Sweet Summer Love (The Sweetest Thing, #3)

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Sweet Summer Love (The Sweetest Thing, #3) Page 1

by Sierra Hill

  Sweet Summer Love

  Book 3

  The Sweetest Thing Series


  Sierra Hill

  Copyright © 2017 Sierra Hill

  Published by Ten28 Publishing

  Cover Design: RBA Designs

  Photography: Lindee Robinson Photography

  Models: Sarah Beth Newkirk and Cody Lawhorn

  Editing by: Keyanna Butler, The Indie Author’s Apprentice

  Proofreading by: Michele Ziemer

  All rights reserved.

  Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without prior written permission by the author, except where permitted by law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or used factiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, business establishments, or educational systems is entirely coincidental.

  All products and/or brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holders/companies/institutions.

  ISBN: 1542564883

  ISBN-13: 978-1542564885

  Reviews for Sweet Girl (Book 2 in The Sweetest Thing Series)

  Southern Vixens Book Obsessions:

  Sweet Girl is the second book in The Sweetest Thing series. You don’t have to read the first book at all to fall in love and keep up with Van and Kylah’s story. Hill does an excellent job of writing a story that you can get into. I literally read this book cover to cover in just a few hours. The characters were real, sweet, intriguing and so heartfelt. I immediately could grasp how these two were made for each other. Hill can also write one hell of a love scene. There were no awkward moments in this coming of age story. Hill effortlessly captured my attention with her story. Sweet Girl was definitely worth the read.

  Summer’s Smexy Book Reviews

  This is the first book by Sierra that I have read... I am so glad I met her at an author event and heard about this book. It's amazing!!! I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Van and Kylah start out as friends but become so much more. I know books have to end at some point but this is definitely one I didn't want to end!

  Books Laid Bare

  This lived up to its name, it was a story about a sweet girl that found her man, it was romantic in the nicest possible way. It took me on a journey with them both that covered the full range of emotions, it was full to the brim with not only love and passion but also heartbreak and anger.

  The Power of Three Readers

  The character development is great, with a hilariously, entertaining cast of secondaries that kept me laughing until I'm snorting like a pig. Van and Kylah's simmering chemistry made me anxious, and when it finally boiled over, the SIZZLING sexy scene goodness had me flushed. Sierra Hill has a very talented writing style that's so addictive, that I devour the story in one sitting, no matter how late it is.

  Phenomenal Reviews book blog

  Overall, Sierra Hill has provided a great mixture of sweet and saucy all in one. I read the whole book in one day and looked forward to finding out how the story ended! Van will probably become your new book boyfriend and wish he had a real-life brother just like him! I will be looking forward to reading any continuing stories in this series!

  “Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts...”

  - Oliver Wendell Holmes



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29




  Logan - Seventeen-Years-Old

  My stomach is a knotted mess of excitement, nerves and raging teenage lust.

  I look down at my phone, hidden underneath the covers of my bunk, for the thousandth time in the last hour. Lights out and bed check were twenty minutes ago, and I’ve been anxiously waiting for Carver’s text.

  He’s my first love. The only guy I’ve thought about since the first time I met him three summers ago. At the time, we were both fifteen, and it was my first summer attending Camp Cheakamus Adventure in British Columbia.

  My phone lights up, illuminating the little pup tent I’ve created under my sheets, and my heart thinks it’s just ran a race.

  All clear. 10:30 @ the lake

  The text holds so much meaning that I nearly weep with eagerness.

  Tonight’s the night.

  I never thought about sex or what it would mean to lose my virginity until the first time I kissed Carver. Everything from that moment on has been leading up to this point. We’ve waited. We’ve hungered. We’ve lusted. We’ve done almost everything together in our previous make-out sessions. But we’ve never done it.

  I wasn’t ready until now. And Carver could have easily given into temptation and gotten the job done elsewhere way before now. But he didn’t. He never pressured me and was always patient, even when I put on the brakes. Frustrated, maybe, but always patient.

  Tonight, though, my brain and my body are finally ready. And I can’t wait.

  On this star-filled, clear July night in the middle of the Garibaldi Ranges between Whistler and Blackcomb mountains, I am going to become a woman with the help of the only boy I’ve ever loved. The most beautiful, sweet, thoughtful boy in the entire world.

  Carver Edwards.

  He is my everything.

  Over the last hour, I’ve wiggled anxiously in my bed, unable to tamp down the nerves that flit through me like lightning bugs. A restless desire of what awaits me down by the lake drives me to the brink of insanity. I’ve thrown off my covers five times in the last ten minutes, my body a constant strobe of electricity, like one of those crazy static electricity balls at the Science Museum.

  I’m amped, charged and will probably go off the minute he touches me.

  I think I’m more nervous because this isn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision, nor an act of impulsiveness. No, it’s been a slow brew of teenage hormones over the last three years, since our first kiss at the lake. That’s a moment I will never forget. That list of firsts with Carver will expand once again tonight.

  I hear my bunkmate, Emma, snoring softly above me. She’s the only one whom I’ve confided in about my plans with Carver. She listened attentively as I mapped out our secret rendezvous for the big event. Emma isn’t a virgin – lost it the winter of her sophomore year – so she was more than willing to give me pointers and is excited to hear all about it.

  I squirm in my bed, flopping over to my stomach as I flick my phone on once again, the bright LCD light nearly blinding me as my eyes readjust to focus. It’s now ten-fifteen. Even a sighting of Sasquatch can’t keep me confined to this bed any longer. I can’t wait another damn minute.

  Slowly and carefully, I peel back the covers and quietly plant my bare feet on the cabin floor. My toes search fo
r my flip-flops that I left on the side of my bed. The moment I slip them on, I second-guess the decision to wear them on my trek toward my escape, so I pick them up to carry outside until I’m in the clear. No sense making any noise on my way out to my secret rendezvous.

  I creep to the door, where before bed I’d placed some gum in the hinges to keep my unauthorized escape from being detected. I hold my breath as I press on the frame ever-so-gently and breathe a sigh of relief as I step out onto the porch, holding on to the handle until it closes behind me with a snick. Sealing my fate.

  I bolt off the porch and run through the darkened, tree-lined path down to the lake.

  I know this trail like the back of my palm, as I stop only momentarily to brush off the needles of the Silver Fir and Western hemlock trees that gathered on my feet during my run. Slipping my flip-flops back on, I continue my sprint down to the shore, the only light coming from the stars above and my phone flashlight.

  Whether I’m out of breath from the run or the anticipation of what’s to come, I bend forward for a second and rest my hands on my knees, looking to gain my equilibrium and steady my heart rate. Which is impossible, really, since I know it will only grow more rapid from here on out.

  A second later, my waist is captured from behind by strong, assured hands. Although I instinctively know it’s Carver, I jolt at the firm touch, a tiny fissure of fear that dissolves as soon as he plants his lips at the base of my neck.

  “Hey, baby.” He whispers in my ear, his warm breath lingering like a warm breeze. I shiver at the soft touch and the low reverberation of his voice.

  His hand snakes around my middle, toying with the hem of my tank that sits just below my belly button. The need that’s been simmering all day is now roaring to life like the black bears that inhabit the Coast Mountain ranges.

  I lean into him, enjoying the heat from his body. The top of my head doesn’t even reach the bottom of his chin. Carver is a tall, lean basketball player and just had another growth spurt this year. It surprised me when I saw him again at the beginning of camp two weeks ago. It’s like someone sprinkled Miracle Grow on top of his head because he’s now a foot taller than me.

  The thing is, I don’t see Carver outside of camp. Our hometowns are more than an hour from one another in Washington state. We could see each other if I allowed it. But it was my decision early on, and Carver agreed to it, that we leave things at camp and not allow it to continue through the school year.

  The reason is simple: I never wanted Carver to see me in my natural habitat. I live in a white-trash, poor farming community in Skagit Valley. He lives in the prestigious area of Mercer Island, a wealthy suburb overlooking Seattle and Lake Washington. His father is some hi-tech millionaire. So, it became clear from the start that outside of our camp existence, Carver and I had nothing in common and wouldn’t fit together in the real world.

  He has no idea what my life is like back home, and he doesn’t even know I’m here on an academic scholarship, too poor to ever attend a program like this without financial aid.

  But during these few short weeks every summer, I am his and he is mine. And what we will share tonight will bind us together like nothing else ever could. The most intimate act two people can experience. It will be perfect.

  Carver’s deep voice reminds me of how quiet it is out here in the British Columbia wilderness. He speaks softly, but it echoes across the water and through the sky above us.

  “Are you still okay with this, Lo?” His thumb strums across the flesh of my abdominals, having found its way underneath my shirt.

  I turn to face him, tilting my head back and reaching up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his chin. His nose. And then his lips, which immediately succumb to my demands. There is nothing better than kissing Carver. It doesn’t matter that we are apart for entire school years. His kisses were always like coming home again. And I keep those embers burning the remaining nine months of the year.

  “I’m more than okay, Carver. I’ve been waiting for this my entire life.” I feel his smile against my lip as he takes another taste.

  The stillness of the lake only enhances the possibility that we are alone out here. The only life amongst us are the nocturnal forest creatures hiding or foraging around in the dark.

  The thought thrills me. We’re alone. No one else around to disrupt our night. We can do whatever we want without the concern of being caught. We haven’t kept our relationship hidden, but the camp director, Stellan, is constantly on us about our habitual PDA. I’ve caught him staring at us on more than one occasion, his eyes displaying an emotion I can’t quite name. I’ve mentioned it to Carver, but he just laughs it off, suggesting that Stellan’s just jealous of what we have.

  Carver clasps my hand and tugs me toward the left of where we’re standing.

  “Good,” he says, pulling me behind him as we swiftly walk toward a clump of trees. “Cause your palace awaits.”

  We walk along the edge of the shore for a few minutes, his flashlight illuminating the way across logs, stones and fallen pine cones. And then, just as we skirt around the base of a large hemlock, I see the small camp that Carver set up.

  I gasp in awe. It’s the most romantic gesture ever. It couldn’t be any more perfect than this.

  “Oh my God, Carver. When did you do this?” My eyes flit between the small tent to Carver. The grin across his face is both charming and devilish.

  He shrugs but doesn’t answer my question. Instead, he asks timidly, very unlike Carver. “Do you like it?”

  There are no words to describe how I feel. My mouth goes dry and I bite my quivering lip to keep my tears from falling.

  This boy owns my heart and soul. And he’ll very soon take ownership of my body.

  “I love it,” I respond, following him through the open flap of the tent, which is lit with flashlights. Once seated, I lean in to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into my chest. “And I love you, Carver. More than anything.”

  Anyone in close proximity to our tent might have assumed it was a grizzly nearby, based on the loud growl that rumbles from Carver’s chest when my hand lands on the bulge at his crotch. He was already hard before I touched him. I continue rubbing him until he pushes my hand away and rolls on top of me.

  Our bodies are aligned so I can feel his hard length in the spot where he’ll soon be without any barriers. We’ve had our fair share of dry-humping over the past summers and have touched each other pretty much everywhere. He’s given me orgasms with his fingers and taken me to the top of the world with his tongue and mouth. And I’ve done the same to him.

  No one ever told me how incredible it is, and how much joy you can experience, to make a boy come with your mouth.

  “I brought a condom, in case you changed your mind.” He says, lifting his head from where it’s been buried in the crook of my neck.

  I shake my head, sifting my fingers through his tousled hair.

  We’d discussed this already. I’d been on the Pill since I was fourteen to regulate my heavy periods. Since we are both each other’s firsts, and both of us are clean, I wanted to avoid any awkwardness of fumbling around with a condom.

  I am totally okay with this and tell him so, but I appreciate that he is thoughtful enough to bring one just in case. I figured I’d experience pain either way, so at least this way I’d be able to feel all of him. And vice versa.

  “No, I’m good if you are. I promise.”

  Carver cups my cheek and kisses me. His eyes stare at me with love, hope and earnestness.

  “I just want it to be good for you.”

  I can’t help the nervous sarcasm that comes out of my mouth. “Well maybe you should stop talking about it, then, and just get on with it.”

  I giggle when he bites down on my earlobe playfully. But his lips and teeth quickly turn serious, working their way down my neck, his fingers inching the strap of my tank off my shoulder, exposing my breast.

  My hands have a mind of their own as they mold arou
nd the muscular globes of his ass and squeeze. He groans, sucking on the sensitive flesh just above my breast, thrusting his lower half into mine. I arch into him as his lips hover over my nipple, his tongue lashing at the tip. I hum in response and wonder how loud we are and if anyone can hear us outside the tent.

  What if someone happens upon our tent? What if Stellan is doing a bed check and finds ours empty, sending out a search party to locate us and take us back?

  No sooner have I thought of every possible worst-case-scenario, I look down and realize Carver has already divested us both of our clothing. Now I’m fully naked, lying next to a fully naked Carver. His hands and fingers touch me everywhere, and with each touch the ache between my legs grows bolder and stronger.

  Carver hovers above me, his broad shoulders and muscular biceps holding him over me. His lower body urges my legs open, his hard shaft gliding effortlessly between my folds. I’m already wet and ready, from just that small amount of friction. I let out a wanton moan, the sensation so unique, yet foreign.

  My legs automatically stiffen when I feel the tip of his cock probe at my entrance.

  “God, Lo...I’m sorry. I can’t hold out any longer.”

  Carver’s restraint disappears, his body tight as a crossbow at target practice. Our gazes lock in the dark as he trembles above me, the delicious weight of his body covering me with untapped desire.

  “Okay.” I whisper huskily.

  I should be nervous as his hand moves between us, as he aligns himself up in just the precise spot. But I’m not. I’m turned on and ready for what’s coming.

  Oh my God, this is really happening.

  I see our past. I feel the present. I hope for our future.

  A quick push, a slight sting and then I feel the fullness of Carver. He’s inside me. I instinctively bring my knees up toward my chest, allowing him more room, as he rocks above me. His biceps strain and his forehead creases as he slides in and out of me. Aside from the pinch at the onset, I now just feel a low-grade burn.

  My breath hitches every time he slides out and then pushes back in. It’s like the waves of the lake - the rhythmic cycle, licking at the shore, pressing across the smooth rocks of the beach. Each time he pushes deeper, I know he’s leaving an indelible memory in my heart.


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