Encroachment (Coach's Shadow Trilogy #2)

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Encroachment (Coach's Shadow Trilogy #2) Page 11

by Monica DeSimone

  “Okay, so now that the Brad situation is decided, let’s move onto the next issue at hand.”

  “And that issue would be?”

  Squirming in her seat, Claire looks out into the backyard and then to me. On a huff she says, “Are you going to make me say it, Jack?”

  “You know, I love when you say my name, either form, but something about when you call me Jack makes me want to drag you across this table and kiss you breathless.”


  “Now see, when you call me Jackson, you say it with a tone and come off as prissy.”

  “Jack, please. This is serious. We need to discuss what’s going on here.”

  I lean on the table with my elbows and clasp my hands together, and look Claire straight on. “This is serious, Claire. The most important thing possible.” Leaning back into my seat, I get comfortable before I lay out my plan for her. “You see, I don’t care about the past. I only care about the future and moving forward with you in my life. I want everything, Claire. I want a friend, lover, and companion. I want this with you. I want Sasha and Dallas and Zoey and Suz. I want a life, and I want it with you.”

  “Jesus, Jack, you want a hell of a lot.” Claire exhales and runs a hand through the top of her hair.


  GOD HOW DO I tell this amazing man that I have absolutely no experience with men? It’s humiliating!

  “You wanted to get everything out on the proverbial table, well it is. Now what?”

  The arrogant prick is mocking me, and although I want exactly what he is offering, it also terrifies me. “Jackson.” Jack’s left eyebrow arches in question at the use of his full name. “I don’t know how to do this,” I admit, waving my arms between us before letting them rest on my knees that I have tucked up against my belly.

  “You don’t think I know that?”

  Realizing that I’m going to have to come out and tell Jackson what I have been dreading, I finally give in and let him in. “Jack, what you think you know you don’t. I have no idea what to do here. The only time I attempted a relationship was”—I pause because I hate saying that I was raped, hate being treated as though I’m a victim—“well you know how that turned out. The simple thought of a relationship, even with you, sends me into a panic attack. But then you touch me…kiss me, and everything I’m afraid of flies right out of my head. So when I say that I don’t know how to do this, I truly mean, I don’t know how to trust myself when it comes to men. I’m not even sure that I’m able to be with you sexually. But I can tell you that until recently, until you came back, I never even entertained the thought. But with you, I want to try. I’m just not sure how to.”

  I’m ashamed at my own admittance. I’m thirty-eight years old and damn near a virgin. Christ what Jackson must be thinking. He’s just sitting there, looking at me like I’m a bigger freak than I thought. I’m about to shove away from the table to clear the dishes and get away from this very awkward moment, when Jackson leans forward onto his forearms and clears his throat. Looking me in the eyes, I can tell he’s carefully considering what he wants to say and the best way to say it.

  Jackson is always evaluating. Not in judgement, that isn’t something that he would ever do, but he’s calculating, weighing his options and deciding the best way to approach this new development and me. I’d be lying if I said my insecurities weren’t rearing their ugly heads in spades, but as I sit here across from the most beautiful man that I have seen, it seems unfathomable to me that Jackson would even consider the kind of relationship that I could offer him.

  Shoving back into his seated position, Jackson finally starts to speak, “Legs, I’m not going to coddle you here because that is only going to piss you off.”

  “Damn straight it will.”

  “Christ, woman, let me finish will you!”

  I give him a nod of my head to continue. “Now see, in all these years, I never once thought that you were unable to get past what had happened to you. You’re stronger than that. You have too much love to give to allow yourself to be so closed off.”

  Well that wasn’t what I was expecting him to say, and quite frankly it pisses me off more than if he were to pity me.

  “He broke me, Jack—” Jackson shoves away from the table and strides over to me before I can say more.

  Moving the chair that I’m in so that we are face-to-face, he kneels down, grabs my face and says almost desperately, “You are not broken. Do you hear me!” He gives me a quick but gentle shake. “Do you hear me, Claire? He did not break you. You are too fucking strong for that. You’re scared, I understand, I do. But look at what you have done? You single handedly raised two amazing women. They are strong, witty, kind and caring because of you. You hide, Claire. You hide behind Sasha and Zoey, thinking that the only love that you have to offer is through your girls. You have so much love to give that you don’t know what to do with it. Let me show you. Take this chance with me. Because I promise, I will never hurt you, I will never leave you alone. I will love you with everything I have,” he says the last in an almost whisper.

  He leans forward and rests his forehead on mine, our breaths intermingling. “What do you say, Legs? Can you trust me enough to try this? Let those walls down and let me in? You say that when I touch you your fears fade. If I have to touch you every second of every day for the rest of our lives to keep those fears at bay, I will gladly do it.”

  Taking a deep breath in, I feel as though I have inhaled some of Jackson’s strength into my soul and feel beholden to take the leap with him. My chest is no longer as heavy and my heart not so cold. Jackson’s touch on my cheeks is warm and electric and heats me from the inside out. I want this chance. I need this chance. But more importantly, I deserve this chance.

  “Okay, Jack.”


  OKAY, JACK. TWO words have changed my life for the better. Contrary to what I thought when I saw Brad was back, I have gotten my chance with Claire. The past two weeks have been wonderful. Getting the opportunity to get to know Claire, without her walls and barriers, has been enlightening as well as an exercise in patience. We decided to take things slow, and although I’m enjoying our time together, I also just want to walk into her house and take her against a wall.

  We’ve discovered so much about one another. Claire is so serious about everything and I am determined to make her laugh, help lighten the load. She’s excited that this is her last season with the team, but struggles with her anger toward Mac. She’s afraid that going to work full-time at the Coach’s Shadow Foundation will add undue pressure on her relationship with Zoey. And she worries about how distant Sasha has gotten lately. Although Claire loves that Sasha is independent, she is terrified that her burgeoning friendship with Brad could be detrimental in the long run.

  In turn, Claire has learned that when I left New York twenty-two years ago, I initially went back to Kentucky and my horses. That my father and I mended our fractured relationship and he is now my best friend. And she’s learned the real reason behind Legs’ name and why I call Claire Legs.

  Things have been amazing lately, however, tonight could be a turning point for us. I need for Claire to know that I’m willing to wait and be patient, to take things at her pace. However, when the time comes and we do become intimate, I need a certain kind of subservience from her. Asking her to submit to me sexually isn’t going to be easy. Claire is anything but subservient.

  As I walk into Claire’s house, Dallas greets me at the door. But Legs isn’t anywhere to be seen. Scooping Dallas up and giving her a cuddle, I scan the rest of the first floor. Claire and Legs aren’t anywhere. “Where are they, girl?” I set Dallas down, and she just dances around my feet. “Claire? Legs?” I call out.

  An, “Upstairs,” comes from the distance. Taking the stairs two at a time, I follow the one-sided conversation that gets louder as I get closer to what I know is Claire’s bedroom.

  Dallas shoots past me and into her mother’s sanctuary. I have never been in C
laire’s bedroom and stop in place at what I find as I enter. It is nothing like the rest of the house. The main floor is classy yet welcoming with its beige color scheme and splashes of color, Claire’s bedroom is…romantic. Sexy. The walls are gray, with the exception of one wall being darker than the rest. My eyes go directly to that darker wall, and the giant heart hanging on it with a crack down the middle. The king-size bed grabs my attention next. It has about fifty pillows in varying shades of gray, red, and white.

  “Jack? You here?”

  Shaking myself out of the vision I have of Claire laid out naked on that bed with me between her legs, devouring her with my mouth and making her scream in ecstasy, isn’t easy. But Claire laughing followed by the sound of splashing water has my feet moving in her direction.

  I walk into Claire’s master bath and find Legs in the tub with Claire leaning over it, her head thrown back in laughter. She is soaked to the bone. Her hair is half up, half falling down. Her mile long legs are tucked up under her amazing ass, with bare feet and toenails painted a deep blood red peeking out. The woman is absolutely breathtaking.

  “Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.”

  “You’re here! God, I look a fright and probably smell like wet dog.”

  All I can do is stand here and stare, and after a few minutes of me just standing here looking like an ass, Claire clears her throat. “Jack? You okay?”

  Coming out of the trance she has me under, I nod and wave toward Legs. “What happened? My girl give you trouble?”

  “Oh God, no. She’s an angel. We love having her here. No, they got into my fairy garden and needed a bath.” She turns back to my Australian Herder and starts talking to her instead of me. “I should be so mad at you right now for tearing up my garden. Yes, yes, I should. But I needed to replant it this fall anyway. So you saved me some manual labor and a manicure. So thank you, Legs.” Claire turns back to me and says, “We’re running a little late and I now need a shower too, but dinner should be ready shortly. I popped it in the oven before we came up here.”

  Jesus, Jack, say something. I have a PhD and am extremely well rounded, but I can’t seem to stop staring at her. You would think that I was sixteen again and about to lose my virginity. Christ I’m hard, which has been a common occurrence as of late. Speak, Jack. Say something!

  “I’ll…” I clear my throat because it just fucking squeaked. “I’ll just wait downstairs for you then.” And I turn on my Acis and run right into the door.

  “Oh my God, Jackson, are you okay?”

  Waving her off, I just walk out, muttering, “Fine, I’m fucking fine.” And I take my bruised ego, head, and hard-on downstairs.


  I DON’T THINK that I have laughed this much since I was fifteen and Jackson was in my life. He was so cute standing there, trying his hardest not to envision me naked. I finish towel drying Legs off and send her on her way. Putting the bathroom back to rights, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and am horrified.

  “What the heck!” I’m a mess. My shirt is sticking to my chest, my hair is falling out of the knot I had it up in, and what little make up I put on this morning is now worn off. Well, except for the mascara, which is now smeared underneath my eyes, making me look like a very unattractive Goth. “Oh my God! No wonder he was staring at me.”

  Rushing through my bedroom and into my closet, I grab a pair of black capris and the new burgundy wrap blouse I bought back in the spring. I stop long enough to grab a clean set of panties and a nude bra. Placing the clothes on my bed, I run back into the bathroom to clean up.

  AS I HIT the bottom step, I realize just how long I took putting myself back to rights. Jack is sound asleep on the sofa with Dallas on his lap and Legs sitting next to him with her head on his thigh. All three of them are dead to the world. My little girl didn’t even pick her head up as I came clomping down the stairs.

  Way to go, Claire, I chastise myself as I walk into the kitchen to pull the baked chicken out of the oven. No doubt you burned the chicken to boot. But it’s not burned. It’s sitting on the island looking just perfect. He even took the chicken out for me.

  “I didn’t want it to burn. It smelled too good,” Jackson says from the couch.

  With a jump and scream, I turn toward where he is sitting. “Christ, don’t do that, you scared me!” With a huff and a wave of my hand, I follow up with, “I thought you were asleep.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he says from his position. Nothing has changed. His head is still laying on the back of the couch, his eyes are closed and the girls haven’t even moved an inch. Which really annoys me. Because they never sit still for me.

  At my silence, Jackson picks his head up and looks at me. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Again, I am just standing here looking at him as though my comment is perfectly rational. Placing Dallas on the cushion to his right and shifting Legs’ head off his thigh, Jackson gets up and stalks over to me. Like right in my body bubble and ignoring my personal space.

  “Claire, I know that brain of yours is working double time right now, but you should know I’m not going anywhere. Unfortunately, woman, you’re stuck with me.”

  Leaning in, Jack kisses my forehead, which he’s been doing a lot of lately, and I’m getting damned tired of it. Rising up on my tiptoes, I attempt to press my lips to his, but I lose my balance in the process and end up head-butting him.

  “Christ, Legs, I was just trying to kiss you! No need to get violent with me,” he says while rubbing his head and laughing.

  I’ve done it again. Who knew that I would be a blundering idiot when it came to men.


  CLAIRE ISN’T LAUGHING with me, but instead looks like she’s about to cry. Her face is red in embarrassment, and God, if it weren’t for the unshed tears in her eyes I would continue laughing.

  She’s about to bolt, but I’m quick and grab her arm and pull her to me as she turns to go wherever. Effectively and finally getting her into my arms. Looking down into her Irish green eyes, I find that I have Legs exactly where I want her but she’s far too close, considering the moment her breasts hit me my dick got as hard as steel. Focus, Jack.

  Claire is biting her lower lip and avoiding eye contact with me. Ignoring my raging hard-on, I tilt her face up to look at me. “Legs. Stop. Okay? I’m okay with taking things slow. I just don’t want to frighten you.”

  Finally looking me in the eyes, Claire stammers out, “But…I was…I was trying to kiss you, Jack…” She looks back down and avoids looking me in the eyes as she finishes with, “and fumbled the ball on the goal line, thank you.”

  She says it so mulishly it makes me chuckle. Shoving my chest with her hands, Claire tries to break free from my arms.

  Oh, Legs, running from me is not gonna happen. “A kiss is what you wanted hmmm?” My question only embarrasses her more. The sweet blush that tinges her cheeks gives me great pleasure, and makes me want to see just what color her nipples are and how pink they would turn with a little attention. Christ, I need to stop.

  Stomping her foot and shoving me yet again, she says, “Stop making fun of me, Jack. I’m tired of the forehead and cheek kisses. I want a real kiss.”

  I’ve pissed her off, which makes me chuckle more. I give a quick thanks to all of the angels above, because an angry Claire is a rash Claire. She doesn’t like to be teased, especially if she thinks it’s at her expense.

  Instead of replying, I decide to hell with it, and lean in and kiss her. Reminding myself that I need to go slow, be gentle. The moment our lips meet, going slow and being gentle goes right out the window. Fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound. Pulling Claire closer, I allow myself a moment to enjoy the first taste of her in two weeks. So wrapped up in the kiss, I don’t even realize Claire has wound her hands around my neck and is playing with the hair at the base of my neck. Which only makes me moan in pleasure and earns me one in return.

  We are touching from our lips to our pelvic bones and I can’t get enough
. Claire is matching me lick for lick. Moan for moan.

  I break away from Claire’s delectable lips, breathing hard and my cock throbbing to the beat of my heart. Looking down into Claire’s eyes, I don’t know what to do, because I just want to take her. Right here, right now. I pick her up and place her on the island so that we are pelvis to cock, which makes me moan.


  “Jesus, Legs, I need you.”

  We’re both panting and breathing hard. The only thing I care about right now is getting my cock into Claire’s hot, pulsing sheath.

  “I’m not sure that I won’t disappoint you. I’m scared.”

  “Baby, you could never disappoint me. You are absolute perfection.” Unable to keep my lips off Claire, I move to her neck and take a taste, licking from her collarbone to just below her ear. And it is all I expected and more. Claire tastes like I expect heaven would. Warm, sweet, with a hint of brown sugar and cinnamon. “Christ, Legs, if your pussy tastes as good as your lips and neck, I’ll never get enough.”

  Claire does a whole body shiver and her goosebumps only manage to ratchet my desire for her even more. Her pretty blood red nails dig into my shoulders to both draw me closer and push me away. If I don’t stop now I will have her spread out before me…naked.

  “Legs, we need to stop. If we don’t, I’ll end up deep inside you, pounding us to orgasm.”

  “Yes, please,” is her response.

  “Christ, woman, we can’t. I’m not a gentle man. And as much as I want you right now, I’d only hurt you.”

  Pulling me in to her, Claire’s lips trail down my neck as she takes small, little nips with her perfect teeth. Which is driving me fucking crazy. “I’m so fucking hungry for you, please—” Another nip to my neck pulls a moan from me. Then her amazing tongue licks up to my ear with yet another nip. “Jesus, Claire, please stop.”


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