There Goes My Bailey

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by LL Dahlin

  There Goes My Bailey


  L.L. Dahlin

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  There Goes My Bailey

  COPYRIGHT © 2018 by L.L. Dahlin

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Published by L.L. Dahlin

  Edited by Tee Tate

  Cover Art by Karrie Jax

  Publishing History

  First Edition, 2018

  Digital ISBN 978-0998479590

  Print ISBN 978-1980697473

  Published in the United States of America


  Tessa – I’ve followed your author journey since the very beginning and have been blown away by your stories and your characters. After meeting you I was impressed by your positivity and willingness to help a fellow author. Your ability to take a picture and make a mini synopsis with it is what made me bring you one of my very favorite pictures to look at. I wanted to see if I could take your words and spin them into a story. Thank you for all you do with your fans and authors who are also fans. I can’t wait to see where your journey leads you. Thank you, also, for introducing me to Harold Bailey.


  The women who support me in this journey come from a wide range of experiences. Some I know from face to face interactions and others I’ve never met in person, but my life is richer, fuller and more fulfilling because I know you. Thank you. Angie D., Andy B., Jenny Ra., Jen Re., Camisha and Heather K,.

  My amazing editor, Tee Tate, whose fixes and thoughtful incite helps to make my story richer. Hugs and thanks.

  This list is woefully incomplete, because there are so many people to thank, and I appreciate each and every one of you. If you have purchased or were given a copy of this book, then consider yourself highly appreciated and a part of my journey.

  Hugs, Love and Blessings to you all.

  Chapter 1

  “Harold Bailey? What the fuck are you doing here?” The man, who stood above him with his fist still balled up and bloodied from the punch that left him on the floor, had a voice that was deeper than he remembered it, but it still had the ability to make his cock perk up.

  Bailey looked up into the face of the man who’d just did a hell of a multitasking job of trying to juggle an unruly bar patron and laying him flat on his ass at the same time. The truth was he hadn’t been ready to see this man or to protect himself. He’d seen that his best friend’s younger brother, Scott Callahan, was about to be in a fight and his mind flashed back to the times where people would pick on the small, pretty boy who had often needed saving. He’d come over to do what he’d done so many times before, but this time it wasn’t needed. Scott was a lot bigger, stronger and more capable than he’d been back in the day. It was abundantly clear the man could take care of himself.

  Now that Bailey was closer to the situation a few more things were noticeable. Like the fact that the younger man was probably security for the loud and lively sports bar and wasn’t in danger at all. Scott kept his focus split between the original troublemaker and Bailey, but the customer had settled down quite a bit, probably hoping not to get his ass handed to him the way Bailey had. The funny thing is he’d taught Scott that technique and how to land that exact punch. Talk about things coming full circle. There were times when Harold Bailey felt like a fucking genius, but then there were times like this. Bailey couldn’t remember the last time he was knocked on his ass. Mentally, yes, but physically? No. The feeling of falling to the ground as his face exploded with pain seemed to happen in slow motion. He looked up into the slightly changed face that he hadn’t seen in about eight years and realized this guy was the deliverer of the last mental TKO he’d received as well.

  The intense moment of seeing Scott again had ebbed a bit as his nose demanded more attention as it ached and throbbed. The same nose that his best friend’s younger brother had just punched. He couldn’t believe he’d run into fucking Scott Callahan, the biggest reason he’d hightailed it out of his hometown years ago, and the man responsible for his presence here tonight. Bailey was able to keep the carnage blocked with his two big hands as he got up from the floor, but he could feel the blood becoming too much to hold back.

  “Go to the bathroom and take care of that. I’ll see you when you get out.” Scott’s voice was gruff before he turned his back on him, taking his shocked, haunted eyes away from Bailey’s view and escorting the rowdy man to the door.

  Bailey wanted nothing more than to get his coat and leave the bar, but since he would probably have an issue getting a cab back to his hotel looking like he’d left the scene of a massacre, he figured cleaning up was the best idea for now. He wasn’t sure what would be revealed when he moved his hands, but he didn’t think it would be good.

  Keeping a low profile was what he’d been going for as he sat at the bar, the loud music, contemporary furniture and huge televisions that couldn’t be heard over said music, was filled with men. It wasn’t hard to see why this place was in the directory of establishments that catered to men loving, men with a five out of 5-star rating. His low profile had been blown by his own ridiculousness. It seemed like the whole room followed him with their eyes as he walked quickly across the dimly lit floor to the bathroom. Apparently, it wasn't dim enough for them to miss him running over to save a bouncer that didn’t need saving in the first place. When he finally made it to the brightly lit bathroom, he grabbed a few paper towels with one hand and quickly brought it to his face. Bailey didn’t know if he was prepared to assess the damage to his pride, but figured it was better to concentrate on his nose instead of how much of a fool he'd just made of himself in front of all the patrons and the man who was his biggest regret.

  Pressing the paper against his nose for a few minutes, he peeled it away to see if his nose was still bleeding. It wasn’t as bad as he’d thought it’d be. His nose was swollen a little, but it wasn’t broken. Bailey manipulated the bridge of his nose just to make sure his first assessment was correct. Damn. The pain made him hiss. He remembered teaching Scott how to throw a punch, but he never thought the guy had perfected the technique, or that he’d find out how good of a teacher he’d been in such an up close and personal way. Blood was no longer trickling out of his nose, so he wiped his face and took a good look at himself in the mirror.

  “What the fuck am I doing here?” he asked his reflection, but the truth was he could have asked Scott the same thing. No one had told him that the man worked at The Male Box, just a few miles away from their hometown. This club catered to men who enjoyed men, but didn’t really advertise itself as a gay bar. It was more like a sports bar, with everyone knowing the underlying features. Bailey shook his head and was glad that his nose had stopped bleeding. Now he had to work up to talking to Scott, and even after eight years, he wasn’t ready. He didn’t know how long he stood there after his face was clean, but he was in no hurry to leave the bathroom. Looking down at his clothes he was happy that at least he was able to keep the mess contained to his hands and face.

  The door opened, and in walked the man Bailey’d simultaneously wanted to avoid and was working up the gonads to talk to. Who knew Scott would have changed from the boy who looked for help in a fight to one who could take care of himself. He studied his old friend in the mirror. Short, dark hair with just a little extra on top, like most of the recruits he’d seen in the last
eight year years, a seven-thirty shadow, which was a little more than five o’clock shadow but less than a full beard. The look wasn’t original at all, but somehow Scott made it different. His gaze slid to those lips that were pursed so tightly at this moment and wondered how they would feel like when they were relaxed and fitted against his. What would the hair on his face feel like scraping against his, or how would it feel against his tongue? Scott had gotten a little taller, and he’d grown a good deal of muscle. The awkward teen look was gone, and it had been replaced by a man who appeared confident in his skin and sure of his place in the world.

  Bailey had known him since they were both young boys because Scott was his best friend Ollie’s only sibling. They’d protected Ollie’s kid brother from being targeted, mostly because the neighborhood kids thought he was different and meek. Scott wouldn’t ever fight when he was bullied. The slim-built boy with his pretty face had grown up in his absence. Bailey let himself take in the way Scott filled out his clothes but noted his pretty face hadn’t changed all that much. What had changed was now Scott was the man guarding the door and protecting others against bullies.

  “Are you planning to come out of the bathroom?” Scott leaned next to the door like he didn’t want to get too close, and that was fine with Bailey. He’d been studying the man’s image in the mirror for so long it was almost surreal when Scott actually said something. Even after he’d been punched, it had taken a few seconds for his half chub to go away when he realized Scott was that close to him after all this time. It was a good thing Bailey favored loose-fitting pants because even with all this awkwardness, facial pain, and thick silence, his cock still wanted Scott to notice him.

  “Yes.” Bailey looked at the man in the mirror, fearing that if his friend’s potency was this strong with indirect eye contact, looking directly into the clear amber eyes might do him in. “I’m just pulling myself together after getting clocked at the door.”

  "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know it was you. I assumed I was getting double teamed. In times of conflict, it can be detrimental to stop and ask questions." Scott paused but narrowed his eyes. "What made you jump in harm's way in the first place?"

  “I saw you fighting that guy, realized who you were and came over—”

  “To rescue me, right? Just like old times?”

  Bailey nodded slightly and then chuckled a bit. “Doesn’t look like you needed much assistance. Times have definitely changed.”

  "True. I'm a police officer now, but I come to The Male Box and do security for them part-time."

  “I’d heard about the police thing, but I hadn’t heard about this job.”

  “Yes, well, my brother doesn’t know everything about me.” Scott stepped away from the wall and walked closer to Bailey. “So why are you here again?”

  “I’m just out of the military. I did eight years, but I did some damage to my arm and didn’t want to re-up, so I’m home.” Bailey still hadn’t turned around, and now it felt weird as fuck just watching and talking to Scott by way of the mirror.

  “I know that part. I’m supposed to see you at the dinner your folks are having for you tomorrow. You were supposed to be getting picked up by Ollie tomorrow afternoon at the airport. I’m aware of a lot of things.” Scott put his hand on Bailey’s shoulder and gently tugged so he’d spin around. “What I’m not clear on is why you are attempting to break up fights in a gay bar a few towns out of the way of your home when you’re not even supposed to be in town yet.”

  There is was. The answer to the question he’d been asking himself since he ran away from a situation he wasn’t prepared to handle. Bailey had put himself in a few situations, a couple of gay bars and several gut-check moments, to see if he was attracted to men. He’d never gotten a clear answer. Sure, he wasn’t disgusted by the men who’d tried to come on to him or the hot looks he’d received, usually from across the bar, but he hadn’t wanted to do anything either. His cock had laid dormant in each and every situation. This was going to be a last-ditch effort to find the answer to the question that had circled his mind like a rabid shark and then he was going to put what had happened between him and Scott down in his mind as a wild hair. A little something that had happened when he’d just been dumped by his high school girlfriend, and his emotions were all over the map.

  Scott’s eyebrow shot up like he didn’t want to have to ask the question again, but Bailey didn’t know what would come out if he spoke, so he could only shrug in response.

  “You don’t know why you’re here?” Scott continued in a harsh voice, and damn if Bailey’s cock didn’t chub out a bit more.

  Fucking hell. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Bailey answered quietly after a few deep breaths.

  Scott puts his hands up like Bailey had used a safe word, and this conversation was now over. “That’s cool, man. I’ll be off in an hour or so. We could catch up or I could take you home.”

  Bailey’s eyes opened wide, and Scott worked hard to clarify.

  “Wherever that is tonight—I’m guessing either a hotel or Ollie’s house.”

  It would have been easier if the man had propositioned him like he had the last time he’d seen him. Bailey took a step toward Scott, and the man moved backward a bit. Bailey tried again, but the same thing happened. This process repeated itself until Scott was practically against the wall. Bailey was still a good four inches taller than Scott and a good deal heavier, but Scott didn’t look like he was intimidated. He didn’t look interested either, and damn if that didn’t pinch a bit. As a teen, Scott would follow him around physically or just with his stare, and Bailey had enjoyed it, although he mostly acted like he didn’t realize what was happening. It made him feel very protective of his friend’s little brother. Sometimes Bailey could almost claim the boy was like a brother to him too, but then there were other times he’d find Scott watching him, and it didn’t feel familial at all. The boy he knew was a grown man now, and the adoring looks were no longer there. They’d gone from confused surprise after he punched him to curiously wary. Both expressions made him long for the days before he’d killed the flirty smiles and adoring gazes. He knew Scott had changed, but he had too. He was bigger than he’d been when he’d left. The time that had passed made for too many changes. Glancing over at the mirror that was across from them, he took in their reflection. It shocked the hell out of Bailey. He looked like one of the bullies that used to harass little Scott, the way he towered over him. The picture sobered Bailey a bit, and he stepped back.

  “Look.” Scott took a deep breath and put his hands out in front of him, like he had to deal with annoying and aggressive people like him all the time, and Bailey was just one of the many people he had to battle during any given day. “I’m not sure if you had too much to drink or what, but you’ve probably been on a plane all day if you came here from Germany. You’ve got to be tired and discombobulated. Let me get someone to drive you back to you where you need to go.”

  Bailey took another step backward and was ashamed of what he was doing and even more ashamed of what he was thinking about doing. The reason he’d come to this bar was to find out, once and for all, if he was attracted to men. Up until the moment he’d spotted Scott at the door, the answer was what it had typically been…Meh. Nothing had happened to him like the time he and Scott sat in the back of his truck until it got way too dark to see anything but the stars. It was the last time he'd seen him alone, and now he was rock hard in a bathroom and trying to crowd the man. He stepped back more. “I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry and thanks for getting me a ride, but I can just call a taxi.”

  Scott let out a breath that sounded a lot like relief, and fuck if the smile that came after it didn’t help the situation in his pants ease in the least. What did help was knowing the man that had been in the back of his mind since the last time they’d met wasn’t as interested in him now as he had been back then. Bailey didn’t know what that meant because he’d planned to have this figured out before he saw
Scott again, but it looked like it really didn’t matter one way or another.

  “I think Mark is out there. He’s the owner, and I’m sure I can get him to give you a ride. Come on out when you’re ready.” Scott kept his eyes on Bailey—not like he'd done in the past and not like he was afraid to turn his back on him. It was almost like he couldn't believe he was there.

  The bathroom door closed slowly leaving Bailey standing in the middle of the room. The first meeting with Scott hadn't gone the way he'd thought it would, but Bailey still had questions about himself that had to be answered. Unfortunately, it seemed like they wouldn't be answered by Scott, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. No. That was a lie. He knew how he felt…disappointed. That was a feeling he knew a lot about, but now that he was starting his civilian life, there were going to be changes. Fewer regrets and more spontaneity was the strategy he was going to use going forward. He'd put some things in motion for himself before he'd come home, like meeting back up with his high school sweetheart who'd just gotten a divorce, but it hadn't felt right. Nothing ever seemed to be comfortable. It reminded him of the stories his mother would read to him when he was little about the three bears: something was either too hot or too cold, too hard or too soft. Nothing had ever felt just right, but he wasn't going to stop searching until something did.

  Chapter 2

  Scott walked out of the bathroom and into the office of the club owner, who was also his best friend, Mark, before plopping down on the loveseat against the wall.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” Mark said after a few minutes of silence. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”


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