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Let the People In Page 58

by Jan Reid

  Texas governor’s election of 1994: and AR’s campaign debt, 407; and AR’s concession speech, 402, 405; AR’s plans for, 268, 316–317; and AR’s public approval rating, 315; AR’s reelection campaign for, 317, 352, 376, 380–381, 387, 389, 390, 396–398, 399, 400–405, 415, 417; and AR’s reelection plans, 317–318, 331, 355, 374; and George W. Bush, 338, 380, 383–384, 388, 389, 391, 396, 397–398, 399, 400, 405, 406; debate during, 399–400, 401, 402

  Texas governor’s election of 1998, 231, 423

  Texas Highway Department, 93, 94

  Texas Homestead Act, 385

  Texas Legislature: AR’s relationship with, as Texas governor, 309, 310, 315, 316, 320–321, 322, 373–374, 374, 394; and campaign contributions, 68; and Dirty Thirty, 68–69; and prison system, 320–321; productivity of, 309; and salaries of officials, 67; and special sessions, 307–308, 315

  Texas Medical Association, 305

  Texas Monthly: on AR as Texas governor, 285–286, 298, 309; on AR as Travis County commissioner, 89–90; and AR’s Harley-Davidson motorcycle, 338–339, 340; and Bradley, 94; and Cartwright, 48, 140; and Cisneros, 172; on Earle, 353; and Guerrero, 213; and Texas governor’s election of 1990, 210, 226, 239–240, 339; on Vidor, 338

  Texas National Guard, 347–348, 371–373

  Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), 306, 307, 396

  Texas Nature Conservancy, 289

  Texas Observer: and AR’s support for death penalty, 320; Holley as editor of, 278; and Ivins, 46, 104, 131–132; and Lyndon Johnson, 25, 74; and Randolph, 16; and Rapoport, 287; David Richards’s Mattox essay for, 230–232

  Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, 289–290, 306

  Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 306

  Texas Railroad Commission, 250, 276, 342–343, 354

  Texas Rangers, 41, 227, 294–295, 298, 299, 370,

  Texas Rangers baseball team, 243, 379, 398

  Texas Republican Party: and AR’s environmental policy, 367; and AR’s public approval rating, 315; electoral power of, 273; and harassment and logjamming tactics, 369; and Karen Hughes, 368–369; and Hutchison, 358; and open-records requests, 389, 390, 391; and redistricting, 308

  Texas State Board of Insurance, 282, 283–284

  Texas State Cemetery, 421, 423–424, 425

  Texas state treasurer, Ann Richards as: and AR’s campaign debt, 147; AR’s campaign for,xvii, 120, 126–131, 132, 133–134, 183, 253; and AR’s Christmas party, 154–155; AR’s election as,xviii, 135, 135, 136, 137; and AR’s fiscal restraint, 322; and AR’s modernization policies, 148–149, 173; AR’s reelection in 1986, 166–167, 327; and AR’s relationship with Mauro, 140–141; and AR’s staff meetings, 138, 140, 147; and AR’s transition team, 146–148; and election of 1990, 241–242, 257; and history of office, 128–129, 130, 141

  Texas Supreme Court, 69, 234, 279–281, 307

  Texas Tribune, 228

  Texas Water Commission, 281, 284, 304, 414

  Texas Water Development Board, 304

  Texas Water Well Drillers Board, 304

  Third Coast, 106, 149, 150

  Thompson, Bill, 400

  Thornburgh, Dick, 343

  Thornton, Bob, 182

  Threadgill, Kenneth, 35

  Tiede, Saralee, 209

  Time, 158

  tobacco settlement, 410–413

  Tolleson, Mike, 50

  Tom Horn (film), 192

  Tomlin, Lily, 182, 183, 185–186, 223, 327, 329, 414, 422

  Tower, John, 27–28, 70, 122, 131, 354

  Toxic Release Inventory, 304–305

  Travis County Alcohol Counseling Service, 117

  Travis County commissioner, Ann Richards as: AR’s 1980 reelection for, xvii, 96, 122; and AR’s alcoholism intervention, 113; AR’s campaign for, 81–87; and AR’s change of focus, 89–90; and AR’s constituent mail, 105–106; AR’s election to, 82, 87, 292; AR’s paycheck from, 127; and AR’s policy priorities, 91–94; and AR’s relationship with road crew, 88–91; and AR’s speeches, 91; and AR’s staff, 90; and functions of commissioner’s court, 90

  Travis County Jail, 92

  Travis County Services for the Deaf, 92

  Truman, Harry, 1, 8, 30

  Tuchman, Barbara, 341

  Tucker, Karla Faye, 201

  Tutu, Desmond, 356

  Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 84

  Umphrey, Walter, 249–250, 289

  United Nations, 95

  University of Texas Lady Longhorn basketball team, 291

  University of Texas Young Democrats, 15, 20, 22, 43, 409

  U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), 371–373

  U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 24–25

  U.S. Congress, 412–413

  U.S. Energy Department, 364, 365–366

  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 366–367

  U.S. Justice Department, 308, 318, 321, 322, 412

  U.S. Supreme Court, 40, 76–77, 127, 222, 231, 319

  Valenti, Jack, 329

  Vance, Arthur, 242

  Verghese, Abraham, 356

  Verhovek, Sam Howe, 357

  Verner, Lipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand, 411–412, 413

  Vietnam Veterans against the War, 54

  Vietnam War,xviii, 59–60, 84, 108, 123, 134, 378, 398–399

  Vincent, Fay, 380

  Voting Rights Act, 273, 308

  Voudouris, Johnny, 81, 86, 87, 88

  Vulcan Gas Company, 47

  Waco, Texas, AR’s childhood and youth in, 1, 3, 5–6

  Waco Horror, 7

  Waco League of Women Voters, 8

  Wade, Henry, 77, 100

  Wagner, Jane, 182

  Walker, Edwin, 30–31

  Walker, Jerry Jeff, 48, 54, 58–59, 266, 271, 300, 341

  Walker, Julia, 50

  Walker, Stanley, 51

  Walker, Susan, 266, 300, 341

  Wallace, George, 72

  Wallace, Henry, 23

  Warner, Margaret, 377

  Washington, Craig, 230

  Washington, Jesse, 6–7

  Washington Gridiron Show, 331

  Watergate scandal, 70, 71, 85, 131, 230

  Webb, Walter Prescott, 423

  Weddington, Ron, 72

  Weddington, Sarah: AR as chief of staff for, 78–80, 81, 95, 289; and AR’s dinner for Queen of England, 301; and AR’s election as Travis County commissioner, 82; AR working on 1972 campaign of, xviii, 72–73, 75, 76, 83; and Carter, 103; and Foundation for Women’s Resources, 97; and Hutchison, 242; and Roe v. Wade, xviii, 77

  Weiser, Dan, 230

  Weller, Peter, 301

  Wells, Nat, 20

  West, Royce, 374

  White, Bill, 366

  White, John, 100

  White, Mark: and Bullock, 141, 144; and Fainter, 359; and McKinnon, 212; political strength of, 144; as Texas governor, 165–166, 230–231, 284, 316; and Texas governor’s election of 1982, 124, 134, 135, 137; and Texas governor’s election of 1986, 165–166, 212, 287; and Texas governor’s election of 1990, 213, 214, 222, 225, 225, 227, 228, 229, 241, 251, 383, 392, 398

  Whitmire, John, 320, 321

  Whitten, Lynn, 33, 46, 146, 147

  Whitten, Sam: and AR’s alcoholism intervention, 112; AR’s eulogy for, 155–156; AR’s friendship with, 33, 43, 45–47, 46; career of, 21–22, 43; and Celebration of Life, 60; death of, 155

  Whitten, Virginia: and AR’s alcoholism intervention, 112; and AR’s election as Travis County commissioner, 88; AR’s friendship with, 22, 28, 33, 35, 43, 45–47, 121; and AR’s letters from Europe, 62; and Celebration of Life, 60; death of, 173; early career of, 21–22

  Wiley, Mary Margaret, 25

  Wilkinson, David Marion, 370

  Williams, Clayton Wade, 236

  Williams, Clayton Wheat, Jr.: as cattle rancher, 236–237; education of, 235, 239; and environmental management, 238; family background of, 233–235, 239; and handshake incident, 252; income taxes of, 250, 255, 256, 257; “Joys of Bustin
’ Rocks” anticrime ad campaign of, 238; and oil and gas business, 235–236, 250–251, 255; and primary campaign of 1990, 237–239, 240, 243; and rape quote, 240, 251, 252; and Texas governor’s election of 1990, 233, 234, 237–239, 240, 241–242, 249, 250–252, 255, 256, 259, 260, 287, 315, 339, 379, 383, 398, 403, 416; and whorehouses, 240–241, 252

  Williams, Clayton Wheat, Sr., 233–234

  Williams, Damian “Football,” 335

  Williams, Modesta, 235, 236

  Williams, Monte: and AR’s general election campaign for Texas governor, 248, 255, 261; and AR’s primary campaign for Texas governor, 214–215, 216, 218, 223, 228, 247

  Williams, Oscar Waldo, 233

  Williams, Paul, 147, 210, 213, 249, 250, 275, 357

  Williams, Robin, 381

  Williamson, Barry, 343–344, 345, 347

  Willis, Cecil, 3–5, 7, 12, 211, 272, 384, 385

  Willis, Iona Warren, 3–5, 7, 12, 17, 19, 211, 272

  Willis, Jimmie, 1, 2, 86

  Wilson, Charlie, 312, 423

  Wilson, Eddie, 35, 44–45, 47–48, 49–50, 54, 87–88, 104

  Wilson, Genie, 44

  Wilson, James, 390

  Winegarten, Ruthe, 28, 148, 156–161

  Wittliff, Bill, 329

  Wofford, Harris, 343

  women’s movement. See feminism

  Wood, Buck, 85

  Wooley, John, 93–94, 128

  World War II, 3–5, 8

  Wright, Jim, 27, 142, 184

  Wynne, Gordon, 178, 183

  Yarborough, Don, 28

  Yarborough, Ralph: and Bentsen, 123–124; and Connally, 28, 32; and Evelyn Wanda Johnson, 94; and Lyndon Johnson, 16–17, 39–40; and liberal Texas Democrats, 13, 17, 273; and McPherson, 411; and David Richards, 13; and Tower, 131

  Yellow Dog Democrats, 77

  Yontz, Caryl, 72, 78

  Young, Bill, 258

  Zabel, Doug, 79–80

  Zaffirini, Judith, 288

  Zanuck, Richard, 329

  Zeugin, Sharon, 402




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