach to the Study of Parental Psychological Control.” Journal of Personality 78 (2010): 217–56.

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