Unraveled Heart [The Exiled 5] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Unraveled Heart [The Exiled 5] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  Silo knew his mate was right, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He turned, enveloping Palmino in his arms. He stared down into the most amazing green eyes he’d ever seen. “Nazaryth knows.”

  Palmino furrowed his brows. “Knows that I’m about to do this spell? How?”

  Silo shook his head. “He knows what kind of fairy you are.”

  Palmino’s eyes became guarded as he tried to pull away. Silo tightened his hold. “What did he say?”

  “That he and I needed to talk,” Silo said. “But I don’t want to hear anything he has to say. I know he’s only looking out for my brethren, but—”

  “Why is he looking out for them?” Palmino’s anger was tangible. “I haven’t done anything to give him pause, Silo.”

  “I know, babe.” He cupped the back of Palmino’s head and kissed his forehead. “That’s why I think it best that, once we find Kyle, you and I—”

  “Leave,” Palmino finished for him. Silo heard the regret in Palmino’s voice, and the last thing he wanted was for his zaterio to think this was his fault.

  “If we have to,” Silo said.

  “But this is your home,” Palmino tried to argue.

  Placing his fingers under Palmino’s chin, Silo lifted his mate’s head until they were staring at each other. “That castle was never really my home. My home was Zanthar. And now it’s with you. Four walls mean nothing to me unless I have you with me.”

  Palmino’s eyes became misty. “I love you, Silo.”

  Silo wrapped his arms around Palmino and pulled him close. He rested his cheek on his mate’s soft hair. “I love you, too, babe.”

  * * * *

  Nazaryth hung up. It was obvious from Silo’s tone that he wasn’t going to discuss the fairy. Nazaryth was torn. On the one hand, he trusted Silo’s judgment and knew Silo wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize them. On the other hand, Palmino was Unseelie. Nazaryth had never heard of a dark fairy playing on the good side of things. They were egotistical, untrustworthy, and had no compunction about using their magic to get what they wanted.

  From what he’d seen of Palmino, the guy seemed nice. But what if one day the fairy gave in to the temptation to use dark magic? Nazaryth had men and mates to consider.

  Being a leader wasn’t easy. At times, he had to make choices that left a bad taste on his tongue. Like now.

  Nazaryth would have to think long and hard about the situation, but for now, he had to shelve it. Kyle was missing, and Nikoli was ready to tear Pride Pack Valley apart.

  Being in charged truly sucked sometimes.

  Chapter Nine

  Palmino was ready to go, but Silo wouldn’t budge until he’d bandaged his mate’s arm. Seeing Palmino bleed into that bowl had about killed Silo. It had also roused the vampire in him. Silo had become so thirsty he’d had to leave the room to clear his head.

  He could have feed from Palmino, but they were pressed for time, and feeding from his mate would have most definitely turned into fucking. Even now, as Silo taped the gauze in place, his cock was hard and he wanted Palmino so badly the need bordered on madness.

  “I swear I’m fine,” Palmino argued as he sat on the couch. Silo sat down next to him. “It’ll heal.”

  “That was a pretty deep cut.” Silo kept the anger out of his tone. He wasn’t so much mad at Palmino as he was at the sight of his zaterio cutting into his own flesh. That compiled with his deep thirst and need to fuck Palmino, Silo was amazed he was holding his shit together.

  His hands shook as he placed the last piece of tape across the gauze. As soon as he was done, he pulled his phone out and called Nazaryth.

  “Did he get it?”

  “Yeah,” Silo said. He slid his arm around his mate’s shoulder and drew the tiny fairy close. “The house is closer to Brac Village than here.” Silo told Nazaryth the coordinates. “We’ll meet you at Nikoli’s.”

  “No, stay there with your zaterio. We have enough winged beasts to rescue Kyle.”

  “You’re benching me?” Silo couldn’t believe what he was hearing and wondered if it had anything to do with Palmino. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Dead serious, Silo. We don’t need added complications.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Silo gripped the phone tight as he ground his back molars. “How the hell is me helping a complication?”

  “Reel that tone in,” Nazaryth said in a low and tight voice. “I already have Nikoli to deal with.”

  Silo started to say more but knew anything he said would fall on deaf ears. “Fine, I’ll sit on my ass while you and your men do your thing.” He hung up and threw his phone across the room. It slammed into the wall and hit the floor. He wasn’t sure if it was broke, and he really didn’t care.

  “What was that all about?” Palmino asked. “Did he really tell you not to come?”

  Silo glanced at the bandage on his mate’s arm. Palmino had risked a lot to work that spell, and being excluded from the rescue was his reward. That didn’t sit well with Silo. Nazaryth hadn’t even given so much as a thank-you.

  This was complete bullshit.

  “Yep.” Silo reclined on the sofa, rubbing his palms into his eyes. “No reason given, either.”

  Silo had never disobeyed a direct order, and he was tempted to, but that meant he’d have to take Palmino. Did Silo really want to risk taking his zaterio near a Hunter, let alone Hephner? Anyone rescuing Kyle would be pegged as nonhuman. Silo really didn’t want Hephner’s sights set on Palmino.

  Still, he was beyond pissed at Nazaryth’s demands.

  “Is it because of me?”

  Hearing the hesitation in Palmino’s voice only stoked Silo’s anger. “No, it’s not because of you.” Though he couldn’t be sure. His gut told him otherwise.

  Up until today’s conversations with Nazaryth, Silo had never had a single issue with his commander. He loved the man like a brother, but Nazaryth was about to cross a line he wouldn’t be able to come back from.

  Taking Palmino and getting ghost was looking more and more appealing. But Silo didn’t want to jump to conclusions. He’d give Nazaryth the benefit of the doubt and talk with him. If he didn’t like what Nazaryth had to say, then Silo would pack his things and find someplace else to live.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Silo dropped his hands from his eyes and looked at Palmino. “What’re you sorry for?”

  “I’m not dumb,” Palmino said. “I know you being mated to me is causing problems with your people.” He gave a short, humorless laugh. “And here I was worried it would be my people who would have the problem.” He stood and pulled his shirt back over his head. “I should get to work. I’m already late and Mr. Cooper is going to have my head.”

  The fairy looked utterly lost as he glanced around the living room. Silo wasn’t even sure Palmino knew what he was searching for. His mate had to be worried sick about Kyle, and to be excluded from the rescue bit the hairy one.

  “Come here.” Silo grabbed Palmino’s wrist, tugging until his mate dropped down next to him. “I’m not sure what Nazaryth’s deal is, but if he has issues with you, then he has issues with me.”

  “You can’t say that,” Palmino argued. “I refuse to come between the two of you.”

  “Did you just seriously say that to me?” Silo frowned. “You are my chosen one, my zaterio. There’s nobody on this earth that will ever come between you and me. Screw anyone who objects to our mating. Got that?”


  “No buts,” Silo said. “We’re mates, babe. That means everything to me. You mean everything to me. I’ll handle Nazaryth. Like I told you before, if I have to, I’ll take you and leave.”

  He just hoped it didn’t come to that.

  * * * *

  Palmino saw how serious Silo was. The man would cut all ties with his brethren if he thought he had to. Palmino hated that he was the reason for the problem.

  “Don’t.” Silo brushed his knuckles over Palmino’s cheek. The contact mad
e his chest tighten. Pure love glimmered in Silo’s baby blues, and Palmino couldn’t believe Silo really did love him.

  “Don’t what?”

  “I see it in your eyes,” Silo said. “You’re taking all the blame on yourself when none of this is your fault.”

  “What if they get the directions wrong?” Palmino seriously doubted they would, but all he could think about was Kyle and what the little impala must be going through. Just sitting there waiting for word on his friend totally sucked.

  “They won’t.” Silo slid his teeth along his top lip. “I want to say fuck it and go, but I don’t need you on any Hunters hit list.”

  Palmino held out his arm. “Protection spells, remember?”

  The smile Silo gave him made Palmino’s heart expand. “I love your ink.”

  Palmino frowned. “That’s not the point I was making.” He sucked in a breath when Silo grabbed him and hauled him onto his lap.

  “I know, babe.” Silo slid his lips over Palmino’s. “I still don’t want to take the risk.”

  Palmino had started to argue when he felt a strange electrical buzz run through him. As it grew stronger, Silo’s hold on Palmino tightened. His mate felt it, as well.

  “What the hell is going on?” Silo asked seconds before the room around them faded. Palmino gasped and scrambled from Silo’s lap as they materialized in his father’s throne room. Novus stood in front of his throne, his eyes blazing as he stared from Palmino to Silo.

  The room was just as Palmino remembered. Well, technically it wasn’t a room. They were in a dark forest; a throne intricately carved from wood sat at the center of the small clearing. There were smaller carved chairs on either side of the throne. Two lanterns hung from its pointy tops, and magic made them glow as if a thousand fireflies were inside of them.

  But they weren’t fireflies. Palmino knew his father had trapped small, glowing fairies. The bastard was that cruel.

  “What is this?” his father asked. “I summon you and you bring a beast with you?”

  As Palmino looked around, he saw his father wasn’t the only one in the forest. Other Unseelie fairies of high rank, as well as guards were there. Palmino doubted his father had caught on that quickly that Silo was a winged beast. He was simply using the term disparagingly.

  “Why have you summoned me?” Palmino stood in front of Silo as his mate pushed to his feet. There was no way to keep Novus from seeing him since he was a lot taller and broader than Palmino.

  “I will be the one asking the questions.” Novus stepped down from his throne and approached them, his dark robes flowed around him. Palmino took a step back, his hands shooting behind him to grab Silo’s wrists.

  Novus’s head cocked to the side. “You protect this creature. Why?”

  Palmino swallowed roughly. Never would he deny his mate to anyone, but they were in deep water and the last thing Palmino wanted was for Silo to be seized and killed. “Tell me why you summoned me.”

  “You used black magic for the first time,” one of the high-ranking council members said. The old fairy wobbled as he stood, his long, gray hair hanging over one shoulder. He had knowledge in his dark blue eyes, as if he already knew who Silo was to Palmino.

  Palmino had prayed the Unseelie wouldn’t become aware of the locator spell, but it seemed his hopes had been futile. He should have known that although his father turned his back on Palmino, the man would still keep an eye on him. Novus was nothing if not controlling.

  “I used it to find a missing friend,” Palmino defended. He curled his lip as he turned to his father. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I wasn’t using it for darker purposes.”

  Palmino and Novus stood toe-to-toe. Although his father was a few inches taller, he was still shorter than Silo. The winged beast looked like a giant compared to the fairies.

  Novus sneered. “You don’t have friends, boy. You’re a misfit and an abomination. You lie with men and your beauty is blemished. Who would befriend such an ugly creation?”

  His father could have beaten the crap out of him and it would have hurt less. Tears stung Palmino’s eyes.

  “So soft,” his father said with disdain. “The slightest insult and you resort to tears.”

  “I’m gonna rip your fucking throat out if you keep talking to him like that,” Silo’s words came out in a deep snarl.

  “The pet speaks.” Novus’s grin wasn’t friendly.

  Silo took a step forward, but Palmino spun and pushed his hands into his mate’s chest. “Don’t. He’s provoking you so he has a reason to kill you.”

  Silo’s nostrils flared as his eyes narrowed. The winged beast’s jaw clenched as he stared from Novus to Palmino. “He’s seriously pissing me off.”

  Palmino was relieved Silo hadn’t revealed their relationship. Things were bad enough. “Trust me, I know the feeling. Try growing up around his arrogant ass.”

  He then turned to his father. “If that’s all you wanted, we’ll be going.”

  Palmino tried to pop out of there, but something was blocking him. Novus. Damn it. Leaving wasn’t going to be that easy. He should have known it wouldn’t, but a guy could hope.

  * * * *

  Silo stared at the short but svelte fairy. Palmino’s father was just as dark-skinned at Palmino, but his lustrous hair was white and fell down his back in waves. They also had the same green eyes, but whereas Palmino’s were a passionate green, this man’s were cold and calculating.

  Silo’s hands balled into fists. It took immeasurable strength not to slam them into the bastard’s smug face. He was still stunned he’d been brought here against his will. And this place? The mushrooms and surrounding ferns were oversized. Palmino’s father wore some sort of crown on his head. It was gold, had horns, and diamonds of various colors made a strange shape in the center. Robed men sat on either side of the throne, and what he assumed were guards stood behind the seats.

  And damn if all of the men weren’t short as hell. But size didn’t matter. Not here. Silo knew magic ruled this realm and he was seriously fucked if he had to fight.

  “Why haven’t we left?” he asked Palmino.

  “My father is blocking us from leaving.” Palmino appeared just as angry as his father. They both glared at each other as Silo glanced around. He had no clue how to get out of this place if they had to run.

  “You still haven’t told me why you brought this beast here.”

  “Stop calling him that,” Palmino snapped. “You told me to never contact you again, remember? What I do in the human realm is no concern of yours, Novus.”

  Silo jerked forward when Novus grabbed the front of Palmino’s shirt and yanked his son close. Palmino held up a hand and it took every ounce of willpower not to grab his mate away. Standing down wasn’t in Silo’s blood. It had unnerved him when Nazaryth had demanded he do so. Now Palmino wanted him to heel.

  “What you do is every bit my concern,” Novus said as his fangs elongated. Fangs? Why hadn’t Silo seen any fangs on his fairy? Had Palmino hidden them or did he lack them?

  “You will stop this rebelliousness. You will remove those desecrating marks from your body, and if I have to, I will pay a female to become your wife and bear your offspring. We are too few in numbers to allow any Unseelie to threaten our way of life.”

  That was it. Silo was done standing by. He yanked his zaterio from Novus’s clutches and shoved Palmino behind his back. Before Novus could react, Silo shifted into his beast form and swiped his claws across the bastard’s chest. Blood blossomed over the man’s robes before all hell broke loose.

  Guards attacked as the air grew thick. Electricity zapped in the air around Silo as five men took him to the ground. He rolled, slugging a few of them as he managed to get back on his feet.

  Novus raised his hands above his head, his green eyes glowing.

  “No!” Palmino shouted as he threw himself in front of Silo. The electrical charge burst forward a second later, slamming Palmino’s chest dead center. He crumpled to the gr
ound, unmoving.

  “Palmino!” Novus stared in horror at his son.

  Silo saw red. He threw his head back and howled to the sky as his wings expanded. He took flight before diving toward Novus, tackling the fairy to the ground. Silo ripped at the man, tearing flesh as his mind was swallowed in a dark haze.

  A bolt of electricity hit him, making Silo fly backward. He shook off the intense pain and charged after Novus again.


  To Silo’s utter shock, his body stilled. He snarled and turned his head to see who had rendered him immobile. A woman appeared from the forest, her robes pristine white. Her dark hair flowed all around her as she stepped into the clearing. She had almond-shaped eyes, and her skin was a beautiful bronze. Silo had never seen a woman who was this breathtaking.

  “He jumped in front of his pet,” Novus defended. “I couldn’t stop the spell, Faerydae.”

  “I have warned you about your petty squabbles with our offspring.”

  So this was Palmino’s mother? She didn’t look Palmino’s way. She simply glared at her mate. Silo wasn’t sure what to think. She was upset about what Novus had done, but not concerned enough about her son to see if he was all right.

  Palmino had one screwed-up family.

  Silo dropped to one knee and pulled Palmino into his arms. He cradled the small fairy to his chest as he felt for a pulse. It was there, but it was weak. “What have you done to him?” Silo demanded.

  “He is dying,” the mother said as she finally looked at Palmino. Her light green eyes softened for a second before they turned cold again.

  “Dying?” Silo damn near shouted the word. “Then you better fucking fix him, or I’ll burn this realm to the ground.”

  Silo hugged Palmino tightly. His mate didn’t move and was barely breathing. A tight lump formed in Silo’s throat and his chest felt as if a hole had opened up in it He wasn’t going to lose Palmino because his mate’s parents were assholes and couldn’t stop meddling in their son’s life.


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