His (Hers #5)

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His (Hers #5) Page 4

by Dawn Robertson

  “How do you feel about having another child when you were so put off by the idea of your daughter in the beginning?” I should have known she wouldn’t leave it alone. But, that’s her job. The more I talk about it, the more comfortable it all becomes.

  “I guess I am fine with it. I mean, I can’t change it now. In no time at all, we will have another baby and be a family of four instead of three.” Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I will be okay. The thought of a one year old and a new baby scares me to death, but if I can take a boardroom full of men and make them all my bitch, I can handle two kids under the age of two.

  Then again. The boardroom sounds like a safer bet. Possibly a nanny.

  “Before we finish today, have you had any problems with your medication?” Brooke asks the same question when we end every week. The new miracle drug continues to work and I hold on to the tiniest bit of sanity the world will allow me. Because, medication or not, we all know I am not the most put together person out there. Honesty! See I am actually really giving it a good try!

  “I’m good, Brooke. Believe me. If I wasn’t, Levi would be screaming it from the roof tops already. Don’t act like you two don’t talk like housewives.” I laugh and struggle to get up from the comfortable couch. This basketball of a belly isn’t helping with shit these days.

  “Same time next week, Seven?”

  “You can count on it.”



  I pace back and forth across the kitchen. The white piece of paper taunting me from the granite countertop. The echo of my steps resonates through the spacious room my wonderful wife designed herself. I should have known that some day her past, our past, would come back to bite us in a very major way. I was stupid to think we could outrun the trouble that constantly banged on our door. Peace is only momentary in our lives. It can never be long lived because the universe is just that cruel.

  I want to protect Seven above all else in this world and that may sound bad, now that we have children. But, without her, I don’t know what I would do. I would be lost in this wicked world. Even after I did my best to push her away last year.

  I have to tell her, but a voice in the back of my mind continues to scream at me. Handle it on your own! It taunts me, and for a moment I am almost convinced I can take this all on without my stronger half. I may have gotten away with it if I didn’t lose track of time either. I am only snapped from my inner thoughts of plotting when Seven appears in front of me, grabbing the letter from the counter.

  “What’s this?” she asks as she unfolds it and begins to read. Her carefree post- therapy expression falls, as she continues to read over the extortion note, which was delivered with our daily mail. Delivered to a house no one is supposed to know about. A house we went out of our way to keep private.

  “Oh fuck this shit!” she yells, throwing the piece of paper down onto the floor while reaching for her cell phone. I shouldn’t be turned on at a moment like this, but Jesus Christ she is fucking smokin’ hot when she gets riled up. I want to take her into the bedroom and bend her over while she screams into her cell phone, ordering people around in her usual bossy tone. SHIT! Maybe I will ask her if I can?

  I shake the thoughts from my head, as I watch her work. She is in her element. Her take charge attitude shines through while she storms across the house slamming doors in her wake.

  “Seven? What are you going to do?” I ask and hold my breath while I wait for her answer. I know it isn’t going to be pleasant. “Never mind that. Can I take you upstairs and fuck you while you bark orders at whomever you are about to rip a new one on the phone? Please?” I beg like a child.

  “You weren’t going to tell me about this, were you Levi? You were just going to pay this cocksucker and never tell me, right?” The accusation flies across the room and I can’t help but cringe because that is exactly what I was going to do. I was going to tuck my tail between my legs, pay the dick and pray our lives weren’t thrown into turmoil for the second time in a god damn year. Avoiding the paparazzi was really my main goal. “And yes, to answer your question.”

  I smile at her brazen permission.

  “I was going to pay him.” I admit to her while running my hand through my hair and trying not to let her notice how ashamed I am. “I don’t want to deal with any of this shit. I just want it to be over with and for people to leave us alone. Once and for all!”

  “Levi, no fucking way. NO fucking way is Vince getting a cent from us! We signed confidentiality agreements! We are in the right! No fucking way.” Her face is beet red and I start to worry about the baby and the stress.

  “Seven, just calm down for a minute. Let’s talk about this. Why don’t you sit down while we discuss what we are going to do?” I wince, waiting for her comeback. She hates it when I become overprotective of her, or at least that’s what she calls it. I just don’t want to go through what we did with Marley all over again. I know she can’t handle that and I don’t think I can either.

  She takes long, strong steps across the room. Just like she did everyday she owned that boardroom. I know she misses it, we both do. We miss the time we had together before life took us away from everything we had ever known and wanted together. She plops down on the couch and grabs a couple pillows to put under her already swelling feet, laying her head back before she launches into her tangent.

  “Levi, I know we want peace in our lives but what Vince is doing is wrong. When we both became members of that club we signed very detailed agreements concerning our privacy. He cannot sell stories or security footage of us. It is against the law. He is trying to bluff us to get some money. He is desperate since he ran that club into the ground.”

  My dick presses against the zipper of my pants while I let her relax. I don’t want to keep my hands to myself. I want to take charge of her. Shit. Where is this all coming from?

  “Seven, I get it. But, love. I don’t want to deal with any more bullshit in our lives. We’ve had too much in the past couple months. Life is good. It’s quiet. We’re happy.” I can only hope she sides with me, but I should know by now that isn’t going to happen. Life with Seven just doesn’t work like that. I know she already sees this threat as a battle. A battle she needs to win at all costs. Since she left the boardroom she is taking these small battles and turning them into corporate takeovers. Even if this battle isn’t small by any means.

  “Levi, he is just bluffing us. No one in their right mind would go through with something like that. He would end up in jail for a long ass time.”

  I still can’t help but remember every line of that letter.

  Mr. & Mrs. Parker,

  I have security footage from our October threesome at Sinners & Swingers. If I do

  not receive a lump sum of $500,000 by Friday, the video will be sold to the media.

  You have twenty-four hours to contact me.

  -Master Vince

  One night could cost us everything we have built together.

  “Levi, upstairs…” she commands as she makes her way for the stairwell. I follow closely behind, eyeing her ass as it sways from side-to-side up the stairs.

  “Damn that ass looks good in those yoga pants.” She giggles when she hears me. I’m sure she has a huge smile spread across her face. I know she hates the changes her body has during pregnancy, but she is always sexy as fuck to me.

  “I’m gonna let you be in charge tonight. No phone calls, just gonna let you have your way. I’ll deal with all that bullshit tomorrow. Just fuck it out of my memory for the night.” Seven demands.

  “Oh I got a plan for you.” I give back to her.

  “I think I like the sound of that.” Seven flirts back. Sometimes, when she lets her mildly submissive side come out to play, I get this fucked up sense of power over her. I can’t help it, but sometimes being in control is a turn on for me. We all know it isn’t my favorite though.

  “In the bedroom and strip down. I want you naked and bent over the bed waiting for me.”
I instruct her. As she begins to walk down the hallway in the direction of the master bedroom, her clothes go flying in every which way. A shirt over the railing onto the stairs, her bra into the guest bathroom, her yoga pants right in the middle of the hallway… then she turns into the bedroom with nothing but a thong pressed between those nice ass cheeks of hers. Damn she knows how to get to me.

  I make quick work of grabbing a toy from the closet in the playroom, which sits on the other side of our bedroom. Always locked and never open to the public. Just for us. Only us. And it will only ever be us. With the toy snug in my pocket, I grab a small bottle of lube and make my way to our bedroom. Tonight is more personal. It needs to be after the day we had.

  I turn the corner to see Seven bent over our bed. Her arms grasp a fluffy down pillow and her perfect and very naked ass is on display for me. Her perfect pussy is shaven bare and I thank my lucky stars that my wife hates hair as much as I do. God bless waxing!

  “You ready for a good fuck?” I ask her.

  “I’m always ready, Levi.”

  “Call me, Master tonight.” I get brazen with her. And she likes it.

  “Yes, Master.”

  I smile, because I love the sound of that.

  Taking the bottle of lube and pulling the toy from my pocket, I smile because my wife is going to be in for a big surprise.

  “You ready?” I say, while I liberally apply the lube to her tight ass.

  “I’m always ready for you, Master.” Such a damn turn on. I press the metal butt plug to her ass and slowly start to push it in. Her body tenses, and she lets out a small gasp followed by a moan.

  “You like that?”

  “I do, Master. It feels amazing,” Seven whispers in between moans. I push the last little bit of the small butt plug into her ass and take a step back to admire the pretty pink jewel that decorates her sexy, luscious ass.

  “I could get used to this view.” I say and I’m honest. Her ass looks perfect with it occupying her hole. I can’t help myself. My cock is rock hard and throbbing. I am dying to be inside her. It is all I can think about as I admire her amazing curves. I slowly unbutton my shirt. Getting undressed slowly is like torturing myself. But it hurts so damn good. I lose the shirt and then my pants in a hurry.

  “Are you ready for me to fuck you? It’s gonna be fast and hard until I come deep inside that perfect little cunt of yours.” Her ass bucks back trying to make contact with me, but I take a step backwards. “Bad girl, Seven.” I tease her, while I finally lose my boxer briefs. “I’m the one in charge, I should punish you for that.”

  “Punish me. I’m a bad girl, Master,” she says, and I lose any ounce of self control I have left. Watching her steaming mad began it all, and now seeing her submit for me and give up her role of control is too much. My hands slide across her ass and grasp onto her thick hips.

  I take my throbbing cock in my hand, stroking it a few times, and I slam straight into her wet cunt from behind. Her scream resonates through our bedroom. If we had neighbors, I’m sure they would be able to hear her for miles. As I thrust into her, she thrusts back to me. She struggles to dominate me from the bottom, but I just won’t let it happen. Not tonight. Not this time.

  “Not tonight,” I say as I reach around and pin her wrists to the bed. “Tonight, I’m in charge, only me.” the tension in her body slowly disappears, and my lazy thrusts become harder. “I love how full you feel with that sexy plug in your ass. It makes you feel as tight as a virgin.”

  “You feel so good inside me, Master. You’re going to make me come soon.” Her words turn me on even more, if that was even possible. I can feel her pussy tightening around my dick and I know it won’t be long until she is screaming with pleasure from her own release. I fuck her harder and faster. Chasing my own release so I can meet hers at the same time.

  “Shit! I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” her moans vibrate through her entire body as she slowly starts to tip over the edge. I thrust into her one last time and empty my own orgasm deep inside her. Marking her as mine like I have done so many times before.

  “That cunt belongs to me. I own it. Understand?” I say as I push myself into Seven as far as her body will allow.

  “You may own my cunt tonight. But I’ll always own you,” she says as she pushes me off and waddles for the bathroom. “Don’t let the power go to your head.” Seven sasses me back, and closes the door. I collapse onto the bed and laugh. She’ll never give up total control.



  I don’t want to let Levi know what I’m planning, but he has been so far up my ass I’ve had no time to call in my backup. Only being able to talk to Star for a half hour and vent my frustrations has helped me to finally feel slightly better. I know I am going to need another visit with Brooke this week. I hate that I have become so fucking dependent on her, but I guess it is nothing compared to the alternative.

  “So what are you going to do?” Star asks.

  “I’m not giving that fucker shit. Let him come at me. I’m not scared.” I say with my usual bravado in life. Not worrying about anyone else but myself. Well, until Star reminds me that I am not in life by myself anymore.

  “What about Levi and Marley? Seven you aren’t alone in this world anymore. You have others you have to consider. Just remember that. I gotta run. Rainbow’s hungry.” Before we disconnect I can hear the newborn cries echoing through the other line.

  “Hey, Star? What was the name of that Olivia Pope fixer lady your company used a couple years ago when your company had that STD outbreak?”

  “Stella, Stella Finnegan.” Star replies.

  “That FBI Beauty bitch?” I laugh into the phone, thinking she is playing some kind of trick on me. That chick was all over the news a couple years ago. Do I really want to hire a media circus to handle my own potential media circus? Then again, I’m assuming she would know exactly how to handle it all.

  “Yes, same person, but Seven, she is really good.” The line goes dead and I start to wonder if I should look up this Stella Finnegan and try and fix this mess before it actually becomes a mess.

  “You figure out what you wanna do?” Levi’s voice scares the shit out of me. Creeping into the bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed. I should have known he would be eavesdropping on me. Listening to my conversations until this shit storm was done and over with. I don’t blame him at all though.

  “We are going to wait to see what he does. I want to contact him, but I won’t provoke him, and that is a courtesy to you, Levi.” I want to call him and scream bring it on motherfucker into the other line. But what good would that do besides send Levi into cardiac arrest? He is the only reason I haven’t taunted Vince yet. And if I play my cards right, I would own his club by the end of this too. A nice little consolation prize.

  “Seven, I think we should contact the police and our lawyer.”

  “I don’t think we are there yet, Levi. If we start calling in all these people it’s only going to put the attention on us. And if he is just bluffing, I don’t want to be in that position.” I’m honest with him because I don’t think Vince is stupid enough to make this kind of a step towards us, especially knowing all the resources we have at our disposal. Maybe he was counting on Levi calling the shots in our relationship. But then again, he should know better.

  “Levi, if anything happens I’m going to get in contact with Stella Finnegan, that ‘fixer’ that Star brought in a while back when she had some problems with her company. If he makes a move, we will have the best in the business backing us up. But, I don’t think he is going to do anything.” I shrug my shoulders and try and shrug the whole thing off, trying to make him feel better about this all. It’s hard because I know he probably has himself all twisted up inside. Never showing me his lack of mental strength. He never does. He never shows the slightest bit of weakness, even though I know he has it.

  “Now why don’t you come rub my feet for me, love?”

  “Mmmm right there.�
�� I moan, as Levi’s hands move up my body. Shedding my clothing with every inch he moves. It started with my need for a foot rub. My damn feet have been so swollen, but damn it, these pregnancy hormones have me all over the place. When I was pregnant with Marley we were both so busy. So many of my needs went ignored. But this time around, I’m basking in the fact that we have all the time in the world to enjoy my sexual needs. Minus the fact that we have a very busy one year old who now thinks everything on the floor is food.

  “Damn, your body is so beautiful.” Levi whispers as he pulls my shirt over my head. I love the way he worships my body, no matter what shape it’s in. The comments, the gestures, the small things I never picked up on until now, when I really had the time to see how much Levi genuinely adores me.

  We continue to undress each other in a dance for dominance, one he always tries, but most often loses. Sometimes I can give in to him and let him control things for a night, but tonight isn’t that night. The control coursing through my veins from a day of pure stress continues to feed my need to control him too. It calms me and brings me right back to where I need to be.

  “On your back,” I demand, giving him a gentle push. His naked body lays perfectly still waiting for my next instruction. I kneel on the bed, just watching him, contemplating my next move while he takes in the view of me in nothing more than my panties.

  I lower my mouth to his already hard cock, and lick up and down its length. It jumps under my touch and I want to laugh, but I hold back, only giving Levi a smile before I take the head in my mouth. I tease him the best way I know how.

  “Hands behind your head,” I instruct him and continue to suck his dick exactly how he likes it. It won’t be long until he is begging for more. Pleading with me to allow him release. One hand working his balls while the other strokes up and down on his thick shaft.


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