Liam (Devil Souls MC Book 4)

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Liam (Devil Souls MC Book 4) Page 11

by LeAnn Ashers

  “I am going straight to the club.” He floors it. “Let’s hope this fucker follows us right to the club. I am going to make them fucking pay.” He lets off the gas for a second as we swerve through town.

  I lie on the floor, while god knows what is happening above me, but I am not scared. That probably isn’t a normal reaction at all, but I grew up with this life. I know that Liam will protect me. Even with all of this going on, I wouldn’t change a thing. This is my life.

  A few bursts of gunfire hit the back of the truck, and I hear the ping of the bullets bouncing off. I wince. It’s going to be hard to get the bullets out of his new truck.

  “I am going to fucking kill them,” Liam says.

  Then I hear the amazing sound of bikes. The club has come to us. I look out the back window; the van comes to a dead stop in the midst of all the traffic and pulls into an alley.

  “Liam, they are going to get away,” I inform him, sitting up in my seat.

  “Baby, I’d rather you be safe. Fuck that fucker. You’re more important and I am not leaving you alone.”

  Be still my heart, he is so fucking beautiful and has the best heart. The bikes have surrounded us. My father is right outside my window, and I wave at him. He shakes his head, smiling, and waves back, and we are escorted back to the club. The gate slams behind us and Liam pulls me into the driver’s seat and pulls me out of the truck with him.. Everyone climbs off his bike, and my father runs over.

  “I am fine, Dad!” I reassure him.

  He lets out a deep breath but still looks concerned.

  “What the fuck happened, Liam?” Kyle asks.

  Liam hands over the note. “Paisley found this in her locker at work, and then when we were driving home someone shot at us, in an old fucking van.”

  Kyle reads the note out loud, as Liam rubs my back soothingly. I gnaw on my bottom lip, expecting the van to pop up any second.

  “You okay, baby girl?” A hand touches my arm. Dad is standing in front of me, still looking concerned.

  “I’m okay, Daddy.” I smile.

  He studies my face and I don’t think he believes me.

  I’m just exhausted and disappointed that they are taking my work away, but if it weren’t for us, the entire town would be swarmed. This place is safer than most cities, because the MC controls the drugs and other horrible things coming through. This town means a lot to us. I grew up here, and I plan to raise my kids here. I want them to have the childhood I had, which is why this cartel needs to go.

  I hear squealing tires, and I look through the gate just as that same van approaches. Its window is down and a gun is pointing right at me. I gasp loudly, frozen in my place.


  In a split second I have my arm around her waist, lifting her and putting her in the truck as the gunshots go off.

  I turn around and face the shooter. The shooter is hitting the gate, which is fucking bulletproof, but not piercing it. I walk straight toward him, opening my arms wide with a fucking smile on my face. The bullets hit the gate right in front of my face. I bring both of my middle fingers up.

  The bullets stop, and all I can see is a crack in one of the tinted windows. My brothers are at my back.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I yell, and the vehicle just fucking takes off.

  “Just let it go.” Kyle puts his hand on my chest, stopping me from running to my bike.

  “This person is trying to hurt her.” I am pissed off that Kyle is trying to stop me from doing what needs to be done to eliminate the problem.

  Kyle looks me dead in the fucking face. “Liam, I don’t fucking think this is the cartel.” I think back to all of the details, the shitty van and the note that says that I am going to pay. Holy fuck.

  “Fuck me, I don’t know who it could be, Kyle.” I don’t know what to fucking think; this shit is unreal. I don’t have any enemies besides the enemies of the MC.

  Kyle looks out the gate, where the van was. “Just keep your eyes peeled, Liam.”

  What the fuck is happening? Why the fuck are they going for Paisley if they have a problem with me?


  Liam is stone-faced and filled with anger. He’d better not be blaming himself for this stuff.

  Shane helps me out of Liam’s truck, and I walk over to him. I put my hands on his chest to get his attention, and he acts like I am not even here. He is still staring at the same spot.

  “Baby?” I reach up, putting my hands on either side of his face, and force him to turn and look at me.

  He finally looks at me, and I know that he is trying to control his anger. He doesn’t like me to see that side of him.

  “Baby, don’t,” I warn him.

  A little smile tugs at his lips.

  “Come on, give me some sugar,” I tease him, my lips pooched out for a kiss. He rolls his eyes and kisses me. I close my eyes, all joking gone the moment his lips touch mine.

  “Not in front of me,” Dad growls behind me, and I laugh against Liam’s lips and pull away.

  Kyle looks at both of us, smiling. “Why don’t you guys go home, and I will put Techy on this.”

  Liam nods and Dad takes my hand and pulls me to him. My heart hurts at the scared look on his face. I have only seen that look on his face a time or two, and that was when Kayla was in danger.

  “Dad, I am fine,” I whisper, tugging on his vest. He pulls me to him, and I lay my head on his chest.

  “It’s fucking killing me people are trying to hurt you, baby girl. I want to tuck you away and hide you. Liam would fucking kill me if I tried.”

  “Damn right,” Liam says.

  I laugh loudly, because Liam doesn’t give a fuck what my dad thinks, and he sure isn’t scared of him. My dad is huge, tattooed, and scarred; he is not someone people would mess with. Even when he was seventeen years old, Liam would sneak in my window, and Dad never found out. Even if he had, Liam probably would have just smiled through it all.

  “You’ve had her enough, give her back.” Liam grabs the back of my pants, pulling me away from Dad. I laugh again, as Dad grabs my hands and it’s like a tug of war. “Come on, you guys,” I manage to get out through my laughter, my stomach already hurting. Dad finally lets me go with a pretend huff, and Liam pulls me back to his side.

  “I love you guys.”

  Dad smiles. “I love you too, baby girl.”

  Liam kisses my temple. “I love you too, my love.”



  Two Days Later

  I wake up to the feel of Liam between my legs. “Liam,” I whisper, my voice deep, smoky from sleep. He burrows his head deeper, sucking my clit farther into his mouth, and my toes curl instantly. That is the thing that drives me crazy more than anything.

  “Just fuck me.” My whole body is begging for it. He shakes his head, which causes his teeth to pull my clit.

  “FUCK!” I scream, my legs shaking hard. He chuckles, his fingers digging into the outside of my thighs. “Baby, please, I beg you.” Liam raises his head, stares at me, and crawls up my body, giving in. I feel him right at the entrance, and I bend my hips, trying to slide him inside me. “Please,” I beg.

  His hand strokes my cheek, his thumb moving over my lips. “Please what?” The hand moves down to my breast, the same thumb stroking my nipple.

  “I want you, Baby.”

  His hand strokes my side. I shiver at the contact, goose bumps breaking out across my skin. “Then my Baby can have me,” he whispers and my whole body shivers at his words. He pushes inside, all the way to the hilt.

  My head falls back, exposing my throat, and he kisses my throat while moving inside me, slowly and so sexily.

  “God, Baby, I love you.” I put my legs around his waist.

  He looks into my eyes, his elbows by my face, his movements slow, making love to me.

  Liam and I fuck a lot, multiple times a day, honestly, but these are the moments I treasure more than anything. We connect on a different level when we
slow things down and just feel. We feel the love that we share.

  I love him so much.

  I drag my fingernails up and down his back lightly. “My Liam,” I whisper, my back arching when he hits that special spot.

  “My love.” He bends his head and kisses me softly. “Now I fuck you,” he growls, and he hammers into me hard and relentlessly. I enjoy every single second of it.

  I hold onto him and hang on for the ride, and what a fucking ride it is.

  Liam is outside doing something. I left a note on the table: Come find me, Baby.

  I left him a Nerf gun on the table, and now I am sitting at the top of the stairs, lying down on my stomach so he doesn’t see me, waiting for him to come in. Once reads the note I am going to get him. Through the window I see him on the front porch.

  Almost show time.

  He comes in, takes his shoes off, and shuts the door, and he looks up and sees the note. I bite my lip trying to hide my laughter as he reads it and looks at the Nerf gun. I sit up and press my gun through the stair railings, pointing it directly at him. I pull the trigger, the foam Nerf bullet hits him on the chest, and his head shoots up. He looks at me with an evil grin on his face.

  Oh fuck.

  I get up and run to the back stairway. I can hear him running behind me, and if I don’t do something quickly he is going to find me easily. I turn around and see that he is coming fast. I aim my gun and pull the trigger, hitting him right in the chest. He lifts his gun and hits me right on the ass—how original—and he does this again and again.

  “Hey!” I yell and stop running. I turn around to face him, and another bullet hits me on the tit. He pulls the trigger again and hits my other tit.

  “Baby,” I scold and he laughs hard. He throws down his gun and grabs me so quickly that I didn’t have a chance to move. “Baby, we have to go to the club. All of the women are practicing shooting.” He laughs at my pouting, and he bends down and throws me over his shoulder.

  “Let me down, Liam!” I yell with mock anger.

  He laughs again, his hand landing hard on my ass. I jolt from the small sting. “Hey!” I yell and reach down, grabbing his ass. He carries me right out of the house and straight to his truck, which is now fixed. The club owns a few body shops, so it was no problem getting it fixed so soon.

  The MC has their fingers in a lot of things; we have a car dealership and everything. It’s wild to see everything we own. My dad and Kyle were the founders; they started the clubs from nothing. They wanted the club to be a family; they wanted to make sure that their kids and generations to come would never have to worry about money. They wanted to keep everyone safe and secure.

  My dad was never in the military; he was a single father at nineteen years old and he raised me. He raised me by himself for years until he met Kyle—and Kyle, along with the other guys, helped him out. Dad took me bra shopping and that was the most uncomfortable thing in the whole world, trying to find the kind of bra I needed. He acted like it was the most normal thing in the world, but I know he was screaming and cussing on the inside.

  I am glad that he has Kayla. They have the kind of love that everyone strives to have, and I have that with Liam. I wake up in the middle of the night and think, how did I get so lucky and blessed? I thank God every single day for him.

  These past two days Liam and I have barely made it out of bed. We stayed in and vegged in front of the TV. Today we got the call from Kyle at our gun range that they want us women to learn to shoot. Luckily for me I know how to shoot.

  We pull up outside the gun range. “You going to teach me how to shoot?” I ask Liam, acting all innocent. I don’t think he knows that I know how to shoot; he definitely doesn’t know how good I am at it. Dad has had me shooting since I was old enough to learn how to do it safely. He carries a gun everywhere, so it was only fitting that I learn about gun safety.

  “Sure, Baby.” He leans across the middle seat and kisses me. He gets out of the truck, and I let a laugh loose because he is about to get the shock of his life.

  I get out of the truck and walk to where the ole ladies are standing. Liam is getting his guns out of his truck.

  “You girls ready?” Kyle calls, and Liam walks over and sets stuff down on the table.

  Liam grabs a small pistol. “I am going to show Paisley how to shoot really fast before we start,” he tells Kyle, and my dad looks at me, confused.

  I wink at him, and he covers his mouth to hide his smile. Kyle looks just as confused since he taught me, right along with my dad. I put my finger up to my mouth.

  Liam has me stand in front of a target and shows me the ropes, explaining everything. “Alright baby, step back here and do exactly as I told you.”

  I walk back to where he told me to stand, pretending I still don’t have a clue what I am doing. I adjust my stance as he instructed me to do; it’s really the same thing I was taught all those years ago.

  “Shoot whenever you are ready, Baby.” Liam’s hand is on the small of my back, bracing me.

  I aim and pull the trigger.


  I think I have been played. I realized it the moment she pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the fucking bull’s eye.

  She empties the clip and then Torch is there, handing her a fucking AK. She takes the gun like a fucking pro and shoots every single target, hitting the dummies right between the fucking eyes and on the heart.

  All of a sudden Torch and Kyle are standing beside me.

  “She fucking played me,” I say.

  They laugh loudly. “Fuck yeah, she did, we both taught her.”

  She empties the clip once again and turns around, looking at me with a shit-eating grin on her face.

  Little fucker.

  She walks over to me, hands her dad the fucking gun, and continues giving me that grin. “Thanks for all your help, Baby.”

  I glare at her, everyone behind me laughing. I am pretty sure Torch is about to roll on the fucking ground he is so amused. I bend down and whisper in her ear, “You’re going to get it later.”

  She pulls back, grinning at me even wider now. “Promise?”

  I nod. Her dad isn’t fucking smiling now, and that serves him right. She walks back to the ole ladies; even Vanessa is there.


  He is so shocked!” Kayla laughs loudly. Honestly, he was. I got him good and I have the promise of payback later, and I can’t wait. Payback isn’t really payback with Liam because I benefit from it, and I may or may not piss him off on purpose. My dad and Kyle ate that shit up. They loved to see me play a prank on Liam, especially since they taught me everything I know.

  “I am excited to learn!” Vanessa says, watching the guys preparing the guns. I feel like this is a big deal for her; this will give her a way to protect herself. I want that for her. She has suffered at the hands of other people without a way to protect herself, and this will give her that independence.

  I have my carry and conceal license, and I keep my gun in my car. I drive home a lot at night, and there are some messed-up people in this world.

  “I am so shocked that you can shoot that good, girl!” Vanessa tells me, a huge grin on her face, and I am taken aback for a second. She looks different. She looks happy, like the weight of the world has been lifted off her shoulders and, honestly, it is probably because of her dad. He probably had her so down all of the time. Since she has been with Tyler, she is so much happier. I love to see her this way, and I want her to grow and have all the things she has been missing in life.

  “How are things with you and Tyler?” I ask her.

  She smiles even bigger, and she looks over her shoulder at him and then back at me. He is standing next to Liam, talking. “Things are amazing, girl, I am so glad that you set us up. I am so happy now, girl, and sometimes I am afraid that something could take that away any minute.” She looks down at the ground, her fingers twisting the bottom of her shirt.

  I touch her arm. “You can’t think like that, girl, yo
u need to live and enjoy every moment.”

  She smiles softly. “I just love him.”

  I smile back. “I know exactly how you feel.” Liam catches me looking at him, winking across the yard.

  A few hours later, we are eating lunch at one of the many restaurants the MCs own in town. This is the first time we have all gotten together like this in a while. The cartel hitting us changed a lot of things in our MC, and it changed the Grim Sinners also. They have been fighting the same battle.

  I love seeing the smiling and happy faces of my family. All the kids are at the clubhouse; it’s the safest place at the moment. We have Shane, Brett, and a couple of nannies watching them, and the place is completely locked down via Techy.

  A hand touches my inner thigh and, from the corner of my eye, I see Liam smirking. He wants to play?

  We will see about that.

  I reach under the table, making sure that I don’t bump his hand. I smile to myself and grab his dick. He jumps so hard that his knees hit the table, and everyone turns to look at him, confused. What do I do? I keep on rubbing. A strong hand wraps around my wrist and pulls my hand away. I bite my bottom lip, hiding my laughter. I look at Liam like I just don’t know what happened.

  Everyone goes back to their conversations and their food. Liam leans toward me, and I feel his breath on my ear. “Payback, Baby,” he whispers. He doesn’t scare me—that’s for sure— because I reap the benefits of his threats. His payback means orgasms.

  “Is everyone ready to go?” Kyle asks.

  Everyone gets up and files to the door and, as if in one motion, the girls are put in the middle, between all the guys.


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