When Stars Collide (Light in the Dark #2)

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When Stars Collide (Light in the Dark #2) Page 11

by Micalea Smeltzer

  He chuckles huskily and lowers his head to kiss me. It starts out slow, just a gentle sweep of his lips, but it quickly grows in intensity. We’re both desperate and aching for the touch of one another. I hold onto his broad shoulders and he angles his large body over mine like a protective shield.

  He pulls his lips from mine with a gasp and presses his nose to my cheek, his lips a breath away from my neck, and whispers, “You have no fucking clue what you do to me.”

  I want to tell him that I think I do because he has the same effect on me, but I can’t find the words.

  I lie back on his soft sheets and he rubs his hands along my hips and down the sides of my thighs. My legs fall open and his eyes flash. His face is bathed mostly in shadow, but there’s enough light in the room that I can’t mistake the look on his face and it rocks me to my core. It’s the kind of look you see a man give a woman in the movies—you know, the look where he’s desperate for her and she’s oblivious to the way he sees her, but I’m not oblivious, at least, not now. But in the back of my mind, I recall flashes of this same look he’s given me over the years—a look I’ve ignored or chalked up to something else—but there’s no denying it now.

  I want to yell at myself, and him, for being so stupid for so long—for delaying the inevitable.

  Xander and I are like two stars colliding—I always thought we’d turn into a black hole, but right now, in this moment, I see that’s not it at all. No, we’ve simply merged into one, making a larger, more magnificent star.

  We’ve both listened to the voices of others for far too long—denying what we wanted, what we needed to not rock the boat.

  Xander came to his senses sooner than I did, because if it was up to me, I would’ve gotten a divorce the morning we woke up in Vegas.

  I’m selfishly glad now that he asked me to give him a chance, because what we have isn’t something you find every day.

  I know we still have the whole summer left, and things might change, but right now I’m happy and I think … I think I’m in love with him. When you already love someone so deeply it doesn’t take long to take that plunge. It still scares me, though. Loving someone this much is only setting you up to be destroyed.

  Xander’s hands move back up my sides and he cups my breasts.

  All thoughts leave my mind in that moment, and all that exists is him, me, and the emotion welling in my chest.

  He lowers his body over mine and kisses me. The pressure of his lips is nearly bruising, but I love it.

  His hands make a slow journey down my sides and one hand moves dangerously close to the point where I ache for his touch the most. He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching mine, and I beg silently for him to touch me.

  His tongue slides out to moisten his lips and he swallows thickly, looking me over as I lie across his bed. I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing I am—that I thought we’d never end up at this point. I know we had sex in Vegas but that was far different. Here, where we live, where the reminder will cling to the sheets not just in the morning but always, it means more.

  My hips buck, seeking his fingers that are still right there but impossibly far away at the same time. My whole body is tight with the need for release. I haven’t ever felt this worked up before, and he’s not even touching me yet. I’m terrified that as soon as he does I might go off.

  He bites his lip and the muscles in his stomach jump.

  A moment later, he sinks to his knees and I’m about to ask him what he’s doing when his mouth latches onto me.

  Oh, that’s what he’s doing.

  My eyes nearly roll back into my head from the sensation. My legs move restlessly and he places his hands on my knees, keeping me still.

  My heart thunders in my ears as his tongue traces circles around my clit. I’m pretty sure it’s about to beat right out of my chest. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s flopping around on the floor right now, wondering how it got there.

  His tongue moves in a rhythm that has my hips lifting from the mattress, begging and pleading for more. His name leaves my lips in a breathless whisper and my fingers delve into his damp hair. I need to hold onto something so I don’t fall apart into a million pieces.

  He sucks on my clit, the pressure just right, and then I do fall apart. My body shakes and he moves up, holding onto me. His breath is ragged, his lips pinker than normal.

  I reach up, cupping his stubbled cheeks in my hands. With each breath I inhale, my breasts touch his chest. “I think you might kill me,” I whisper.

  His chuckle vibrates through his body. “You’re tougher than that.” He kisses me then, stealing the little breath I have left.

  Even though I just found release, my body is begging for more. So much more.

  “Please,” I beg against his lips. “I need you inside me.”

  And that’s exactly how I feel at this point. It’s a need, not a want. I need it more than I need air to breathe. I need to feel him on me, in me, moving above me, branding himself on my heart and soul.

  I reach between us and wrap my hand around the base of his cock, slowly stroking upward. He hisses between his teeth, ducking his head into the space where my neck meets my shoulders.

  He pulls away roughly and fumbles with the drawer to his nightstand.

  A moment later, I hear the sounds of foil ripping.

  I watch as he rolls the condom on and flicks his head to the side to keep his dark hair from falling in his eyes. He grabs my hips and slides me closer to him, positioning himself at my entrance. His eyes meet mine in the darkened room, and he’s looking at me, not for confirmation that this is okay, but instead like he’s taking a mental picture of this moment—like he too wants to remember every detail.

  He guides himself inside me and I clench around him. I grab onto his back, my fingernails digging into his skin, but he doesn’t protest.

  He holds onto my hips and pulls out slowly, then slowly back in. I’m desperate for more, but I feel like we need to take it slow this time.

  He lowers his head and his hair brushes against my forehead and his nose rubs against mine. His lips meet mine a moment later and I kiss him back with fervor. My skin is heated and it’s not just from the friction. It’s from the overwhelming feelings welling inside me.

  His hands move to cup my breasts once more, his thumbs rubbing against my pebbled nipples. My hips move against his, our rhythm evenly matched.

  He presses kisses down my neck and over my breasts. My head falls to the side and he quickly grasps my chin, forcing my gaze back to his. My breaths leave me in short pants and sweat slicks my skin. I press my hands to his chest, sliding them down his abs, and hooking them around his hips, pushing him more fully into me.

  He bites my bottom lip and I moan. My fingers delve into his hair and my tongue tangles with his.

  He wrenches his lips from mine and pants, “You have no idea. No fucking idea.”

  When my eyes connect with his I think to myself: I know, Xander, because I feel the same. But I don’t say that—and even if I wanted to, I don’t have the breath to spare.

  His fingers dig into my hips once more, angling them up. The change forces him into me deeper and I grasp at the sheets so I don’t fly away.

  When I look up at him, I find that he’s biting his lip, eyes closed, head thrown back.

  I decide then and there that this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, watching him lose himself because of me.

  As if he can sense me watching him, his eyes open and fuck. The force of the emotions in his eyes is enough to knock me down—you know, if I wasn’t already on my back with my legs in the air for him.

  Seeing that look in his eyes, coupled with the sensations already running through me, I lose it. My orgasm hits me and I scream. I’ve never been a screamer, but the sound tears from my throat before I even realize what’s happening.

  “Fuck,” he groans, pumping into me faster, the veins in his arms and neck standing out. “Fuck,” he repeats, and then a soft cr
y of, “Thea.”

  And then he finds his own release, his fingers digging into my hips. There will definitely be bruises there in the morning, but I don’t care. Not one bit.

  His lips find mine and he kisses me greedily as we both come down from our high.

  Already I feel exhausted—like I could sleep for five years.

  Xander slowly pulls out of me and I flinch.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asks worriedly.

  I blink up at him. “No, just missing your cock already.”

  He shakes his head at me. “You and your mouth.”

  I pout. “You love my mouth.”

  His eyes zero in on my pursed lips and he mutters, “Hell yes I do.”

  He goes to clean up, and I lie in the middle of his bed, unable to move.

  He returns a few minutes later and moves me so my head is on the pillow and I’m under the covers. He slides in behind me and wraps his arms around my body.

  I relax against him as my eyes grow heavier.

  Right about now, I should be having regrets and freaking the fuck out, but I’m not.

  Instead, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I’m terrified that it’s all about to change.

  In my experience, when things are too good to be true, it’s usually because they are. I just really hope that’s not the case here.

  Best weekend of my life, and as such, it ends too soon.

  I slip out of Thea’s bed early Monday morning and scribble a note, laying it on the pillow beside her. I have to get out of here and head to practice when I’d much rather stay right here in the peaceful cocoon of her room and pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. Rae and Cade came back last night and immediately I felt both Thea and I shift into a different mode. One where we’re careful about every movement we make and everything we say.

  I fucking hate it.

  But I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy, and right now, she’s not ready to tell her brother.

  I slip my sweatpants on and pick up Prue from the floor. I cut through the bathroom and into my bedroom, just in case someone is in the hall. I doubt Cade or Rae will be up at this hour, but better safe than sorry.

  I carry Prue down the steps, clip her leash on, and walk her down the street to do her business. She’s been great about not going in the house, but chewing on things is another story all together. She’s already chewed holes into three pairs of my socks, ruined a pair of Thea’s shoes, and started in on the kitchen table. It’s a small miracle she hasn’t touched Thea’s shark slippers. I’m pretty sure Prue is afraid of the gaping shark mouth.

  Prue finishes her business and looks up at me with her tongue hanging out, wagging her tail happily. She seems to be happy with us and I’m more than glad we could give her a forever home. The furball deserves it.

  We head back to the house and I remove her leash. Immediately, she runs over to the green tin labeled TREATS and sits, wagging her tail.

  “You want a treat?” I ask with a laugh.

  She wags her tail harder and it looks like she nods. I remove the lid and give her one.

  I head into the kitchen, pour her food into a bowl, and grab a bottle of water.

  Heading back upstairs, I change into a pair of gym shorts and shirt—I’ll have to change into my gear when I get to the field, but this way, if anyone sees me and asks, I can lie and say I’m going to the gym and it looks legit—and pack my bag with my work clothes.

  I still can’t believe Thea knew and didn’t say anything. She surprises me at every turn. It’s a relief to have her know, though, and I know I’ll feel even better once I tell everyone else. Which will have to be soon. I can’t keep doing double-duty. I’m running myself into the ground.

  When I have everything I need, I head down to the garage and since it’s a nice day, I opt to take my bike instead of the truck.

  I get to the field and head into the locker room. Most of my team members are already here—a lot of them live nearby, whereas I’m about an hour away.

  I change into my practice gear and head out onto the field.

  Coach has us running up and down the field and I quickly lose myself in the steady rhythm.

  We move on to working on actual plays and my excitement grows. I love this. I love the strategy and working together with one common goal. To win.

  Hours later when I come off the field, the sun is high in the sky and I’m drenched in sweat. I know I’m going to be late for work—like really late, and I hope Thea was able to hold down the fort in my absence.

  I shower and change into my work clothes—some of the guys look at me with raised brows but say nothing. I’m a newbie and the older guys tend to ignore me. I get it. I have to earn their trust before I can become a part of their inner circle.

  Kincaid Architecture isn’t too far from practice, but the traffic makes it take twice as long as it should. It’s nearing lunchtime, so I say fuck it and stop off at a restaurant and pick up food for Thea and myself.

  When I finally walk through the office doors, Thea sighs in relief. “Thank God you’re here—answering phones is so not my forte. I’m pretty sure I accidentally told your dad to go fuck himself because I got so flustered. He kept asking for these papers and I don’t know where they are and he kept asking for you so I told him you had explosive diarrhea.”

  I look at her in disbelief as I set the to-go boxes on my desk. “You’re kidding, right?”

  She frowns and mumbles, “No.”

  I sigh and shake my head. Then I laugh, because it’s pretty fucking funny. “I can’t believe you told my dad to go fuck himself.”

  She shrugs. “Might not have been him. He hasn’t stormed in here to fire me yet.”

  “My dad would never fire you,” I tell her. “And explosive diarrhea? Really, Thea?”

  She shrugs her shoulders innocently. “I was under pressure and I blurted the first thing that came to mind. Nobody questions diarrhea.”

  I shake my head. “You’re probably right about that.” I reach for one of the to-go boxes and hand it to her. “Lunch.”

  “You da best,” she chirps, opening the box. “Oh,” she moans, “that smells good.” She stares lovingly at the seared salmon and vegetables. She grabs the plastic fork and digs in. “Tastes even better. All the blowjobs for you, lover boy.”

  I snort and am about to retort when Cade pokes his head in. “Something smells good.”

  Thea squeaks and falls out of her chair, smack dab on her ass.

  “Thea?” I ask worriedly. “Are you okay?” I dart over and offer her my hand.

  Cade cackles from the doorway. “Didn’t mean to scare you, sis.”

  Thea rolls her eyes and looks at me, shaking her head in disbelief. She places her hand in mine and I help her up. She promptly sits back down and digs into her food.

  “Don’t even think about trying to steal a bite after that,” she tells Cade, pointing her fork at him.

  He raises his hands innocently. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I was just swinging by to ask you guys if you wanted lunch, but it looks like you beat me to it.”

  I shrug. “Sorry, man.”

  He waves away my words. “S’okay. I’m going to head out on my own then. See you later.”

  With that, he disappears from the office doorway.

  “Thank God he didn’t hear my blowjob remark,” Thea says, her cheeks tinged pink. “I mean, I’m a pretty good liar but I don’t think I could bullshit my way out of that one.”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “Do you remember which file it is that my dad wanted? I’ll take it over to him before I eat.”

  “He was asking about the Ferguson account. I searched all the files on your desk and I couldn’t find it on your computer.”

  “Oh, that one? It’s right here.” I pick up a folder from the table that sits behind my desk.

  Thea’s shoulders deflate. “Oh,” she says softly. “I didn’t look there.”

  I chuckle and smack the file lightly on top of her he
ad as I pass. “It’s okay. You were flustered.”

  “I still can’t believe I told your dad to go fuck himself.” She buries her face in her hands. “I’m the literal worst.”

  “No, you’re not—maybe the funniest, but not the worst.” I wink and then head down the hall to my dad’s office. He’s busy on the phone so I lay the folder on his desk and he gives me a thumbs up.

  Back in my office, I eat and catch up on emails I missed while I was at practice. It’s tedious and annoying, and yet another reminder of why I need to be honest with my parents. The fact that I’m twenty-two and acting like a scared sixteen-year-old kid is kind of hysterical.

  I pack up for the day, and Thea does the same. “Can I ride home with you?” she asks.

  I raise a brow. “Aren’t you worried about raising suspicions?”

  She purses her lips. “I suppose I should, but I don’t really give a fuck. If I have to ride another hour in the car with Cade when I really want to be with you, I might die.”

  I don’t call her on her melodramatics, frankly because I’m so pleased that she wants to be with me.

  I nod. “You can ride with me then.”

  Her smile is blinding and she runs over planting a kiss on my cheek. “Thank you,” she sing-songs, before running out and expecting me to follow.

  We pass by Cade’s office and she pokes her head in to tell him that she’s riding home with me. He’s so absorbed in what he’s doing that he merely nods and motions us on, mumbling that he’s going to be late anyway.

  As soon as we enter the elevator and the doors close, she reaches for my hand. My chest fills with happiness at the gesture. It’s such a simple thing but I’m so used to being the one that reaches for her when we’re in public and in the last five minutes she’s kissed my cheek and now holds my hand.

  It’s small, but it’s progress, and it gives me hope for what’s to come.

  “You two look cozy,” Rae comments with a raised brow.

  Thea and I sit on the couch side by side, under a blanket, watching Charmed. Her head is on my shoulder and I suppose we do look “cozy” in the way she implies, but we’ve always done stuff like this.


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