Dark Intentions

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Dark Intentions Page 24

by J. A. Owenby

  We released each other and I wiped my cheeks. “What’s up with my leg, and when do I get to go home?”

  Layne cleared his throat. “Unfortunately, the knife severed the muscle and tendons, but your bone was only scraped. They rushed you into surgery since you were bleeding. You’d lost a lot of blood by the time they got you to surgery, so we weren’t sure you were going to make it.” His eyes clouded with relief. “You’ll be back on your feet in about six weeks, though. It might feel like a while, but it’s not bad considering what you went through.”

  “I don’t remember any of it. How long did it take them to get me to the hospital?”

  “Forty minutes by helicopter,” Layne explained.

  My brows furrowed. “Where in the hell was I? I mean I know I was in the woods somewhere, and I know he drove all night, if not longer, but—”

  “Babe, we’re in eastern Montana. The moment they contacted us, Franklin flew us over in his jet.” Layne ran a hand over his hair and sighed softly. “It was the longest night of my life.”

  Layne’s last sentence spoke volumes, since he’d also lost his daughter. My goal was to never put him through something like that again.

  Marilyn patted my hand. “Michael and I thought it would be best if one of us stayed with Benji and Avery, but everyone has been beside themselves.”

  “They know I’m going to be okay, though?” I hated that they had all gone through hell.

  “Yes. They’re ready for you to come home. Let me talk to the doctor.”

  I turned to my lawyer, wincing as a sharp pain traveled through my leg. “Franklin, I can never thank you enough. You don’t even know me, but you stepped right up and made sure I didn’t die. You’ve been so good to me through all of this. I’m so grateful for everything.”

  “I’d do it again too. Michael and Marilyn have nothing but amazing things to say about you, but the first time I saw you, I knew in my gut you weren’t guilty.”

  “You’re a good man, Franklin.” Marilyn stood and smoothed her dark hair. “Tensley, I’ll see if I can locate your surgeon. You and Layne probably need a few minutes to yourselves.” She smiled sweetly at Layne, then left the room.

  Franklin nodded towards us. “I’ll see you kids later.” His dress shoes scuffed against the tile floor as he exited, leaving Layne and I alone.

  I looked at my boyfriend and my heart began to beat rapidly.

  He leaned over and kissed me. “All I want to do is crawl in this bed and hold you. I don’t ever want to let you go again.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I put you through all of this. After losing Nicole, you—”

  “None of this is your fault, Tensley. None of it. I told you the other night that I’d made a commitment. I don’t get scared off easily.”

  “Promise?” Normally I didn’t believe in promises, but a lot had changed in the last few months. I’d fallen in love, found my real family, and survived a serial killer.

  Layne took my hand in both of his and smiled. “With all my heart.”


  The next afternoon, I used my new crutches and hobbled into Benji’s house. Well, I guess it was my house now too. I wasn’t sure if Avery or Benji’s squeals were louder when they saw me. Layne stood behind me as Avery ran to the door and nearly knocked me over with a hug.

  She trembled as she cried and clung to me. “Oh. My. God.”

  “I’m fine,” I said, consoling her.

  She pulled away and wiped her cheeks. “Are you sure?” She assessed my leg, then giggled nervously. “I’m sorry. What was I thinking? You probably need to sit down.”

  “I do. I’m a little tired. But first …” I turned to Michael, who was patiently waiting for me in the foyer.

  He grinned and greeted me with a warm hug. “Welcome home.”

  “Thank you. You have no idea how happy I am to be here.”

  Michael stepped back and rested his hands on my shoulders. “Marilyn shared the fantastic news. Our attorney is already working on the documents.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “I’m ready.” I took a deep breath, then kissed him on the cheek.

  Benji wheeled over to us and laughed. “I guess this means we shouldn’t share a bed anymore, sis.”

  “Um, no. People can think what they want. But who will know other than us anyway? The moment Layne pisses me off, I’m coming to you.” I winked at Layne, then hobbled over to my soon-to-be brother.

  Benji chuckled and gently pulled me onto his lap. “I love you.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “While you were gone, I had a glimpse of what life would be like without you, and I’m not okay with it. At all.”

  “Me too. But I’m home, and now you’re stuck with me.” I laughed, lightly punching him on the shoulder. “Seriously, though, are you okay with the adoption? I need to hear it from you. If you’re not, I completely understand, but your opinion matters to me.” My heart galloped in my chest while I waited for his answer.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. But just because you’re going to be a legal part of this family, promise me the dynamic of our relationship won’t change.” Worry lines creased his forehead.

  “Benji.” I placed my hand on his face. “No one and nothing can change what we have. Ever. No legal document, no name change, nothing. You’re my best friend, regardless.” I kissed his cheek and inhaled his familiar cologne. It was sweet and spicy, just like him.

  I glanced at Layne, who was smiling like he’d just won the lottery. He didn’t need to say anything for me to realize he was thrilled that Benji and I were both happy about the adoption. It was a weird situation. But there was nothing ordinary about us in the first place.

  “Can you help me up?” I asked Layne. “If it’s okay with everyone, I’d love to shower. I’ve not had one since before …” Flashes of blood spurting all over me filled my mind. Marilyn had cleaned me up some while I was at the hospital, but I needed to sit under the hot spray and wash the stench of Jack Flannery off me.

  Marilyn hurried over. “Of course. Take a nap too. I’ll have something for dinner when you’re ready.” She placed a kiss on my forehead then on Benji’s. “I love my kids.”

  Layne waited for Marilyn then lifted me off Benji’s lap and into his arms. “I’ll get your crutches later.”

  I leaned my head against his shoulder as he carried me up the stairs and into my bedroom. He gently kicked the door closed and placed me on the plush bed. I sank into it as he grabbed clean clothes for me out of the dresser.

  “Hang on.” He kissed me, then disappeared into the bathroom.

  The sound of the shower being turned on was music to my ears.

  Layne returned, and without a word, I tugged off the T-shirt he’d brought me in the hospital. Marilyn had also tossed in a pair of Nike sweats. The cops had once again confiscated my clothes from the hospital, but that was fine with me. I never wanted to see them again. I worked my sweats and panties over the cast and tossed them in the corner. Pain shot through my leg, and I winced.

  “We have to keep the splint from getting wet, babe. Marilyn gave me this to tape around it.”

  I giggled while he knelt down on the floor and taped a kitchen trash bag around my lower leg.

  “This is so romantic.” I covered my mouth, suppressing my giggle. “I’m filthy dirty, naked, and my boyfriend is wrapping my leg in a garbage bag.”

  Layne chuckled. “I’m at your service, ma’am.” He stood, bowed, then scooped me up in his strong arms again. “I’m going to put you in the shower, then I’ll join you if that’s okay.”

  “Yes, please. Just feeling your touch helps.”

  We approached the shower and Layne pulled on the handle with his fingers. He stepped under the spray, fully clothed, and set me on the bench. “I obviously didn’t think this through very well, did I?” He grinned, stepped out on the rug, and shook his head as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “I probably should have undressed with you out there.”

  “Oh no. This is perfe
ct. Please continue with the show.” My smile grew wider as he removed his shirt. His chest and arm muscles rippled with every move. “What are we going to do?” My eyes traveled down his tight abs as he discarded his jeans. He stood in front of me, fully erect.

  “Ignore that.” He stepped into the shower. “We’re not doing anything for the next week, so we’ll just have to deal with it.”

  “Week?” I squeaked.

  Layne laughed. “I know, but you have to heal. Once you’re out of the splint, we can work around it.”

  I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his hard cock. “I can take care of you.”

  “Hey.” He carefully removed my hand and sat next to me. The water streamed over us as he cupped my chin and tilted my head up. His eyes bored into mine, and silence descended over us. “I know in your past that sex was a bargaining and survival tool, but I love you. You don’t have to take care of me in order to feel you deserve to be loved. Babe, you’re my top priority. The sex is amazing, but I’m just as content to hold you. Tensley, you came back to me. I thought I’d lost you forever, but here you are. The best thing you can do for me is to relax and let me love you.”

  My heart pounded in my ears. I didn’t know what I had done to deserve him, but maybe he was right. I shouldn’t be alive. This was my chance to build the life I’d always dreamed of and know, in every fiber of my being, that Layne loved me for me.

  “Okay.” I leaned over and brushed my lips against his. I loved him so much. He was the reason I was still breathing and safe in his arms. But even before Jack had taken me, Layne had taken my brokenness and pieced me back together.

  Finally, he broke our kiss. “Let’s get you cleaned up and into bed. I’ll be with you the entire time.”

  I nodded gratefully. Fear clenched my heart at the thought of being alone. “I’m afraid to close my eyes, Layne.” I blinked the water from them. “I don’t know how to deal with what I saw.”

  “I know. I’m here, though. If you wake up screaming, I’ll be right by your side. If you have a flashback, I’ll be here. I know how bad the PTSD can be, but you’re surrounded by people who love you. You’re safe.”

  “Thank you. Maybe when I’m feeling a little better, you can take me to see Vaughn. I’m guessing their assignment here is over.”

  “Yeah. But I know how to get in touch with him.”

  A sharp pain shot up my leg and I bolted upright in the bed. Layne’s soft snore filled the room, and I sucked in a deep breath. I was home on the softest mattress I’d ever slept on, and I was with my boyfriend. Lying back down, I fumbled around on the nightstand for one of the pain pills the doctor had given me. Layne had brought up some water in case I needed it in the middle of the night, but it was after six in the morning. I’d slept for almost nine hours without any nightmares.

  I popped a pill, then lay back and tried to settle in again, but I couldn’t sleep. This was the first time I’d had to think about everything. Even though Layne was next to me, no one was staring at me or searching for signs that I would lose my shit at any given moment. I didn’t want to be the fragile girl who had to be handled with kid gloves, but I was. It had been only seventy-two hours since I’d been in the mountains of Montana with a serial killer, with my father. I had murdered my father so that I could save two lives. I was a murderer. Grief and anxiety drowned out any logic that attempted to fight its way through the harsh reality that stared at me. Fear wrapped its cold fingers around my heart, and I trembled beneath the covers. His blood flowed through my veins. I’d killed someone. I was just like my father.

  “No, no, no,” I whispered, my chest tightening as Jack’s face flashed through my mind. I grabbed my head, willing the memories to go away, but they just kept coming.

  “Babe. I’m right here.” In one quick motion, Layne sat up and pulled me onto his lap. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.” He gently rocked me as I continued to shake.

  A whimper escaped me, my body turning cold. “I killed him. I’m just like him. A murderer.”

  “Hang on a minute.” Layne placed me on my side of the bed and hopped up. He pulled a shirt on and straightened his sweats. Then he approached me, picked me up, and carried me downstairs and into the kitchen.

  “Oh no. Is she okay?” Marilyn hurried over to me. “We’re right here, honey.”

  “I need to sit with her by the window and get her something warm to drink,” Layne said. “She’s having PTSD flashbacks.”

  “You sit with her and I’ll make some hot chocolate.” Marilyn gently stroked my hair. “I’d give her a nip of alcohol, but I know she’s on the pain pills for her leg.”

  I stared blankly at Marilyn as she fluttered around the room in her silk bathrobe.

  “The sun is coming up, Ten. I’m going to raise the blind so you can see it,” Layne said softly.

  I flinched as he pulled the shade up and the bright sunlight filtered into the kitchen.

  “If you can focus on that, it will help. Look at the frost glow in the golden light and how the grass sparkles. There’s not a cloud in the sky, and it’s pure blue. Maybe we should try ice-skating after your leg is healed.” He paused for a moment and my body began to relax. “It’s going to be a cold and beautiful day. Thanksgiving is coming up fast, and I know how much my girl loves to eat.” Layne rubbed my back and continued to talk in a soothing voice.

  Before I knew it, I was lost in his warmth and the magnificent colors of the morning.

  “Here, Tensley.” Marilyn placed a steaming cup in front of me and sat down at the table with us. “I’m going to make your favorite pie on Thursday.”

  I sat up carefully, making sure I didn’t bang my leg or kick Layne in the shin.

  “Apple crumb?” I wrapped my cold fingers around the mug. The warmth broke through the last bit of fog in my brain, and I sighed. “Thank you. I couldn’t pull my head out of—”

  “Shh. Take a drink. We can talk about all of that later. Let’s get some food in your stomach, and I’ll tell you about the Thanksgiving menu.” Marilyn patted my hand before she hopped up again. “Layne, do you like pancakes or French toast?” She began to pull skillets and bowls out of the cabinets.

  “I love both, so whatever you decide to make, I’ll eat.” He kissed the side of my head.

  “All right. I’ll make French toast. It’s Tensley’s favorite.”

  My stomach growled in response and Layne’s chuckle rumbled through his chest.

  He nuzzled my hair. “I miss showing up at your door with food.”

  I giggled. “I loved it. It meant the world to me. It was about so much more than the food. It healed my heart from a lot of dark and hungry days.”

  He tightened his hold on me and rested his head against mine. “And we’ll heal your heart again. We’ll do it together.”


  The next six weeks passed slowly. Nightmares plagued my sleep, but each time, Layne talked me through it. He finally shared with me that after losing Nicole, he’d worked with a therapist to manage his PTSD. It was how he knew what to do for me when I was mentally trapped with Jack in Montana.

  Michael and Marilyn had asked Layne to continue staying with them. They knew they wouldn’t be able to keep him away from me even if they’d wanted to. But they seemed to love him almost as much as I did. After all, he’d saved their son … and now their daughter.

  We had signed my adoption papers, and I was officially a Parker. On the shitty days, I reminded myself it was proof I’d started a new life.

  My leg was healed, but I still had some pain. It had taken me a while to walk again and rebuild my muscles, but at least physically, I was moving in the right direction. Benji was a massive support with my physical therapy. He busted my balls when I didn’t want to do the exercises. He would make a great coach, and I loved him for being mine.

  We celebrated the new year at home with movies and cocktails. I hadn’t wanted to leave the house lately unless I had to. It didn’t feel safe anymore. But that night, I di
dn’t have a choice. Michael and Marilyn were throwing a party now that I was on my feet and the adoption was final. I had no idea who they had planned on inviting, but I hoped to make an appearance, then slip away with Layne. Since we were able to have sex again, that was all I wanted. If I could feel him inside me, it blocked out all the demons that were waiting to pull me into the darkness. My new therapist, whom I’d seen a few times, would have a heyday with that information.

  Avery waltzed into my bedroom as though she lived there too. “Oh my God. You’re stunning.”

  I turned toward her, smoothing my deep-blue A-line dress. Avery looked gorgeous in a burgundy dress with a plunging neckline. She’d opted for showing more cleavage than I had, but that was nothing new. Her dark hair was piled into a bun, and loose strands framed her face.

  “Wow.” I walked across the room and took her hands. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks. I’m actually done moping over Justin and ready to move on. There’s an entire world for us to experience, right?” Her eyes twinkled with anticipation.

  “And we’ll do it together.” I hugged her, then stepped back and sighed softly. “This is the first time I’m really going to be out in public again. I mean, other than physical therapy or doctor’s appointments. My anxiety is through the roof.”

  “Girl, from what Benji said, there’s so much security around the country club this evening, no one will get to you. They hired extra, and I’ll go to the bathroom with you. And …” Avery pushed her left boob up and reached into her dress. “I have this.” She grinned as she produced some mace. “I’ve got your back, Tensley.”

  I returned her smile. “You’re the best. I couldn’t do this without you.”

  “Good thing you don’t have to. Let’s get going.” She held her hand out to me, then we made our way downstairs.


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