The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)

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The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) Page 7

by William Roach

“Macy I think Turk kind of likes you. He has sure changed the way he acts toward you.”

  “Megan I hope not. I just don’t want to do anything else to get him fired up.”

  “If you wanted him he would be an easy catch for you.”

  “Megan I have already told you I have a man.”

  “Yes Macy but do you really love him.”

  “I don’t know Megan but he is the one that may parents picked out for me. I can’t go against their wishes.”

  “Macy this isn’t the dark ages any more. You can choose any man you want.”

  “I know Megan but he is the only man that respects me.”

  Finally Megan reached for Turk’s bottle and poured her some in a glass. She offered some to Macy but she refused. Macy had only drunk wine and it was only with her meal. She had never drunk enough to feel it.

  As Megan drank and talked Macy watched her wondering what the booze tasted like. Megan seemed to really enjoy it.

  “Megan, pour me a little bit of that in a glass. I think I want to taste it.”

  Megan got up and fetched a glass for Macy. She poured her about two fingers in the glass.

  Macy sipped it. When she swallowed it, it burned all the way down to her stomach.

  She scrunched her face up and gagged.

  “How can you drink that stuff? It tastes like rubbing alcohol.”

  Megan laughed at her. They sat talking as Macy took small sips from her glass.

  Before she knew it she had drank all the whisky in the glass.

  She handed it to Megan for a refill.

  Megan looked at her and asks, “Are you sure?”

  “Go ahead. That stuff kind of grows on you.”

  This time Megan filled the glass half full. They continued to talk.

  Macy was telling her all about Boston and her friends at the country club while Megan told her all about the west and the people that lived around there.

  Macy asks Megan about the waitress at the café.

  “Oh Mildred, she has been after Turk for years. I think when Turk gets horny he goes into town and spends the night with her.

  Mom can’t stand her. She knows that Mildred is nothing but a whore. Mom wants someone to fall in love with Turk and get married so he will be away from her for good.

  He needs a good woman to take care of him. You know Macy, Turk is a lot better man than you realize.

  If you two ever got together he would never take advantage of you and leave you. He is directly a one-woman man.

  He puts all his soul into his romance. He has never cheated on his girlfriends.

  He may have the body of a man but in reality he is still a kid.

  Mom wants to give him the Ranch when she dies but she wants someone that is a blood relative to also be part of it.”

  Macy replied, “So that’s why she wanted me to come out here. She expects me to marry Turk so Turk can run the ranch with me. That isn’t going to happen Megan. I don’t like anything about the west.

  Turk and I or like oil and water. We could never get along long enough to run the ranch much less get married to him.

  I couldn’t even bring myself to date him much less do something like that. Besides I am planning to marry my lawyer in Boston and I am going to teach school there not out in the middle of nowhere.

  I’m sorry but if Aunt Maude has that planned for me she is going to be disappointed. I’m going back to Boston just like I told you as soon as we get back. These aren’t my kind of people. I have a certain social standard to up hold. If I were to even to date someone like Turk they would throw me out of the club. That is just the way it has to be.”

  Megan started noticing that Macy was starting to slur her words. She was also getting a little louder.

  Megan thought to herself, “Good she is getting drunk. It won’t be long before we see if she can loosen up and be a normal girl instead of so stuffy.”

  She refilled Macy’s glass again. Macy kept on talking about going back to Boston while.

  She started getting more bold and louder every second.

  Suddenly she stood up dragging the chair across the floor causing everyone to stop and look at her.

  She stood there for a second weaving back and forth. She walked over to Turk and rested her chin on his shoulder. She nibbled on his ear.

  “Turk you bastard, there’s no way you are going to trick me into marrying you so you might as well put that out of your mind.

  I am going to marry Michael as soon as he gets his law practice set up. As far as the rest of you men, you have been staring at my ass all day and I am tired of it. You damn men are a bunch of horny bastards.

  If you want to see it so bad I’ll show it to you. She climbed on the table right in the middle of their card game and stood there looking down at them while she weaved back and forth. She undid her shorts and pulled them down while bending over exposing her butt to everyone.

  Turk lunged for her but he was too slow to stop her in time. He grabbed her shorts and pulled them back up just as she passed out and fell back in his arms. He looked at Megan with a puzzled look on his face as he picked her up.

  “Megan, I ought to kick your butt for letting Macy get drunk. You know she is going to have trouble riding in the morning.”

  The men looked at Turk but they didn’t know what to say.

  Finally Buck said, “Boy she sure must have been really drunk to do that in front of us. I bet she is going to die in the morning when she is told about what she did.”

  Turk looked at all the men and said, “I don’t want anyone of you to mention a word of this to her, understood.”

  They all agreed so Turk carried her behind the Curtin and placed her on the bed.

  He pulled her boots and shorts off. He couldn’t resist, he gently touched her legs feeling her soft skin. “Damn that’s nice.”

  Megan pulled the curtain back and saw him with his hand on Macy’s leg. She stepped in and grabbed him by the arm and jerked him out from behind the curtain.

  “What the hell are you doing Turk? You’re not the type of guy that would take advantage of a defenseless girl.”

  “I couldn’t help it I pulled her shorts off and when I saw her legs I just had to touch them. Man she has nice legs.”

  “In the first place Turk it was not your place to take her shorts off. You’re going to have to back off or you are going to run her off.

  She’s not the type of girl to let you put your hands all over her like some of the tramps you have been with. You should know that by now.”

  “But Megan how will she know if someone is good in bed if she waits till she gets married?”

  “I thought I taught you to keep your hands to yourself when we were kids Turk. What were you planning to do have sex with her while she was unconscious?

  I see your crotch has forgotten those lessons I taught you when you grabbed me that time. I guess you need a refresher course.”

  Turk looked at her and grabbed his crotch. He didn’t ever want her to kick him there again with those pointed cowboy boots. It about crippled him up for a few days.

  He stepped back in and pulled the covers up. He leaned over and kissed Macy softly on the lips.

  Macy smiled with her eyes closed and rolled over.

  The next morning the wind was blowing strong out of the west when they awoke.

  Turk was the first one up. He pulled on his pants and he stepped out on the porch to breathe in the fresh morning air.

  A vulture was circling off in the distance fighting the wind to spot his breakfast.

  A bank of thunderheads off in the distance was boiling like a thick pot of cream on the stove. Lightening was racing through the clouds making its way to the ground.

  He knew right away this was going to be a rough day for hunting cows.

  He stepped back inside and started waking up the rest of the crew.

  Buck built a fire first thing in the stove so he could cook breakfast.

  Turk pulled the curtain
back and looked at Macy first thing. She was lying there so peaceful with the cover pulled up to her chin. Her hair had come out of the ponytail during the night and was lying out on the pillow like brown silk threads. He finally told the girls to get up.

  Megan mumbled something under her breath and rolled over.

  Macy opened her eyes just enough to let in the lantern light.

  It was blinding to her blood shot eyes.

  She soon became aware of her head. It felt as if someone was inside trying to bust out with a sledgehammer.

  She had never felt this bad. Waves of nausea were hitting one after another.

  She looked up and Turk and then over at Megan and begged her to stay at the shack with her.

  She couldn’t stand the thought of getting on a horse and being bounced around all day. Somehow she felt she had been violated the night before but the memory just wasn’t there.

  She wondered to herself if she was still intact. She kind of wished her head were unattached though.

  The smell of food was making her nauseated all over again.

  She thought to herself, “If this is what a hangover feels like I am never going to drink another drop of alcohol again.”

  She never drank enough to even feel it much less get drunk. Last night was fuzzy at best. She didn’t even remember going to bed.

  Megan looked at her. “Boy you sure tied one on last night. When you finished your strip routine I thought Turk was going to have to fight all the men. It’s a good thing you passed out when you did.”

  Macy looked at her with a look in horror.

  “What do you mean strip tease?”

  Macy you don’t remember what happened last night?”

  “No what did I do?”

  “You don’t want to know? You wouldn’t be able to show your face in front of the men if I told you.”

  “Oh my God, do you mean I made a fool out of myself?

  I’ll never drink again. You and Turk are destroying everything I learned in charm school and I am losing any manners I learned. Turk has made me start saying words I have never said in public before. I just don’t know what I am going to do.”

  “Macy, just let go and enjoy yourself. I saw a little bit of how you could be and you were having fun for the first time since you have been here.”

  Turk pulled the Curtin back and stepped in. He looked at Macy first thing standing there with her hair flowing down over her shoulders. She looked so soft warm and innocent looking he wanted to grab her up in his arms and hug on her.

  “You two girls better get moving we got a lot of work to do and it’s coming up a storm. Dress warm and I will get you some rain gear.”

  Megan looked at Turk and replied, “Oh crap you mean we are going to have to ride all day in the rain?”

  “Looks like it Megan. That storm is coming fast.”

  Turk closed the Curtin back and went out the front door.

  He told the men to saddle the horses before they eat and he asks Roy to round up the girls some rain gear.

  He went back inside just as the girls came out dressed in their jeans and long sleeve shirts.

  He looked at Macy and smiled. “I see your head didn’t explode this morning when you woke up.”

  “No it didn’t explode yet but it feels like it is going to any minute.”

  “Well you better try and eat a big breakfast you are going to need it.”

  They sat at the table with all the guys and started eating.

  The men kept poking fun at Megan and laughing. With every statement they made she had a comeback.

  Macy looked up at them as their attention turned to her.

  “What do you think you are looking at? I don’t know what I did last night but I assure you if you don’t leave me alone my aunt will know about it when we get back.”

  They looked at each other laughed and went back to eating.

  Buck spoke up and said, “You aren’t going to say anything to your aunt or we will tell her what you did last night. I don’t think she will like that very much.”

  Turk gave him a quick cutting glance.

  At first Macy just picked at her food. She finally started eating.

  She felt embarrassed because she didn’t know how bad she had been the night before.

  Turk finished his breakfast and went out on the porch to talk to Buck.

  “What do you think about it Buck? Is it going to be a bad one?”

  “Well Turk I would say from the strong wind and how dark the clouds are rolling we are in for a bad one. We better watch out for twisters. Those clouds look like they might brew up one the way they are boiling.”

  Turk stood on the porch for a minute looking at the clouds rolling. There was definitely circulation in them.

  Then he asked, “Do you think we better leave the girls here.”

  “No they will be just as safe with us as they will here if we have a twister.”

  “Yea you are probably right. In fact they might be safer with us.”

  Roy went out to the equipment shed to get the rain gear.

  Turk stood there a little while longer till Roy showed up with the rain gear for the girls. He had each one of them a pair of pants; of course they swallowed the girls because they were for men. Turk gave them some rope to make belts with. They threaded the rope thru the belt loops and tied it in front. Then they put the jackets on with the hoods and tied them down. They looked almost like a couple of orphans standing in front of Turk. Macy had to put her hat in one of the saddlebags so it wouldn’t get wet.

  When they all had there rain gear on they started out to the lean-to shed that the horses were corralled in.

  By this time the rain was starting to come down hard.

  Macy’s head felt a little better after she got some food in her stomach so she finally felt like she wasn’t going to throw up any second.

  Turk helped Macy get on her horse. With the rain suit on she could hardly move. When her thighs touched the saddle she could feel the soreness from the ride the day before. She looked down at Turk and said, “I don’t guess I will have to worry about getting my legs sunburned today?”

  “No I don’t think you have to worry about that Macy.”

  When everyone was mounted they headed out into the blinding rain. Rain was coming down in sheets being whipped by the wind. The blowing rain stung their faces as they rode facing it head on.

  Every step the horse took pounded in Macy’s head as they trotted along.

  Lightening was popping all around them. Macy was afraid of lightening anyway but being out in the open range was really making her afraid.

  She said to Megan, “We are all going to die out here. I wish I were back in Boston safe in my house. I was crazy to ever come out here.”

  “We will be ok Macy. This will blow over before long.”

  Megan was trying to be reassuring to Macy but she was a little frightened herself.”

  Turk was riding up ahead as if it wasn’t lightening or raining at all.

  By mid-morning they made it to the broken fence.

  Turk stopped just past the fence and said, “Ok men fan out. Megan, go with Buck and Macy come with me. Roy, you and the other two make a wide circle and see if you might find a stray or two.”

  They rode off in different directions.

  When they came to a blind pass Turk stopped and said, “Macy I am going to put you up on that bolder with a pair of field glasses and a radio.

  When you spot any cows call me and give me directions where they are.”

  He climbed off his horse and helped Macy down. They walked around to the back of the bolder.

  Turk took her arms and held her for a second looking in her eyes soaking in the twinkle of her eyes. She was looking up at him with her wide bright eyes. Her lips were glistening from the raindrops inviting him to consume them with his. She was so innocent looking he couldn’t stand it.

  “Damn you Macy. Why do you have to be so cute? You remember I told you I was go
ing to get you back for hitting me in the head. I said you wouldn’t know how when or where. Now is the time for the payback.”

  “Turk you aren’t going to hurt me are you? Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry I did that to you.”

  “Yes Macy I am going to hurt you bad.”

  Macy closed her eyes tight and tensed up for a punch from Turk’s huge fist.

  He deliberately kissed her before she could protest.

  The kiss hit her so sudden that she stood there a moment in his arms totally surprised. Then she tried to push away but he held her too tight.

  “Turk you let me go. I don’t want to do this. Please let me go.”

  “Macy I can’t help myself.”

  “Turk, are you going to rape me.”

  “No. Of course not. Macy I just want to hold you in my arms and kiss you. You feel so good against me.”

  He put his lips on hers again as she looked up at him. His dark blue eyes were looking down into hers.

  Her body was suddenly racked with feelings she had never experienced with him. When she realized what he had just done she looked up into his deep blue eyes with a look of helplessness. Her knees were weak and her mouth remained open from the shock. She didn’t know how to react. She had never been kissed in such a forceful manor. He kissed her again as if he couldn’t get enough of her lips.

  As he looked at her he started to feel bad about taking advantage of her vulnerability.

  He wanted to hug her and tell her everything was going to be ok. To him she looked so beautiful standing there with rain streaming down her face. She looked just as beautiful standing there with no makeup as she did when she still had it on. He could see that she was totally dumbfounded by his actions.

  “Macy I am totally sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t get mad at me. I just looked in your eyes and I lost control. I won’t do that to you again.”

  “Turk I don’t mind this kind of a pay back. Maybe I should hit you more often. Turk I think there is something happening to us.”

  “Macy I know there is.”

  He held her for just a minute longer and then he picked her up and helped her on top of the bolder.

  She looked around shaking all over. She could see the whole valley from where she stood. She looked down at Turk still standing there looking up. She was tempted to jump down in his arms.


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