Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 96

by K. J. Dahlen

  Michael tried to find the handle of the door, so he could escape but both back handles had been removed. He tried to gauge where in the city they were going, but he couldn’t see out the windows. The glass had been painted over by some kind of silver paint. When the car slowed down, then stopped, the back door was opened from the outside and Michael stepped out.

  He found himself in an old warehouse. The glass windows were broken and there was a thick layer of dust covering everything. “Hello?” he called out. “Is anyone there?”

  Then two men came out of the shadows. One of them was huge, about six foot eight and his body was enormous. His arms were bulging and Michael could see the muscles rippling under his clothes. He had long flowing white hair tied into a ponytail. He must have weighed in at close to four hundred pounds and not one ounce of fat. The other man was no small man either. A few inches shorter but no less intimidating. Both men were older but still well in their prime.

  Michael swallowed hard. Both men had a look in their eyes that said Michael was in danger…big time. “What do you want? Why did you bring me here?”

  “The woman your son took this morning is my daughter,” the bigger one told him.

  “She is also my old lady. Now, it’s time to be crushing some bones,” the smaller one said.

  “But you’ve already taken everything I own.” Michael scrambled backwards as they came forward.

  “No, we didn’t,” the bigger man reminded him. “That was the MC, this,” Mountain motioned between him and Sam and then included Michael. “This is personal. Your son paid his price for his part in taking her and now you’re gonna pay for your part in her kidnapping.”

  Michael stared at the man’s hands. They were huge and curling into fists the size of phone books. He knew severe pain was coming but there was no way he could brace himself for it. When the bigger of the two men reared back and let his fist fly Michael’s head exploded when his fist connected. He could feel his body flying through the air and slamming down on the cement floor. A cloud of dust blew up around him. Michael gasped as the air left his lungs. For a moment, he couldn’t catch his breath, then he felt the pain of the punch he’d just taken. More pain poured down on him as he was hauled back to his feet. It kept coming until finally, he could feel no more and he slid into unconsciousness.

  ~* * * *~

  Mountain and Sam stood over the beaten man. Michael Jerroe had put up a good fight. It hadn’t stopped them from beating him bloody but he had defended himself as much as he could.

  A few minutes later, the roar of bikes broke the silence. Iceman, Hawk and several other members of the Boston Sinners MC crowded into the warehouse.

  Iceman glanced briefly at the heap at their feet. He stared at Mountain and Sam. “Are we good here?” he finally asked.

  Mountain looked at Sam then back to Iceman. “I’m good.”

  Sam nodded as he popped his knuckles. “Me too.”

  “Good. Let’s get your woman and go home then.” He turned to Hawk. “You’ll take care of the tunnel situation? Muddy it up, so no one care find the door with the symbol.”

  Hawk nodded. “Any objection if we try to find it? It might be an interesting claim.”

  Iceman chuckled slightly. “I know Melora gave you directions. I hope you find a treasure.” He started his engine and said, “Just make it so Michael and his son can’t find it. Just in case they go looking for a way to get the money back.”

  Hawk nodded. “We’ll make sure he sees a doctor. We wouldn’t want either man to claim we aren’t civilized.”

  Iceman rose a brow and grinned at him. He then gave him a nod and turned his bike around to lead the way out of the warehouse.

  Mountain walked back into the shadows and started his bike.

  Sam walked back and started his truck. He was taking Melora home with him. He tore out of the warehouse and went to collect his woman.


  On the drive back to Troy, Melora didn’t say much. She leaned her head against the window and watched the road.

  Sam wanted to talk but he didn’t know what to say. He felt more than happy she was safe and he wanted to just take her home with him but Mountain had stressed the fact she needed to be brought back to the clubhouse. “I want to get married,” he announced.

  “Why?” Melora asked with a stunned look on her face.

  “I want the baby to have my name,” Sam insisted.

  Melora shook her head. “I won’t marry you for the sake of the baby. Babies are born every day to single women.”

  “This is my baby too.”

  “I know that and I will not deny you any part of his or her life.”

  Sam’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “I’m not running away from this child. I’ve done it before but I will not do it again.”

  Melora reached out and touched his arm. “I’m glad but I still won’t marry you just because of the baby.”

  “Are we through then?” Sam wanted to know.

  “I hope not. I really hope not,” Melora whispered.

  Sam was silent for a moment then he said, “I know I have a lot to make up for. I’m trying with Deke and I know I have to start fresh with Quinn and Adriana. But I want to know this little one both before and after he or she is born. Your old man wants to stand between us, you do know that?”

  “Yes, I know that. He’s moving here to be near me and the baby. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him too much yet, but Izzy and I are going to find a house together. I’m not going to be alone when this baby is born.”

  Sam was silent as he drove down the road. They were getting closer to home and he felt frustrated because nothing had been settled between them. He felt he was losing her and he didn’t want that. “We need to talk, just the two of us.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Melora assured him. “I told Deke I couldn’t stay at the clubhouse but I won’t be that far away.”

  “Why won’t you stay at the clubhouse? You would be safe there.”

  “Because it’s your club and I don’t want things to get weird for you. If I’m not there, you won’t feel awkward and neither will I.” She chuckled. “Besides, Deke won’t let me leave town. He’s already told me if I leave, he’ll come after me and drag me back kicking and screaming if that’s the way it is.”

  “Sounds like something Deke would do.”

  “Yeah, it does.” Melora smiled. “He says this baby is part of his family too and he doesn’t want to miss out on anything. He claims that family means something to him and he wants to do right by it…”

  “Even if I don’t? Right?” Sam finished her thought. “Yeah, I get that part, but I’m not running this time. I keep telling you all that but I don’t think anyone is listening.”

  “Maybe it’s time to prove yourself by actions, instead of mere words,” she suggested.

  “I plan to. I’d like to be there when you visit the doctor. I missed that part of my other kids and I don’t want to miss it with this one.”

  Melora nodded. “I have an appointment with Cassie’s doctor tomorrow afternoon. We both have an appointment. I think Deke is going with Cassie too.”

  “Sounds about right.” Sam chuckled. “When she had the twins he was there more than he wasn’t. I tried to tell him women have babies all the time but he told me those women weren’t having his kids.”

  “I think that’s sweet. Your son is a good man.”

  Sam didn’t say anything but then he didn’t have to.

  They drove into the compound and as soon as he shut off the engine, Mountain was there opening Melora’s door and helping her out of the truck. They didn’t even wait for him to get out. Mountain led her directly into the clubhouse. When Sam followed, he found everyone waiting for them.

  Melora was getting hugged by her friend Izzy, Cassie and Peaches all at the same time. Deke was speaking to Mountain and Iceman when Sam joined them.

  “So you took care
of Michael Jerroe and his son?” Deke asked.

  Mountain nodded. “Yeah, we took care of them. He had Melora down in the tunnel by the time the Sinners got to her. When we got him back to the clubhouse, he didn’t want to say what the deal was but he finally told us what we needed to know.”

  Iceman chuckled. “Yeah, daddy Michael wasn’t too happy to lose everything but I think he accepted it in the end.”

  “He didn’t really have a choice, now did he?” Sam asked.

  “And if he can’t leave it alone, my boys will take care of him. Nothing will tie back to us or them,” Iceman assured them all.

  “Let’s hope he got the message then,” Deke stated. “And what about Cassie and Peaches? Are they going to be safe from everyone?”

  Iceman nodded. “I think everyone in Boston will get that message. The Sinners will spread the word that if anyone comes after our women, they’ll end up with nothing just like Jerroe. Michael Jerroe was left with only the clothes on his back, along with his son and his wife. Mountain and Sam pressed the message a little harder but then they had cause. When he recovers, he’ll be looking over his shoulder for a long time.”

  “And the treasure hidden in the tunnel?”

  “My guys are looking into that and when they get done, they’ll muddy up the way in, so no one else can find it.” Iceman smiled. “I hope they find the mother lode, they deserve it. They’re all good people.”

  “Yes, they are.” Deke looked over at Sam. “We have to talk. I asked Quinn to come here to recover and she agreed. She and Charlie will be here tomorrow. The marrow transfusion worked and she’s getting strong enough to be released from the hospital.”

  “Good. I need to make my peace with her before I can move forward.” Sam paused then told his son, “There is something else you need to know about but it can wait until we can talk one on one.” Sam looked from Deke over to Mountain. He found the other man looking back. “There’s something you both need to know. I’m not running away from Melora and the baby. I asked her to marry me but she won’t do it because of the baby. I haven’t figured out yet what she wants from me but I will. I hope to be able to change her mind before the baby is born. I want a life with her and the baby in it. I want this baby to be born with my name.”

  Deke grinned. “It’s about damn time, old man.”

  Sam turned to his oldest son. “I don’t mean anything against your mother. She was a good woman and she made sure you were covered when she named me on your birth certificate. She gave you my name but I wasn’t there for her or you until later in your life. I made so many mistakes with you that I don’t want that with this baby. I knew about Quinn and I still walked away from her. I thought I could have been in love with Junie and that thought scared me away. I watched her grow up from a distance and again, I don’t want that with this kid.” Sam paused then seemed to make up his mind about something. He looked over at Deke. “After you left me, I went a little crazy. I’m not proud of what I did back then. I was a complete asshole and I left another woman carrying my kid. That kid is now fourteen years old and she doesn’t know about me. I’ve seen her a few times over the years and I hope I can get to know her. I want you and Quinn to know her too.”

  Deke just glared at his father. “Have you never heard of those handy little rain coats for guys that prevent your little swimmers from attaching to women’s bits that eventually form a tiny human being? Most guys use them.”

  Sam flushed at the disgust in his son’s voice. “I told you I went a little crazy after you walked away from me. I drank too much and I went out looking for trouble and I usually found it. Whether it was a fight or a willing woman, I just didn’t care. I’m not proud of the way it was back then, but I did take care of my responsibility if I knew about them. I always sent Junie and Stacy money to take care of the kids.”

  Deke just glared at his father. “What is my other sister’s name?”

  “Adriana. Her name is Adriana. She lives with her mom in Saratoga Springs.”

  Deke frowned. Saratoga Springs wasn’t that far away from Troy.

  Sam saw as Deke worked things out in his mind. “Yeah boy, I followed you all the way here. When you and Gator left that day, you were so angry with me. I didn’t want you to do something stupid. I had to know you were going to be okay. I tried to stay away but I couldn’t stay away too long. I kept checking up on you, just to see how things were going. I met Stacy on one of those trips down here. She was a good woman. She still is. When she ended up pregnant, she didn’t rant and rave at me. She didn’t demand that I marry her either. All she asked was that I stay away from the kid. She knew all about you and Quinn. All she asked was that I provide for my daughter and I have. I also told her if she ever needed me, I’d be there for them both. I didn’t willingly disown the kid. Not that it matters to anyone now.”

  Deke gazed at him for a full few minutes. “Let’s get things settled here first,” he finally spoke. “We can worry about Adriana later.” He paused then had to ask, “Is there anything else you need to tell me or is this it?”

  Sam shrugged. “That’s it as far as I know.”

  “Good, it better be.” Deke growled.

  “I need you both to know something here,” Mountain grumbled. “I glad Sam is confessing everything to you but that doesn’t mean a thing to me. I came here to be with my daughter and the baby. I left a good life behind for something better here with her. I’m not going anywhere either.”

  “Melora said her and Izzy are getting a house together somewhere in town,” Sam informed them.

  “That’s fine but they won’t be alone. I’ll be there with them,” Mountain stated firmly. “Me and the guys that came up here with me. We’re going to open a hot rod shop.”

  Sam snorted. “Hot Rods? This is a motorcycle club not a hot rod club.”

  “Who says we can’t be both?” Mountain challenged as he crossed his arms over his large chest. “Your guys have a custom motorcycle shop going, why can’t we open a custom shop for hot rods?”

  “Are you and your guys planning to join us then?” Deke wanted to know.

  “We hope to, if you’ll have us.” Mountain nodded.

  Deke reached out and shook his hand. “We’d be honored to have you. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you all and our club wants you.”

  Mountain shook Deke’s hand and said, “The club will get the normal ten per cent associated with the connection.”

  “Then let’s hope people like hot rods as well as they like custom bikes.” Deke grinned.

  “They’re gonna love the ones we build.” Mountain chuckled.

  Sam kept his expression blank as the two men shook hands and laughed. He didn’t care if the Mountain man built tinker toys. He wasn’t going to let him or anyone else get between him and Melora.

  ~* * * *~

  The next afternoon found Deke and Cassie, Sam and Melora in a doctor’s office waiting for their turn to be called into the back rooms.

  A few minutes after they arrived, Mountain joined them. He sat a distance away but he was still there.

  Melora felt a little nervous as she rubbed her hands together.

  Sam noticed and her took her hands in his and whispered, “It’ll be okay sweetheart.”

  Melora nodded and tried to calm herself. Then she found her father staring back at her. When he smiled, she felt his support and calmed down. She leaned forward and rested her head on Sam’s shoulder. “I know it’ll be fine. I know every woman goes through this but this is my first time and I’m allowed to be a little nervous.”

  “Hey, this is my first time too.” Sam nodded. “I’ve never been through this part of having a kid either.”

  “Thank you for being here with me,” she whispered. “It does help.”

  Sam nodded over at Mountain. “It helps that he’s here too huh?”

  “Yeah, it does,” Melora admitted. “He did give up everything back where he came from to come h
ere and help out.”

  “I know but you have a support system already with me and Deke.”

  “It doesn’t hurt to have him around.”

  “As long as you know I’m not going to stop being there for you and the baby as well,” Sam assured her again. “I still want you to marry me Silk, and give the baby my name.”

  She paused at the nickname and looked away. “And I told you I wouldn’t marry you just for the baby.”

  “I know what you said but I’m not giving up,” Sam stated with his jaw firm.

  “Melora Shaw,” a nurse called out.

  Melora and Sam stood up and headed toward the hall. Melora grabbed Sam’s hand and wouldn’t let go.

  As they were motioned into the exam room, they were met by Dr. Simon Peters. He stood and shook Sam’s hand and waved his hand for Melora to take a seat. “So I understand your friends with Cassie Tory.”

  “Actually, she’s my daughter in law,” Sam told the doctor.

  “Ahh, I understand. Well, what can I do for you today?”

  “I’m pregnant and Cassie recommended you as a doctor,” Melora explained. “I don’t have a regular one in this area.”

  Dr. Peters gazed at Melora then looked to Sam. “And you’re here because…?”

  “It’s my kid,” Sam told him.

  “Aren’t you a little old for this part?”

  Sam kept his expression blank. “It doesn’t make a difference, I’m still the father.”

  Dr. Peters turned to Melora and asked, “Well ok then, so how far along do you think you are?”

  “I’m not really sure,” Melora admitted. “I haven’t had my period in over four months.”

  “Well, shall we find out?” he asked and motioned for Melora to get up on the exam table. When she got settled, he flipped up her shirt and squirted gel on her belly. Grabbing a wand, he began moving it around her lower abdomen. When he found the correct spot, he pointed out the baby. “There it is.”


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