Dark Intentions

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Dark Intentions Page 19

by J. A. Owenby

  A sad smile graced his handsome face as he slid a manila envelope across the table. “There’s no hurry to open that. Finish your evening, drink, and have some fun.”

  My chin tilted up. From that, I already knew what the results were. “Can we talk? I don’t want to wait. It will just mess with me for the rest of the night.”

  “If that’s what you want, yes. I’ll have my driver bring the car around so we can have some warmth and privacy.”

  “Layne? Are you okay if I talk to Franklin for a few minutes?” My eyes pleaded with him. I needed to know the answers and what the next steps looked like.

  “Yeah.” Layne kissed me on the forehead. “I’ll wait for you here.”

  I grabbed the envelope from the table and followed Franklin to his car, which was a limo.

  “I had client meetings tonight before coming here,” he explained as he opened the door for me.

  The moment my butt hit the plush leather, I could feel the heat from the seat warmer. Franklin joined me on the other side and turned toward me.

  “What are the results?” I asked, my pulse spiking.

  “Tensley, you’re a fifty percent match to Jack Flannery. He’s your father.”

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How? How can this man …” I shook my head as the gravity of the situation hit me full force. “I’m sorry about my language. I’d just convinced myself that there was no way he was my biological fath— Ugh. I mean sperm donor. And what about the name? He wasn’t Jack when he was with my mom.”

  “When the FBI began to trace his murders, they learned it all began before he and your mom were married. Bart Benton was an alias. I’m so sorry, Tensley.”

  “What does this mean now? What do we do about the FBI and cops thinking I’m helping him?” Disgust churned in my stomach, and I wrapped my arms around myself. “It makes me sick just thinking about what he’s done. Those poor women.” My stomach twisted into a million knots.

  “We make sure you have an alibi. If you were at school, they have cameras.”

  I drummed my fingers on my leg anxiously. “I work at the library, so I’m either at college or at home.”

  “You have two roommates, so if you weren’t at the library or classes, then hopefully you were with one of them. The picture of Jack on your property was taken six weeks ago, so we have a date to start with.”

  I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and opened the calendar. “What day was it?”

  “October fourth at six thirty-two p.m.” Franklin rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

  “I worked until seven that night.” I turned my screen toward him so he could see my schedule. “The library has cameras, so it should be easy to prove. In fact, I was gone from eight in the morning until almost seven thirty that night.” A shiver traveled down my spine. “When I got home, neither Benji nor Avery was there. That never happened, so I bumped up some music.” My eyes widened with fear. “Franklin, what if Jack was still there? What if he was watching me?” My hands began to tremble with the realization that I’d shared space with a dangerous serial killer, my father.

  “I need you to listen to me for a minute. You’re safe. Bodyguards are with you, and you and Layne are staying with Michael and Marilyn for as long as you need to. I think you should consider a stun gun, mace, or something for backup. I’m not positive why you’re on Jack’s radar, but I suspect it’s because you’re his daughter.”

  I nodded, grappling with the information.

  Franklin’s expression was full of kindness. “Let’s get you back to your friends. It’s almost midnight, and I suspect you’re probably ready to go home.”

  “Yeah. I think I’m done partying for tonight.”

  “I’ll watch you walk into Barney’s, and we’ll talk more tomorrow. My first order of business on Monday will be to access the library video to prove you weren’t collaborating with Jack. It’s going to be all right, Tensley. Hang in there. You’re surrounded by people who love you, so when the days get tough, cling to that.”

  “Thank you. Have a good night,” I whispered. I opened the door and hustled to the entrance. My attention immediately landed on Layne, Benji, and Avery as I entered the bar. I stopped abruptly when my gaze connected with Layne’s. I nodded just enough for him to understand the results.

  He nearly hopped over the table in order to get to me. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me tightly against him. “This changes nothing. I love you.” His sweet breath grazed my ear and I sank into his embrace.

  I gazed up at him. “I’m ready to go home, but I need to tell everyone goodbye first.”

  “Actually, this all worked out perfectly. Michael and Marilyn only rented Barney’s until midnight, so they’re closing down.”

  The moment the words were out of his mouth, some of Benji’s friends waved to everyone, then exited through the front door.

  “Okay, this works.” I flashed Layne a big smile and proceeded to thank everyone for coming. Between the hugs and goodbyes, twenty minutes flew by, and before I realized it, we were the only ones left in the bar.

  “Thank you so much,” I said to Michael and Marilyn. “I think Benji and I both needed this.”

  Benji offered a lopsided grin then stifled a yawn. “It was great, but a lot of activity. I’m ready to crash for sure.”

  Michael held open the door as we all filed into the parking lot.

  We watched Avery get in and start her car while Michael loaded Benji into the SUV. Marilyn sat in the front, and Layne and I joined Benji in the back.

  “Everyone in?” Michael asked, ready to close the side door.

  With everyone finally ready, I realized I really needed to go to pee. “Ugh. I’m sorry! I have to go to the bathroom really bad. I’ll hurry—I promise.” I hopped out and prayed Matthew hadn’t locked the front door yet. I gave it a tug, and thankfully it flew open, so I hurried inside. Michael had parked right outside the entrance, so I wouldn’t even have to walk a few steps in the parking lot.

  I waved at Matthew as I flew by him. “Bathroom!” My bladder would have never held on until we got to Benji’s house.

  I finally reached the restroom and thanked the heavens as I relieved myself. I’d gotten so caught up in everything throughout the night, I hadn’t realized how fast the alcohol had moved through my system.

  I finished up and washed my hands.

  But I didn’t get a chance to leave the restroom because a large male hand clamped over my mouth before I had a chance to scream.

  “Hello, Victoria.”


  “I’m not here to hurt you,” the man whispered in my ear.

  I detected a hint of barbecue on his breath, and a knife blade glimmered in the lights.

  My head jerked up, and I met his eyes in the mirror—my eyes. Jack Flannery and I shared the same shape and color. I quickly assessed him, noting the similarities and differences between us, but it really didn’t matter. I was nothing like the sick fuck.

  “You have my word that as long as you don’t fight me or scream, I won’t slit your throat from ear to ear and watch my daughter bleed out in a public restroom. After everything you’ve overcome, it would be a shitty way to die.” He wore his dark hair cropped close to his head, similar to a military cut, and his arm flexed as he held me tightly. There was no doubt in my mind that he was strong if he’d skinned women.

  Flashes of the images that the detective had shown me assaulted my brain, and my body stiffened in fear. Foul bile burned the back of my throat. The only thing that might save me was the fact that I was this man’s daughter, but I wasn’t going to bank on that mattering. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond to him since his hand remained over my mouth, so I attempted a slight nod.

  “Since we don’t know each other—yet—I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to meet my girl face-to-face. I have big plans for us.” An evil sneer turned his lips up. “I’m going to drop my hand, but if you even let out a squeak, I’ll go after your little stitched-together family
. I’ll start with the parents while you and Benji watch. Then I’ll gut your boyfriend. Everything you’ve worked so hard to build, I will strip it away bit by bit. Am I clear? Do I have your word that no one will ever know I was here or that we had a conversation?” The dark stubble on his chin scraped my cheek as he spoke.

  My knees trembled. He would hurt them all. He would kill them. I nodded, then he slowly dropped his hand. The knife was still inches away from me.

  Jack stepped back slowly in the small women’s restroom. “Turn around. I want to see you.”

  As if I were a young child, I obeyed my father without hesitation.

  His eyes appraised me as if I were cattle for sale, then an almost normal smile eased across his face. “You definitely look like me. I bet that drove your bitch of a mother nuts.”

  “I don’t know if it did or not. She was always high.” My voice sounded small and insignificant.

  “Huh. You know why, right? I mean, from what I’ve learned, you’re smart, intuitive, calculating, and you trust very few people. You’re definitely my girl. But your mother knew about my social activities.”

  My insides quivered. “What? She knew?” There was no longer any doubt in my mind that Jack had been checking into me and my past. I just didn’t know for how long. But I was more concerned with why he was there if he didn’t want to hurt me.

  “What do you want?” I asked before I could stop myself. “More importantly, why were you on my property?” Shit, why in the hell had I decided it was a good time to be bold and grow a pair of fucking balls?

  Jack’s low, dark chuckle echoed through the room. “Can’t a dad meet his daughter? Have a little bit of quality family time together?”

  “Someone will come looking for me any minute. Maybe we can wrap up our chat.” I placed my hand on my hip, exhibiting way more bravery than I could actually pull together. I’d never faced a serial killer, but I’d met plenty of narcissists.

  In two long strides, he backed me up against the wall, and his fingers wrapped tightly around my throat. “Make no mistake, little girl. I’ll cut you into pieces if you give me any more shit. Don’t you ever forget … I made you.” With that, he let me go, turned, and strolled out the bathroom door.

  Before I could lean over the sink, I puked all over my boots. My body shook violently as my brain processed what had just happened. I balanced on the white porcelain edge of the sink and turned on the faucet. The sharp squeak reminded me to move so I wouldn’t have my back to the door. Quickly, I rinsed my face and mouth, then grabbed a handful of paper towels and dried off.

  “Dammit,” I half cried, unzipping my boots. At least my vomit had mostly splattered on the toes. I would have to let Matthew know to clean up the bathroom. Poor guy. Every time I was there, I dropped something or puked.

  Minutes later, my boots were clean, and I attempted to pull myself together. There was no denying that my face was pale, though. Thank God it was dark and Layne wouldn’t be able to see me well in the car. He couldn’t ask me questions. Realizing it was up to me to keep him safe, I inhaled sharply and willed my heart to calm down.

  I opened the door to the restroom and turned down the hall, nearly slamming into Vaughn.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, nodding for me to walk in front of him. I searched the inside of the bar, but we’re all clear.”

  “Yeah.” I refused to look at him as he escorted me through the hall and toward the front door. Had he seen Jack leave?

  Half the lights were off, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. The heels of my boots smacked the wood floor as I hurried toward the exit. In a quick burst, I flung the door open and stepped into the cold night.

  Michael and one of the bodyguards were waiting outside the SUV. Michael’s concerned gaze landed on me. “I was about to send Marilyn in for you. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, just a lot of information tonight. I’m fine.” I gave him a little smile as Vaughn opened the back door for me. Layne hopped out, and I scooted in, situating myself in between Benji and Layne.

  I assumed security was on all sides of the bar, so I had no idea how Jack had gotten in. Of course, only a few people were aware of what was going on. For all I knew, Avery had held the door open for him half an hour ago when I was talking with Franklin in his limo.

  “Hey, sorry.” I took Layne’s hand and laid my head back on the leather seat. “Matthew caught me for a minute and just told me what a great job I did tonight.” I inwardly cringed with how easy the lie came, but I had no choice. If Layne even suspected anything was wrong, I would lose him. Jack had made it clear that if I even muttered his name, he would kill everyone I loved.

  “Hmm.” Layne’s jaw clenched. “You were amazing.”

  “Thanks. It was really good to get out.” I leaned forward and again thanked Marilyn before turning to Benji. “How are you doing?” I took his hand in mine and wiggled my eyebrows at him. “This is a girl’s fantasy, being sandwiched between two hot guys.” I kept my voice low enough that his mom couldn’t hear me.

  Benji snickered and leaned over me. “Well, it’s my fantasy too.” An ornery grin eased across his face. “Any chance your man is bi?”

  I shook my head, giving Benji a sympathetic look. “We’ll find you someone soon.”

  “Oh, Benji, was that Thomas I saw tonight?” Marilyn turned in her seat in order to see her son.

  “What?” I smacked Benji on the arm. “He was here? Layne, did you meet him?” I was grateful for the small distraction.

  Layne rubbed his chin and shrugged. “There were no introductions from Benji tonight.”

  “Yeah, Mom, it was him, but don’t read anything into it. I made it clear that he wasn’t welcome.”

  “Oh.” Marilyn faced the front as Michael slid into the driver’s seat. “I thought maybe he was there to beg for forgiveness.”

  “Maybe he was, but when you’ve messed around on me twice, you don’t get an opportunity to do it again.” Benji huffed then looked out the window.

  I squeezed his arm, thankful he wasn’t settling because of the wheelchair situation. He deserved better.

  “Did everyone have a good time?” Michael asked, pulling onto Division.

  “We did. Thank you so much for making it happen.” I answered for everyone, but it seemed as though we were all incredibly grateful for the night out. Until the end.

  “I had no idea you were so talented, Tensley,” Michael continued. “Layne, had you seen her play before?”

  A smile lit up his face as he looked at me. “The first night I saw her in Spokane, she performed at Barney’s.”

  What would I do if I never saw his smile again or his blue eyes that melted me to the center of my being? Jack’s sneer and threat loomed over my shoulder, and my grip tightened on Layne’s hand.

  A frown creased his brow. Shit, he knows something’s off.

  My tongue darted across my bottom lip, and I glanced down at his crotch. Maybe that message would distract him enough not to ask questions, at least for the rest of the night.

  He leaned down and kissed me gently. “I can’t wait to be inside you,” he whispered.

  I couldn’t wait either.


  My fingernails raked down Layne’s back as he slowly pushed deep inside me. His mouth teased my nipples, sucking on my breast while he pulled back out then thrust into me again.

  A moan escaped me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. With every move, my body responded to him. Raw desire swirled low in my belly as he continued to claim me.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “Nothing feels more right than being here with you.” He paused and gently brushed a stray hair from my face. His eyes penetrated my soul, and an overwhelming combination of love and fear consumed me. My heart belonged to him. I’d never loved anyone else like I did Layne, but it had been made clear to me that, as sure as the air I breathed, he could be taken away, and I didn’t know what to do about it. How can I protect him and everyone else
I love?

  Layne’s pace picked up, and I rolled him over on his back, taking control. I ground my hips against him and he sucked on his finger before massaging my clit.

  His eyes darkened as he watched me. “Do you know what makes me come, Tensley?”

  I shook my head, my orgasm building as he continued to touch me.

  “You. The way your eyes close when you’re about to come for me. The way your back arches with my touch. How you bite your bottom lip in order not to scream. Knowing it’s for me, baby…” His fingers dug into my hips, and he panted, slamming upward and gaining a new angle I’d not experienced before.

  “Layne.” I leaned forward, my hands landing on the bed over his shoulders. “I love you,” I whimpered as my body shuddered. Black dots floated behind my eyes. My slick walls tightened around him as his hips bucked up, and he released.

  I collapsed on top of him, attempting to catch my breath. His arms wrapped around my back and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “My baby.” His voice was low and gentle, breaking through the walls I’d put in place to protect him. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Nothing.”

  A whimper caught in my throat, and I moved off him.

  Confusion twisted his expression. “Ten, what did I say?”

  My feet landed on the soft carpet of the bedroom and I made a mad dash to the bathroom, closing the door behind me before I completely fell apart. Covering my mouth in order to silence my sob, I turned on the shower and stepped under the spray of water before it even had time to warm up. I sank onto the seat, curled into a ball, and wished I could go back in time and change the fact that Layne had shown up in my life again. Loving him would kill him. I would fuck something up and Jack would kill him. I couldn’t live with that.

  Sobs racked me under the lukewarm water as I searched every corner of my brain for a plan to keep the people I loved safe from an evil monster. But I wasn’t sure how. Jack was smart, strong, and had already stepped into my life without me even realizing it. I didn’t know how long he had been watching me and following my every move.


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