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by Jonathan W. Jordan

  46 Bohlen, “First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 489–90.

  47 Bohlen, “First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 489–90.

  48 Bohlen, “First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo, 502–03.

  49 EJK, “Stalin vs. Doodles,” 5/14/48, KP (box 7); EJK, interview, 8/13/49, KP (box 7); EJK, interview, 7/31/49, KP (box 9); EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4).

  50 Bohlen, “First Plenary Meeting,” 11/28/43, FRUS, Cairo-Tehran, 505–08.

  51 HLS, 12/5/43 (“Lord”); Stoler, Allies, 169, quoting McCloy to HLS, 12/2/43; Pogue 3:311.

  52 HHA, 11/28/43, LC (Arnold Papers, reel 2); Leahy 240; “The President’s Log at Tehran,” FRUS, Cairo, 463–65; EJK, “To Cairo To Tehran and Back to Washington, D.C.,” n.d., KP (box 4); Sherwood 778; Pogue 3:309–10.

  53 Glenn Perry to Edmond. P. Bartnett, 2/19/44, KP (box 11) (“pitchforked”); GCM, interview, 11/15/56 (“hose”); Pogue 3:310–11.

  54 FDR, Stalin and WSC, “Military Conclusions of the Tehran Conference,” 12/1/43, FRUS, Cairo, 652; EJK, “Notes Assisted from My ‘Air-Log’ of 1945,” n.d., 2/13/45 entry, KP (box 4) (“eating”); FRUS, Cairo, 524–25, 533–52; Pogue 3:311–12.

  55 Perkins 80–81 (“discouraged”).

  56 Bohlen, memorandum, 12/43, FRUS, Cairo, 836–38; Perkins 83–84; Lunghi 17–18; Stoler, Allies, 123–24.

  57 Perkins 81–82 (“tease”); Dobbs 39–40.

  58 Beria 92–93; Lunghi 17–18; CCS, “Memorandum for Information No. 165,” 12/1/43; Leahy 247; Pogue 3:314; Stoler, Allies, 167–69; Roberts 445.

  59 Cray 434 (“There I sat”).

  60 Pogue 3:312 (“Who will”); JCS, minutes, 11/29/43, FRUS, Cairo, 537, 541 (“Then nothing”); Leahy 246 (“Bolshevik”); Bohlen, “Second Plenary Meeting,” 11/29/43, FRUS, Cairo, 535.

  61 Sherwood 791; Bohlen, “Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin Luncheon Meeting,” 11/30/43, FRUS, Cairo, 565; CCS minutes, 11/30/43; GCM, interview, 11/15/56, GCML.

  62 CCS, minutes, 12/3/43; CCS M-165, “Military Conclusions of the ‘Eureka’ Conference,” 12/2/43; Buell 413.

  63 CCS, minutes, 11/30/43; CCS 428 (Revised), “Relation of Available Resources to Agreed Operations,” 12/15/43; GCM, interview, 2/11/49, GCML.

  64 CCS, minutes, 11/29/43 (“rubber boat”); GCM, interview, 2/11/49, GCML.

  65 CCS, minutes, 12/5/43; JCS, minutes, 11/28/43, KP (box 9); Buell 413; EJK, “Notes About ‘Quadrant’ Which I’ve Forgotten to Write Down,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“I knew”).

  66 CCS, minutes, 12/4/43.

  67 Leahy, 12/5/43, LC (Leahy Papers, reel 1); CCS, minutes, 12/4/43; FDR to Chiang, 12/5/43, in Sherwood 801; Craven and Cate 5:25–26.

  68 Stilwell, Stilwell Papers, 251 (“mule”).

  69 Stilwell, 12/6/43, Hoover Library (“God-awful”).

  70 James Roosevelt, My Parents, 167 (“best politician”); Pogue 3:320.

  71 Rosenman, interview, 4/9/59, FDRL; Ingersoll 48 (“stand up”).

  72 GCM to Sherwood, in Sherwood 801 (“He need”), 803; GCM, interview, 11/15/56, GCML; Leahy 227; Pogue 3:321.

  73 Pogue 3:321.

  74 GCM, interview, 11/15/56, GCML.

  75 GCM, interview, 11/15/56, GCML (“I was determined,” “I just repeated”).

  76 GCM to Sherwood, Sherwood 803 (“sleep”).

  77 Morison 595, citing HLS, 12/16–18/43; FDR to Stalin, 12/6/43, FRUS, Cairo, 819 (“Eisenhower”); GCM to DDE, 12/6/43, MP 4:197 (“memento”).


  1 On a flat plane, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line (hypotenuse). On a curved surface, like the Earth, the shortest distance often appears as a curve on a map.

  2 Crowl 13; Cornelius Bull, “The Second Seminar,” 11/30/42, 13, KP (box 6); EJK to Thomas Dobyns, 9/18/50, KP (box 8); Hayes 545; Buell 418.

  3 CCS 417, “Over-all Plan for the Defeat of Japan,” 12/2/43; MP 4:276–80, quoting “Campaign Plan GRANITE,” 1/13/44; Hays 545; Whitehill 532; Buell 417, citing EJK-Nimitz, minutes, 1/3–4/44; Matloff, Strategic Planning, 455.

  4 Bull, 12/18/43, KP (box 6) (“wallop”).

  5 “United States,” NYT, 12/2/43 (quoting Pacific Fleet communique #21); Shaw et al., 102 & Appendix H; Crowl and Love 156.

  6 “Grim Tarawa Defense a Surprise,” NYT, 12/3/43 (“It has”); “Navy’s Tarawa Job Defended by Knox,” NYT, 12/4/43.

  7 Bull, 2/18/44, KP (box 6) (“Nobody”).

  8 Frank McCarthy, itinerary, 12/15/43, GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 8); Hansell 149–50; DAM, Reminiscences, 183 (“long and frank”); MP 4:199–200.

  9 Hansell 149 (“various maps”); MP 4:276–80; DAM, Reports of General MacArthur, 1:168–69; Pogue 3:439–40.

  10 Hansell 150; DAM, Reminiscences, 184; GCM to DAM, 12/23/43, 1/24/44, MP 4:201, 245–46.

  11 HLS, “Message Sent to the Secretary of War by General MacArthur Through General Osborn,” in HLS, 2/17/44 (“pride”).

  12 CCS 417/2, “Overall Plan for Defeat of Japan,” 12/2/43; Morton, Pacific Strategy, 598, citing JSSC 535/8, 11/8/43.

  13 Hayes 546–48; Craven and Cate 4:552; MP 4:276–80, citing Thomas Handy to GCM, 2/7/44; Matloff, Strategic Planning, 455.

  14 Leahy 264; Buell 420; Hayes 549, quoting DAM to GCM, 2/2/44 (“All available”); Crowl 16, quoting JCS, minutes, 2/8/44; Hayes 546–48.

  15 Hayes 549, quoting EJK to Nimitz, 2/8/44 (“I have read” “The idea”); Crowl 19.

  16 MP 4:276–80, quoting EJK to GCM, 2/8/44 (“optimistic”); Leahy 264; Hayes 550; Crowl 17; Buell 240.

  17 Crowl 17 and Hayes 554, citing DAM to JCS, 3/5/44.

  18 MP 4:329–31 n.1, quoting Nimitz to GCM, 2/24/44; Hayes 564, citing GCM to DAM, 3/20/44; Leahy, “Oral Report by Rear Admiral Shafroth,” in Leahy, 3/11/44, LC (Leahy Papers, reel 1); Hayes 564.

  19 MP 4:329–31 n.1, quoting DAM to GCM, 2/27/44; Pogue 3:441–43; Hayes 564.

  20 GCM to DAM, 3/9/44, MP 4:329 (“Your professional integrity”); Hayes 564–65.

  21 Leahy, “Oral Report by Rear Admiral Shafroth,” in Leahy, 3/11/44, LC (Leahy Papers, reel 2) (“suffering from”); Nimitz to EJK, 4/2/44, KP (box 8); Pogue 3:441, quoting DAM to GCM, 2/27/44; Halsey, Halsey’s Story, 188–90 (“lumped”); Hopkins 217–18.

  22 Dill to Allen Brooke, 1/4/44, in Bryant, Triumph in the West, 105–06 (“his war”).

  23 Stenographer’s Log, 3/11/44, FDRL; Leahy, 3/11/44, LC (Leahy Papers, reel 2).

  24 GCM to DAM and Nimitz, 3/12/44, MP 4:336–38; Hayes 559–60, 577–79 quoting JCS to DAM and Nimitz, 3/12/44; Crowl 17–18; MP 4:323, citing JCS 713; Smith, Approach, 208.

  25 Nimitz to EJK, 4/2/44, KP (box 12) (“blew up”).

  26 EJK, interview, 12/11/48, KP (box 7); Leahy 220; Isidore Lubin, “Gains and Losses—Monthly Merchant Shipping Available to United Nations,” 10/14/43, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 219); Buell 222, quoting EJK, speech, 10/25/43.

  27 EJK, interview, 8/29/49, KP (box 4) (“Forrestal believed”); EJK, interview, 8/26/50, KP (box 7) (“hated”).

  28 EJK, interview, 8/27/50, KP (box 8); Buell 222.

  29 Vinson to Knox, 2/11/44, KP (box 8); Buell 228–29.

  30 Knox to FDR, 2/11/44, KP (box 8) (“When I”).


  1 GCM to DDE, 12/28/43, MP 4:215-16 (“You will”); W. B. Smith, interview, 5/9/47, PL; DDE to GCM, 1/22/44, EP 3:1671–72; DDE to CCS, 1/23/44, EP 3:1673–74; Harrison, 164–70.

  2 Butcher 275 (“coffin”); Leighton 2:10–11.

  3 DDE to CCS, 1/23/44, EP 3:1674.

  4 Bull, 2/18/44, KP (box 6) (“dry-shod”).

  5 Leighton 2:11–12, 17–18, citing JCS, minutes, 9/15/43; Harrison 167; Dyer 208–09; Stol
er, Allies, 95.

  6 Harrison 167–68, citing WBS to DDE, 1/6/44; EJK, “Notes About ‘Quadrant’ Which I’ve Forgotten to Write Down,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“details”); DDE to JCS, 1/23/44, EP 3:1675; Leighton 2:311–12, 330; Matloff, 1943–45, 415–16.

  7 WSC to FDR, 12/26/43; FDR to WSC, 12/27/43; DDE to JCS, 1/23/44, EP 3:1675; Leighton 2:311–13; Matloff, 1943–45, 415–16.

  8 MP 4:313–14, citing BCS to Joint Staff Mission, 2/19/44; Matloff, 1943–45, 415–16; Gilbert, A Life, 767 (“whale”); Roberts 461.

  9 Baldwin, Battles Lost and Won, 228 (“All roads”); Harrison 168.

  10 DDE to GCM, 2/19/44, EP 3:1735; Harrison 170–71.

  11 JCS, minutes, 2/21/44, KP (box 9) (“tickled to death”); EP 3:1735.

  12 DDE to GCM, 2/22/44, EP 3:1745 & n.1; Leahy to DDE, EP 3:1745–46 n.3; Harrison 172.

  13 Thomas Handy, interview, 3/23/59, PL; Reginald Winn, memoirs, 2, GCML (Small MS Collections, box 3); Alex Danchev, “A Very Special Relationship,” unpublished paper delivered at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Public Relations, August 2–4, 1984; Croswell 255–57; Roberts 55.

  14 EJK, interview, 11/27/50, KP (box 6); Cray 489 (“destroyed”).

  15 HLS, 9/1/42; 2/16/44; Harvey Bundy, interview, 10/7/59, PL (“Cambridge”).

  16 Harvey Bundy, interview, 10/7/59, PL; GCM to Charles Seymour, 2/13/44, MP 4:295–96; HLS, 2/16/44; GCM, address, 2/16/44, MP 4:306.

  17 DDE to JCS, 3/9/44, EP 3:1763; DDE to GCM, 3/3/44, EP 3:1758, 3/20/44, EP 3:1775; 3/21/44, EP 3:1776–78; Matloff, 1943–1945, 413–14, 422.

  18 Brooke, 4/8/44; Pogue 3:341, quoting GCM to DDE, 3/16/44, 3/25/44, and Thomas Handy to DDE, 3/31/44.

  19 Brooke, 4/1/44.

  20 Pogue 3:341, quoting Joint Staff Mission to BCS, 4/1/44 (“It is”); Andrew Cunningham, 4/10/44; MP 4:404–05, citing WSC to GCM, 4/12/44; GCM to WSC, 4/13/44, MP 4:404–05.

  21 MP 4:404–05 n.2, quoting WSC to GCM, 4/16/44.

  22 WSC to FDR, 4/15/44; MP 4:423–24 n.1, quoting GCM to WSC, 4/18/44.

  23 W. B. Smith, interview, 5/9/47, PL; Harrison, Cross-Channel, 218–20.

  24 Butcher 509–10; Harrison, Cross-Channel, 218–20.

  25 WSC to FDR, 5/7/44, Lowenheim 493; DDE to WSC, 4/5/44, EP 3:1809; Tedder 529–30; Harrison, Cross-Channel, 222–23.

  26 DDE to WSC, 5/2/44, EP 3:1843–44 (“tied”); Tedder 522; Butcher 530; Cunningham, 4/3/44 (“sob”).

  27 WSC to FDR, 5/7/44, Lowenheim 494 (“The War Cabinet”).

  28 FDR to WSC, 5/11/44, Lowenheim 496 (“regrettable”).

  29 WSC, Closing the Ring, 468 (“decisive”); Walter Smith to GCM, 5/17/44, in MP 4:454–56 n.3; John E. Fagg, “Pre-Invasion Operations,” in Craven and Cate 3:155–56; Pogue, Supreme Command, 132.

  30 FDR to WSC, 3/21/44.

  31 Leahy 199.

  32 JCS, “Minutes of Meeting,” 11/15/43, KP (box 9); William Leahy, interview, 7/15/47, PL; HLS, 6/14/44; Pogue 3:397, quoting FDR, in WBS for DDE to GCM, 5/14/44.

  33 Beschloss 321, quoting DDE, recorded conversation with Sen. Walter George, 1/7/55, EL (“egomaniac”).

  34 DDE to GCM, 5/16/44, EP 3:1866–67 (“Vichy gang”).

  35 Pogue 3:398, quoting FDR to GCM, 6/2/44 (“awfully easy”).


  1 GCM to Miss Craig’s Class, 3/15/44, MP 4:345–46.

  2 Leonard T. Gerow, interview, 2/24/58, PL (“hell”).

  3 HLS, 11/25/43; DDE, interview, 6/28/62, PL (“alibi”).

  4 GCM to DDE, 8/25/43, MP 4:93–94, 9/1/43, MP 4:108–09; DDE to GCM, 8/27–28/43, EP 2:1357–58, 1364; Alexander, interview, 1/10/49–1/15/49, USAMHI (OCMH Collection, Sydney Matthews Papers, box 2).

  5 John Eisenhower, General Ike, 92–94; GCM to DDE, 12/21/43, MP 4:210–11 n.1; DDE to GCM, 12/27/43, EP 3:1623; GCM to DDE, 12/28/43, MP 4:210–11; DDE to GCM, 12/29/43, EP 3:1630–31 (“in no event”); Pogue 3:428.

  6 GCM to DDE, 1/19/44, MP 4:239.

  7 Devers to GCM, 1/18/44, MP 4:238–39 n.1; GCM to DDE, 1/19/44, MP 4:239.

  8 “Patton Foresees British-US Rule,” NYT, 4/26/44.

  9 “Congress Members Displeased,” NYT, 4/26/44 (“balmy”); “Stimson Denies Tie to Patton Speech,” NYT, 4/26/44 (“screwy”); GCM to DDE, 4/29/44, MP 4:442–44 (“nationalities”).

  10 “Stimson Denies Tie to Patton Speech,” NYT, 4/26/44; GCM to DDE, 4/26/44, MP 4:437–38 (“killed”).

  11 GCM to DDE, 4/29/44, MP 4:442–44 (“If you”).

  12 DDE to GCM, 4/29/44, EP 3:1837 (“weary”), EP 3:1838 (“drastic”).

  13 DDE to GCM, 4/30/44, EP 3:1840 (“relieve”).

  14 GCM to DDE, 5/1/44 (“heavy burden”); DDE to GCM, 5/5/3/44, EP 3:1846 (“convictions”).

  15 Ross McIntire, “Clinical Record, William Franklin Knox,” FDRL (McIntire Papers, box 6); Morison 597; Goodwin 462.

  16 H. H. Carroll, “Clinical Notes,” 4/25–28/44, FDRL (McIntire Papers, box 6); HLS, 4/27–28/44; Leahy 279.

  17 HLS, 4/28/44 (“pathetic”), 5/1/44; “The Navy Loses a Leader,” Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin (June 1944) 3.

  18 “Knox Dies in Home,” NYT, 4/29/44 (“Well done”); “The Navy Loses a Leader,” Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin (June 1944) 2–4.

  19 EJK, interview, 7/3/50, KP (box 7); EJK, interview, 8/26/50, KP (box 13) (“undercutting”); Buell 427–28.

  20 EJK to Rawleigh Warner, 5/12/44, KP (box 5); Leahy 280; “Roosevelt Appoints Forrestal,” NYT, 5/11/44; Buell 427.

  21 EJK to Rawleigh Warner, 5/12/44, KP (box 5) (“After due”).

  22 EJK to Rawleigh Warner, 5/12/44, KP (box 5); EJK, “Notes Taken From Flight Log No. 3, Year 1944,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“Although”); EJK, interview, 7/3/50, KP (box 7) (“dirty cracks”).

  23 “The General’s Son,” Time, 2/14/44; FDR-PL 2:1498; Elliott Roosevelt to Fritz Lanham, FDR-PL 2:1408–09; Reilly 170; Truman Smith, interview, 10/15/59, PL; “Harry Hopkins’ Youngest Son is Killed in Battle,” St. Petersburg (FL.) Times, 2/18/44.

  24 Katherine Marshall 195 (“That horseshoe”).

  25 Katherine Marshall 195–96.

  26 Pogue 3:347, quoting Cora Thomas, interview, 3/10/61.

  27 Katherine Marshall 195; Cora Thomas, interview, 3/10/61, GCML.


  1 FDR, press conference, 12/28/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 570–71 (“Win-the-War”).

  2 ER, interview, 9/3/53, FDRL (Oral Histories, box 1).

  3 “Our War Casualties Rise to 158,478,” NYT, 2/9/44.

  4 ER, “My Day,” 6/26/44 (“There is”).

  5 FDR, message, 10/27/43, FDR-PP 1943, 449–53 (“I believe”); FDR, fireside chat, 12/24/43, FDR-PP 1943, 561 (“We hear”).

  6 R. B. Pitkin, “How the G.I. Bill Was Written,” American Legion (January 1969).

  7 “A Brief History of the G.I. Bill,” Time, 5/29/08.

  8 Leahy, interview, 5/24/48, FDRL (Oral History Collection, box 1).

  9 FDR, fireside chat, 12/24/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 558 (“As long”).

  10 Hassett, 6/15/44; Goodwin 469–70.

  11 ER, “My Day,” 11/10/43 (“I watched”); Goodwin 470.

  12 Smith, FDR, 608–09, citing David S. Wyman, The Abandonment of the Jews, 69–70 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984) (“the most”); Beschloss 39.

  13 Stenographer’s Log, 12/8/42, FDRL; “11 Allies Condemn Nazi War on Jews,” NYT, 12/18/45 (“bestial”); “Allies Describe Outrages on Jews,” NYT, 12/20/44; Beschloss 61–63, quoting WSC to Eden, 7/11/44 (“horrible crime”).

  14 GCM to FDR, 12/29/43 and FDR to GCM, 1/10/44, MP 4:218–20; FDR, remarks, 6/5/42, 6/8/43, in FDR-PP, 1942, 258, FDR-PP, 1943, 242–43; Cornelius Bull, 2/18/44, KP (b
ox 6); Glenn Perry to Edmond P. Bartnett, 2/19/44, KP (box 11); Glenn Perry to Keats Speed, 2/19/44, KP (box 11).

  15 Usher’s Log, 1/16/44, FDRL; “Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of this Government in the Murder of the Jews,” 1/13/44, at (“We should”); Smith, FDR, 610–11; Beschloss 43–46.

  16 Executive Order 9417, 1/22/44, FDR-PP, 1944, 48–50; Smith, FDR, 610–11.

  17 FDR, address, 3/24/44, FDR-PP, 1944, 104–05 (“the wholesale”); Beschloss 59.

  18 Beschloss 63–66.

  19 Martin Gilbert, “The Contemporary Case for the Feasibility of Bombing Auschwitz,” in Newfeld and Berenbaum, 66–67; Tami Davis Biddle, “Allied Air Power: Objectives and Capabilities,” in Newfeld and Berenbaum, 49–51; Beschloss 66–67, citing McCloy, interview, 1986, Henry Morgenthau III Private Archive, Cambridge, MA (asserting McCoy did raise the issue with FDR); Goodwin 515–16.

  20 Jones, Manhattan, 115–16, 254–56, 319.

  21 EJK, “Notes from Air Log—August—December 1945,” n.d., KP (box 4); GCM, interview, 3/29/54, GCML; U.S. News & World Report, 11/2/59, 50–56.

  22 HLS, telephone transcript with Rep. May, 11/27/43; HLS, 11/27/43, 12/10/43.

  23 HLS, 2/15/44; GCM, interview, 2/11/57, GCML; Pogue 4:12–13, citing Sam Rayburn, interview, 11/6/57.

  24 HLS, 2/18/44; Pogue 4:12–13, citing Sam Rayburn, interview, 11/6/57; “Entrance,” Life, 1/12/53 (“Any jackass”).

  25 HLS, 8/9–10/44.

  26 HLS, 6/17/43, 3/12/44.

  27 HLS to HST, 3/13/44, in HLS, 3/12–13/44 (“nuisance”).

  28 HLS, 12/23/43, in MP 4:208 (“bombshell”).

  29 Perkins 309–10; Smith, FDR, 394.

  30 HLS, 12/23/43, 12/27–31/43; Leahy 256.

  31 “Disorderly Draft,” Time, 2/1/45 (“hanged”).

  32 HLS, 8/2/40, 12/23/43.

  33 HLS, 12/23–29/43; FDR to Byrnes, 6/10/44, FDR-PL 2:1515.

  34 HLS, 12/31/43; Byrnes 201 (“sleepless with worry”).

  35 Time, 1/3/44 (“like and trust”); Pogue 3:348–51, quoting Army and Navy Journal, 1/15/44 (“Marshall for president”); Hassett, 6/8/44.

  36 Glenn Perry to Edmond P. Bartnett, 12/20/43, KP (box 11); “Costly Ignorance,” Time, 1/10/44 (“He banged”); HLS, 12/31/43.


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