Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 19

by K. J. Dahlen

  He too, still looked shaken up as he slowly nodded in agreement. “What are we going to do about the girl?” Dino asked Jax.

  Confused by his question, I narrowed my eyes at Dino. What girl?

  Dino stood up and stepped to his left, unveiling the horror that lay behind him—the pale, unmoving body of Lucy on the ground. I jumped back in shock.

  For a moment, nobody said a word. We all stared at Lucy’s body.

  “A guy brought her out blindfolded. We thought it was you. Jumper thought it was you. He wanted me to suffer,” Jax commented solemnly.

  The belated realization of what had happened came to me with a brutal force. Lucy had been shot in my place. Lucy and I were a similar age, with similar hair color, wearing the same damn silver dress that Jumper had forced me to put on.

  “He knows how we feel about each other. I guess he figured if I came to rescue you, then I must love you,” Jax added.

  “I know,” I replied numbly as I understood but didn’t want to understand at all.

  I stood a minute.

  The only person who knew I was hiding in the toilet was Jumper. The lights on the ceiling had flickered and then went out completely when a bullet came through the open door, must have been one of Jax and Dino’s bullets, which hit the fuse box just inside. The lights went out. The place was pitch black. Jumper loosened his grip on me then sprinted out. He’d had new priorities and went outside to Jax and Dino.

  Lucy must have finally come down the stairs after being hit by Jumper earlier on. I was in the toilet hiding, and she was dragged outside by one of Jumper’s brothers who mistook her for me. Then, she was shot in front of Jax in my place.

  There I was, standing in front of Lucy, unscathed and unharmed. Why her and not me? I asked myself. I saw our roles reversed, I pictured myself in her place, dead in the parking lot of my father’s MC. I imagined the look of horror on my mother’s face when she found out the Bloods and indirectly, Jax—had killed me like they had killed my father.

  Still trying to come to grips with the news that I had caused Lucy’s death, I turned to Jax. “That should be me lying there. She was a nice girl in a bad situation. She didn’t deserve to be killed,” I said, looking fixedly at Lucy’s dead body.

  “This isn’t your fault Chloe. If Jumper hadn’t killed her, it would have been either you, me, Dino, or all three of us dead right now. Jumper is a horrible man with the morals of an alley cat. He’s the asshole, Chloe. Remember that, okay?”

  I didn’t respond. I wondered whether I would ever forgive myself. I wondered how causing such a tragedy would affect me. I didn’t come from the same world as Jax and Dino.

  “It’s not helpful to dwell on what we cannot change,” Jax said as he actually shivered.

  It was a harsh reality, but I knew Jax was right. We had to focus on surviving our fucked up situation. Otherwise, Lucy had died for nothing.

  Dino interrupted my thoughts, “There’s a back road out of this place, I suggest we use it and get the fuck out of here.” He leaned his head to the right to see around the side of the clubhouse. “We’ll take the long route to my place. They don’t know who I am and they don’t know where I live.”

  Jax and I nodded.

  Before we left the parking lot, I insisted that we move Lucy’s body out of the path of any vehicles that would drive in when the Bloods returned.

  Jax and Dino picked up her corpse and lugged it to the side of the clubhouse with astoundingly calm efficiency. It was unsettling to imagine how many times they’d moved a body like that in the past. Murder and death to Jax and Dino it seemed, was as common as the whiskey they sold.

  Afterward, checking his watch, Dino said, “We should make a move. The vote is in four hours, and we need to disappear before Jumper and his gang come back to finish us off.”

  I mounted the back of Jax’s bike, trying my best to shake off what I’d seen. Jax and Dino zoomed out of the parking lot in a hurry. But for me, deep sorrow, deep guilt, and deep relief were all mixed up together inside me. I didn’t have time to process everything that had happened to me in the last few days and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. Sometimes, it was better not to think at all.

  We weaved in and out of traffic toward Dino’s place. Fortunately, we didn’t run into any of the Bloods on our way out of town. For the entire journey, I kept my eyes on the road ahead and my mouth shut. I could only picture Lucy’s lifeless body – her eyes shut forever. It felt surreal.

  We arrived outside Dino’s place at twilight. He lived in a high-rise in downtown Coronado.

  When we dismounted Jax’s bike, I asked, “Where did they take you?”

  “Take me? You’re the one who was taken,” he responded, looking puzzled.

  “You mean they never had you?”

  He sighed. “No. That’s what I meant before when I said I was set up. Very bad and very dangerous people want my blood. And I don’t think they’re going to rest until they get it.” Jax reached for the apartment building door.

  We stopped talking when we got inside the building. There were people around, coming home after work and many people were waiting for the elevator with us. When the doors opened, it was crowded inside. But we entered anyway. Dino’s apartment was on the fiftieth floor. By the 10th floor, finally the last few people other than us shuttled out of the elevator.

  “I’m still upset with you, Jax,” I said.

  Jax rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “I know there is no apology that can touch what you’re feeling right now, Chloe. But as I said before, I did come back for you, didn’t I? That should count for something. I would risk my life over and over for you if I had to.”

  I gave a heavy sigh. “I know that. But you lied to me about how my father died.”

  “So that I could protect you, Chloe! If I had told you or your mother the truth about your father’s death in the past, you wouldn’t have allowed me to be in your life. I did my best back then, Chloe. And I’m doing my best now. At least, you’re still alive.” His eyes looked haunted as he sighed and ran his shaking fingers through his hair.

  He looked so shaken and so forlorn. Cuts on his face, a bruised jaw, his eyes looking bloodshot with exhaustion. Like he’d been punched in the gut and in fact he must have had that happen several times in the last day for sure. I realized suddenly that he had thought I was dead when Lucy had been killed. What would I feel if he were lying bloodied, dead in the dirt? I shuddered as a bit of the misery he must have felt touched me deeply. At that moment, I chose to forgive Jax for what he’d done. “But, you’re not out of hot water yet, Jax. The Bloods are out for all of us now. And I don’t think they’ll stop until we’re all dead.”

  “I know, Chloe,” Jax replied. “But listen. I’ve got a plan all worked out.”

  I stared at Jax with concern. I could see he was still itching for immediate revenge.

  Chapter Twenty


  “We need to lay low for a while,” Dino announced.

  Chloe was still plainly terrified. She hadn’t stopped shaking since we got here. I only hoped she wouldn’t crumble under the stress.

  Dino looked up from his place on the sofa. “Antonio has been spreading rumors back at the club. Marco just texted me. He’s saying you sold that whiskey yourself and pocketed the money.”

  “Nobody’s going to believe that.”

  “Marco’s saying the boys don’t know what to think,” Dino informed me. “It’s a clusterfuck is what it is.”

  “I know. I didn’t take the damn whiskey. But I think I know who did.” I looked at my friend. “The only thing is I don’t have proof.”

  “You may not but I do,” Chloe whispered.

  I snapped my head around to stare at her.

  Dino was doing the same.

  “What proof do you have?”

  She shivered and replied, “I overheard Antonio on his phone. I heard the bulk of the conversation. He has a bu
yer coming in tomorrow to pick it up.” She looked up at me with tear filled eyes. “I’m scared Jax. If they know I’m still alive, I won’t be for long. They set you up.”

  I nod. “I know baby. I figured that out last night when they jumped me at the docks after they stole the whiskey.” He paused then asked, “Wait a minute, you said you overheard Antonio on the phone, where was this at? Where did you hear him make a phone call?”

  Chloe lifted her head. “At the Blood’s clubhouse.”

  I was stunned. “Antonio was there? Are you sure?” I turned to stare at Dino.

  Dino shook his head looking stunned too.

  “None of this makes sense to me.” I threaded my fingers through my hair. “Why would Antonio be strolling around in the Blood’s clubhouse?”

  “They both just want to kill you!” Chloe looked afraid. “Jumper wants you dead pretty bad and so does Antonio. Why they paired up would be a good question to find an answer for.”

  Dino glanced at his watch. “I got to go brother. I need to check and see what’s happening at the club. And remember we got business to handle. Church will be held tonight. I’m gonna go for a bit.”

  Chloe looked up confused. “You bikers go to church?”

  Dino smirked at her as he shook his head.

  I looked over at her. “Baby, when we have a meeting, we call it church. You should know this phrase. I’m surprised you don’t.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t want to know anything about what the MCs do.”

  I turned and shook my best friend’s hand. Dino had been with me a long time. We embraced with the genuine affection and camaraderie of true brothers; brothers who’d fought together and bled together.

  “I’ll be along in a bit. I want to make sure Chloe’s settled,” I assured him. After he left, I looked at Chloe. “Are you ok?” I wondered if I was too. I’d thought I lost her and it shook me up bad.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know yet. So much has happened. It all seems so surreal. I don’t know what’s true or a lie anymore.”

  I smiled as I nodded. “I can show you one thing that’s real and true.” I wanted her more than ever.

  Chloe just looked at me for a moment then she reached out and took my hand. “Then show me.”

  I led her to the bedroom and shut the door behind us. Backing her up against the door, I kissed her roughly. My blood was pounding through my veins and my cock grew hard rather quickly as I ground it into the apex of her legs. I tore the silver dress off her body. I hated everything it stood for.

  I wanted to take back the horror of the entire last day for her, replacing the bad memories with good ones. My lips went to nibble on her neck and my hands caressed her skin.

  “God Jax, I need you. I need you now.”

  “You got me baby,” I murmured as my hands went to my belt. A minute later, I shoved my pants and boxers down far enough to free my cock then buried myself into her wet haven. I couldn’t wait to do it slowly, more naturally. I had thought to never be inside her again, an hour ago. I wasn’t waiting another fucking minute.

  “Awww… that feels so good, please don’t stop,” Chloe begged.

  “I won’t,” I promised as I rammed into her again and again. At this point, I didn’t think it would take long for either of us to go over the edge and I was right. Chloe came first clamping down so hard on my cock I couldn’t move. Then I pushed through it and erupted deep inside her.

  Neither of us said a word as recovery was slow. When neither of us could move, I gathered what little strength I had left and carried her over to Dino’s bed. Before I left her, she was already asleep. I kissed her forehead and whispered her a promise, “I’ll come back for you sweetheart. I’ll come back even if I have to come back from hell. You won’t ever be alone again.”

  I stepped out of the bedroom leaving Chloe sleeping naked under the sheets. She was the only person I could look at and feel whole. I loved this girl more than I loved myself. Chloe was the first woman I’d ever woken up next to and felt truly happy. Now that I would get more days with her, I intended to make it forever. I needed to work like hell to make this whole clusterfuck right before figuring out how she and I could be together.

  First, I needed to go to the docks and see a certain whiskey thief as he prepared to sell his father’s shipment. I paused. I needed to have Dino watch over Chloe. I texted him in the elevator and waited for a reply.

  ‘I’m on my way to her now, it’ll be three minutes… be careful.’

  I got on my cycle and headed to the docks.

  The light of day was starting to dim when I arrived.

  As I approached the docks, I checked my vibrating phone for a message. It was Chloe’s mom, with a message that read, ‘Jax, Roy’s been found dead in his workshop. The cops found him. Call me.’

  I couldn’t believe it. The man was safe outside of his garage when it went up in flames. I only hoped that the cops wouldn’t be able to place myself and Dino there that night or we would surely get the blame—the ghost of Roy Harris cursing our lives from the grave.

  I would look into this problem later. Just now, I intended to confront the traitorous bastard who’d caused all of this. Shoving my cell in my pocket, I looked up at the docks again.

  A lone stranger, disguised in a black hooded jumper stood by the waterside where our club’s boat docked. The plywood of the pier beneath him creaked as water thrashed and slapped against the flat surface. His face was obscured. The man spat the butt of a severed cigarette from his mouth, and unwrapped a piece of chewing gum from his pocket.

  I knew it was him. It had been him all along.

  “Your lies will catch up with you. You know that, right?”

  The man turned. Antonio. I noted his chest heaving and he chewed his gum faster. He ground the cigarette butt out with the toe of his boot.

  “People like you are always looking for the next war. You start one with me, Antonio; you’d better sleep with the lights on. But at the same time, I feel sorry for you. When I look at you I don’t see a man, I see a cocky, scared shitless, little boy.”

  Antonio remained quiet, staring at the docks. Trying to control his panicked breathing, he took long, slow breaths.

  “You’ve treated me with nothing but contempt since the day I joined this club and I have given you nothing but respect in return. And I don’t need to tell you how many times I’ve come close to death to save your ass. I’ve shown the same loyalty to you as I have the club and everyone else in it.”

  “And what, Jaxson? You want a medal or something?” Antonio narrowed his eyes on mine like knives pointing toward me.

  “I know about the whiskey. I know it was you that tried to kill me on the docks. But I said nothing, not to anybody, because for reasons I don’t understand, I still felt the need to protect you from the bullet that your father would put in your head.”

  Antonio clenched his jaw and the veins bulged in his neck. He reached for his gun. He leveled it at me – his finger on the trigger.

  I reared back and punched him in the face, knocking his gun from his hands and into the water.

  Blood dribbled from his lips. He spat out a tooth violently and grinned, his teeth red from the blood in his mouth.

  “I don’t know what you are Antonio, but you’re not human. I know what this life can do to a man. I know what it has done to me. But we don’t kill for blood. We kill to protect our town and the people in it. We kill to protect our MC, and to protect each other – as I have done for you. But you really are just a mindless lunatic aren’t you? I’m your brother and you tried to gun me down like an animal.”

  Antonio said nothing.

  “I’m giving you thirty minutes. Thirty minutes to get what you need and get out of my town – forever. After that, you’re too dangerous to know. You’re too dangerous to have in the Black Devils. And you’re too dangerous to call my brother.” I held my gun to Antonio’s head, straining to keep it from sh
aking in my hand with the conflict of feelings that saddled inside of me. “It’s time to decide,” I said. Whatever it took, I was determined to put an end to the feud between Antonio and myself. It was a feud so bitter its wounds could never be healed. As men, I’d thought the both of us had grown wise… but it became clear that Antonio would never be able to put away his insatiable appetite for vengeance. He was a man obsessed with war and hate.

  Antonio clenched his eyes shut.

  Every muscle in my body tensed and shook, as though that mysterious beast inside of me was trying to break from under my skin. I held the gun to his temple.

  Antonio was about to die.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “But it’s too late!”

  “Have a little faith, Chloe. It’s too late to stop him, but Jax knows what he’s doing,” Dino said. He studied the look of fear and dejection on my face. I hadn’t expected him to come back to the apartment once he left but he did. He said he’d wanted to give me and Jax time to make up or break up. I guess we made up. He said he made a deal with Jax to watch over me.

  “Faith? How can I have faith when I am sure that Antonio’s going to put a bullet through Jax’s head?” I asked.

  “Chloe, let me explain something to you. Jax has lived the hard life of an outlaw biker for the past ten years, twenty-four hours a day, three-hundred-and-sixty-five days a year. Jax breathes, eats, and sleeps, our club. He knows every one of his brothers forwards and backward. If Antonio plans to put a bullet in his head, Jax will get there first and finish the bastard off for good. He thrives on this kind of pressure, Chloe. He lives to protect his club and the people he loves. That includes you, Chloe. It’ll always include you.” He shrugged. “I’ve been his brother for years. I always knew there was something he was holding back. I mean he never talked about you to any of us and now I know why. You’re the daughter of our rival and that wouldn’t have sat real well with the club. It still might not sit well but I don’t think he’s going to give you up so easily.”


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