Turning A Page: A Student Professor Romance

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Turning A Page: A Student Professor Romance Page 29

by Hazel Keys

  “No way!” I was shocked.

  “Yes way,” Michelle continued. “Seth had bacon, not ham.”

  Chapter 11:Seth

  When the captain came by with his unfortunate announcement, I can’t say I was too annoyed. Most of the ladies were upset, no doubt looking forward to another day of baking in the glorious sunshine, and a couple of the younger ones, the sultry Latino Valentina and Jay’s slim blonde Jessica especially, seemed to be acting like the captain was deliberately being no fun, perhaps creating this bad weather just to upset their plans.

  I could tell, though, Samson clearly had years of practice in dealing with petulant one-percenters and was able to calmly pacify them, reassuring everyone present that things would return to normal as soon as possible. His quiet yet firm voice and pleasant demeanor did the trick and he promised the stewards would try extra hard to ensure we all had a great time. As he spoke, the skies darkened noticeably and a distant rumble of thunder added some extra weight to his argument, and he quickly excused himself so he could pilot us to safety.

  Only minutes later, the stewards appeared. All three came in full of smiles and energy, joined by the cute little deckhand, Sofia, holding champagne bottles and glasses. I could feel Mia’s eyes on me as Tara came in last, and I was painfully aware that all four girls, this time, wore only white sheets wrapped carefully around their slim and shapely bodies. Wolf whistles filled the air. Each girl had their hair piled and pinned high on top of their heads, were liberally covered in shimmering golden glitter, and had used a kind of gold paint to draw some ancient pagan symbols on their faces.

  “Nobly gathered Gods and Goddesses,” announced Tara. She’d never looked more stunning, the gold flecks in her hair and glistening on her skin, the golden lipstick and eyeshadow she had used to highlight her beautiful features. She actually does look like a goddess, just like she did in my dream, I thought. She’d clearly drawn the role of compere in this little skit. “Now our Lord Neptune has departed to shelter us from the storm, allow me to introduce your hostesses for the afternoon.” I could see she was quite at home, playacting like this.

  The other girls were bringing in more white, rolled up sheets. “Before you, I stand as Juno, queen and goddess of the sky,” Tara continued, taking a bow. “While this delightful creature is Diana, goddess of the hunt,” she pointed at Sofia, who produced a small plastic bow and arrow as proof. “To my left is the mythical goddess of love, Venus,” Tara indicated Suzy, who raised up to her full height and mimicked the goddess’s pose on her clamshell, from the famous Botticelli nude. “And last,” Tara introduced Michelle, “Athena, the fearsome goddess of war and wisdom. Try not to piss her off.” Michelle waved a plastic sword fiercely. There was laughter all around.

  Some of the other guests were already tying sheets around themselves as togas, while I took the offered champagne. Even George and Valentina were smiling at each other as she stripped down to a bikini and he helped her cover herself with a sheet. Jay Money barely moved, but his eyes widened as more of the girls decided to discard their shirts and tops to wear the togas more comfortably.

  Mia confidently and expertly coiled the white material around her shapely body before shimmying out of her sun shorts, cleverly keeping her underwear hidden from view, then laying a long, bare, and beautifully shaped leg across my lap. I smiled up at her but shook my head as she offered a sheet for me to wear.

  “The nymphs are prepared?” I heard Tara ask in a regal tone.

  “All set,” Michelle called back, as she struggled to pin a tight sheet in place around Coco’s impressive bust.

  “Then we must anoint our gods.” Tara continued. The other three staff produced golden wreaths and stepped toward the male guests. Sofia walked solemnly up to Mick and placed her wreath on his head. “Mercury,” said Tara, “the fastest of all the gods.” He beamed a smile around the room, happy with his title.

  Suzy approached Jay Money. “Vulcan,” called Tara, “god of fire and symbol of male virility.” Jay threw up a gang sign as Suzy crowned him and quietly acknowledged his fertility symbol status.

  “Pluto,” announced Tara, as Michelle placed her golden wreath on George’s head, “god of wealth and the underworld." Valentina laughed and shoved him, knocking his leafy crown off. I couldn’t help a chuckle as he scrabbled around on the floor looking for it. The staff had clearly put a lot of thought into this party.

  “And finally,” I couldn’t help my eyes widening a touch as Tara singled me out and approached. My heart was thumping in my chest as she came, looking me straight in the eye. “My king of the gods with the power of the thunderbolt.” My mouth was dry and my skin felt like it was sizzling. Why did this seem to mean so much? All I had running through my head was the image of her kissing me, last night.

  Tara raised her hands to crown me but Mia stopped her. She looked petrified as her gaze jumped to my girlfriend. Mia smiled a polite smile at her, then gently took the wreath and placed it on my head herself. “Jupiter,” Tara finished, looking as though she finally let out the breath she was holding. Incredibly, thunder crashed in the distance, adding some dramatic meaning to my anointment and causing a gentle laugh all around. “That was supposed to happen,” grinned Tara, regaining some composure and getting a bigger laugh. I looked around the room at all the others. I was the only one still wearing a shirt and pants, but I was determined to stay that way.

  I tried to catch Tara’s eye again. I just wanted some acknowledgment of the kiss from her but, frustratingly, she seemed always busy. I thought I managed to get a quick smile from her at one point, but it vanished just as fleetingly as George asked her for more champagne.


  Venus seemed to be moving along at a brisk pace now, while rain had begun to lash at the windows. Inside the main guest lounge, however, we were being served lunch. The chef had originally prepped an exotic seafood salad, with crab, oysters, shrimp, and lobster but, considering the weather, at the last minute he paired it with a thick, fish-based soup with plenty of cream, to keep everyone a little warmer. It was so successful, I asked Tristan to come up personally so everyone could all thank him.

  As the afternoon wore on, even once we were moored and sheltering in a secluded bay, Venus was suffering through some choppy waters. The girls kept the party going, but playing twister as the boat lurched from side to side made it a fight for anyone trying to maintain any dignity. Mick and Jay Money mainly seemed to be entertaining themselves as spectators, enjoying the view as Antonia, Coco, Jessica, and Valentina, only wrapped in short togas, bent over and around each other and left very little to the two guys’ imaginations.

  George looked pretty green around the gills for most of the afternoon. The poor guy was not enjoying the rough seas. Mia and I sat at the bar again. However, when Mia finally excused herself, I saw Tara hand the spinning pointer over to Suzy and make her way over to refill my glass.

  “I’ve been longing to talk to you,” I whispered as she poured more scotch. “It’s been so hard, though.”

  She smiled back at me. “It’s okay, we don’t need to talk.”

  “What do you mean? You kissed me, Tara!” I hissed, a little too loudly.

  Tara looked around the room. Thankfully no one seemed to have heard me. “Please don’t,” she pleaded. “I’ll lose my job.”

  “I’m sorry,” I told her. I didn’t want to get her in trouble. I just liked her and I felt like she liked me too. “It’s just… I can’t stop thinking about it…” About you, I was going to say. I opened my mouth to tell her, only there was a sudden and almighty crash right above us, and it felt like the world was ending.

  I had no idea what was happening. I heard a colossal bang, followed by a loud shattering of glass. Then screams. I looked over to see guests and staff alike diving for cover as broken glass rained down on the whole lounge.

  I had only an instant to react. I didn’t think, I just leaped over the bar, grabbing Tara as I flew through the air and taking us both t
oward the back wall. I couldn’t stop myself landing prone on her but, at least, I could use my body to keep her shielded from anything that might come down on us. We lay still, silently staring into each other’s eyes as I sensed sparks flashing around us and felt pieces of glass bouncing off my back. It was intense. Neither of us knew if this was about to be our last second alive. I wanted to kiss her again. In that moment, about to die, it was all I could think about.

  “Is everyone okay?” I heard Michelle’s strong voice, after what seemed like an eternity. All the commotion had died down. Alarms were going off across the boat and I looked up to see Sofia gather up her toga and run to help the other deckhands. Fortunately, it seemed the glass that formed the skylights in the lounge was made of that toughened safety glass and we now seemed to be surrounded by small, ragged, marble-like pieces capable of doing us no more harm than a little light hail, so happily, there were no injuries more serious than a couple of bruises.

  I got up and helped Tara, then we stood face to face, brushing each other clean of broken glass. “Are you okay?” I managed to ask. Before Tara could answer, Mia appeared, having returned from the bathroom just after the disaster.

  Wind and rain were now whipping their way through the hole in the cabin roof. I looked up and saw the reason the glass had smashed. The top of the main mast had fallen through the ceiling and was now buried in the floor behind the bar, almost exactly where Tara had been standing. There were still a few small flames crackling along the broken, charred shaft, where a bolt of lightning must have hit it. I saw Suzy grab an extinguisher and deal with the small fire, but we could still see the bigger flames on top of the remains of the mast, high above us.

  “Everyone into the dining room please,” called Michelle and, keen to get out of the rain that was now lashing down on us, we quickly obeyed.

  “I guess you owe him your life again,” said Mia to Tara, not looking at her. She threw her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear, “You’re so sexy when you’re brave. Quite the hero.”

  “Yeah, he’s making a habit of it,” said Tara, quietly. “Please, if you’ll both go through.”

  Before long, the deckhands had safely dealt with the fire on the mast and Captain Samson was addressing us, reassuring us that all was well. Apart from the mast, he told us, there was no damage to Venus and no further cause for alarm. The boat’s radio was now out of order, but the internet was still working and, in case of dire emergency, there was a satellite phone. “That’s life at sea, folks,” he ended with, cheerfully.

  Obviously shaken by the accident, the mood in the dining room was somber. Each couple or, in Jay Money Monarch’s case, threesome, cuddled together while Michelle, Tara, and Suzy served drinks and tried to remain upbeat.

  As the time rolled past three in the afternoon, however, we saw the clouds part and radiant, heavenly sunshine began to scorch the sundeck, steaming away the gathered raindrops with alarming speed. Surprisingly, Mia was first to run back to the light, dragging me with her and discarding her bikini top almost immediately, then demanding I rub oil into her bare shoulders and back. The other girls quickly followed us and soon, with the skies clear and the ocean mirror flat once again, it was like nothing had happened. The stewards went back to their shifts, two serving drinks while one rested below, while my friends returned to their alcohol, sunshine, and sex-fueled frolics again in the lead up to dinner.

  Chapter 12:Tara

  Following the same plan as yesterday, I ate below as Suzy and Michelle served dinner. Our togas were gone, replaced by our stewards’ black, Asian-inspired tunics, and we’d toned down our makeup. Still, I was more simply pushing food around my plate than actually eating. The roast lamb and potatoes Tristan had made for the crew was excellent, of course, I just couldn’t seem to stomach it.

  “Don’t worry, darling,” soothed Tristan as he spooned out crème brûlée mixture into a set of small bowls, “I doubt I’d have much appetite after yet another near-death experience.”

  “I know, right?” I agreed but, inside, that was nothing like what I was feeling. So yesterday, I thought to myself, that was fun. I fall off the boat on purpose to see if he’ll save me. Today was scary. I would have actually died if he hadn’t tackled me out of the way. That asshole! Why does he have to go and make it so hard to hate him? I need this revenge; I owe it to my father.

  Suzy came down the galley steps. “If you’re not up for working tonight, babe, I can cover for you,” she offered, kindly.

  “Thanks, Suzy, you’re the best. But I got this,” I told her. I had some stuff to work out.

  “If you’re sure?” she smiled. “Then, you’re up.”

  Dinner was over and I was left by myself with the guests. It looked as though it might not be such a long night after all. George was already doing tequila shots with Jay Money and Coco and, before long, had to retire. Valentina helped him to his cabin, but she didn’t look happy about it, yet again.

  Mick now had Antonia and Jessica in their tiny bikinis, leaning against the yacht’s rail, posing for his camera in front of the glorious sunset. And, even though it was clear skies over Venus, the still-present storm clouds in the distance made the setting sun appear even more spectacular as it lit up the retreating cumulus with fiery oranges and reds. The girls called me over to pose with them for a few shots, and Mick was over the moon, jabbering furiously about his three gorgeous blondes. But, as the shutter kept clicking, the sexy, nearly naked babes began slowly kissing each other, gradually becoming ever more passionate. Not wanting to get caught up in this over-familiar and potentially dangerous situation, I excused myself back to the bar.

  I noticed Jay and Coco soon slinking off together, while the blonde on blonde make-out session was getting so heated it was becoming embarrassing. It was getting tough to look away, so I had to politely but firmly suggest they retire to somewhere a little more private. Mick was more than happy to escort the two beauties below deck. I wondered, as Jay Money had made no fuss about giving up one of his women, if the two playas had come to some sort of arrangement. If so, I asked myself, what were the terms?

  “Sorry to be the one to tell you,” Seth’s voice made me jump slightly as I watched the new threesome disappear below deck, “but you’ve made a pretty huge error.”

  Uh-oh! I got that knot in my stomach again, the one that appeared every time I felt like I’d been found out. I summoned my best, reinforced smile.

  “Oh really? I never make mistakes, Seth, you should know that by now,” I told him, as brazen and cocky as I could manage. I poured another large measure of twenty-five-year-old Glenmorangie into Seth’s glass, as Mia sauntered up to the bar and rested both hands on his shoulder.

  “Mia pointed it out,” he offered.

  The knot in my stomach grew even larger. I should have guessed. Not only was Mia incredibly attractive, she was devastatingly intelligent. I should have been worried more about getting found out by her. Men will fall for a pretty smile, I reminded myself, it’s the women you are trying to cross that are the real danger.

  “Minerva,” said Mia, cryptically. I stared blankly into her beautiful Japanese face. “You guys used Roman gods and goddesses for your party. The Goddess Athena is from Ancient Greece. The Greek capital city of Athens is named after her. In Ancient Roman mythology, Athena is known as Minerva.” She was smiling as she schooled me. There seemed to be no malice, Mia appeared to be merely imparting some knowledge for fun, making pleasant conversation, yet I couldn’t help but feel like she was claiming some kind of a victory. Mia turned to Seth. “It was one of my favorite subjects when I was at school in England,” she smiled at him.

  “Well, I’ll make sure we get it right next time,” I said companionably.

  Mia kissed Seth’s cheek, working her way slowly down his neck. I looked out to sea, trying to give them some privacy. It was full nighttime now and the moon must have been hiding behind the remains of those earlier storm clouds. Nothing but the blackest darkness surrounded the

  I heard Mia whispering. “I don’t think I can wait much longer, darling...” she purred, before getting up and stalking off. She watched to make sure Seth’s eyes followed the movement of her body as she slowly reached the stairs, then laughed to herself as she descended.

  “I’ll be right there, darling,” he called after her. “I’ll just finish this drink.” He turned back to me. He let out what sounded like a nervous laugh. “Alone at last,” he stammered.

  I gave him a warm smile back. Yup, and now you’re mine, I thought to myself, and was actually surprised by the anger I felt welling up inside me. Sure, he seems nice on the surface, but people like him and his gorgeous lady barely notice the rest of us struggling to get by. Mick and Jay Money, they’ve made the most of their talents. They’ve capitalized on being able to do something few others can and reaped their rewards. All Seth had to do was be born. That’s luck, not talent.

  On the outside, though, I kept it as cool as can be. “She’s amazingly beautiful,” I said, nodding to the stairs Mia had disappeared down, “and you guys seem very happy together.”

  “We do?” he replied. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so... it’s just, we’ve only been seeing each other for about three weeks.”

  “I see,” I smiled. “Well, in that case, I’ll say I’m sure you will be very happy together.” I was trying to stay mad at him, but I was starting to find his odd nervousness around me charming.

  “Yes, that’s what everyone says.” Seth looked back at up at me. He looked straight into my eyes and I felt my heart beat a little faster.

  What the hell…? I kept my expression even.

  “The truth is, her position is right, her age is right, her fortune is right.” The word "fortune" caused me to grind my teeth. “For me, she just seems to be so... right.” He almost seemed to spit out that last word. He looked back down at his drink. “Sorry, Tara. I must be making you uncomfortable, talking this way.”


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